10bt30403-Signals and Systems

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(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to JNTUA, Anantapur)
II B.Tech I Semester (SVEC10) Supplementary Examinations June - 2014
[ Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,
Electronics and Control Engineering ]

Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 70

Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1. a) Find the even and odd components of a) x (t) = cos t + sin t (b) x(t)= e j2t
b) Test the whether the signal is periodic or not. If so find the fundamental Period.
(a ) x(t)= e J10t (b) x(t)= cos(π/3 t) +sin (π/5 t) (c) cos( t + π/4).

2. Obtain the exponential fourier series of the wave form shown below


0 t

3. a) Find out the Fourier Transform of the Cosine wave x(t) = A Cos (2πfct) u(t). Hence plot its
amplitude spectrum.
b) Find the Fourier Transform of the signal shown figure

4. a) Explain how input and output signals are related to impulse response of LTI system.
b) Let the system function of a LTI system is H ( jω ) = . What is the output of
jω + 2
the system for an input e − t u (t ) .

5. Find Convolution of two pulses of equal amplitude and equal duration (both graphically and

6. a) State the properties of the ROC of Laplace Transform.

b) Determine x(t) and ROC for the function
( s + 1) 2
X ( s) = 2 ; Re{S } > 1 / 2
s − s+ 1

7. a) Define sampling theorem for time limited signal and find the Nyquist rate for the
following signals.
i). sinc20t ii ) 4 sinc2100t.
b) Discuss effect of under sampling.

8. a) Obtain the relationship among the Fourier Transform, Laplace Transform and Z-Transform.

 1 −1 
 1− Z 
b) Find the Inverse Z-Transform of
X (Z ) =  3  1Z1 > 2
( )(
1 − Z 1 + 2Z − 1
Using partial fractions expansion.


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