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{i bam, loves, bs fll to oo, feting _ Sine h he sides nextel lage a hat the qu HN Geile ore gael has sqel on i of tay two is Sel Te eee tee ‘henee (in the givea example) AT would be equal to ort wo “teal peenicdun” and au aT = red ee and thought that the theorem is tre for any “apexal Dh + DZ. Pees Sine “perpendicular” (the perpendicular dawn on any side : fromthe apex ofthe oppste ang [TI woud hoverer be wz0ng to con jetue that Ton ab-faiham might ave Propounded kis theorem’ for sil (eral tangles. Tho theorem comes Timely ate his eighth theorem, land the ater abo invoked in (2). thas aay ten shown at tho propasion i ata lee ing me 3 ah co Ton alain’ can fat ‘he poo pee eso em i otitis of es and. equstal tangs» patty one the pet fnem-vtewf e Howley enough te late prob cain apg tows tat ta teal ang) & bowler qui conece Mout aslo Gauge [N the tweith volume of Ugldar it has been saint hat the volume of a consis one third the volume of 1 eyladar having tho same baso and heisht, 1A, Area of the Base of « Cylinder How can wo Sad the area ofthe base ofa eyindar? ‘Method Measure th circumforncs of the tase of toe advo it by 31/7. The quent wil bo the diameter Of te base. Having found the damster of tho base, ‘ye cas find the are ofthe cicl by the method given in ‘iy book (The Area ofa Ciel 2. Volame of « Sphere In ovdor to find the yume of a sphere we fod ‘tho ara of the greatest eel on it. The ae of this cielo {a multiplied by 23 of the dameer. of the cil. The -danstes ofthe ei and the spas ate aia. Tha ‘oduct is equal to the volume ofthe spice! “The ean thatthe volume ofa apbeeis equal to 21k ie volume ofa oiling whowe bass is equal tthe ‘ameter of the grees cece of tbe sphere and whose eiabt i equal lo the diameter of sphae- Thi act has ‘boon proved by geomteeans ia thei works whch are readily availabe and {have poved it in ny logs. |. The Greatest Cirle of Spbere ‘The method fr finding the pres ccle of spore 1a gvea below. ‘Opea your compasses at wil: Fix on ofits lps at ‘any point onthe sphere and draw acts on the surace ‘of the phere. Tale of the compas and keep it aay inthe open comin. Take any two points on the cielo ‘ao onthe sphere. Tho crcumfereaes ofthe csi wil be divided fata two ar. By using another compass biswetthe tno ace of tho csi oa tho shore. Tee two ‘ola of bisection of these ars will bic the circa Terense of th zee aa the imaginary straight Bie jiaing hese two points wl to the diameter ofthe el. Fix one leg ofthe compass at one of the pots bisecting the crcumferens of the cele and open the compass #0 that other lg of the compass just renee the other point of biseecon of the cucunfeeacs, The fstanoe tetween the (v0 lee wil bo egal to the Giaweter of the ccs on the epkere. Place the compases on plo sures and join the two exromitin with to help of a stilt line, Dawe the right buctor of this straight na, Now tsko up the fst compe (sed in dang the cil on the ‘© Tract fom Arb Int) Uaby Hai Noma ay ai ete lo Fish by Plena MS. Lal 20 ‘and Sept open in the same scaiion) and fing one Tegat ons ofthe exremites of he aaight Une damon) draw ana cuting the ight bisector ata poi, The shove reationsd ero will ent the rit bictor, because its ‘adi & preter than he radu ofthe ile drawn on the spre. Theodosis has proved in his book ented The ‘Sizface ond the Vole ofa. Sphere, that any ise Joints the pole ofthe ere (Ge pint at which one log of the compass was fied at fhe time of drawing the fire) fo any point on the ce, along the sslace of the spre wil be preater than the radios ofthe cise Jon the point of intersection ofthe ake and th bisector to ove extremly of te ine representing the diameter. Draw line peroadiclr to this line, reduce the right bisector in the opposite dieetion soso meet. tho perpoudiular ata pata. Tre inlerapt of the right Iisetor made by the perpendicar aed th Une joints the intersection of the Hight besor and the arc to the extremity of the diawater wil be equal to the diameter of the peatst crcl A. Diameter of Sphere Tho diameter of & sphere can be calculated at dsecibad below. = (1) Take half of tue diameter (ia) ofthe cle ‘awn on the sphere Find the square of the ais (@) Catelate the txght oF Ue upper potion ofthe ‘ight bisetor by. Pythagore theorem (© Divide the squao of the radius by the Fngth fof the uppet orton ofthe right Bietor ©) Add the quotient to he length of the upper potion ofthe right bisor, © The sum will be equal © the diameter ofthe retest cle and the sphere, In order fond the area ofthe greats ite on the sphor, fad the squace of the damote of the sper ad subtract from it Ith and I/th pat of the aquare ‘on tho ianeic. ‘Thevolume of te sphere canbe found ‘by multiplying the area of tho emuest occa by 2 of dametr. Explanation: Take a straight lae AB equal in eng fo the diameter of te cto onthe phere, Bnet AB at C.At Ceca perpendicular CD on AB. With A 9 the entre and sada equal to the distance betvera the tro lap of the compacts, sed for deaming the circle on ths eplnce, dew an are cutting CD at D. At A, des 1 porpeniielar-and produce it > cut DC. produced at. DE is equal to the ras of he spe 248 Proof: Let L be the polo at which oue lp of te ‘compases i ted to draw the cro on the sphere. Lat MN'be one of the dameers ofthe sicle dren om tha spliee, Bistet MIN a¢ . Join LO. The rai Kes LQ ‘il pss trough th centres of al he cicles which tbe drawo on the spbero with L at entre. Tvanlay LOM and LON wil be congruent. Triangle LOM will by Tight enged at 0. (It may bo noted that M ie any point fon the ereunfeenes of the cise and LM equal the didance beiveon the two leg of the compass This moans that all the tangles formed by joining the ol, the centre, O, and any point oa te eceunfetonas Wil be ight angled st O and il hae LO 8 a common ‘ide, Moreover, all tise triangles will bo eonsrice!), So LO will to perpendicular to to lite joining the core (© with any point om the icumferenee of the rte ‘Tonefore LO, which wil be pependicalr to the plane conttning the cle, wil aecsarly pass theoush (he enue of the sphere This fact has been proved by Theodosius in The Surface nd the Volume of ‘Sphere Prodece LO to meet the sphere at any point P, Joint MP. Since LP pases through the cants® of the sphece,i wil be the di oO ‘Theodosius in the woek mentioned above fas aioe proved that cienalo LMP wil ie inthe senile whic Wil have LP, te domeee ofthe sphere, a ie diameter, ‘This moss that Uo centro of this izle wl be the same as tbat of the sphere. So LP will alo be the dsneter Of the greatest crcl EME Bes theses [LMP muse boa right ange, Jv ight angled tang LOM, Loe—=107-+ MO® In th sightangld triangle ACD, AD*—=CD* AC ‘Proofs Let Abe the top and Cibo the fot ofthe object (ill, pillar, cons or bulding ote); Hand T tho sight tye and th right fot rempectely ofthe observer inthe fie poston; K and L the oy anda ret foot inthe Second positon, D and E the top and foot of bamboo in the fest positon and Mand. F inthe second; Z and N the maria on the bamboo, to that DZ=MN=t zarah find ZE=KL-HT the height of obsersers eye from the found. Thepoins §,Hl,K, Z, and N ao in thesame sight line and s0 7, LE, Fand C, AC, MF, Ki, DE find HT ar all verla {nthe rectangle MFED, MD = FE. Simul inthe rectangle KLTH, KHL. ‘As SASK and MNK ae similar, LAS MN=SK: NK Similars, & § ASH and DZH ae sina, SAS: DZ=SHZH SMN=DzZe 1 sah, [ASIMN=ASDZ. ‘oh mean that SH:2H=SK-NK, "SH b preter than SK, ZBL greater than NK ‘Aesin, a8 SH-ZH@SK:NK, by slterendo, SHLSK~ZH:NK, and by dividend (SH—SK), SK =@H —NK) : NK But Sil — SK= KH, & KHISK = (ZH—NK): NK By invertendo, KH: (2E-—-NE)}= SK: NK. SK:NK= AS !MN, 2.KH: @H—NK)= AS: MIN As MIN = 1 sara, “KH: ZH —NK) = AS: I, hich means that AS = KH :(ZHBNK) ‘But KHL LT, Zil= ET and NK = FL, AS = LT (ET — FL), But AC = AS + SE, and SC SHT, AC = AS + HT; AC=UT:E1-FY+HT, ‘where LT=the ditence between the two positions of the Iamboo; ET—Fl= the difernce ‘etwemn the ditanoas ofthe observer from the ‘no postions of Bamboo, and HT=tbe belght ff the obverer ee fom the ground. 6 Messration for the Sareyer: —- ‘Sureyer do notin general male ue of the reuton- ing and proof of whatever basso ft been explained. They re concerod only with the practical side of menuration. In tho following seston some important practical me Gods of measurtions which are of immense valve to surveyor ae exlned, Gonvalls, survey deals wth lane Bgures hich ar either retmear of 16 consee: fed with deelar cjinder, const and sphere. 0, ualy they ve 10 dt either with tingle (which be fored by joining the Giagonsls of any retin Sure) or with ees and ts pasts, Let us now Gren them in suceoion. 7. Method of Fading the aren of «tinge: (). Measure al the ade ofa tase. (@) Find the pecimmter of the tanle (Ge sem of the legis of the sides) (9) abe the balf of tia sum (ems-perimeer). (Subtract the length ofceh side from the semi- pert. (6) Find th peodut of the stmi-perimater ond the thaes romaine of sep 4 (Take the square foot of this product. (The square root wil be the required axca? 1 Praceal Mhod of Hadog te length of » side of ‘Triangle (€) Messre the lengths of the (0 sider foing the ange {@) Divide the length of one side by ho length of the other sie. rod to semen oe decton 2 ‘of the arms of the angle contained by them. (6 Cut off tho produced poston of the second fido = 1 aareh (6) Cut off the produced portion of the second side Jeogth of the ft sido Ieogih of the cond > (6 Join he extremities ofthe predated portions. (D, Measure the log of his new stig ine (@) Makiply he lngth ofthis no line bythe nat ofthe cond ue (@) This product wil be the Jagr ofthe unknows se. <, AD=LM= the ditancn tetveen the eg of th comnts sed for drmwing tho Selo oo the sphere, AC=MO= radi ofthe ciclo on the spbme; #10 scp or Lo cD. Sine the tranges LMP aod LOM are sitar, Lat = Lo IP ine or EMP = Lo x Le Since the tisgles ADE and CD are alo simi, aD @ erefore IO es por ADI=CD «DE, Dut LPs th dimer ofthe greatat cise, aac DE is a eq to te dtr of gett ici Motor ate tet nope ecg ‘is perpendicular to DE; Sees But DE = CD 4. ce; De=cp+ AC = diameter ofthe seater cle amet of te pers. 5. Abita of High Objet We sal now dun he msthod of ding tho ai tole of objects "Such obs aw peerly ‘lan, walls, Bullings, hil ei oY Mi Tak sgt tabu of et sts (an of ng “Mates croune narra ake) 4 dots of ow sar tom one Se ote th ht af ho of tn ot te Ss, Mating ow ie it tk aie ae Se 5 onthe tate at dass 6 ek 7 of i ome fr to pul ta ee feat tea hen of man sae pre Eemioo muy fe tee Fe shot te nds a he ms fk on ho aon jut itn ts pee a bamboo at Hah tet te pom sce 230 shoud and in suck away tit th fot 0 ho oy (whose het into fo fund), the foto ts ast fb own fet ae «might ne crea Beckvaed forward on ths vey aah aoe ne 1% the top of the bamboo andthe top ofthe obect an ‘ns sralgt ne. For this purpose he should ces ace of hse» (uy Tee) fo maker tht sgt Se tte top ofthe bamboo and the tp ofthe objects aoe curent. The observer should sit dowa with hs erg Sho sama bation and make & murk on the ground scly beasth the centr of the ht fot, He shove fie the taco tht mom te ‘bamboo. ee ne Dit ou tie anion fom te ground aad vay tho se processes ung te Ree a sone ott pao Un sane ssi eee, of he oj fo eit penton a ho antag {0 the obit than bel, The dite hanes ‘ec poston of te taboo ad tbe sph Soro olson should apn be neared Hs ae sere the diane tetror the two ponte ae boo ad te so mark of tn sight ot tle dee Sn Deveen ie ht fc tad sue ‘cond poation wil elon tha te doses toys thn nin te eto as nse ‘Proof given below), = ‘The Ferma for Finding the Height: Forme: Subtest to dance ttwee th font and A Into inte send posion fom ho dei Setomn thn in te fat potion, "Die We see Seton ts vo poo of tsk fat asa ita Al Te Spi on chor eto tke ground fo tha quit. Te us Or Bo tho height of the object. Se ‘i th topo in ot and Ci tom, NrcKtecbsitwite mip af es of ase Ga pos MPSDE~ Ge egh of be bamtoo stove ‘the ground MN=DZ—1 —zorah, = f (@) Produce the perpendicular bistetor to mest the (@) ‘in ovo ond of te azo to the erteemity ofthe Pepeadiclar and produce i backwards (8 Att extzemity ofthe chord, draw a ie per endicla to this ne. (© With the extremity as cote and any reiun (eos! to or lea than the chord) dea an aro fulag the cher, the perpendicular aad the line fn sep 4 (D. The ratio heeween the portion of the are cut by the thre tins in step 6 willbe equal to the ratio hateon the eriinal aro and the circumference of the cile 1, To Fed the Are of Sods Enclosed by Strength Lines: ‘All slids which are enclosed by staight line are in some way connested with con (with eeu, triangular ‘or any otter rectlinear bse). To fd the volume of a cone: (0) Find the area the dave, (2) Multiply the area by the bela of the cone. (9) 13 of tis product will be the Volume of the [Now the 08 ofthe bass coa be found ether by the formula for Seding Yo area of Glo or by dividing the tase into tangles (it Wa rectliocar Rgure having ‘move than thre sides) and then finding the areas of eve tcinngls. 15, To Find the Side Oppste tthe Angle “The method for ding aside opposite angle atthe outinear base of @ cone of say ater sod, is Biren below. : () Place two rulers along the sides of the ase so that some portion ofthe ruler resins projected above the comer where ao angle i formed. (@) Tho angle between the projected portion will tbe equ o tha angle Rolueen the (wo sides of the bake of a sold. (Thi angle can also be Found by producing the tno aides of th bas i ; f 8 A spay ofthis ue = 48 x = woe the Gece = 4e?§ = —— “The ern of the ci GF ‘The asca of the cle = =? |S. Let 0 be the ont and AB achord‘f these. et OD be the ight Beste of the cord a the right angled 4 BOC 11 Proof: Let AB be the chord, cuting of te segrct ACB of the circle. ic of the segment ACB: = 0p? + PE — 20D x DC-+ BC “The ates of the eum ru of the smo re) nthe are of he sector AOB — the aes ofthe A AOB. (eof he sae en 2s 8. ott tar te ce i ne 0 adn a1 ANG tn Aa Data eer of An a 0c Cand aia of cess ED Js 40, D0 and DB, Poe DD. Alama a Bemis BD, Wik Ba ttscnto on sms (Gal toe fw Gan BA) nr a ee ea Ab SL ak a'k'ma Dt pote ad nidzatly, As ABC and BDC are etngrucat. 254 Scape BDC oc BDC = 4 zADD (og athe cones) ZAOB = ZADB (ange at the reminng part of the ccunrney €BDC = } zAOB , Inthe right engled a BDC, 2BCD + 2BDC =1ny ‘Alo cADK +

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