Petals of Wisdom

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Sri Sri 1008 Mahamandaleshwar Adishakti

Satigiri Ji Maharaj of Kedarnath

Published by
Sri Maa Prem Gyan Publications
Maa Adishakti Aparajita Trilokinath Vishwa Seva Sansthan

(registered NGO)

Haridwar, Uttarakhand INDIA

All rights reserved ©2021
Dedicated to Maa
This book is lovingly placed at Sri Maa’s

lotus feet, in eternal gratitude for her

grace and gracefulness, as She so

lovingly transforms our ego and mind

from ignorance, to a state of purity and

awareness. Maa represents the living key

Key Practices
to the flow of Divine Grace.
SATSANG (true association)
We extend our appreciation to all of you, PROVIDES KNOWLEDGE (GYAN)
who have contributed to support our first

book published under the banner of Sri YAGYA (sacrifice)

“Sri Maa” means the creative principle

manifesting as this creation; “Prem” is

SEVA (selfless action)
the Supreme Love of the Paramatma or
Supreme Soul; and “Gyan” is the wisdom

DHARMA (righteousness)
and consciousness of our “Atma” or Soul.

These publications are devoted to

spiritual knowledge, yoga and holistic

wellness. May the illumination of Divine

BHAKTI (devotional sweetness)
Grace ignite the spark of Divine Know-
ledge and infuse love and healing into

broken hearts and suffering minds. SANGĪTA (music & song)

Success is not a simple matter. It cannot (BANI ŚAKTI)
be determined merely by the amount of

money and material possessions you DHYAN YOGA (meditation)

have. The meaning of success goes far LEADS TO THE ABODE OF TRUTH (SATLOK)
deeper. It can only be measured by the

extent to which your inner peace and

GURU ŚAKTI (knowledge)
mental control, enable you to be happy

and balanced under all circumstances.


That is real happiness...

“All Souls should blossom like flowers
and radiate positive fragrance, delight
and joy to their surroundings.”
This book has been designed to introduce you to the spiritual teachings of Maa. It can be

used a practical guide, for you to discover your own daily routine of Sri Maa Yoga. On

each page, Maa drops a fragrant wisdom petal for contemplation, and a practice is also

suggested. Although you can read this book in any order, the order here is analogous to

the eight-fold path of Yoga. It moves through important practices of Shri Maa Yoga,

starting with the moral codes of conduct, and working through various steps of mental

and physical purification, until reaching the final state of bliss filled Bhakti leading to

union; which is Yoga Samadhi. This deepening is a natural stepwise progression; however,

it is also highly recommended to practice all modalities in an iterative manner, as you

progress along the path. The sequence moves from the physical to the subtle; similar to

other traditions, though different terminology may be offered. The codes of conduct and

disciplines are the means for fulfillment of your Karma (action) and Dharma (purpose).

How you think, speak and act will determine whether your karmic debts are repaid, or if

further burden accrues during your life-time. Dharma is your calling or gift for this life,

and also means living for the benefit and well-being of others. Maa offers here examples

of how you might integrate spirituality into your daily life to achieve success and

balance. What is the ultimate aim of human life? All spiritual paths are paths of Yoga

Meditation. Without Meditation there is no Samadhi, and without Self-Realization, there

can be no liberation.

The teachings in this book are taken from discourses and talks given by Maa to her Western

devotees from 2013 to 2017, and are spiced with spiritual insights from the Sant Mat Masters.

All content and images are copywritten, all rights reserved to Sri Maa Gyan Prem Publications.

We also acknowledge ideas and inspiration sourced from internet:

“Honoring your Ancestors” rauma/

“Importance of Body”
Ten Minutes to Peace

Before starting this book, close your eyes and assess the state of your mind.
Is it restless or relaxed? Are you emotionally calm or agitated? Are you happy or sad?
Simply acknowledge how you feel right now in the present moment, without judging yourself.
Sit in a comfortable position with erect spine.
Keeping your eyes gently closed, slowly chant aloud the syllable Om for twenty-one times.
Sit quietly in silence for another 5 minutes.
Now open your eyes, and see if you can perceive any difference within yourself.
How are you feeling now? Is your mind calmer than before you started the practice?
Do you feel a deeper sense of inner peace or stillness within yourself?
"It is possible that you will feel some peace after this meditation. Rest for a while in that feeling of
stillness. This "zero state of mind" that you may be feeling, is still only like a tiny sand grain on a
beach. Can you imagine how incredible you might feel, if that “zeroness” state became complete?
All these tiny sparks of peace you gather through meditation, are a way to tune in to your higher
Self and harmonize with the purpose of life. When you start to realize that your life is being directed
by the Supreme Reality, then you will recognize the individual roles that we all came here to play.
Nobody can escape the actions they are destined to perform in life. You perform unlimited
actions throughout your life as part of being in this world. It is imperative to understand the real
purpose behind this field of action, which we called LIFE."

Daily practice to tune into your Soul

Upon waking each morning, offer heart-felt prayers of thanks to the Supreme Reality for giving
you this precious human life. Chant the Om syllable 21 times in an expression of deep gratitude.
A healthy body leads to a healthy mind,
and a healthy mind leads you to meditation.
Good meditation leads you to the goal of human life!

OM will shield you like an Umbrella

If you chant the sacred syllable OM, your mind naturally

returns to a peaceful state of stillness, which eventually

becomes emptiness. The light of the soul shines within

everyone, and the Divine Light pulls that light to Itself. If you

can discover that pure illumination and power within yourself;

or if you have the good fortune to meet a Saint (Seer of

Truth) in whom it is fully manifest; the purpose of your life has

been fulfilled. You may live a hundred years, but ultimately

you have to reach to this place. The goal of human birth is to

realize your essential Self (Atman). Only the Supreme Power

can bring benefit to your life. How much can you really learn?

Ultimately you need a practical realization of this spiritual

power, in order to fulfill the purpose of your human birth. The

destination is the same for everyone, though the ways and

methods may be many; we all have to return to the spiritual

reality from where we originated. If you want to benefit those

around you who are struggling through life; then the best

contribution is the gift of wisdom. To bring knowledge into

the world is the best form of service. First take care of your

own health and physical/mental well-being, by providing

yourself with a nourishing diet and regular practice of Hatha

Yoga (Asana & Kriyas) and Karma Yoga (selfless action).

By introducing Yoga into your daily life, many of you will

overcome your challenging health issues. Yoga, Self-

Knowledge, Service and Devotion are paths of action that

bring you closer to God. Many problems that you might face

in the future, can be avoided by integrating the techniques of

Yoga into your daily practice. The Supreme Power of this

creation is working inside your body as the Force of Truth. It

manifests when you achieve a state of true emptiness.

Through devotion you attain the love of God, and through

your constant focus on God, that love leads you to a state of

happiness or inner freedom.

Success is not the key to happiness.

is the key to success.

Love what you are doing,

then you will be successful.

Albert Schweitzer

The word Maa does not denote a person - it means the divine energy in and around you
keeping this creation in a state of equilibrium. This Power is always with you – both before
and after you came to this world. No matter how small you seem in front of that Supreme
Power; your soul has the inner strength to reach up to that Power through the practices of
Meditation and Yoga.

What aim do you want to set for your life?

Maa wants you to fully recall what you came to do with your life as an embodied soul. Please

remember that purpose and resolve to achieve it. If you want to succeed in anything, you

need a strong will and belief in your goal. Without these you cannot win.
Your body and the material existence is made of the elements Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space. This body is

the means of fulfillment of Dharma, hence it is vitally important that you look after it. If you have healthy

body and mind, you can perform your prescribed duties in a righteous manner. ‘Rivers flow for Paropkar,

Cows give milk for Paropkar, Trees bear fruit for Paropkar, similarly this human body is also meant for

Paropkar’. Paropkar means helping others without expecting anything in return. Our ancestors taught us

Yoga, Pranayama (breathing) and Dhyana (meditation) so we could take care of our physical existence

and beyond. There is nothing wrong in seeking pleasure for body and mind – that is why we were also

taught the arts, classical dances and music. First you should determine your goal, and the destination for

your life. In addition to enjoying the pleasures of life, use your physical existence and your individual gifts

to serve the Universe; then you will fulfill your life’s purpose (Dharma) and clear your debt (Karma).

‘Manava seva is Madhava seva’ (service to humanity is service to God). Happiness comes from sharing.

The importance of the body

The ancient ancestors taught us to take good care

of our body and our environment. Unfortunately, we

have been disrespecting our body. The human body

is the means to the attainment of right living and

right thinking. You can live in your true nature of

happiness, abundance and joy, only if you realize

the importance of this physical existence. Try to

learn different types of yoga and improve your daily

practice. You should have strength in your body and

mind, so you can handle everything in life with no

tension or worries. After cleaning the house, it

shines and sparkles; and in the same way, when you

meditate, your inner light starts to shine. First your

sorrows and negativity are removed, so you are

strong enough to walk the path. In the beginning it

may be a struggle as you go through this phase of

dissolving obstructions and enhancing inner


Ultimately, it is the strength

of your faith and devotion
that will carry you to your
Simplicity is the Key

to a Happy Life

Truth is higher than

but higher still is True Living.
~ Baba Nanak
Understanding our Parents
As adults, it is easy to disagree with the beliefs and practices

of our parents. However, our parents were the means which

enabled us to enter into this world, with the purpose of further

developing ourselves as a human being. The role of parents is

to raise their children, so that they can overcome the initial

hurdles of life and learn to stand on their own two feet.

According to our life’s destiny, our parents are our first

significant teachers for our life.

How do you regard your mother and father? Have you

mentally “filed them away” as a mere phase of your human


Many parents have excellent parental qualities and can lovingly

provide for all their children’s needs; even amidst the intensity

of effort required to care for a whole family. On the other

hand, there are parents who can give abundant love, but are

not able to provide adequate material comforts. Other parents

may be lacking the ability to provide both nurturingand

material comfort; but does that mean that we can blame them

for their apparent failing?

It is easy to draw conclusions about the quality of care your

parents gave you and hold them responsible for decisions they

made, imagining that you would have done it better. But don’t

forget that your mother and father each had to face complex

circumstances in their own lives. They each had a personal

story with their own parents. It is likely that you may never

come to know the whole truth of what your parents went

through during their own lives. Even if a person’s life becomes

transparent, more often than not, there are hidden secrets

which will never be shared with anyone. You have certainly

faced obstacles and tensions in your life. It is likely, that when

you finally resolved a difficult phase in your life, you were able

to see through the delusion of a particular “story” that you had

created, and start to recognize the reality; as it is. If you

earnestly desire to progress on your spiritual journey, It is

necessary to heal your “story” surrounding your parents, and

forgive them for any apparent mistakes or omissions.

Truth lies beyond all concepts of who you think you are!
Honoring Ancestors
According to the scriptures, an individual is

born in this world owing three debts. The

first debt is to God, the second debt is to

the Sages and Saints, the third debt is to

one's parents and ancestors. This concept

generates an awareness of one's

responsibilities in life and how we can fulfill

our Karma and Dharma. Revisit the story of

your journey with your parents. Use a journal

to express those words that you have held

deep within yourself. Share your feelings

and memories openly, and surrender all the

good and bad to God. Let the tears flow out

of your heart of hearts. It doesn’t matter

whether they are bitter experiences which

caused pain, or memories which still bring a

smile to your face, hand your story over to

God and pray for a state of deep inner


"Today I want you to make an oath to yourself, that you will always respect and care
for your parents; as they are the reason that you have came into this world." MAA

Try to learn more about the traditional practices from your own cultural or religious
background. Explore your ancestral ways of expression; whether it be through dance, song,
music, art, written word, ritual, ceremony etc. Explore ways in which you can creatively
express yourself. Discover which mode of expression allows you to get in touch with the
energy of your ancestors and free yourself of the past. The ancient Sages recognized that
we are linked to the universe through our ancestry. They knew that honoring our ancestors
maintains a living harmony between the past and present, and aids in the upholding of
Dharma (universal and social intelligence), which serves to protect one-self, family,
community and nature.
Pure mind and pure deeds are the
stepping-stones on the path.

The Divine Mother gives us everything

in life, so we should also offer our Seva
through selfless service; which can be
physical, mental, devotional or
financial. It is our duty to thankfully
return a portion of that, which we have
received from the Almighty.

How can we feel safe if our natural ecosystem is First clean yourself and everything around you will

disturbed? The earth is one family and we cannot change. Sadhana purifies the five elements in the

separate ourselves from the world. If the elements of outside world, as well inside our own bodies. The

nature are disturbed, then we will most certainly be subtle elements are cleansed by meditation. The

affected. All elements of nature are selflessly serving space element can be purified by the sound of

us. The trees, bees, plants, sun, moon, rain, rivers and mantra. The air element is purified through devotion

sky all provide for our basic needs. If they are serving and breath awareness and control. The water and

us, then why can't we also serve others? Instead of earth elements are cleansed by our hard work and

serving creation, we are destroying our Mother and selfless actions; as well as the practices of Ayurveda

polluting nature. Maa wants us to join together to serve and Yoga. The fire ceremony purifies the

creation. We should control our five senses, serve the atmosphere and all the five elements. The real

Saints, attend Satsang, cultivate discipline and meaning of worshipping fire and sun is to

devotion, and find a balance between doing good understand the natural laws of our cosmos. Mother

actions and meditating. We should serve in such a way Nature teaches us about natural cycles, seasons,

that we desire nothing in return. Only if we do it in this rhythms; as well as balance, energy and change. Her

way, can we help others in a full-hearted manner. No song of life is a never ending but ever changing,

Listen in...
matter how difficult it is for you, try to keep others abundance and beauty.

Connecting with the Elements

As you wake up, chant Om and

say a silent prayer of gratitude
to the Universe and to your
parents for all that you have
received in life. A feeling of
humility and acceptance will
gradually blossom through this

Offer your prayers each morning

to Surya, the Power of the Sun.

The Sun represents the Divine

Power and Light of Truth which
provides its knowledge and
illumination to your mind and
intellect. Perform the yoga
sequence of Surya Namaskar
while facing the rising sun. Gaze
for a minute directly into the
morning sun and pray for inner

Conduct a simple fire ceremony,

either at sunrise or sunset;
offering your sacrificial and
fragrant herbs into the fire, while
chanting prayers for peace or
transformation. You can use
dried health-giving herbs: such
as sage, rose petals, rosemary,
lavender, neem.

Bathe in a holy river or go on a

pilgrimage to sacred sites.
Learn to recognize balance as a law of nature. All

universal principles are marked by the quality of

intrinsic balance. Sometimes your efforts to serve

others will succeed, sometimes they will fail; so

you will certainly face disappointment, if you have

any expectations of the outcome. The wisest

approach is to humbly accept all outcomes,

regardless of whether they appear positive or

negative. The most important part is to remain

happy and calm, and be righteous in your actions.

Your mind will remain at peace, knowing you did

your best; and others around you will feel satisfied

with your efforts.

Advance in life having learnt the lessons

of the past. Then confidently march
forward into the future; by living the
present moment to its fullest.

You need to understand how to find balance in

your daily life. Cultivate a passion to share your

innate divine gifts. You were born with these

skills and talents, in order to make this world

more beautiful. If you think it is all too difficult,

then it will become difficult for you. Your success

will be measured by the intensity of your passion

and the clarity of your vision, as your follow your

inner calling. Everything is a balance of self-

effort and surrender. If you fail, don’t judge your

hard work or blame the Higher Power, but simply

accept it as the natural order. Your words and

actions (Karma) - both during success and also

during failure - will determine the flow of grace

in your life.

Whenever anything moves away from its natural

state, something automatically appears to bring it
back into a state of balance.

By balancing your physical and mental well-being, and expressing your heart-felt
devotion, you will establish a strong foundation for a happy life. First you must
learn how to make yourself happy; only then can you give happiness to others.
Self-Care as Sadhana

•Sadhana means the path of practice. It is discipline which cultivates a state of internal purity
and awareness. It helps to gradually balance and align mind, breath and body, so that they can
attune and resonate with the inner vibration of truth.

•Ojas is a nourishing essence created in the body as the result of optimal nutrition, digestion,
and assimilation. This precious concentrate is the basis of seminal fluid, and it is also the fuel for
your spiritual awakening (for both men and women). If you deplete this valuable essence via an
inappropriate life-style, you will lack the reservoir of vitality needed to sustain a joyful life. In
addition, you will not have the necessary fuel to boost and support your spiritual growth.

•How can you replete your Ojas? The simplest way is to give loving care, nourishment, gentleness
and compassion to yourself and others. Self-Care is self-empathy and self-love in action. Can you
love others, if you don’t have compassion for yourself? Hot Tip: design and follow a daily self-
care routine for yourself - your life will definitely improve!

•Food Sadhana is an essential practice for harmonizing your emotions. Ayurveda considers food
as the foremost of the three foundations (food, sleep, purpose) for a healthy life. Your diet
should promote healthy physical and emotional functioning. Balanced food choices and good
eating habits produce a state of ease, health and happiness. There is no single diet that is
optimal at all times. You are encouraged to learn to daily assess your present condition of health
and intuit which foods will bring you back into an optimal balance. This delicate balance alters
according to seasonal influences, debility, climate, age and circumstances. To make food part of
your Sadhana, you need to engage all your senses in the process of preparing and eating food.
Let your senses feed on the experience, the fragrance, texture and flavors.

•Natural Cycles of sleep, meals, elimination, creativity, worship, meditation, exercise,work; all
these activities should be performed at the appropriate time of day/night to prevent stress being
produced in the organism. The cyclic rhythms of nature support a state of balance, and ensure
optimal health for mind and body. By connecting with nature and listening to your intuition, you
will learn to automatically synchronize your actions with the biological rhythms of life pulsing
within and without.

•Massage yourself daily from head to toe with warm oil before taking a warm shower. This will
build Ojas, promote relaxation and encourage lymph drainage; as well as keeping your skin soft
and smooth. Massage a teaspoon of oil on your scalp before bed.
Five Obligations
During the ancient times, there were five sacrifices (Pancha Yagya) prescribed as a part of the daily life of a
family. These sacrifices or offerings of charity embraced a person’s socio-ecological responsibilities:
(1) Sacrifices for the source of knowledge or teachers;
(2) Responsibility for parents, ancestors and self genetic system;
(3) Protection for the environmental powers, understood as celestial beings;
(4) Care for the protection of biodiversity of life;
(5) Positive interaction with fellow human beings and society.
The ancient folk held an obligation toward sustaining these five components of life, as their ethical and
ecological responsibility.
Four Aims and Stages of Life

The four great aims or desires in human life are Dharma (fulfillment of life’s purpose),
Artha (meaning & prosperity), Kama (pleasure) and Moksha (liberation). These are the
Purusharthas which mean “for the purpose of the Soul”, and they offer the blueprint for
human fulfillment. The way to live a balanced existence was described in the vibrational
formulae revealed by the ancient Masters; known today as Vedic wisdom.

The ancient Sages also revealed to us the four stages of human life. Liberation Is considered the
highest aim and to achieve this, human beings are expected to perform specific duties during each
phase of their life. The number of years spent in a particular stage is not equal for everyone, as it
depends on the Karma and Dharma of the individual. In the first stage of life, the aim is to
understand one’s Dharma and construct the moral foundation for pursuing the remaining three aims.
The desires for wealth and pleasure can be fulfilled during the second stage of life, ithin the context
of marital and family life. In this stage there are many responsibilities and obligations equired to
uphold and maintain the social order. After this stage is complete, and one’s desire for worldly
njoyments has been satisfied, now a dedicated spiritual path can be pursued. In the final phase of
life, all eligious rituals and social obligations can be dispensed with, and the Sannyasi or renunciate
becomes mmersed in meditation for the benefit of all humanity.
Art of Sacrifice
The most powerful yoga practice is one which combines elements from the four paths of Yoga -
Jnana (inquiry), Bhakti (devotion), Raja (meditation) and Karma (selfless action). Havan or Yagya
(Vedic fire ceremony) is an ideal ritual for spiritual practice. It purifies the physical body and
surroundings (through chemical effects of vaporization of natural substances), balances the mind
(through subtle effects of mantra and sound vibrations) and uplifts the Soul (through the spiritual
effects of the eternal Light and Sound invoked by the ceremony). Heat purifies and ignites the inner
power of the Soul (Atma Śakti) for deep meditation. This ritual fire ceremony teaches us the art of
sacrifice and service. The offerings given into the fire are an appeal for universal healing.

Q: Why does Maa encourage the worship of deities and performance of outer rituals,
festivals, fasting, pilgrimages and devotional practices?
A: The Indian tradition of Sanatana Dharma is the true and eternal law of nature, which was given
to mankind at the dawn of creation. The knowledge of the Vedas guides humanity through all
stages of life. The first stages of human development are that of student and householder. These
phases involve duties which are both religious and worldly, for the benefit of moral order. The
esoteric wisdom of Upanishads is found the end of the Vedas, as it is reserved for those in the final
stages of life. Having freed themselves from the bonds of religion, the fruit of their actions (Karma)
and their duty (Dharma); they are now able to renounce the material world. The Upanishads teach
the truth of absolute unity and how to attain this reality, which is Brahman. The ultimate goal is to
have the direct experience of one's true nature. These teachings offer wisdom for all humanity; for
every religion, tradition or phase of life. Maa wants to inspire and empower you to find inner
harmony and truth while living in this world. You can realize the Absolute Reality (Śiva)), through
your love and devotion for your own personal form of Divinity (Śakti), and by serving God's
creation. These are the necessary stages along your spiritual journey. You are guided by the
teachings of the true Saints.
If you haven’t obtained the tickets of Dharma and
Karma, how will you reach the goal of your journey?
India’s culture has been protected throughout history, due to its understanding of Dharma and
Karma. No matter what your religion or how you express devotion, you need to know what is
important for your soul. Living truthfully means living righteously. This is Dharma or the natural law.
Everything will flow according to your Dharma and Karma, as that is how the Divine Power chooses
to bless you. Whatever you have accumulated in life, it will remain here when you depart. All you
will take with you is your devotion. Your devotion and charity will reduce the negative actions you
have done in the past. The only important thing is how much positive work have you done in this
world, through your Dharma or Karma. Be honest enough to recognize that the Supreme Reality
has always taken care of you through your difficult times. This world was not created to give pain,
but for you to understand the purpose of life. Life is meant to be a celebration; to rejoice in the
victory of light over darkness. So if you know the purpose of your life, but still haven’t fulfilled your
promise to God to serve humanity, will it harm anyone else but your own Self? The definition of
right and wrong is subjective, and depends on the destiny and circumstances of the individual.
Your innate conscience is the final arbitrator of the value of your words and behavior. Your
actions are to be evaluated, by listening within and deciding the truth for yourself.
Fulfill your Karma and Dharma.
go beyond the five great elements and five
thieves. Remember the five Holy Names.
rise above the five Deities.
Realize yourself as Soul!
Fulfilling Karma & Dharma
You are obliged to discharge your duties in the

world, and at the same time to fulfill your sacred

responsibility towards nurturing your own in

dwelling spirit. Whether you have chosen to lead a

family, monastic or ascetic life, you are expected to

perform your duty in this world and repay the

karmic debt of your past actions. These can be

wound up by acts of service, devotion and the

practice of yoga.

6-8 hours should be spent:

working/studying to earn a livelihood for yourself and your family, or as a care-giver providing for household

and children; or if you lead a religious life and have no dependents, by performing selfless service

(physical/financial). Money earned can be used to support your independent living, to fulfill the needs of your

family, and also for donating to charitable missions and helping others.

3-4 hours should be spent:

for your holistic self-care routines which involve selfless service, devotional activities, mindfulness, stress-

reducing exercises, mantra, yoga, sacred music, silence, worship, breath awareness, meditation, fire ritual,

journaling, prayer, self-massage and purification techniques, detox etc. You also need to ensure a regular

intake of pure and nourishing food and good water.

12+ hours should be spent:

for the rest of the day/night, in which you are free to choose how to benefit from the fruits of your good

actions; by relaxing, resting and enjoying time with family and friends. You need both a healthy body and a

healthy mind, to be able to lead a successful and virtuous life. No single activity is sufficient to ensure success

and happiness. It is recommended that you try out the various activities which are based on scriptural

injunctions or yoga philosophy, and determine which are beneficial for you. Then learn to integrate them into

your individual daily and weekly routines. Purity of mind and body will secure your release from the bondage of

this material existence; but without sincere meditation and devotion there can be no final liberation.
To succeed in life, you
have to keep moving.

You can easily provide

for a simple but
comfortable life,
through 3 hours of
spiritual practice and
6-8 hours of work.
You are here to understand true

happiness and realize that the main

cause of unhappiness is ignorance.

How can you turn your unhappiness

into happiness? The key is

knowledge. The highest knowledge is

knowledge of your true Self. All

worries and thoughts will vanish, as

soon as you start meditating and

connect yourself to the Divine

Source. It is your thoughts that make

you anxious, so free your mind and

meditate. Keep the mantra OM in

your mind while you meditate.

Self Knowledge
Surrender yourself to the Divine, and see the You have to concentrate on the power that

miracle of understanding which will start resides in your navel center and awaken it,

moving through you. All seekers are so that power can rise to your heart

searching for answers, but true inner peace center. Then through grace, it will rise

is obtained when all your questions vanish. further to awaken your third-eye (Ajna

When you understand why the world was Chakra). When that spiritual power rises to

created, and why you have emotions like your head, you will feel changes

love, hatred, anger etc. then you will have happening. The really profound spiritual

attained knowledge of life. Happiness can experiences occur at the top of the head;

only be experienced, if you know what above the Ajna Chakra . From here we can

8sadness is, as both are essential to form feel higher spiritual powers working. Make

the foundation of human existence. You have it the goal of your life to understand your

no real choice, but to accept and embrace True Self through meditation, and through

both; moments of happiness, as well as the service to others. Become wise and gentle

bitter experiences that life brings you. with your life. OM

Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here?

Meditation is the Art of Remembering

Power of Community and Satsang
Give as much time as you can for getting together as a community. Wherever you meet, it becomes a
home of God, so you should come together to share your devotional joy with Bhakti, Sangeet, Yoga,
Meditation and other activities. Devote yourselves to the Supreme Power - in whichever form you want
- it is just important to do it in a sacred manner. Instead of sitting alone in your houses, come together
and share your happiness. We all know the difference between sharing food and eating alone. The
happiness that comes from sharing and giving is the true happiness. Be happy, make everyone smile,
love everyone and spread love. By sharing love with everyone, you will receive love from others and feel
true inner happiness within yourself. Everyone builds their own houses and comfortable lives, but if you
regularly come together for Satsang in a sacred setting, you will unite in Truth, and become much
stronger. You can survive anywhere, if you have Truth in your heart. Nothing will trouble you anymore,
because the heart that only calls for Truth, has the strength to walk along the true path no matter what
is happening in the world.
You are all my flowers,
and together you are
God's beautiful bouquet.

Spread your unique

fragrance far and wide.
If you have fragrance,
this creation will be filled
with fragrance.
The garden of love and
abundance… is waiting
for you all!
Chanting the Holy Names is a joyful way to connect with the Divine. It may not feel

as profound when you sing alone, but together with a group of devotees, the power

of love starts to manifest and you instantly feel a sweet vibration rising within

yourself. How and what you choose to chant, depends on your own preference. All

Divine Names are full of spiritual power and every Mantra can act as a doorway to

that power. Dissolve yourself in the Ultimate Reality. Become so meditative that

you dissolve perfectly in Truth. Devotion has the power to dissolve the mind in a

feeling of inner bliss. Through devotion you are blessed with spiritual power, and

through this inner power you can achieve liberation. On the path of devotion (Bhakti

Yoga), you can taste that state of freedom while singing, smiling and laughing. God is

pure love.

Mantra is a sonic formula that liberates the mind. Every Mantra is a form of the one

Power, but we like to differentiate between them and think that one Mantra is

better than another. If you chant any words or sounds, and your mind is made calm

for meditation, then you have proven that it is good for you to use. Simple Mantra

can be very effective; for example “Jai Jai Maa” or simply “Maa”. It is all about the

depth of devotion that you are putting into the words. Maa is the name for God’s

dynamic Power, so when you chant it you connect with that Power. Whatever

Mantra you are able to sing from your heart, and which brings peace to your mind;

then you should simply start there. If a Mantra arises automatically during

meditation, then you should listen to it. Eventually with the help of the Guru Power,

your Soul will be attracted to, and merge with, the vibration of the Universal Sound

Current (Shabd).
Listen to your
inner song and
realize your
purpose in life.

Your soul is
calling you to
awaken to share
your gifts with
Divine Blessings
Just like you take a bath to clean your outer body, you should bathe in the name of the Supreme

Divine Power, which will cleanse your mind and awaken your soul. You will rejoice and feel

connected again, after tasting the sweetness of the Amrit (holy nectar) that is flowing within the

ocean of consciousness. As long as your heart and actions are impure, you can never be freed

from all your negativity, simply by taking a bath in holy water. Don't just clean your outer face, try

to clean your inner self and pray; "O Lord clean me from all my sins and make me pure like you!"

Pour water on the symbol of Śiva-Śakti everyday and pray that your mind be purified. This will

open the floodgates of Kripa (blessings) for you, and awaken your Soul, which is your true Self.

Always repeat the Holy Name, because that name is a divine rhythm that flows within creation.

OM is the purest name of all. A quiet voice, which is heard during moments of silence, is forever

calling; calling you to listen within. Ever since you took human birth, this voice has been urging

you to establish this divine inner connection. Yoga revives your lost relationship to your Self. The

objective of Yoga is to extend your awareness beyond body and mind, and merge with the

Supreme Divine Power (Chaitanya Śakti). This the true meaning and goal of Yoga.

Sit daily for 5mins and practice listening within.

Listen for the voice of Truth calling to you, from within the
silence of Pure Presence.
Live and let others live
Practicing true living is prerequisite for realizing Truth.
Spirituality is a practical path, so you need to understand and
apply the principles of honest and righteous living in your daily

Practice your yoga at the time of Brahma Muhurta, which is one

hour before sunrise when the atmosphere is pure (Sattvic).
Then the fruit of your practice is doubled and your inner
energies will be greatly enhanced. Ideally you would wake by
5am and perform yoga and devotional practices until 7 or 8am.
Eat your breakfast and relax before preparing for work.

You can choose to meditate while walking (active) or by sitting

silently with eyes closed (passive). In either case, focus your
attention on establishing the inner connection.

During the day keep trying to remember or listen to the

vibration of OM in your mind.

In the evening you can meditate or do gentle yoga before

sleeping. Keep a firm resolve to achieve your goal in life. When
relaxing, just feel that you are lying in the lap of the Divine
Mother, and let that power take care of everything.

Whatever company you keep, that is what you will ultimately

become. Live in a pure environment, together with others of
pure heart. You should seek out pure places, live in a sanctified
environment, and keep yourself pure. When you begin to
realize the difference between purity and impurity, you will find
the way to Truth. Truth is always pure.

You never know when your life force will leave this body. The
Soul is bound within the body and sooner or later it has to be
released. Always be vigilant with your mind and keep it focused
on your goal.
Your thoughts can be changed
by doing Yoga. Purity of thought
is the first step in Yoga.
Everything you do, will return to
you. That is the Law of Karma
(action and reaction). Yoga
means not doing harm (Ahimsa),
so your practice should become
an act of kindness to yourself
and everything around you. Yoga
is able to bring a new feeling of
joy into your life (Santosha). It is
not just a program of exercises
to achieve physical fitness; but
rather a state of mind and an
attitude to life.

So everything you do in daily life

should become your Yoga. If you
walk 5kms daily, drink plenty of
good water and eat nourishing
foods, you can care for your
body in the same way as
performing complicated poses.
Only when your ego is subdued,
can the real practice commence.
Once your mind is connected to
the source of Power, your body
might even assume Yoga Asana
(postures) and Mudra (energy
seals); without any prior
A regular meditation practice is
essential for a successful life!
Take a few minutes each day to
meditate wherever you are…

What is the difference between yogic postures and gymnastics?

Try to discover this difference for yourself! Both systems work on stretching and strengthening the body

to make it supple and strong, but the primary purpose of Yoga is to realize the Supreme Reality. Yoga is

a purification process designed to work out the bitter fruits of your previous Karma (thoughts, words and

deeds) . These fruits are now manifesting in your physical body, caused by the seeds or subtle vibrations

of your causal body, located in the highest realm of your mind. There is a saying that “practice makes

perfect”. You have to practice consistently with focused effort to achieve the goal. If you try and learn

advanced Yoga all at once, you will damage your body. A better way to purify your mind and enhance

awareness is through systematic, regular and disciplined practice. By awakening the power of love

hidden within the Soul, your Yoga practice will start to bear sweet fruit. Discover the true meaning of

Yoga, by diving into its practice with a mind focused on realizing the nature of Self. You are That!
"Sangīta Sadhana is a

very important

spiritual practice,

and includes Bhajan,

Kirtan, music and

dance in devotion to

God. We need to

remove everything

from the mind

through singing and

dancing. The goal of

any Sadhana is to

remove all the

problems from the

mind, through inner

and outer devotion, to

prepare ourselves for

powerful meditation."


You can remove fear and increase confidence

through music.
Rhythm of Life
Yoga is not just the act of concentrating on parts You can use music as a method of spiritual

of your physical body, Yoga is also a dance and practice; but it has to come deep from within. It

Yoga is a song. Yoga is life. What is Meditation? It is not just about making music or singing. Only if

is an inner experience of merging with the object your practice is full of devotion and awareness,

of Meditation. will your mind become still. Then it will become a

form of meditation. When you focus your

Sang ta means music and it is also a method of attention fully on one activity, you drop into your

preparing yourself for Meditation. The Śabda or center and become fully present. Even though

universal sound, is Sang ta, the song of God. For you may be singing on the outside, the song is

example, when we chant “Sa”, the air vibrates in connecting you to an inner process of silence,

our body and creates sound. The cosmic soul has a which will augment your inner growth. If you sing

transcendental vibration or Svara (note). Our own from your heart, your facial expression changes

speech and knowledge is connected with this as your inner Self (Svara)reveals itself. When the

universal Svara; which is a “self-luminous” sound power of devotion becomes visible on your face,

vibrating its truth within us. it is a sign that the source of knowledge has

revealed itself to you. Sang ta is a great spiritual

Everything around us makes a sound; that is all force. ī

Sang ta is the manifested form of the

ī ī
Sang ta. This Sang ta manifests on the inside and Supreme Reality. It is the creative sound

then finds expression on the outside. The principle (N āda-Brahman) or resonating

transcendental or soundless sound (An āhat N āda) radiance of pure consciousness ( Śiva).
manifests as expressed sound ( Āhat Nāda). Mantra Devotional music has a great power. It is a form

and speech are ways of producing sound; but of worship and it connects you with your inner

Sang ta is more like a subtle rhythm. Everything in Guru or personal Deity. If you can fully express

this world is having its own individual kind of your innermost emotions through heart-felt

rhythm. The noise of the car on the highway, the devotional singing, you will empty your mind of

sound of a waterfall, or the leaves rustling in the tension and sorrow. A state of meditation can

tree; all these actions produce a vibration, which arise naturally and easily, when the waves of the

can be perceived as a type of musical rhythm. mind become as calm as the ocean on a sunny

Discover your note
Remember the lips where wind-
breath originated, and let your note
be clear.
Don't try to end it.
Be your note.
I'll show you how it's enough.
Go up on the roof at night
in this city of the soul.
Let everyone climb on their roofs
and sing their notes.
Sing loud!


Discover which quality, attribute or form of the Divine, makes your heart open in devotion.
Use these feelings of love to connect with the source of Spiritual Power within.
As part of your daily practice, sing a sustained “AAA” or “MAA” (vocal toning) for 5-10mins. This

vibration opens up the subtle inner pathway from your navel to your head. It is a form of breath control

which opens the channels and clears emotional blockages. Practice expressing your sound from the

abdomen, as the navel area is the source of power which creates all sound or speech, before it rises up

to resonate in the head. Breathing exercises and yoga will help you to strengthen these muscles to

support your voice. It may be beneficial to listen to, or practice, music before meditation. When the

mind becomes silent, then the soul starts to sing. Some people like to use their voice, others like to play

an instrument, and some like to dance as a form of devotional expression. Others like to chant or listen

to Mantra while walking around or cooking food. This all helps to keep your mind quiet, so that it will not

dwell on negative thoughts. Even your painful emotions can be released by allowing the energies which

are trapped in the subconscious mind, to be expressed through heart-felt prayer and song.
Let your heart resonate in the
Divine Word of God - night and day!
Surya is the Divine Power and Light of the golden radiance that we call the sun.
Surya is Prakash, the pure golden light. The leaves of the tree turn yellow
through the heat and light of the sun. Light has power; it has the power to
change everything to gold. Through our sincere meditation on the inner Divine
Light everything changes to gold. The Golden Age is an ideal state of human
existence, when all beings are pure, happy and free from suffering.

The Age of Gold is Dawning

We are heralding in the dawn of the Age of Truth which will be golden in color. The coming times
will bring true happiness, and be full of goodness, godliness and goldenness. This last stage of
self-realization is gold; it is pure gold. This is the final stage before Moksha (liberation). When the
power at the navel chakra is raised up to the third-eye, then all seven chakra become golden color,
and the flame of Divine Light radiates from the awakened third-eye. Light is Śakti (multiplicity or
dynamic energy), and pure consciousness is Śunya (zero or potential energy). Śunya means "no-
thing" as it is a state of no mind, no ego and no karmic fruit. When these two faces of Divinity
reunite and become one, the alchemy of gold takes place. When God and the Power of God merge
together, then it is the Golden Age! When the power of your Soul is awake and sitting in the
driver's seat, it can get its own work done through your body. Passive and active become one, so
that action and inaction are no longer separate or opposite, and there is no difference between
work and meditation. The Divine Mother is the Power of God, working on earth to connect
humanity to the supreme knowledge of truth and light. All forms of the Goddess are joining
together to help bring in the Golden Age and connect people to God. It is time for us to awaken
into the new dawn and embrace this day of golden humanity!

yourself with

Try wearing gold or golden-

yellow clothes, decorate your

room with gold fabrics, grow or

buy sunflowers and marigolds,

and eat plenty of bright golden

colored foods like papaya,

pineapple, pears, ghee,

persimmon, banana, carrots,

oranges, pumpkin, turmeric,

golden raisins etc. These golden

colors will attract the golden

rays of the Divine Light. You

need to attract good health to

your body, as a strong physical

form is needed to do God’s

work in this world.

Meditation, sunshine, food,

clothing, work, happiness,

dance, music, nourishing foods,

seva…these are the activities

that will connect you to gold.

Let yourself be naturally drawn

to the different shades and

colors of gold, orange and

yellow, and bring radiance into

your life!
Maa wants you to take care of your health and well-being,

by giving yourself a nourishing diet and regular practice of

Yoga, Meditation and Seva to bring peace and harmony

into your day. By introducing Yoga into your daily life,

many of you will overcome the health issues which are

challenging you. Many problems that you may have had to

face in the future, will be avoided by integrating Yoga into

your daily routine. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind,

and a healthy and happy mind is the basis for good

meditation. The rewards of regular meditation are inner

power and a fulfilled and successful life. Maa wants

everyone to integrate Yoga into their daily lives, even if it is

only on a small scale.

The Light of the Guru dispels darkness and

awakens the Power of Soul
Arise, awake! Seek the great teachers and realize the Self!

You originated from Truth and you have to rise up

to this spiritual plane of existence.

divine power
The soul’s purpose in life is to realize the true

power of God, and to awaken the other souls to

the knowledge of Truth.

divine love
It is only through the blessings of the primordial

Power of God, that one can merge into the ocean

of pure consciousness.
Can you see your own face?

The Guru is the quality which reveals your All direction and guidance comes from the
own face to you; reflecting your Supreme Reality, and the work which has
imperfections, in the mirror of perfection. been given to you, will be revealed as soon
You cannot see yourself directly, so it can as you take one step forward in trust and
only be shown to you through a reflective faith. The spiritual path is always there, but
medium. For this reason, the Supreme unless you keep the energy moving forward,
Reality creates a garland of beings who will you are not actively treading the path. It is
accompany you at different times along your your determination and will power which
spiritual journey. The first bead on the will help you to move on the path, despite all
garland will mirror one quality back, the next the obstacles that may appear long the way.
bead reveals yet another, and so it goes on The laws of Sanatana Dharma were given to
around the complete circle, until all your mankind by the Supreme Reality, and they
qualities have been revealed. Everyone has a map out an eternal path to Self-Realization.
different role to play in this creation, but These laws guide you to lead a perfect life
ultimately you have learn how to rise above and reach the final goal of liberation. They
this active creation. The role of the Guru is to apply to all human beings, independent of
point you to the right path and then other religion or culture. This is the path of the
spiritual guides will manifest to show you the eternal Yoga. True disciples follow a
way, as you traverse the garland of your Self. practical path, and ultimately reach the
The way is shown to you, but you have to do “heart of the Guru”; an ocean of love, mercy
the work to keep walking on the path. and grace. The true disciple is chosen by the
power of the One Supreme Guru.
The beads of your personality are scattered all over the place, and the
Guru picks up these pearls and strings them together on one thread;
thereby creating a complete and perfect garland. Take some time to
remember and acknowledge all the beings who have appeared in your
life, to teach you a lesson about yourself, and reveal to you a deeper
Truth about Life.
Experience your inner purity
Sit quietly in a comfortable position in your darkened meditation room. Ensure
there are no flying insects or drafts of air. Place the lit candle at arm’s length in
front of you at about eye level. Concentrate on a still point in the middle of the
flame, trying not to blink your eyes too much. After 5-10 minutes of gazing, close
your eyes and keep the after-image of the flame in the center of your vision. Sit in
meditation. The light of your soul resides at the heart center. This spark of divine
light is as pure as the flame and of the same size. By contemplating on the candle
flame, you will come to recognize the significance of the illuminating flame, and
experience the inner purity flowing within your own soul.
You can experience Divine Power when your mind is Ekagrata
(one pointed). Learn to concentrate by focusing on a flame in
front of your eyes. First focus on the candle with open eyes for
five minutes, and then withdraw inward to witness that divine
flame within. You will start seeing changes within yourself, when
the internal flame of Śakti rises.
We need to discover truth and follow the path sincerely in

our daily lives. The source of truth and unchanging

happiness lies within our human body. Offer yourself in

service of the true Sadhu-Saints, who give you an

experience of spiritual power and divine love.

When you bathe yourself, you can call on Śakti Power to purify you.
Put a a few flower petals, and a little cardamom, milk, yoghurt, sugar, honey
and ghee in your bathing water.
After your bath wear yellow, orange, pink or white clothes.
Light a candle and concentrate on the flame.
Slowly you will be able to see many forms of Śakti in it.
Stay focused on your path and meditate more.
Go inside and realise your Self!

To your enemy.........forgiveness
To your opponent....tolerance
To a friend................your heart
To your parents........honour
To a customer..........service
To all
To a child...........good example
To yourself................respect

And to the Divine Power.....

faith and trust ♥️
May all beings everywhere be happy.

May they be well.

May they know peace and joy.

May they be free.

May all feel loved. Jai Maa

A New Life Awaits
You must become new from inside, and then you can start your new work. Śakti Power is guiding you. This life

is a divine gift for you to do God's work in this world, and become content and happy. If you keep moving

forward along the path, you will surely reach the destination. Each new year is a reminder that you need to keep

moving in order to achieve your goals. If you look back over the past year and realize that you were not able to

make any progress, then you need to renew your efforts to start your journey again. You should let go of the

old, and all that is now past, and embrace your new life. Now is the time for us to serve our local community

and help bring people together for yoga and meditation. Those who accept a preceptor, receive Sant Mat

initiation, follow the path and meditate regularly (whether they be Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or Moslem), will

start to recognize their contemplative practices as a source of spiritual power and inner wealth. By offering

prayers daily, a sense of humility and deep gratitude will develop. Through the collective power of

remembrance of the divine laws of both Sananta Dharma and Sant Mat, the times will change, and Truth will

again rule in the world. This is the start of a new era, and you should focus your efforts on renewing your body

and awakening your full Soul power to work within it. Then you can do the true work which you came on this

earth to perform.
What is Spirituality for You?
Spirituality is not limited to any religion, philosophy or ideology. Spirituality is a higher truth
that is present in front of us at every moment. It is the continuity of knowledge to fulfill the
purpose of evolution. Spirituality is simple living and high thinking. Spirituality seeks right
understanding of any situation and recognizes the true answer which lies within.
Spirituality is asking yourself what you truly want and moving ahead with what you seek
from within. Forgiving yourself and others every day is spirituality in action. Spirituality
looks ahead towards the vision of a noble future, beyond all previous walls that you may
have created in the past. Spirituality is the form of love and truth that we all share.
Discovering the truth of "unity in diversity" is spirituality. Seek to understand spirituality
through the vision and guidance of those walking on the path who have directly
experienced it. Sharing from the river of infinity with all those who seek to discover it, is
”The first Guru is our mother, or

primary care-giver, who will teach

us until we grow up. The second

Guru is represented by all our

worldly teachers; they teach us

until we have obtained their

knowledge. Every Guru has

different work to perform. The

third Guru offers religious and

esoteric knowledge and reveals

the spiritual path; and achieves

the goal of this training at some

time. The fourth Guru is a divine

power guiding us from within, and

it takes over once the work of

third Guru has been completed.

The fourth Guru is in subtle form.

The third Guru teaches us how to

do bhakti and seva, and the

fourth Guru teaches our soul how

to connect with God. The duty of

the fourth Guru is to connect us

with the Supreme Power, but we

first have to go through

Jagatjanani Maa, the cosmic

Mother Power who is giving us

birth into this world. We have to

go through the Supreme Mother,

before we can reach to Almighty

Father God. At the level of the

fifth Guru, there is only one

Supreme Power and it is One

Light. This power lies within.“

~ Her Holiness

Mahamandaleshwar AdiŚakti

Satigiri Ji
“Those who have received initiation from Maa, should

use that opportunity like a key to open the door which

leads to Truth. This Truth is the power of all enlightened

Masters and the abode of Param Divya Adishakti which

radiates throughout creation. The whole universe is

immersed in Truth, and the door to Truth is through

Śakti. Transcend the cycle of transmigration and return

to the eternal abode of Truth; your true Home. You

originated from Truth, and because of Truth, this world

is operating. Go towards the Supreme Door and open

yourself to Truth. Truth is the key and Truth is the door.

Truth is your freedom.” Maa

Maa has spiritual representatives within the USA, South

Korea, Europe, New Zealand and India. For more

information about the path, you may contact us with

your details via our email address:

Bhakti Shakti Mukti

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