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can’t be denied of its greatness. The
wonder began in the year 1934 when
physicist Enrico Fermi conducted
experiments in Rome that showed neutrons
could split into many kinds of atoms (U.S.
Department of Energy, n.d), and this
TEAM SOAR HIGH! ABUYOG discovery became the root basis of
HIGH! successful nuclear plants which different
nations gained nuclear energy from.
Nuclear energy is now making its noise on
Nuclear power has
revolutionized the power an industrial scale – as one of the possible
race globally. In fact, solutions in solving energy consumption
nuclear energy already issues like high-priced per consumed
accumulated 17% of energy and the undeniably a decade long
the world’s electricity (OECD & NEA, of power interruptions.
2003). It is indeed a wonder. Thinking
what can a fully maximized nuclear energy
can do is something that the people are
Globally, nuclear energy has been
eager to witness – or maybe nuclear energy beneficial ever
is already the expressway needed to power
up country’s future? since it was invented. Electricity is
generated through nuclear powerplants
Nuclear science is the study of the atomic
wherein it lessens its cost. Aside from
being a source of electricity, nuclear
The word ‘nuclear’ means ‘relating to or
energy is also helpful in the health
constituting the nucleus of an atom’, and
sector. Nuclear energy is used to create
atoms are the fundamental constituents of
nuclear powered devices to treat patients
everything around the world, and everyone
with cancer, therefore making it
and everything are entirely composed of
beneficial in the health department.
atoms (ANSTO, 2022). This only means
And, creating NPP’s are advantageous to
that nuclear science is basically all about
a country’s economy.
everything made up of atoms and its

The birth of nuclear science already paved

the way for many successful
modernizations that humanity took
advantage of, such as from human-space
explorations to new medicinal methods in
curing grave illnesses. Nuclear science
According to Office of Nuclear Energy The environment also favors nuclear
(2021), the nuclear industry supports energy.
nearly half a million jobs in the United Afterall, it is the least disastrous energy
source compared to other sources. Unlike
States and contributes an estimated $60 coal and fossil fuel sources which
billion to the U.S. gross domestic product continues to wreak havoc in the
each year. United States’ nuclear plants atmosphere, nuclear powered energy does
can employ up to 700 workers with not cause environmental harm.
Despite the increasing number of
salaries that are 30% higher than the local
nuclear power plants all around the world,
average. It also contributes billions of
there are still over 180 that are inactive and
dollars annually to local economies
through federal and state tax revenues.
decommissioned. One of these is the
Bataan Nuclear Power Plant in the
According to IAEA, Coal tops the Carbon dioxide
Philippines. In the year 1980, wherein
emission by energy source with 991 g/kWH followed by
BNPP was opened and had the objective of
petroleum with 782 g/kWH, LNG with 549 g/kWH,
generating 623 MW of electricity (Terry &
Biomass with 70 g/kWH, Solar 57 g/kWH, Wind 12
Goff, 2012), and the construction cost
g/kWH and the lowest Nuclear with only 10g/kWH. The
around 2.1 Billion USD (Butterfield,
said source also stated that if there were no nuclear power,
1986). However, it was shut down in the
the world’s total Carbon dioxide emission would increase
year 1986 due to political liability and
by 10%.
safety reasons (Files, 2020). And whilst
A nuclear energy source is durable. A nuclear everybody is looking for ways to power up
power plant can withstand the heat of time, making it last the future of the Philippines, the people
for decades without worrying the public with sudden
power loss. It is also reliable. Nuclear power plants require
less maintenance, wherein they are also designed to
operate in a long period of time before refueling. As of
August 2022, USA ranked top in Global Status of Nuclear
Power having 95 nuclear power plants and 2 under
constructions (PNRI). This sums up to nearly 100 NPPs of
USA supplying 20% of its electricity operating close to 60
years (Arcilla, 2022, 43:46).

What makes nuclear energy special is, it can People's acceptance will lead to the success of
recycle its waste. According to Nick Touran (2020), any development. Furthermore, the attitudes of
nuclear waste is recyclable. Once a reactor fuel (uranium people in a country will influence their behavior and
or thorium) is used in a reactor, it can be treated and put intentions, positively or negatively, towards any
into another reactor as fuel. In fact, typical reactors only development. Filipinos must open their eyes and see
extract a few percent of their energy in their fuel. how significant nuclear energy is. They must not be
According to Jack Spencer (2007), France, whose 59 blinded by misconceptions for nuclear energy is the
reactors generate 80 percent of its electricity, has safely catalyst towards a chain reaction of certain progress
recycled nuclear fuel for decades. They turned to nuclear which would lead the Filipinos into prosperity and
power in the 1970s to limit their dependence on foreign success.
energy. And, from the beginning, they made recycling used
fuel central to their program.
seem to forget the power of nuclear It is undoubtedly true that nuclear
energy. The public seems to disregard the science can lift the country’s future,
full capacity of nuclear energy wherein it is evidences are present as well as facts, but
the only hindrance is the people. Since the
capable of lifting the nation both in social
Philippines is a democratic country, the
progress index and legatum prosperity acceptance and perception of the people
index towards the inevitable progress. must be considered.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development & Nuclear Energy Agency. (2003). Nuclear energy
today. OECD Publications. Paris, France.

Arcilla, C. A. (2022, May 21). Science Topic [Speech audio recording]. HSM: Hanep sa Science at Math
Facebook Page. Retrieved 21 May 2022, from

Office of Nuclear Energy. (2018, April 10). New wave of innovation coming to nuclear energy. Office of Nuclear
Energy. Retrieved from Office of Nuclear Energy: Retrieved from 21 May 2022, from

ANSTO. (2022). What is nuclear science? ANSTO Org. Retrieved 21 May 2022, from

IAEA. (n.d.). Carbon Dioxide emission by energy source. Retrieved 21 May 2022, from

Spencer, J. (2007). Recycling nuclear fuel: The french do it, Why can't oui? The heritage foundation.
Retrieved 21 May 2022, from

Touran, N. (2020, October). Recycling nuclear waste and breeder reactors. Retrieved 21 May 2022, from

U.S. Department of Energy. (2021). The History of Nuclear Energy. Retrieved 21 May 2022, from

Terry, J. P. & Goff, J. R. (2012). Natural hazards in the asia-pacific region: Recent advances and emerging
concepts. Marine Geophysical Research. Retrieved 21 May 2022, from

Butterfield, F. (1986). Filipinos say Marcos was given millions for ’76 nuclear contract. The New York Times.
Retrieved 21 May 2022, from

Files, V. (2020). VERA FILES FACT SHEET: A sleeping power giant, bataan nuclear power plant explained.
VERA Files. Retrieved 21 May 2022, from

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