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Business Administration

The application of the 5's in the Ecological Administration


In Mexico, ecological management has become popular over the past decade, as

sustainability has become aware of Mexican organizations. Today, companies develop

advertising campaigns to help the environment. Many SMEs see this as unnecessary

spending that only affects their economy, another strategy could be made for companies

to help the environment. This could be done with the 5'S methodology which is an order

system created by the Japanese company Toyota, where having a habit could be

sustainable. (Masaaki , 1997)

This problem needs to be addressed from the discipline of Business Administration,

as it is an issue that damages the economy of all types of companies. Personally it is of

interest because ecological administration in Mexico consists of repetitive campaigns

without raising awareness of society, but in my opinion these campaigns have key points

for sustainability.

Problem definition and description

As a result of the previous review, the application of the Japanese 5'S

organizational method in effective ecological management will be demonstrated in the

following lines. To confirm the above, we will explain shortly the concept of Ecological

Management and the methodology of the 5'S.

Bachelor. Business Administration

In administrative terms the Ecological Administration is defined as sustainable

development or strategy in order to achieve an apt quality of life this avoiding

environmental problems.

As for the methodology of the 5'S it focuses on studying the consumption of

matter and reducing times, reducing irrigation, ensuring quality. According to Berganzo

the name of the methodology comes from the initial five:(Jimeno Bernal , 2013)

1) Seiri is the first S that means to eliminate everything that is not necessary, this is to be
able to free up spaces and discard things that you don't need. 2) Seiton the second S
concentrates on the efficient and effective order, where it focuses on a storage system. 3)
Seiso is the next S where a deep cleaning is performed, in which it will remain constant to
preserve a good look in order that if there is any break in the environment it will be
possible to notice more easily. 4) Seiketso with the meaning of standardizing, in which it
implies that workers participate in the development of these standards. 5) Sitsuke the
last to S and being the most complicated of all because it is the discipline that each
person has since very few resist the changes.

According to the concepts that have just been mentioned, it can be concluded that

the methodology of 5'S can be put together with the Ecological Administration since it is a

very universal method in which applying in organizations will be possible to reduce the

consumption of matter and there will be order in companies, being a win-win to the

environment and Mexican companies.

Context analysis

Currently the segmentation in which she is involved in the Ecological

Administration is all that is around an organization either internal or external. Inmates are

Bachelor. Business Administration

all those in which employees are located within an example company. Otherwise, indirect

ones are externally involved, this means mediation.

With regard to the Sustainable Development Goals, the 2030 SDP with which it has

the most relationship is objective 11 to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe,

resilient and sustainable. Because organizations are usually in cities, this goal wants to

raise awareness and secure the community. The application of the 5's in the Ecological

Administration wants to help the community with this methodology. (UNSD, 2016)

In addition, today there are Mexican companies such as Cemex and Coca-Cola

México that has R.S.E (Corporate Social Responsibility) as they help society with different

aspects. For example, coca-Cola Mexico uses the sustainability platform that consists of

three well-beings: individual, social and environmental. (Coca Cola Mexicada Industry,


On the contrary, Mexico's small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) mostly have

no social responsibility because their thinking is that large companies are the ones that

affect the environment. This affects the environment as at least 99.8% of SMEs exist in

Mexico.(International Finance Corporation, 2018)

Theories related to the problem.

According to the author, who conducted a study in which he researched theories

of administration in a fragmented and multifaceted field, through a quantile

decomposition, he found that the theories of the administration began in the twentieth

century in order to understand, describe and predict the behavior of organizations. It is

Bachelor. Business Administration

here, where the classic theory of administration is formed by Taylor and observes jobs and

manufacturing operations, trying to find good towards efficiency and labor productivity.

Allowing you to know the necessary movements for each area, find each other's human

talents and have a fair payment according to their abilities. (Aguero, 2007)

For their part, by decomposing they confirmed different approaches which we will

focus on only the ecological theory of organizations implemented by Hannan and Freeman

(1997 – 1989), in which it breaks with the basic assumption of adaptation organization –

environment. This research was carried out at the Faculties of Economic and Social

Sciences – UNMDP. Similarly, organizations were observed to observe the relationships

between typology and their performance.(Campos, Carro, Durán, & Fernandez, 2000)

Secondly, the work developed by released the evolution of the theories of

organizations in such a way that it proposes a matrix of three variables resulting in a

theory map of the organization that allows to understand the evolution of the field.

Beginning with the scientific theory developed in 1900 by Taylor, ended with the theory of

deterministic chaos developed by Lorenz in 1993.(Rivas Tovar, 2009)

We can also say that despite the times administrative theories have increased

because of the needs that organizations have had in order for there to be good for them

internally, but only in the 21st century have large companies become aware of the

problem that the planet is having. But SMEs have not reflected that there are more of

them and that their contribution would be easy to achieve the 2030 agenda objective.

Bachelor. Business Administration

By this we can say that each of the articles explains the administrative theories that

are carried away with ecology. Similarly, new concepts help companies have a better

balance and empower staff to denote their goals both individually. We also mention the

movements needed to find the human tool according to its capabilities.

Proposal for a solution

By synthesizing, we can say that large Mexican organizations are adapting to new

ecological changes and with this they are applying the famous phrase of the class being

resilient, however, SMEs are being left with a conformist mindset even though we are in

the 21st century.

So one possible solution I propose for SMEs that do not wish to have extra expenditure

is to apply the 5'S methodology in ecological administration. To help ecology and


The proposed solution that I offer is that with the methodology of the 5'S apply it as a

daily exercise in which they dispose of documents that are not necessary that are in the

offices (Seiri), having to archive or store all the tools both internal and external this to prevent

them from buying extra accessories and having to dispose of the product in a way that is a waste

(Seit<on). This S talks about cleaning so we can interpret it that a clean establishment will

bring good results (Seiso) The next S I will see it so that SMEs are a person and that they

should be encouraged to have an opinion on these events (Seiketso). The most complicated

S since it becomes a traditional imposition of an Asian way of life on a new culture such as

Mexican can bring complications beyond companies such as the general way of life of the

Bachelor. Business Administration

Mexican which already exists in its own culture a feeling of disorganization, the clash of

both thoughts is the challenge that any company will face and which in my opinion

criticizes, should be taught from school and applied in all administrative branches both

public and private, seeking general constancy.

Journal "Vision of the Future", 7(1).

Campos, S., Carro, R., Durán, C., & Fernandez, H. (2000). A new approach to the analysis of
organizations. Organizational ecology. FACES: journal of the Faculty of Economic and Social
Sciences, 6(9), 9-22.

Coke Mexicada Industry. (2016). Sustainability Report 2016. Annual Report , Mexico City.

International Finance Corporation. (January 31, 2018). Mexican SMEs, a panorama for 2018.
Retrieved from Forbes Mexico:

Jimeno Bernal , J. (25 of 03 2013). 5S methodology to improve productivity in companies. Retrieved

from PDCA Home :

Masaaki , I. (1997). Gemba Kaizen: A Commonse Approach to a Continuous Improvement Strategy

(2nd Edition ed.). Kaizen prawn.

Rivas Tovar, L. (July-December 2009). Evolution of the theory of the organization. University &
Business, 11(17), 11-32.

UNSD. (Ocubre 2016). Sustaintable Cities And Communities. Obtained from United Nations
Sustainable Development:

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