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Direction: Access and watch the YouTube video titled "Xiao Time: Ang Unang Sigaw ng
Himagsikan sa Balintawak, Kalookan" posted by PTV. Then answer the following questions:

1. What does the video tell you about the many different accounts?

The First Cry of Revolution has resulted in a variety of accounts, as historians and participants
at the time made various claims about the specific date and location where the First Cry of
Revolution occurred. Dr. Pio Valenzuela, a Katipunan member, and Bonifacio's companion
stated that it happened on August 23, 1896, after their meeting in Apolonio Samson's house
and yard in Kangkong. Guillermo Masangkay's story, on the other hand, indicated that it
occurred on August 26, 1896, during which time they also hosted a great meeting in Balintawak.
Both reports differed from Santiago Alvarez's claim that the First Cry occurred on August 24,
1896, at Bahay Toro. Although each made various claims, they were all about the same
incident, which added to the confusion that we still have today.

2. Is there a chance that all sources are valid?

From my perspective, all of the testimonies cited are valid and reliable, despite not making the
same assertions about when and where they occurred. We must examine the fact that the
historians behind these sources were present throughout the revolution as genuine witnesses to
the events that serve as primary sources.

3. What other information on the revolution did you learn from the video?

The video "Xiao Time: Ang Unang Sigaw ng Himagsikan sa Balintawak, Kalookan" aided me in
understanding more about our country's history. According to the video's material, all of the
discussions held during those times culminated in the first combat of the Philippine Revolution. I
also studied about the Katipuneros' fight for liberation against the Spanish colonizers who
oppressed us as slaves.

Furthermore, as the debate over The First County continues, historians Dr. Milagros Guerrero,
Emmanuel Encarnacion, and Ramon Villegas believe that all the claims concentrate around
either Balintawak or Caloocan. Moreover, during those days, the Katipuneros were moving
about to avoid seeing the Spanish colonists, which resulted in several meetings, which explains
the rise of the varied stories recorded by Dr. Pio Valenzuela, Guillermo Masangkay, and
Santiago Alvarez.

In general, it made me believe that we couldn't know for sure whether these reports were all
correct because we weren't present during those situations; all we can do is trust firsthand
witnesses' assertions about what happened during the revolution. However, I believe that none
of these locations or dates are as important as the grounds or purposes of this event, because it
is what has made us stronger and more courageous as Filipinos.

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