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MANDATORY COURSES offered for B. Tech. Programmes (2018 — oe | ee ye” sera To ‘Sub: Sir, scheme & syle 20: GURU JAMBHESHWAR UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, HISAR (Establish ed by State Legislature Act 17 of 1995) “A’ Grade, N-AAC Accredited State Govt. University Axcad.JAC-IIl/Fae-t Vol.3/2019/ 4) FF Dated: alls ‘The Controller of Examinations GJUS8T, Hisar. Approval of scheme of e>C Courses, minimum strength for Programme Elective, Semester Registration etc urscter Section 11(5) in anticipation of approval of the Acadeniic Council of the University Act, 1995 1 B.Tech. (Printing Technology), B.Tech (Packaging Technology) & B.Tech. (Printing & Packaging Tecra mology)-sth year for University Teaching Departments and affiliated collegy es for 2016-17 batch onwards. B.Tech (Printing & Packaging Technology) (Parttime)-3rd & 4th year for affiliated colleges for 2017-18 baa tch onwards. BTech (CSE) & B.Tech (IT }-2nd to 4th year for University Teaching Departments and affiliated collegy ‘es for 2018-19 onwards batch. Bech (ECE)- 2nd to 4th yeear for University Teaching Departments and affliated colleges for 2018-19 or wards batch B.Tech (EE)- 2nd to 4th ye arr for University Teaching Departments and affiliated colleges for 2018-19 or wards batch Cond. p2é W sohome & sya 201% Dean, Facully of Engg, & Tec riolagy, GJUSST, Hisar (along with copy ae scheme & syllabi of B.Tech. €Agricutural Engg) & B.Tech (Aeronauicaag Engineering) 2nd to 4th year) ancl other recommendations from sr. no. 11 to _ Further, he is requested 10 get u Fatoad the syllabi of above said programmeaes the website of the University. Chairperson, Decariment of CSE , GJUS8I, Hisar (alongwith copy of schorre 2 sylssi ot Tech, (CSE) & ES.Took {1} Pro ta 4th year and chee recommendations frem sr, no. 1 ta 15. Furhor, he is requested to get upkacd the syllabi of above said progeana1e on the website of the University Chairperson, Department cf Focoed lech, GJUSET, Hisar (alangwith copy oof scheme & syllabi af B.Tech, (Fae Technology} 20 to 4th year and ober recommendations from 11 to 15, Further, sha is requested ta get upaved the syllabi cf above said programar17e on the welsite of the University. Chonperson, Department of Mecsih. Enga., GJUSET, Hisar (alongwith copy of scheme & syllabi of Blech (Mec= Manizal Engineering) 2nd to dth year and ghey Tecummerdations fram 14 to 19, Further, he is x 10 get upioa ci the syllabi of above said program gre on the website of the University, faiperson, Deparment cl Emo ronmental Science & Engineering, GJUS&T, Hisar (alongwith cony af scheme 24 syflabl of B.Tean, (Civil Engg ] 2nd to 4h wear ong cther recommendations fom sr a9. 11 to 18. Further, he is fequested fa get upload Ite syllea EDI of above sad programme on tho websie an versity Craiperson, Deparment of & Lezatonins & & Communigalion Engineering Gs & syllabi of B.Tech. (CE) and ts 1 {EF} gad Eo 4th year and other recommendalians fren. he io respequested to get upload the syllabi of above. femme ov the website othe University sr na. said prog mn Deparment of Prnti mg Tech., GJUSET, sar (atongwith copy oF & syllabi of Bech. ap ABUPTZOD GaqUIUNT PAT STOD : -|- 1 | ~ | stpopuowy onpen wiper so seams pur sw9} ip astuB009H 109 See ee ee eee ee s10sa|+t08a | e10sa| zt04 | 1104 | 10a |60a [804 | 20a] 90a | SOa| 4a] £04 | 204] 104 sauooing 9ssn09 401877 (L-10gD1) eSparsouy pruoprpesy, UeIpUT Jo 2ouassy XENEA| UORETNIAIY Od-OD FUNDAMENTALS OF MANAGEMENT FOR ENGINEERS, Group A(ECE, EE, EEE, PT, PKG, P&P, ME, Agri, Aero, Auto): 5" Semester Group B(CSE, IT, BME, FT, Civil): 6" Semester General Course Information Course Assessment Methods; Max. Marks: 100 (Internal:| Course Code: HSMC302-T 30; External: 70) Two minor tests each of 20 matks, Class Performance measuréd through percentage of lectures attended| Course Credit: 2 (@ marks). Assignments (4..marks) and class petformance (2 marks), and end semester examination of 70 marks. Contact Hours: 2/sicek, (L:1:2.0.0) | Foe the'end'semester examination, nine questions are to be set by the examiner. Question number one will be compulsory and based on the entire syllabus. It will contzin seven short answers eee type questions. Rest of the eight questions is to be given by setting two questions from each of the four units of the syllabus. A candidate is required t6 attempt any other. four questions selecting one from each of the remaining four units All questions carry equal marks, Examination Duration: 3 Hours Course Outcomes: By the end of the course students will be able to: COI. Define fundamental concepts of management (LOTS: Level 1: Remember) CO2, Explain the basic principles of management zelated to planning and decision making, HRM and motivation, and leadership. (LOTS: Level 2: Understand) CO3. Apply the managerial skills to solve real world management problems. (LOTS: Level 3: Apply) COs, Identify leadership roles in vatious scenasios. (HOTS: Level 4: Analyse) COS. Evaluate a business model based on principles of management. (HOTS: Level 5: Evaluate) COG. Prepare a plan for.a start up in IT sector. (HOTS: Level 6: Create) Course Content UNIT Management DefinitionScope and process of management, Managetial Roles, Levels of Management, Mansgerial Skils, Challenges of Management, Evolution of Management, Scientific and Administrative Management, ‘The Behavioural appronch, The Quantitative approach, The Systems Approach, Contingency Approach, IT Approach. UNITE Planning and Decision Making: General Framework for Planning, Planning Process, Types of plans, ‘Management by objectives, Development of business strategy. ee Decision making and Problem Solving: Programmed and Non-Progtammed Decisions, Steps in Problem Solving and Decision Making, Bounded Rationality and Influences on Decision Making, Group Problem Solving and Decision Making, Creativity and Innovation in Managerial Work. UNIT-I OrganizationIRM and Controls: Organizational Design & Organizational Structures, Delegation, Empowerment, Centralization, Decentralization, Organizational culture, Organizational climate and Organizational change, Talent management, ‘Talent management Models and strategic human Resource planning; Recruitment and selection; Training and development, Performance Appraisal. Types of controls and controlling Techniques. UNIT-IV Leading and Motivation: Leadership, Power and authotity, Leadership styles; Behavioural leadership, Sinvational leadership, Leadership skil, Leader as mentor anid conch, Leadership ducing adversity and crisis; Handling employee and customer complaints, Team leadership. Motivation: Types of motivation, Relationship between motivation, performance and engagement, Content motivational theories. ‘Text and Reference Books: Robert N Lussie, Managenent Fundamentals, 5% edition, Cengage Learning, 2013. Stephen P. Robbins, Fundamentals of Management, Pearson Education, 2009. WeihtichKoontz, Esventials of Management, ith edition, Tata Me Graw Hill, 1990, DubtinAndrew, Management Essentials, 9 edition, Cengage Learning, 2012. ot we sojooe 1 vf dn-yens 26) uy ¢ oxedorg ‘909 auowolevens so sojdiouud uo paseg fapous ssousng ayenyeagy ‘$09 seuy. sy Pao 1SLOH) SoHBUNDS snoMeA UF sofor Amsropes] ApUapT Giddy ¢ HoT szO) seGEE vowsdeus ppom por anor ot sqep temedeun am sddy €09 (penssspyn 16007 SLO“) Sng poe uomeapou pus yeas Buys vor puE Suqoond o1 parse! wwousdevew 30 amdpud oeq a wag 09 Gaqwoway 1] PAO] ‘SLO swawsieuew Jo sdaove> jewouNpeny sy loo souoaing 28300: Jo 18" (L-20E9WSED asinog sx29NTug 10) WoWEeULYY Jo s[eIHOWEPUN xe VONEMOATY Od-OD ECONOMICS FOR ENGINEERS Group A(ECE, EE, BEB, PT, PKG, P&P, ME, Agni, Acro, Auto): 6" Semester Group B(CSE, IT, BME, FT, Civil): 5" Semester General Course Information Course Assessment Methods; Max. Marks: 100 (Internal: Course Code: HSMC301-T 30; External: 70) Two minor tests each of 20 marks, Class Performance measured through percentage of lectures attended Course Credit: 2 (4 matks) Assignients (4 marks) and class performance (2 nati), and end semester examination of 70 marks. Contact Hous 2/week, (LeT-P.20-0) | FOF the ead semebier examination, nine questions ave to best by the examiner. Question number one will be compulsory and based on the entire syllabus. It wll contain seven short answers aoe are type questions. Rest of the eight questions is to be given by seting two questions from each of the four units of the syllabus. A candidate is required:to attempt any other four questions selecting one from each of the remaining four units. All questions ensry equal mazks Examination Duration: 3 Hours About the Course! This course is designed to provide the elementary and essential knowledge of economics relevant to their profession as engineers. The graduating engineers will leazn about the basic prin les of economics and cost benefit analysis for various economic alternatives. ‘The course also gives an initial exposure to issues and challenges for sustainable development. Course Outcomes: By the end of the course students will be able to: COI. Outline; the principles of economics in general and economics in Indian context (LOTS: Level : Remember) CO2. Discuss concepts related to economics in general and particularly relevant to Indian scenario. (LOTS: Level 2: Understand) €03. Apply the piinciples of economics for solving problems related to Enginecting sector. (LOTS: Level 3: Apply) C04, Carry out cost/benefit/, life cycle and breakeven analyses on one or more economic alternatives. (HOTS: Level 4: Analyse) COS. Judge the issues and challenges of sustainable development (HOTS: Level 5: Evaluate) UNIT-1 Definition of Economics- various definitions, Nature of economic problem, Production possibility curve, Economics laws and their nature. Relation betweenScience, Engineering, Technology and Economics. Concepts and measurement of utility, Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, Law of equi-marginal utility - its practical applications and importance. Se eM UNIT-11 Meaning of Demand, Individual and Market demand schedules, Law of demand, shape of demand curve, Elasticity of Demand, measurement of elasticity of demand, factors affecting elasticity of demand, practical importance and applications of the concept of elasticity of demand, Meaning of production and factors of production; Law of variable propottions, Retums to scale, Internal and External economics and diseconomies of scale UNIT-IIE Various concepts of cost- Fixed cost, vatiable cost, average cost, marginal cost, money cost, real cost, opportunity cost. Shape of average cost, marginal cost, total cost ete. in short run and long mun both. Meaning of Market, Types of Market ~ Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Oligopoly, Monopolistic ‘Competition (Main features’of these markets) Issues, Strategies and challenges for sustainable development for developing economies UNIT-IV Blements of Business/Managetial Economics and forms of organizations, Cost & Cost ControlTechniques, Types of Costs, Lifecycle Costs, Budgets, Break Even, Analysis, Capital Budgeting, Application of linear Programming. Investment Analysis- NPV, ROI, IRR, Payback Petiod, Depreciation, Time Value of Money (present and future worth of cash flows). Business Forecasting- Elementary techniques. Statements- Cash Flows, Financial. Case Study Method. Nature and Chatactetistics of Indian Economy (brief and elementary introduction) Privatization - meaning, merits, and demerits. Globalisation of Indian economy- merits and demerits. WTO and TRIPs agreements. ‘Text and Reference Books: Alfied William Stonier, D. C, Hague, A text book of Ecnonic Theop, 5® edition, Longman Higher Education, 1980, 2 KK Dewett, M. H. Navalur, ModenEeonornicTheory, 8. Chand, 2006. 3. HLL Ahuja, Modi Mécrosconomic: Theory and Applications, 8. Chand, 2017. 4... Gregory Mankiw, Prinaplesof Economics, 7 edition, South-Western College Publishing, 2013, 5, RuddarDutt& K.P-M. Sundhram, IndionEconony, 8. Chand, 2004. 6. V. Mote, S. Paul, G. Gupta, Managerial, Economics, McGraw Hill Education, 2017. 7. SarojPareek,TextbookofBusiness Economics, Neha Publishers and Distributors, 2013. 8, William McDonough and Michael Braungatt, Cradle fo Cradle Remaking the Way We Make Thingy, North Point Press, New York, 2002. 9. Sustainable Development Challenges, World Economie and Social Survey, United Nations Publi , 2013. 7. (@wayesg 'y 47T:SLOH) ‘ruewdopsop ajqeuiens jo so8uoqpeyp pue sonssr oq a8pnf (@sdqoay :p Par] SLOH) seaneuaye oxwouos9 asou 120 2u0 wo sassjeue uasoyeoxq pu 9049 9}y 802/agaUIq Ino Ls3eD (addy par SLO sor928 SumaoUNB Ug 1 parejas suwayqoxd Suysjos 305 sonpouoae Jo soddpund aun Addy "09 (ponsepun pay S107) enews: Apenseed pow ems8 of s2p09029 01 PY io) Goquouiny 1 PAYT SLOT sPssouisng 201995 sinagd pur tepsua8e rorn98 oqgnd 20} Apeoared yemv0> vePYL uy sonuouooe puv s9ua8 uf soxwoUOD jo sodound am uN 09, sautosing 981007) Jo 28° C-tocoWsH) s:99urBugy 20) sonmouoag

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