Business Communication 2021-22 T2 - Project Guide

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2022-23 TRIMESTER 1


Project Guide

● Report (Team) is due on session 8

● Proposal (Individual) is due session 15

What is the project?

The assignment involves: (1) working in teams to identify communication practices at a small
community business, and (2) working individually to analyze these practices and to propose
changes that could improve organizational communication. Your team will be assigned one of
the following services:
A. Retail food service
B. Grocery service
C. Educational service
D. Wellness service
E. Healthcare service

Identify a small business organization that provides the assigned service in your community.
Contact the proprietor or manager of the organization to request permission for your team to be
present at the premises (location) to perform this assignment.

Using research and observation as a team during a two-week period, identify the following
communication practices in the organization. Support each finding.
1. Four different communication media used in the organization to get its business messages
across to audiences. Identify the audience in each case. (See Module 1)
2. Four examples of two or more people in the organization having different perceptions of a
particular subject or object related to the organization’s business. (See Module 2)
3. Four examples of diversity in the organization. (See Module 2)
4. Four situations that occurred in the organization in which you can identify at least two
different response styles each. (See Module 3)
5. Two examples of supportive communication and two examples of defensive communication
that were used in the organization. Is the communication climate in the organization more
supportive or more defensive? (See Module 3)
6. One example each of an assertive style, an aggressive style and a non-assertive style of
communication that was used in the organization. What was the context in which each
communication style was used? (See Module 3)
7. Four examples of how negative information was delivered or how negative positions were
projected by the organization. (See Module 3)
8. Two examples of audience-focused messages and two examples of me-focused messages
that were used by the organization. Is the organization consistently communicating with its
audiences with a you-attitude? (See Module 3)
9. One example each of four different ways people in the organization meet. What was the
context in which each of these meetings took place? (See Module 4)
10. One example each of four different types of conflicts in the organization. What was the
context of each of these types of conflicts? (See Module 4)

Task 1 – Report (Team): 25%

Write a formal report of not more than 1,000 words. Evidence of findings from the research and
observations must be included in the Appendices, which will not count towards the word limit.

The Report, in a Word doc file, must consist of a cover page followed by these sections:
● Background of the organization
● Communication practices in the organization
● Appendices
● References

Task 2 – Proposal (Individual): 20%

Write a formal proposal of not more than 2,000 words.

You are expected to:

a. compare and contrast the principles of communication you learnt in Modules 1, 2, 3, and 4
with the communication practices in the organization reported by your team in Task 1
b. identify the communication issues
c. analyze the communication issues
d. propose changes that could improve organizational communication

The Proposal, in a Word doc file, must consist of a cover page followed by these sections:
● Executive summary
● Analysis of the organization’s communication practices
● Communication issues
● Analysis of communication issues
● Possible solutions
● Proposed solution
● Appendices
● References

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