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Introduction to Psychology
Prof. Rainier Ladic

INTRODUCTION doesn't mean that the person has depression

All psychology is biological when there is low-leg activity.
Psychology will only stop when we’re dead but If we really want to be firm with our
biology won’t because of decomposition. conclusion, we should not just base on one
All a person does and thinks is a part of their observation.
biology as they are also a biological organism Anhedonia, term for when a person
Biology can be chemical and physics, psychology is experiences loss of pleasure. Having a clinical
best described in terms of cultural, social, and depression or even anhedonia experiences lack
cognitive influences. of happiness.
Psychology is also best understood in terms of 3. Being cautious about what an explanation is
genetics, evolution, hormones, body physiology, and what is not.
and brain mechanisms.
In biological psychology, the focus will be on the
The question is: If the universe is composed of
relationship of the brain and mind, roles of nature
matter and energy, why is there such a thing as
and nurture, and ethics of research.
Study of physiological, evolutionary, and
A person can think and imagine of ways as to how
developmental mechanisms of behavior and
molecules were formed, and about the different
primitive types of life but there is also the
Different people are different in terms of their
presence of brain activity conscious.
behavior and developments since they also have
Consciousness is something we experience, and it
different origins and nature of experiences.
calls for an explanation, even if we do not yet see
3 MAIN POINTS TO REMEMBER how to explain it (Churchland, 1986; Dennett,
1. Perception occurs in your brain 1991).
sensation is meaningless without perception BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY
It is biological since our senses are all biological The study of the physiological, evolutionary, and
structures. developmental mechanisms of behavior and
Example: when you touch something hot or experience.
cold, you will feel it in your brain "it is the brain Synonymous with the terms biopsychology,
that feels it", only the brain transmits the psychobiology physiological psychology, and
signal to your skin using your nerves. behavioral neuroscience.
People with visual agnosia will see the subject It emphasizes that the goal is to relate biology to
but they will not be able to recognize it issues of psychology
because there is a distortion occurring. Biopsych is a field study and a point of view
Meaning brain is the one that recognizes what Biopsych holds that we think and act as we do
we see and feel around us. because of our brain mechanisms.
2.Monism and Dualism Biological Psychology deals mostly with brain
In biopsych, we uphold the idea of monism and activity
the mind and body connects with each other
because they cannot function on its own so  Perception occurs in your brain.
they need each other to work and function.  Mental activity and certain types of brain activity
Meaning they act as one. are inseparable
People with depressive activity, they cannot
move properly or low-leg activity. But it
Introduction to Psychology
Prof. Rainier Ladic

 The study of the physiological, evolutionary, and FUNCTIONAL EXPLANATION – describes why a
developmental mechanisms of behavior and structure or behavior evolved as it did.
Type of
 It refers to intentional goals such as “He/She did Example from Birdsongs
this because he was trying to…” A particular area of a songbird
 A physiological explanation relates a behavior to brain grows under the influence
the activity of the brain and other organs. It deals of testosterone; hence, it is larger
with the machinery of the body—for example, the Physiological in breeding males than in females
chemical reactions that enable hormones to or immature birds. That brain
influence brain activity and the routes by which area enables a mature male to
brain activity controls muscle contractions. sing.
 Euphoria, an unhealthy type of happiness because In certain species, a young male
of too much, they become impulsive and risky bird learns its song by listening to
behaviors, their behavior is all out. adult males. Development of the
Ontogenetic song requires certain genes and
 Euthymia, a healthy and ideal way or manner of
the opportunity to hear the
appropriate song during a
BIPOLAR DISORDERS sensitive period early in life.
Bipolar Disorder 1 – manic, seeing or hearing things Certain pairs of species have
that others cannot see. They are hospitalized similar songs. For example,
dunlins and Baird’s sandpipers,
because their behaviors are excessive because of
two shorebird species, give their
excessive energies. Evolutionary
calls in distinct pulses, unlike
Bipolar Disorder 2 –hypomania, it is less severe, he other shorebirds. The similarity
is less intensive in the manic episode of Bipolar 1. suggests that the two evolved
Mania episodes lasts in 2 weeks. In hypomania, from a single ancestor.
episodes lasts in 4 days. In most bird species, only the
Schizophrenic, overdose of dopamine. male sings. He sings only during
the reproductive season and only
in his territory. The functions of
ONTOGENETIC – Greek word meaning the origin the song are to attract females
(genesis) of being. and warn away other males.
structure or behavior develops including the CAREER OPPORTUNITIES RELATED TO BIOLOGICAL
influences of genes, nutrition, experiences, and PSYCHOLOGY
their interactions.  Neuropsychologist – focuses and specializes with
The human brain structure shrinks due to the brain.
trauma which results brain malfunction in the  Psychophysiologist – they use biological or
hippocampus that causes memory loss. physiological condition to have an assessment in
EVOLUTIONARY EXPLANATION – reconstructs the the current situation of the person.
evolutionary history of a structure or behavior.  Clinical Psychologist – do psychological testing
 Example: The giraffe's neck got longer is and assessment, or even psychometrician tests.
because of their environmental adaptation  Counselling Psychologist – focuses on the
which results to evolution. counselling and therapy.
 Neurologist – they’re familiar in the parts and
function ng brain.
Introduction to Psychology
Prof. Rainier Ladic

 Neurosurgeon – operates the brain knowledge, thinking, and

 Psychiatrist – has the power to recommend and problem solving.
prescribes medication to people who are Conducts behavioral tests
experiencing disorders. They have the power also to determine the abilities
to conduct therapy as long as they have and disabilities of people
with various kinds of brain
damage, and changes in
 Physical Therapist –well-versed in human injuries,
Neuropsychologist their condition over time.
may it be bone or muscle. They treat injuries so Most neuropsychologists
that it can function properly again because our have a mixture of
brain has a plasticity method that can heal itself as psychological and medical
long as there is practice. When your body part is training; they work in
dysfunctional you have to be more eager to do hospitals and clinics.
something about it. Measures heart rate,
 Occupational therapist – they give treatment on a breathing rate, brain
specific injury. They focus on the treatment of fine waves, and other body
motor skills. Psychophysiologist processes and how they
 Social Worker – supports professionals, they may vary from one person to
another or one situation to
have expertise in psychology but they are not
psychologists. They are trained professionals.
Investigates the chemical
PLACEBO EFFECT – connected in “plasticity” reactions in the brain.
meaning, our brain can heal itself. Comparative
Compares the behaviors of
different species and tries
to relate them to their
ethologist, animal
Specialization Description ways of life.
Research positions Relates behaviors,
ordinarily require a PhD. especially social behaviors,
Researchers are employed including those of humans,
Research Fields Evolutionary
by universities, hospitals, to the functions
pharmaceutical firms, and psychologist
they have served and,
research institutes. (almost synonym:
therefore, the presumed
Studies the anatomy, sociobiologist)
selective pressures that
biochemistry, or physiology caused them to
of the nervous system. evolve
Neuroscientist (This broad term includes Require a PhD, PsyD, or
any of the next five, as well master’s degree. In most
as other specialties not cases, their work is not
listed.) directly related to
Investigates how Practitioner Fields
Behavioral neuroscientist neuroscience. However,
(almost synonyms:
functioning of the brain of Psychology
psychobiologist, practitioners often need to
biopsychologist, or and other organs understand it enough to
physiological psychologist) influences behavior. communicate with a
Cognitive Uses brain research, such client’s physician.
neuroscientist as scans of brain anatomy Clinical Employed by hospital,
or activity, to analyze and psychologist clinic, private practice, or
explore people’s college; helps people with
Introduction to Psychology
Prof. Rainier Ladic

emotional problems. psychologist.

Most are employed by a
school system. Identifies USE OF ANIMALS IN RESEARCH
educational needs of 4 Reasons Why to use Animals in Research or
School psychologist schoolchildren, devises a Experiments:
plan to meet the needs, 1. Similarity of behavior mechanisms and
and then helps teachers convenience to study non-human species.
implement it. 2. Interest in animals for their own sake.
Require an MD plus about 3. Learning about animals shed light on human
four years of additional
specialized study and
4. Legal and ethical restrictions from using humans
practice. Physicians are
employed by hospitals, for aversive research experiments.
Medical Fields
clinics, medical schools, DEGREES OF OPPOSITION
and in private practice.
Minimalists – tolerates certain types of animal
Some conduct research in
addition to seeing research. They defend animal rights so that animals'
patients. experiments in laboratories are not overdone. They
Treats people with brain also understand more that experimenting on
Neurologist damage or diseases of the animals will benefit us all.
brain. Abolitionists – maintains that all animals have the
Neurosurgeon Performs brain surgery. same rights as humans. Close-minded people since
Helps people with they see animal experiments as cruelty and abuse.
emotional distress or
Psychiatrist troublesome behaviors, LEGAL STANDARS IN USING ANIMALS FOR
sometimes using drugs or RESEARCH (The 3 “R’s”)
other medical procedures. Reduction – if they do an experiment on animals,
Ordinarily require a they have to reduce the number of needed animals
master’s degree or more. in the experiment.
Allied Medical Practitioners are employed Replacement – they can use prototypes since there
Field by hospitals, clinics, are animals that are near extinction.
private practice, and
Refinement – process of killing the animal for
medical schools.
research, it has to be a peaceful death
Provides exercise and other
treatments to help people
with muscle or nerve
Physical therapist
problems, pain, or anything
else that impairs
Helps people improve their
Occupational ability to perform functions
therapist of daily life, for example,
after a stroke.
Social worker Helps people deal with
personal and family
problems. The activities of
a social worker overlap
those of a clinical

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