Diagnosing Wound Infection The Use of C Reactive Protein 1

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Diagnosing wound infection:

the use of C-reactive protein
Andrew Kingsley and Vanessa Jones

Background: The diagnosis of wound infection is often restricted to the use of clinical signs and symptoms which are not always
reliable. Aims: To determine if systemic C-reactive protein (CRP) measurements could be used as a diagnostic marker for wounds
whose healing is delayed by the effects of wound bed bioburden. Methods: A comparative descriptive design with a survey method
was used. Patients with wounds healing by secondary intention with a duration of 4 weeks or more were placed into wound
infection continuum groups based on clinical features.Wound features for each patient were listed to enable analysis of CRP
results within and between groups. CRP was also analysed for all patients as a single group against individual wound features.
Results: CRP levels were found to be significantly higher for patients in the spreading infection group, but no differences in levels
were found to distinguish the other groups. Higher CRP levels were found to be statistically significant when several clinical
features were present in wounds irrespective of study grouping, these were necrotic tissue, wet wounds, malodour, recent wound
extension and redness of >2cm on surrounding skin. Conclusions: This study cannot support CRP as a diagnostic marker for
determining between wounds in different groups in the infection continuum known as colonisation, critical colonisation and local
infection and cannot be used alone to indicate the need for antimicrobial treatment in these groups. Conflict of interest: None

antibiotic use for patients with chronic When Cutting (1998) compared
wounds is higher than for other patients surgical nurses’ clinical diagnoses of
KEY WORDS matched for age and sex. This raises costs infection and his own judgements
C-reactive protein and contributes to the development based on a similar list (Cutting and
Wound infection continuum and selection of multi-resistant micro- Harding, 1994) he found a poor
Secondary intention organisms (Howell-Jones et al, 2005). agreement between the author and
Critical colonisation the nurses for both infected and not
Diagnosis of infection in wounds infected wounds (47.5%), indicating
Local infection healing by secondary intention is that clinical signs and symptoms
primarily undertaken through the alone are not sufficient to reliably
interpretation of clinical signs and identify infection.
symptoms. Gardner et al (2001a)

any wounds healing by developed a checklist tool from these Qualitative microbiology provides
secondary intention become based on an earlier list (Cutting and secondary corroboration. However,
static causing extended periods Harding, 1994). Known as the Clinical the link between positive wound
of discomfort and inconvenience for the Signs and Symptoms Checklist, it swabs and clinical cases of infection
patient, and an increase to healthcare identifies 12 signs and symptoms of has been shown to vary in wounds
costs and workload. There are many infection which are: with different aetiologies. Schmidt
reasons for this delay and the effect of 8 Pain et al (2000) found that only 22% of
wound bioburden is a common one 8 Erythema venous leg ulcers (VLU) with positive
(Browne et al, 2001) although its exact 8 Oedema swabs went on to develop infection
role is uncertain (Howell-Jones et al, 8 Heat in contrast with 70% of diabetic and
2005; Penhallow, 2005). The suggested 8 Purulent exudate arterial ulcers. McGuckin et al (2003)
range of the prevalence of chronic 8 Serous exudate with concurrent considered that microbiological
wound infection lies between 0.14% inflammation culturing of wounds was insufficiently
and 6% (Verdu Soriano et al, 2004) and 8 Delayed healing rigorous as a scientific method,
8 Discolouration of granulation requiring further research to
Andrew Kingsley is Clinical Manager Infection Control tissue improve its validity as a predictor
and Tissue Viability, Northern Devon Healthcare Trust, 8 Friable granulation tissue of wound infection.
and Vanessa Jones is former Senior Lecturer/ 8 Pocketing at the base
Education Director (now retired), Wound Healing 8 Foul odour Biopsy is considered the gold
Research Unit, University of Wales 8 Wound breakdown. standard microbiological method for

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research but is not often carried out

in clinical practice due to exacting Table 1
processing requirements and concerns Characteristics of wounds in each of the wound infection continuum group
over harm to the patient and so
swabbing is more usual. Quantitative
thresholds as indicators of infection Colonised
have been used for many years A wound that is considered to be progressing normally. There will be no necrotic tissue, and limited
(Cooper, 2002a), although the value slough which is thin and mobile in depth and character. There will be some firm granulation tissue
for this method for open wounds which is normally a salmon red-pink colour and moist, and there may be pink/purple epithelial tissue
has been questioned (Bowler, 2003). (Sibbald et al, 2000).
Wound surfaces and tissues have
heterogeneous bacterial distribution, Critically colonised
which presents a problem for testing A wound that is considered to be indolent (ie not healing and not deteriorating) despite seemingly
accuracy (Woolfrey et al, 1981; appropriate therapy. The wound is wet and there is likely to be thick slough (at >50% cover of base)
Steer et al, 1996; Ribinik et al, 1997). but no new (within two weeks of referral to tissue viability) necrotic tissue (there may be residual ne-
Problems with swabbing consistency crosis from original wounding event), there may be odour but not cellulitis. The wound may bleed easily
between professionals may lead to at slightest touch and if previously granulating the tissue may be an unhealthy dark colour. Alternatively
unreliable results (Cooper, 2002a). In the wound base may be clean, free of active granulation and pale in colour or pale and oedematous.
one study, Starr and MacLoed (2003)
found varying techniques in wound Locally infected
swabbing in a small group of nurses A wound that has some cellulitis as a flare on the adjacent skin or encircling the wound no greater
from the same ward. As there is no than 2cm (Dow et al, 1999) from the wound edge. There may be slough (>50% of base) and necrotic
UK consensus on swabbing method in tissue (appeared suddenly in a previously healing wound and this may be in the absence of cellulitis
clinical practice including the value of (Kingsley, 2001), the wound base if previously granulating may be an unhealthy deep red colour that
pre-cleaning the wound bed (Cooper, bleeds at the slightest touch, the wound is wet or wetter than it was recently, and there may be
2002b), it is likely that results of odour. Some wounds may not exhibit cellulitis but show recent wound extension. Others may show
swabbing will lack consistency. cellulitis <2cm from the edge but show extension.

It has been proposed that a Spreading infection

continuum of gradually-increasing There is cellulitis surrounding the wound that is greater than 2cm from the edge. The wound may
bioburden exists in open wounds be wetter than normal, tissue may be friable and bleed easily, the wound may have extended or new
ranging from healing wounds with satellite skin breaks have appeared in addition to the cellulitis. Odour may be offensive, there may be
simple colonisation and without host pyrexia, lymphangitis or lympadenitis or bacteraemia.
response to overt infection (Dow et
al, 1999). Names for the staged points
on this infection continuum have been
suggested (Kingsley, 2001; Kingsley when the use of antimicrobial therapy of classic signs of infection, could be
et al, 2005) and are colonisation, would be necessary for wounds that undertaken with confidence. Equally
critical colonisation, local infection, were not healing due to the effects if high CRP levels were found to
and spreading infection. The term of wound bed bioburden then early associate with particular wound
critical colonisation, first introduced treatment might improve outcomes features or certain micro-organisms
by Davis (1997), has been the subject and lower costs. Measuring C-reactive then this could form the basis for
of debate (Cooper, 2005; Jorgensen et protein (CRP) levels is a potential further research into the prediction of
al, 2005; White and Cutting, 2006) but test that has been used successfully infection.
is used by many wound care experts in other areas to improve diagnosis
to identify when topical antimicrobial over standard bacteriology and clinical CRP testing — a possible solution
therapy is required to optimise impression (Gulich et al, 1999), such CRP is a member of the acute
wound healing (Jorgensen et al, 2005). as identifying sepsis in major trauma phase family of proteins, released
However, clinical diagnosis, being (Stahl et al, 1985), and detecting from hepatocytes whose levels rise
dependent on the skills of the clinician, wound infection following trauma and significantly in response to monocyte-
leaves scope for either over-treatment orthopaedic surgery (Gupta et al, origin mediators such as interleukin-
with antimicrobials when it is not truly 2002). If it could be established that 1 (IL-1) and 6 (IL-6), because of
warranted or under-treatment when CRP levels distinguish between the infection, tissue injury (Houshian
managing the bioburden would assist different wound infection continuum et al, 2000) and inflammatory or
wound healing. states then prompt initiation of neoplastic diseases (D’Amore, 2005).
treatment of the abnormal states, CRP is a highly conserved protein
If a simple and reproducible particularly critically colonised wounds and no deficiency has been noted
diagnostic test was available to indicate with delayed healing and absence in any human population studied

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(Ahlers and Schonheyder, 1990; Du

Clos and Mold, 2002). Changes in Table 2
CRP levels can occur within 24–48 Essential and corroborating criteria used to allocate wounds into study groups
hours in response to the presence
or removal of the stimulation (Pepys,
1981), such as a bacterial infection. Allocation group Essential criteria (must Corroborating criteria (may exhibit 0–all)
CRP elevates rapidly in response to exhibit at least one)
relevant stimulus and is considered to
Colonised (C) 1. Progressing normally 1. Granulation tissue normally
have a stable decay rate (Okamura et
2. No necrotic material red/pink and moist
al, 1990). Larsson et al (1992) found
3. Some granulation 2. There may be pink/purple epithelium
that the post-surgery CRP response
was not affected by use of prophylactic Critically colonised 1. Is indolent 1. Likely to be thick slough (>50% cover of base)
antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs (CC) 2. Is wet 2. Possible odour
indicating that it reacts to a relevant 3. No new necrosis 3. May be friable
stimulus in the body and is not 4. No cellulitis 4. May have unhealthy dark granulation
altered by circulating medications. It 5. Granulation may be absent
is, therefore, reasonable to presume 6. Base may be pale or pale and oedematous
that CRP levels, elevated because Locally infected 1.Cellulitis — as flare or en- 1. May have thick slough (>50% cover of base)
of infection, will fall in response to (LI) circling wound — no greater 2. May have odour
effective antimicrobial therapy. CRP is than 2cm 3. May be friable
a non-specific marker of inflammation 2.If no cellulitis wound has 4. May have unhealthy dark granulation
and its potential as a diagnostic extended recently 5. Granulation may be absent
indicator for wound infection may be 3.If no cellulitis sudden 6. The base may be pale or pale and oedematous
restricted depending on the presence appearance necrotic tissue
of other inflammatory pathologies in 4.Is wet or wetter than it
individual patients. However, vascular has been
vessel damage associated with venous
Spreading infection 1.Cellulitis >2cm surrounding 1. May have offensive odour
disease was found not to raise CRP
(SI) the wound 2. May be friable
above routine clinical levels (Blomgren
3. May be wetter than normal
et al, 2001) and Goodfield (1988)
4. May have wound extension
found that venous eczema was also
5. May have new satellite lesions
unable to raise CRP levels.
6. May have pyrexia, lymphangitis, lymphadenitis
or bacteraemia
There is currently no single
predictor of wound infection that
is considered perfect (Browne et al,
2001). This study aims to investigate patients who might have had reasons Falanga, 2005). Patients were also
the possibility of using CRP levels to other than wound infection for a CRP excluded if they had conditions or
categorise infection levels. rise, fall or suppression that would were taking medications that might
reduce the validity of the results. suppress the normal inflammatory
Method Exclusions were acute trauma wounds responses, such as systemic
A comparative descriptive design (<4 weeks), surgery or a myocardial steroids, cancer chemotherapy, and
using a survey method was used infarction within the preceding antimicrobials taken or applied for
to search for a link between CRP seven days, an unresolved infection greater than 48 hours, as they
level and open wounds categorised elsewhere in the body, and patients are either direct or indirect
into the four states of the wound with active inflammatory conditions inflammation suppressants.
infection continuum (colonisation, such as rheumatoid arthritis,
critical colonisation, local infection and inflammatory bowel disease, vasculitis, Eligible subjects were allocated
spreading infection) (Table 1). Ethical pyoderma gangrenosum or Buerger’s to one of the four wound infection
approval was received from the North disease. Patients with diabetes and continuum study groups following
and East Devon Local Research Ethics foot ulceration were excluded because comparison of clinical signs and
Committee. Sixty-four patients with the associated neurological damage symptoms to a pre-defined checklist
wounds of more than four-weeks and microvascular changes can lead based on published expert views
duration were recruited purposively to masking of the usual visual cues or available before the start of data
from a single UK tissue viability nursing experienced symptoms for infection, collection in 2003 (Cutting 1994;
service. Exclusion criteria, based on notably through absence of pain and Cutting and Harding 1994; Thomson
work by Goodfield (1988), were inability to vasodilate in response to and Smith 1994; Davis 1997; Davis
stipulated to prevent inclusion of infection (Edmonds and Foster, 2004; 1998; Dow et al, 1999; Sibbald et

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al 2000; Kingsley 2001) (Table 2).

Table 3 As a secondary aim of the study
Linkage of clinical feature to a mean raised CRP level (>8mg/L) as tested by ANOVA microbiological samples were taken
to look for any potential associations
between the organisms identified,
Statistically significant Not statisitically significant the clinical groups of the wound
Necrotic tissue (p < 0.001) Wound type (not ANOVA tested) infection continuum and wound
features such as necrosis and CRP
Wet or wetter than normal (defined by patient Diabetes (p = 0.306)
level. Following group allocation by the
or by researcher as obviously wet on observation)
(p=0.017) single researcher swabs for aerobic
and anaerobic analysis were taken
Malodour (p=0.026) Granulation (healthy and unhealthy including using a standard procedure defined as
overgranulation and discoloured granulation) (p protocol 2 by Kingsley and Winfield-
= 0.105)
Davies (2003). Venous blood samples
Recent wound extension (p=0.01) Friable/bleeding tissue (p=0.503) for CRP assay were collected by
Redness (>2cm from wound edge) (p=<0.0010) New ‘satellite’ lesions (p=0.586) vacuum specimen tube (Vacuette®,
Spreading infection group (p=<0.001) Redness (<2cm from wound edge) (p=0.344) Greiner Bio-One Ltd, Gloucestershire).
Wound size was measured with single-
use, clean, non-sterile paper metric
rulers using the perpendicular method
Table 4 to estimate surface area after the
technique used by Daltrey et al (1981).
Further results on clinical features related to the allocated wound infection continuum study groups
Clinical features were recorded
for each of the 64 wounds so it was
Clinical feature Result possible to analyse CRP levels against
Tissue discolouration 8 Discolouration present in 30% of CC group and 16% LI group wound features as a single series
8 Darkly discoloured wounds had lower mean CRP (36.8mg/L) compared irrespective of the clinical group to
with non-discoloured wounds (50 mgl/L) which the patient had been allocated
Friable tissue 8 Found most commonly in LI group (4 of 13 wounds) for the main aim of the study. The
8 None of the four LI group wounds with friable tissue had concomitant following clinical features were
cellulitis examined against CRP levels:
8 Wound type
Overgranulation 8 Overgranulation was only found in the CC group (4 of 20 wounds)
8 Diabetic status
and LI groups (2 of 13)
8 Four of the six (66.6%) overgranulated wounds bled easily compared 8 Wound size
with 3 of the 58 (5.2%) without overgranulation present 8 Wound age
8 Granulation tissue
Necrotic tissue 8 Five of 7 wounds which still had necrotic tissue present from the 8 Discoloured tissue
original injury were categorised as infected (LI and SI)
8 Friable/bleeding granulation tissue
8 Wounds containing necrotic tissue had a higher mean CRP than
those without it (p=<0.001) 8 Overgranulation
8 Necrotic tissue
Wet (researcher These wounds had a higher mean CRP than those wounds considered to have 8 Sloughy tissue
defined) or wetter lower levels of exudation, irrespective of clinical group allocation (p=0.017) 8 Exudate level
than normal (patient
8 Malodour
defined) wounds
8 Wound extension (extension
Malodour 8 Malodour was part of the CC group descriptors but was actually found of margins and those with new
most commonly in the LI group (5 of 13 wounds) ‘satellite’ lesions beyond the
8 High mean CRP and malodour were significantly linked (p=0.026) immediate margins of the pre-
Wound extension Recent extension of the wound had occurred in 11 of the 64 study wounds existing wound)
and was linked to a high mean CRP (p=0.01). Half (n=8) of the wounds with 8 Cellulitis (<2cm and >2cm from
four bacterial species isolated had extended, as had 15.3% of wounds with the wound edge).
three isolates, 17.6% with two isolates and 30% with 1 isolate, and 20% of
wounds recording ‘no growth’.
Indolence (delayed Mixed bacterial cultures coincided more frequently in CC wounds which were The design was non-experimental
healing) indolent by study definition. Only 1 of 10 wounds with ‘no growth’ were and patient sub-groups were analysed
allocated to the CC group, and in contrast 7 of 17 with 2 isolates, 7 of 13 descriptively using summary statistics.
with 3 isolates and 2 of 4 with 4 isolates were allocated to the CC group Statistical analysis of CRP levels
against wound groups and features

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was undertaken using a one-way be a feature worthy of consideration. containing necrotic tissue were in the
unrelated ANOVA with the software Those wounds with recent extension SI group. However, the two wounds
SPSS version 11.5. The total 64 cases had a statistically significant higher with necrotic tissue present in the
were allocated using clinical signs and mean CRP than those without. colonised group also had elevated
symptoms into the four different study CRP levels (16mg/L and 54mg/L)
groups, 21 into colonised (C), 20 into Microbiology results suggesting that necrotic tissue is
critically colonised (CC), 13 into local In this study 16 wounds contained an an impetus to inflammation. Given
infection (LI), and 10 into spreading isolate of Streptococcus either group that two (15.38%) of the total 13 LI
infection (SI). CRP data was missing B (n=3), D (n=8) or G (5). Extension cases had necrosis remaining from
on three cases. Two were in the LI was recorded on five occasions, of the outset of the wound, as did 3/10
and one in the SI groups. Analysis of which group G was the most common (30%) SI cases, it would suggest that
CRP results and their linkage to clinical (n=3), with B and D both having a necrosis from the original wounding is
features within and between groups single wound extension. a risk factor for infection. This finding
were undertaken in 61 cases, whereas concurs with the results from Gardner
simple percentage calculations Wound duration et al (2001a) and further supports
on the presence or absence of The relationship between CRP levels the case for debridement to improve
clinical features were based on the and wound age was tested and was healing made by Steed et al (1996)
full 64 cases. not found to be significant (p=0.156). and Williams et al (2005) by reducing
The SI group had the lowest mean likelihood of delay through the
A clear difference between the SI age (3.22 months) against a combined occurrence of infection. Taking all the
group and the other groups emerged mean of all the other groups (C, seven wounds with residual necrosis
when the means of the CRP levels CC and LI) (20.27 months), but this from original injury it was found that
were compared (ANOVA p=<0.001). did not produce a significant result five (71.42%) had become infected by
The SI group mean was 167.88mg/L (p=0.232). the time of study enrolment. Therefore
(standard deviation (SD)=122.17). original residual necrosis was linked
All of the other groups had mean Trauma to outcome of infection, and the
CRP values that were above normal The four wounds originating from presence of necrosis (original or new)
(equal to or less than 8mg/L): C=27.33 trauma at four weeks or greater from to higher CRP.
(SD=27.87), CC=33.85 (SD=32.22), enrolment to the study all featured in
LI=29.54 (SD=32.94). However, it was the problem groups, with one in the Exudate levels
not possible in this study to distinguish CC and three in the SI group. Wounds with exudate levels that were
with statistical significance between considered wet or wetter than normal
the C, CC and LI groups using CRP as Discolouration had a significantly higher mean CRP.
the diagnostic marker. Discolouration was found in 10
wounds and was more common in Odour
For wounds with an extending CC than LI wounds. In the 20 CC Ten of the 64 (15.62%) wounds in
cellulitis (SI) a statistically significant wounds, six were discoloured and five this study were malodorous, as defined
higher mean CRP was recorded of these were darkly so. These dark subjectively by the researcher.
against all the other groups in wounds had a higher mean CRP result There was a statistically significant
the study. than those in the CC group without link between malodour and a high
this dark discolouration. However, mean CRP.
Wound types in the study were when comparing mean CRP in all the
mostly venous ulcers (n=26; 40.6%), darkly discoloured wounds across the Discussion
with the remainder being made up categories with all the wounds without The purpose of the study was to
of pressure ulcers (n=9), ar terial discolouration, the mean CRP was determine if different CRP levels were
(n=1), mixed (n=8) and hydrostatic lower. The most common organisms associated with wounds in different
leg ulcers (n=3), trauma (n=4), found in the darkly discoloured CC clinical states of the wound infection
surgical wounds (n=7), hear t failure- cases were coliforms (4/5). Of the continuum. If clear differences between
associated leg-swelling ulcerations total seven wounds in all the study the levels of CRP were found to exist
(n=2), friction rub from or thotic shoe groups with dark discolouration five for each of the clinical groups of the
(n=1), oedema blister (n=1), wound were VLU and one was a mixed wound infection continuum then a
over an old poliomyelitis operation venous/arterial ulcer. potential diagnostic test will have
site (n=1) and a wound of unknown been identified for further research.
aetiology (n=1). Necrotic tissue In addition an aggregate view of the
The presence of raised CRP levels relationship of CRP with individual
Wound extension and necrotic tissue did coincide, clinical features and the risk of
Extension occurred in 17.18% of the though statistical significance may have infection were explored and several
wounds in this study suggesting it to been skewed as 5 of the 11 wounds interesting findings were made.

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The total number of infected cases occurred only in the infected groups Cutting et al, 2005) even though
in the study (LI and SI) defined by demonstrating their accepted it has been reported to have low
clinical features was 23/64 (35.93%). propensity to invasive infection and validity for this purpose (Gardner
The sample reflected the normal ability to increase wound size. The et al, 2001b). Cutting et al (2005)
clinical situation so infection appears infection rate, described by clinical found that clinicians considered dark
to be common in open wounds older signs and symptoms of LI and SI in this discolouration to be a sign of infection
than four weeks referred to the tissue study, for beta haemolytic streptococci in VLU. In this study 10 wounds
viability service in North Devon. If all was 50% (8/16). However, on none had discolouration of which seven
wounds considered clinically to have of these eight occasions were the were subjectively assessed as being
bioburden problems are included (CC, streptococci cultured alone, being darkly discoloured. Five of the seven
LI, SI) this figure becomes 67.18% found together with anaerobes (n=2), darkly discoloured wounds were
(43/64). If this pattern is repeated Proteus (n=2), S. epidermidis (n=2), S. from the CC group, one from the LI
across the UK then it would seem aureus, methicillin-resistant S. aureus, and one from SI groups. The mean
paramount that tissue viability nurses coliforms, and diphtheroids (all n=1). CRP value was lower in the darkly
have a good understanding of the On the only occasion when a beta discoloured wounds in comparison
management of CC and infection. haemolytic streptococcus was cultured with the 51 other wounds without
alone it was found in a wet but static any discolouration but there was no
Wound extension CC wound, rather than in a wound statistical significance to this finding.
Extension might result from increased displaying any of the classic signs of The single case of dark discolouration
wetness macerating the wound edge infection or cellulitis. Examination in the SI group had a CRP of 12mg/L,
or an active invasion of bacteria into of the number of isolates and the while the other eight cases in the SI
wound edge tissues, although both presence of extension showed that group all had normal tissue colour and
would be expected to elicit a new wounds yielding four isolates were all but one (CRP = 10mg/L) had much
or heightened inflammatory reaction more likely to extend (50%). Trengove higher CRP levels (range 51–339mg/L).
and hence a rise in CRP. Extension et al (1996) reported that four or
did occur in 11 of the 64 wounds more isolates caused an increased Necrotic tissue
(17.18%) in this study and CRP level chance of failure to heal in leg ulcers Seven wounds had necrotic tissue
elevation was statistically significantly so the finding that 50% of wounds present remaining from the original
greater than for wounds without with four isolates in this study were injury. There were 2 (9.52%) in the
extension. New satellite lesions were actively extending seems in keeping C group (n=21), 2 (15.38%) in the LI
less common than expansion of the with their findings. The purpose of the group (n=13) and 3 (30%) in the SI
circumference and CRP levels for study was not to link the microbiology group (n=10). Given that 5 (71.42%)
those wounds with and without this of the study wounds to wound size of 7 wounds with necrotic tissue
feature did not differ significantly. so the results reported here are remaining from the original injury
observations only. were classified as having either local
Microbiology results or spreading infection, this finding is
Various studies have made links to Trauma consistent with the accepted view
specific organisms being the cause The aetiology of trauma did appear to that necrotic tissue is a risk factor
of healing delay, extension and larger influence the subsequent development for infection. A total of 11 wounds
ulcer size, for example Hansson et al of spreading infection after four weeks, had necrotic tissue present either
(1985) point to the fungus Candida with three of four (75%) wounds of remaining from original injury or
albicans; Schraibman (1987) identified this type presenting with this problem. more recently formed, and these
beta haemolytic streptococci; Halbert While numbers in the study were too wounds had a higher mean CRP
et al (1992) reported anaerobes; small to make any definite conclusion (p=<0.001) than those wounds
Hansson et al (1995) identified it would seem that trauma may be without necrotic tissue. This
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and linked to greater risk of acquiring a finding concurs with the results
Madsen et al (1996) P aeruginosa, spreading infection than for other from Gardner et al (2001a) and
Staphylococcus aureus and beta wound types. One possibility for this fur ther suppor ts the case for
haemolytic streptococci (groups A, B, is that traumatic injury may inoculate debridement to be carried out to
C and G). pathogens deeper into the tissues improve healing by reducing the
evading skin level defence mechanisms likelihood of delay through the
Schraibman (1987) reported aimed at localising infection. occurrence of infection (Steed et al,
a frequency of beta haemolytic 1996; Williams et al, 2005).
streptococci at 30% similar to the Discolouration
percentage in this study of 64 mixed It has been identified that clinicians Exudate levels
wound types at 25% (16 wounds). use discolouration as an aid to Wounds with more exudate than
Wound extension in the presence diagnose infection in open wounds normal had a significantly higher
of beta haemolytic streptococci (Cutting, 1998; Bamberg et al, 2002; mean CRP level. As wetness is a sign

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of inflammation (Thomas, 1997) this The 10 malodorous wounds in any significant CRP elevation over
finding concurs with expectations. this study also had exudate levels that the CC group, or indeed over the
Interestingly, wetter LI wounds had were ‘wet or wetter than normal’. C group, suggests that a potential
a distinctly higher mean CRP than Although CRP was elevated in all therapeutic rationale for topical
their drier LI counterpar ts. Thus even study groups, malodour was found in antimicrobial treatment to deal with
within a single clinical group where all association with significantly higher this problem based on clinical signs
the wounds were diagnosed clinically CRP, suggesting that the organisms and symptoms could be considered.
as infected, increased wetness responsible for odour generation were Regular CRP measurement could
demonstrated those mounting a also capable of inducing a greater therefore be used to monitor
greater inflammatory response. This inflammatory response as identified whether it is necessary to move to
could indicate that the situation by raised CRP levels, hence the systemic antibiotics in the event of a
is more severe in cer tain cases or wetness, and in some cases invasion sudden and definite rise. This study
that host response is more dynamic with cellulitic response. Malodour, did find that wounds older than four-
in different individuals. A limitation like exudate levels, can be linked to weeks duration healing by secondary
to the use of subjectively assessed dressing choice and the frequency of intention irrespective of clinical signs
exudate levels is that wetness dressing changes, and this along with and symptoms of infection commonly
may be a product of poor dressing the subjectivity required to assess it, had raised CRP, indicating an active
choice or infrequent dressing change limits the results. inflammatory host response.
rather than a physiological response
to infection. CRP levels as indicators of infection Mean CRP values, gathered
Cellulitis is the expression of the on 61 of the 64 cases, were
Odour inflammatory response mediated statistically significantly higher for a
Odour is reasonably common with directly by the invading organisms number of wound features in this
a 9% prevalence (Lindholm et al, and indirectly by the immune system study when all 64 cases were analysed
2005), which is greater (36%) in attempting to eradicate those as a single group. These features
chronic ulcers at risk of local infection organisms and is a key sign of infection were redness >2cm from wound
(Meaume et al, 2005) and critically (Eron et al, 2003). In this study there edge, necrotic tissue, malodour, wet
colonised wounds (55%) (Jorgensen was less cellulitis in the LI group than or wetter than normal wounds, and
et al, 2005), showing the link between was expected by the authors. Cellulitis wound extension.
malodour and delayed healing. at <2cm from wound edge (which
Antimicrobial strategies reduce odour was one of the diagnostic features Limitations and implications for future
(Kalinski et al, 2005) and restart for the LI group) was not associated study
healing (Jorgensen et al, 2005) linking with a statistically significant rise in A number of significant limitations
odour to micro-organisms. CRP, whereas wounds with recent must be noted when considering the
extension of surface area did have data produced in this study. Survey
Lindholm et al (2005) surveyed higher mean CRP compared with design is about describing only what
all wounds including closed surgical wounds without that feature. things are like and not why they occur
wounds that would not be expected like that. Surveys are, therefore, useful
to produce malodour, so with this in The SI group showed a statistically in the development of hypotheses for
mind the current study found fewer significant higher mean CRP against deductive testing to determine cause
malodorous wounds than expected. all the other cases in this study. This is and effect relationships. A convenience
Micro-organisms considered to be clearly a group that needed treatment sample was used so unlike a random
capable of producing odour are Gram- with systemic antibiotics as advocated sample it has a greater risk of bias.
negative bacilli, proteus and anaerobes by Eron et al (2003) in order to The work was undertaken by a single
(Cutting and Harding, 1994; Bowler prevent potential systemic morbidity researcher who made the allocations
et al, 1999). Anaerobes were present from the wound infection. to the wound infection continuum
in only 4/10 malodorous wounds. study groups using an unvalidated
Fourteen wounds contained anaerobes Conclusion tool. Exclusion criteria did not include
in all of which four (28.57%) had As the SI group was the only group patients taking non-steroidal anti-
malodour, which is consistent with the that showed a significantly higher inflammatory drugs which may have
rate reported by Dow (2001), which mean CRP, and all the other groups had the potential to alter CRP levels
was stated as less than 50%. Proteus were indistinguishable by use of CRP, and are drugs in common use among
species were present in eight wounds this study was unable to provide older people who were strongly
of which three (37.5%) had malodour, any evidence that CRP may be a represented in the sample. Clinical
and 3/17 (17.64%) wounds with useful marker for determining the features, such as odour and exudate
coliforms were odorous. The strongest clinical states of colonisation, critical levels were assessed without recourse
coincidental isolate to odour was colonisation and local infection. The to a validated tool, so internal
therefore Proteus. finding that LI wounds did not having reliability was compromised. The small

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