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Learning Segment Video Reflection

Evidence of student learning

In a prior segment I introduced the text and had completed a second reading of
the text. In this segment, students used a T-chart to show understanding of what
happened at the beginning and end of the story as well as making inferences about the
main character and how he changed. Students were instructed to work in their pod and
encouraged to collaborate to make inferences as a group. This reading strategy helps
students to dive deeper into their reading and allows them to make inferences about
what the author is trying to tell the reader. They later use this strategy in IDR time with
their independent reading texts. Students also show understanding of the text by
engaging in discussion. Students are able to explain what happens at the beginning
and end of the story by providing evidence from the text in discussion. Using an
organizer in their group before going into discussion helped students organize their
ideas and share more confidently. There was high student participation which reflected
their understanding.

Teacher-student interaction
This lesson was created for high teacher-student interaction as well as student-
student interaction. Once students collaborated on their graphic organizer, they were
ready to share their knowledge. Some students who struggle with behaviors found
collaboration difficult. In this segment I had two students who were having a difficult
time collaborating. One of those students had been disrupting the class in a prior
lesson and I had to have a talk with him after instruction. The other student was having
a hard time being able to share in his group and refused to work with his group. I saw
that he was having a hard time and explained the importance of collaboration and the
importance of identifying our emotions. I told him I would let him work on his own this
time but I expected high involvement in the discussion portion of the lesson. He agreed
and was able to continue with the lesson. The rest of the students worked great
together. They bounced off ideas from one another. I was walking around to each pod
to check on collaboration and they had great ideas.
I enjoy having students work in their groups, and even though they got a little
loud, they were able to come up with great discussions about our topics. We use this
strategy often in other subjects such as math, social studies and science. I believe we
had a successful session because students were aware of my expectations during
these activities. After reflecting on teacher-student interaction I concluded that I could
have done more scaffolding for deeper understanding and maybe I could have written
some of their discussion answers on the slide as they were saying them so that they
could take some time to reflect on their answers.

Further reflection
After reflecting on my delivery in this video, I can appreciated how much I have
grown as a teacher in this short time. I have more confidence in my delivery and the
way that I manage student behavior. In this short segment, I was able to connect
students to the content as well as expand their thinking by guiding them to make
inferences. Students stayed on task and I felt comfortable and confident approaching
each pod and the class all together. Before my student teaching experience, I used to
be overly focused on content which caused me to stay in the front of the room and my
pacing was quite fast. In my observation of my cooperating teacher, I saw how she was
always moving around the room. Especially when students would share ideas in
groups. I made note of that and I was very intentional. At first, I did feel as if I had to
remind myself to do it but by the time that I taught this class, I was doing it without
While my confidence has grown as a teacher through this experience, I will
continue to work on my delivery and classroom management to better serve my
students by applying strategies such as the one I just mentioned that I learned from my
cooperating teacher.

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