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a Roadster diner quarterly newsletter

June 2011



Rd Mobile Application Tops the Charts
Rd recently launched a mobile application to the great joy of its numerous fans, topping the charts on the App Store 24 hours after being launched. The application is a great tool for Rd lovers, as it gives them full access to the delivery menu (including the all-new Low-Cal menu) and the locations and phone numbers of all Rd outlets. The application also features a Call Us button, where customers can call any Rd branch with the touch of a button, Tell-aFriend, which easily sends the application link to any of your contacts via SMS or email, and Follow Us, which links to Facebook and Twitter. There are more features to come! The application is available on the Ovi Store and the App Store for free, and works with any compatible iPhone, Blackberry, and Nokia model and soon on Android. Upon launching the application, the online social media world was abuzz with the news, with tweets and statuses praising the new application: "Roadster diner's mobile app is epic genius. Great way to step up your game. Not that you need to ;);)" "Incredible idea. Like, like, like" "Number 1 downloaded free app on App Store..Top1..Rd rocks..Best app ever!" "Awesome, what a great idea!"

Concerts Screened in Rd Branches

Roadster diners can get pretty crazy on some nights of the week, thanks to the new initiative to screen DVD of concerts by some of todays most popular artists. Several days a week, the screens in all of the Rd branches will feature some of the greatest concert clips available, creating an atmosphere that is fun and turning your dining experience into an evening of singing and dancing. The play list is growing on a daily basis, and the popularity of these screenings may lead to even more musical nights in the near future.

#05 June 2011

Rd and Girl Scouts Organize Flash Mob in City Mall

It was an exciting evening at City Mall on Sunday, May 1, 2011, as the Girl Scout of Lebanon took over Rd with a flash mob that delighted young and old who happened to be at the right place at the right time. A group of about 50 JEM (Jeunes En Marche) Girl Scouts took onlookers by surprise as they spontaneously started dancing to Oh Susannah in the middle of Rd at the malls busiest time. The event, which lasted about 5 minutes of joy and lightness, started when two girl scouts dressed in plain clothing got up randomly and started dancing to the sounds of Oh Susannah which Rd had just started playing. They were quickly followed by other girls at nearby tables, before a larger crowd of about 50 scouts joined in from around the restaurant, all wearing bright yellow shirts. Eager crowds within the mall hurried over to Rd, and within minutes, the socal media world was alive with news of the exciting event. Check it all out on Rds YouTube channel ( roadsterdiner)

Rd and AUB Music Club Raise Money for Heartbeat

AUBs Assembly Hall was jamming with hope on May 18, 2011, as the AUB Music Club put together its annual, highly anticipated concert to raise funds for Heartbeat, a Lebanese NGO aiming to provide the most advanced surgical technology and expertise available to treat children with heart disease. Rd was the official and exclusive sponsor of this very special event that brings together some of the highest quality, critically acclaimed and locally renowned musical acts, accompanied by various AUB student bands.

Pulse Rebellious Phoenix Nadine Hamdan EpiSode Lazzy Lung


Rd: A Great Example of

Customer Service

AUB Music Club

in collaboration with Roadster diner presents a fundraising concert for children with congenital heart diseases.

Mending Beats

Proceeds from this concert will be donated to Heartbeat AUB Assembly Hall | May 18, 2011 | Concert starts at 07:40 PM sharp Tickets will be sold outside West Hall starting Tuesday May 10 and at the door Rear seats 15000 LL and Front seats 20000 LL

In a Customer Service Workshop facilitated by TAMAYYAZ, participants shared some of the good and bad experiences they have had with customer service representatives. Roadster diner was repeatedly and consistently used as an example of a place with one of the best customer service in Lebanon. Of course, this is as a result of the extensive training that all of our staff members undergo, in order to provide every guest with the best service possible.

#05 June 2011


Rd takes Mothers Day differently. As such, this year, to thank mothers for their endless care and love, Rd decided to highlight how hard a mothers work is with a witty placemat with a huge picture of a computer motherboard and the line You dont need to know how she gets things done, just be thankful. In addition to that, every mother that walked in to Rd on Mothers Day was welcomed with a beautiful rose, and 100 randomly selected moms received a 1-month free membership at Curves in appreciation for the hard work that they do as mothers.
Design and artwork: Mind the gap - 2011

Mothers Hearts: Captured with a Smile



Decade of Action for Road Safety

Kunhadi, the association for youth awareness on road safety, announced the launch of the campaign for the UN Decade for Road Safety on May 11, 2011 during a press conference that took place in UESCO. The announcement came along with a number of activities that included a competition among university students to develop TV tips and flyers and billboard designs on the 6 road objectives (drunk driving, seatbelts, speeding, mobile use, fatigue driving, and helmet use). As a partner of Kunhadi, Rd sponsored the event, and will be a committed ally in the fight to improve road safety for all in Lebanon.

Kunhadi and Rd Launch

Rd in the Air!
Roadster diner is proud to post T Vc advertising for 30 seconds on all Middle East Airlines going/coming and from/to Lebanon. You can check our Rd ad at the below link:

#05 June 2011

Give a Heart, Save a Life

Rd announces a new collaboration with Heartbeat, filled with hope and hearts. Through a new initiative, guests enjoying their meal at Rd can ask their waiter/waitress to add hearts to their bill, each heart being a donation of 1,000 LBP to help provide kids with heart disease with the best medical treatment possible. Guests are encouraged to give as many hearts as possible, and Rd is happy to help in raising funds for such a worthy cause. In addition to the hearts campaign, Rd is proud to be an official sponsor of Heartbeats annual musical fundraiser, taking place on June 17, 18, and 19 at the Casino du Liban. This years theme will be Heartbeat Goes to the Movies and will feature the greatest songs from the biggest movies of all time. Tickets are now available at the Virgin Ticketing Box Office. HEART DISEASE IN CHILDREN Background 1% of children are born with a malformation of the heart, which is equal to nearly 500 cases per year in Lebanon. If not treated, these diseases will most likely lead to death before the age of one year. If the disease is detected on time and an adequate treatment is given, the survival rate exceeds 95%. The Problem D e spite a s sis t ance given by public organizations, the expenses that remain are a heavy burden on families. The financial problem becomes a barrier to adequate management and treatment of these children. Principle A financial problem should never prevent a child with heart disease from being treated properly. Funds Funds come mainly from two sources: Donations and Artistic activities (major concerts), to mention the HEARTBEAT concert, that has become an annual event that thousands of fans look forward to attending every year. HEARTBEAT THE CHAIN OF HOPE The Association Physicians and surgeons at Hotel-Dieu de France Hospital in Beirut approached the

international association La Chane de lEspoir (The Chain of Hope) and established the Heartbeat Association in Lebanon in 2005. A considerable number of volunteers from everywhere, in various professions joined the association, all united for one goal: saving childrens lives. All work is unpaid, including that of physicians, who do not receive any money, either from the association or from the families. Moreover, hospital fees at Hotel-Dieu are reduced. Medical Activities Medical activity began on the 1st of November, 2005. All types of medical procedures are performed, including open heart surgery for complex malformations, and state of the art cardiac catheterization. Excellent results are reported. As Heartbeat becomes more renowned, requests for assistance increase day by day. More than 200 babies and children with heart disease are treated every year by HEARTBEAT.
Rd also supported Heartbeat through an online campaign. With each supporter adding a Twibbon to the avatar, Rd contributed 1,000 LBP to the Heartbeat foundation towards heart surgeries for children. Participants also got the chance to receive concert tickets and meal vouchers from Rd.

Age Distribution of Heart Disease

#05 June 2011

Rd launches

Special Kids Menu

and the Junior Four Cheese Pasta Combo, each served with a glass of orange juice, and to top it all off perfectly, every kid under 10 years old gets a free ice cream scoop. The kids menu includes 12 pages of fun and interactive games that children can play by themselves or with friends, and are perfect for kids of all ages. A set of color markers is also provided, giving kids the opportunity to get creative while enjoying the food.

Rd has recently launched its special kids menu, available in all of its branches, giving kids young and old even more of a reason to head over to everyones favorite diner. The new kids menu includes a variety of food items, many games, and some fun safety tips developed by Kunhadi, the association for youth awareness on road safety. There are four kids combo meals available, including the Beef Burger Combo, the Chicken Burger Combo, the Mini Chicken Strips Combo,

Beef Burger Combo
Beef patty, lettuce and tomato, in a soft bun, served with Skin-on Fries, ketchup dip, and an orange juice.

Junior Four Cheese Pasta

Penne pasta, 4 kinds of cheese, your choice of tomato sauce or white sauce, a parmesan sprinkle, and an orange juice.


Draw a circle around the red dots.

12 500

For kids of age 10 and younger.

9 000

Chicken Burger Combo


Grilled chicken breast, lettuce and tomato in a soft bun, served with Skin-on Fries, ketchup dip, and an orange juice.

Mini Chicken Strips Combo

Our crispy Chicken Strips, served with Skin-on Fries, ketchup dip, and an orange juice.

Ice Cream Scoop

(Free for kids)

12 500 12 500
All prices are in Lebanese Pounds and include VAT.


Its Ice Cream Season!
With the heat slowly making its way back into our daily lives, what better time to indulge in some great ice cream desserts like Rds fantastic Marbled Mud Pie, or a delicious Oreo Sundae, a tempting Profiterole Delights, a Diner Sundae, or one of our refreshing Ice Cream Shakes. And while youre indulging in everyones favorite summer desert, heres some ice cream trivia we bet you didnt know.


Grab a friend and for each letter, come up with a word corresponding to each category that starts with the letter. As soon as someone nishes all eight letters, put your pencils down and add up your points. For every word in common, you get one point. For every unique word (that the other person hasnt written down) you get two points. The person with the most points wins.

As a community, we now have greater awareness and understanding of the factors contributing to road deaths and injuries. Kunhadi introduces a new driving culture among the young generation that will keep them safe on Lebanese Roads. Think about your dear ones.

There is great debate about when ice cream was first created. Early accounts report icehouses in Mesopotamia and Egypt, dating back to 2000 BC, but the early makings of ice cream seem to be around the 4th century BC.

Nero was a lover of ice cream, bringing in ice to Rome from the mountains, to be mixed with fruit toppings. King Tang of China used similar methods to make ice cream, adding milk to the concoctions, something similar to present-day sherbets. This is why most people credit the Chinese with the invention of ice cream. Once ice cream hit Europe, it became a delicacy mostly served in French and Italian royal courts. In the 1700s, it made its way to the United States, where people like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington served it to their guests. Today, ice cream is found in virtually every country in the world, and is a favorite desert for both young and old.

#05 June 2011

Champions League at Rd!

A Gala that Makes the Heart Beat

Roadster diner, one of the main Heartbeat sponsors, witnessed on Saturday the 28th of May the glamorous and memorable Heartbeat gala dinner at Casino du Liban.

#05 June 2011

Join Rd Online for Interaction, Surprises and Much More
Here at Roadster diner we love to get in touch with our Rd Lovers and get to share your experiences. We are becoming more active online on social networking sites to make sure that you have access to premium content , news and promotions well ahead of others and also provide you with additional engagement through challenges and competitions. But most importantly we really want to know more about our guests, their experiences, likes and dislikes beyond their visits to Rd. We have been on Facebook for a while now and are always happy to hear back from you, share with our fans firsthand what is happening in Rd and give you avant-premier tips and hints about some surprises we are cooking up. Also it is always endearing when our Rd Lovers share photos of how they spent their time at Rd, so do not forget to tag us. What is more, weve had a few small Facebook competitions in the past few months but the best is yet to come. Recently, @roadsterdiner joined twitter to share what is happening behind the scenes at Rd and get to talk to you guys one on one, so feel free to @ us at any time. And do not forget to check-in into our venues on foursquare sharing your tips with your friends and lookout for future promotions. You can also check out our recent videos over on our Youtube channel and wed be ecstatic to see your own videos at Rd. We are also preparing some competitions and challenges and surprises for our most active Rd Lovers across all platforms, so stay tuned and connect to us.


#05 June 2011

John Saad
Better known by the great public as a TV or a Radio personality, John has actually acquired professional experience as advertising executive, founding manager, and partner in promotion planning and events management. Over the years John engaged in managerial and creative work in more than ten countries including Lebanon, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, US and UK. John has also acquired extensive experience in Radio, Television and Print and has been in the business for now more than 23 years. His latest assignment before returning home was the launch of Virgin Radio Jordan as the head of the whole operations. As he says in his own words "I've had it with trips now, and I'm ready to come home to stay!". He is so happy to be back among his friends and family and we had the chance to catch up with him in our own Roadster offices... Hi John, where have you been all this time? We haven't seen you for ages? Well after I did my 500's Music Show back in the days, and after working on various other projects prior to MTV's closure, I felt I needed a change. The situation in Lebanon was at a standstill and I had many offers in the Gulf. So about 7 years ago, I went to Dubai where I opened my own Event Management Company with a couple of Lebanese Partners. During that time I have also launched the 1st French speaking show on one of the local Emirati Radio Stations. It was quite an experience! I stayed there for about 4 years, then I have moved to Amman where I had the immense pleasure to launch the 1st Virgin Radio there as the head of the Network. When my contract ended a few months back, I couldn't renew it as I have really missed Lebanon, and now here I am.

Thanks to this Exclusive Partnership with Ipsos, we will now be able to get reliable Data from all the existing Arabic & Occidental Radio Stations in Lebanon. Gathering Data will be made possible by Monitoring all the Radio Stations 24 Hours a day / 7 Days a week. By doing so we will now be able to exactly determine the frequency of play for any song on any of the local Radio Stations. As a result we'll be able to compile a 100% accurate Airplay Chart, the 1st of its kind in the region! It is also worth noting that the Official Lebanese Top 20 will be aired (TV & Radios Shows), published (Dailies, Weeklies, Monthlies), We're actually speaking to you from our own offices. What exactly Distributed (Malls, Cinemas, Universities), and will also be widely are you talking about with Roadster's management? What are your present Online, and on the streets (Digital Network / Unipoles). current plans? I have partnered with a massive 14 different Medias and Networks Having presented Chart Shows all my life as a hobby on both TV to promote it on weekly basis. and Radio for about 20 years (The UK & US Chart Show on RML The Official Lebanese Top 20 will benefit from a huge and + The RML Top 30 + The Music Show on MTV), I always had a unmatched yearly Media Coverage worth just less than $1.9 Million! secret dream to launch the 1st Official Lebanese Top 20. All my life people used to ask me why a particular song is at number one, Are you going to host the TV and Radio shows yourself? why another song is at number two etc. and I was never able to At the beginning for sure because I have really missed hosting shows answer that question as I was simply compiling the Charts myself last few years as I've been involved in many managerial jobs. As (based on people's requests) and not taking into account any 100% long as I will still have some hair on my head I think I will... But who reliable Data. Hence the idea of having the 1st Official Lebanese Top knows how things can evolve with time? What will start as a simple 20. My presence with you today is simply because we agreed on a Music Chart Show can develop into something bigger. I'm crossing Partnership between the Roadster diner and The Official Lebanese my fingers! Top 20. You'll be hearing about both a lot soon! Once you launch this project what are your other plans? Can you explain to us what is The Official Lebanese Top 20 and how Once weekly present on all of my Media Partners, and once the it works? project is fully operational I'm planning to try and do exactly the The Official Lebanese Top 20 is simply the 1st Official Lebanese Chart. same in other countries in the region with of course the help of Ipsos. Unlike any other local music Chart which is compiled directly by the I have also other plans to develop Show Concepts for TV and Radio. Program Director or Station Manager of the Network and not taking I will also start organizing Corporate Events again as I used to do into account any precise figures whatsoever, The Official Lebanese Top before I left Lebanon. Lately I was able to win a pitch for a huge 20 will be 100% based on accurate Data. To be able to do so we've 1,000 guests event and I hope it'll open the door for a lot more. partnered with Ipsos the renowned international research Company.

#05 June 2011



Brain Teasers
A 30 year old man married a 25 year old woman. She died at age 50 and her husband was so devastated that he cried for years. Ten years after he stopped crying, he died. If he had lived to be 80, how many years was he a widower? If 2 hours ago it was as long after one o'clock in the afternoon as it was before one o'clock in the morning. What time would it be now?

Comment Card Winners

Below are comment card free meal winners from all Rd branches for the past two months: Katia Bader Rawan Daher Zeina Chaccour Yara Abou Haidar Ralph Saad Serine Rached Roland Adem Najib Mitri Rana Sayegh Mansour Wakim Layal El Gharib Caroline Abdouche Joanne Saba Rima Farah Solh Marwa Harajly Farah Jaroudi

2 3

4 5

Yasmine Saliba Elsa Rahal Joelle Nasr Joseph Bejjani I am eight letters long - "12345678" My 1234 is an atmospheric Mureille Bou Ramia condition. My 34567 supports a plant. My 4567 is to appropriate. Sarah Al Barazi Mirella Ziadeh My 45 is a friendly thank-you. My 678 is a name. Lea Nehme Q: What word am I? Emmanuel Ghattas Christelle Salameh What is at the beginning of eternity, the end of time, the beginning Rana Kodeissi of every end, and the end of every place? Rachel Farah Rami El Hajj You have two hourglasses a 4-minute glass and a 7-minute glass. Wissam Mawla Rim Barrage You want to measure 9 minutes. How do you do it? Malek Kalash Noura Ibrahim Dina Toukan
1- He was a widower for 25 years. 2- Nine o'clock. Since there are 12 hours between the 2 times, and half of that time is six, then the halfway mark would have to be 7 o'clock. If it were 7 o'clock, two hours ago, the time would now be nine o'clock. 3- MISTAKEN 4- "e" 5- Start both hourglasses. When the 4-minute glass runs out, turn it over (4 minutes elapsed). When the 7-minute glass runs out, turn it over (7 minutes elapsed). When the 4-minute glass runs out this time (8 minutes elapsed), the 7-minute glass has been running for 1 minute. Turn it over once again. When it stops, 9 minutes have elapsed.

General Facts
The smallest book in the world is "Chekhov's Chameleon," which measures 0.9 by 0.9 millimeters. The book has 30 pages and three colour illustrations and is not much larger than a grain of salt. The melting point of cocoa butter is just below the human body temperature -- which is why it literally melts in your mouth. Product packaging accounts for 1/3 of our trash. 70% less energy is required to recycle paper compared with making it from raw materials The Library of Congress, located in Washington D.C., is the largest library in the world. The largest school in the world is City Montessori School in India and has over 25,000 students in grade levels ranging from kindergarten to college Buckingham Palace has over six hundred rooms The New York subway system is the largest mass transit system in the world with 468 stations and 842 miles (1355 km) of track. It took approximately 2.5 million blocks to build the Pyramid of Giza, which is one of the Great Pyramids



Worldwide, over 50 million roses are given for Valentine's Day each year. 73% of people who buy flowers for Valentine's Day are men, while only 27% are women. The three wealthiest families in the world have more assets than the combined wealth of the forty-eight poorest nations. Children laugh about 400 times a day, while adults laugh on average only 15 times a day. On average men spend 51 minutes a day grooming themselves. Every three seconds, a new baby is born. Because heat expands the metal, the Eiffel Tower always leans away from the sun. The total number of steps in the Eiffel Tower are 1665. Once a human reaches the age of 35, he/she will start losing approximately 7,000 brain cells a day. The cells will never be replaced. Scientists say the higher your I.Q. the more you dream. Chocolate stimulates production of opioid in the brain. Opioids are chemicals that diminish pain sensation, enhance pleasure and create a sense of overall well-being. Chocolate stimulates the production of Anandamine (brain chemical) resulting in heightened sensory perception, increased relaxation and feelings of euphoria... love! Only about one ninth of the mass of an iceberg is visible above the water. Nearly all its bulk remains hidden beneath the surface. Frequent jet lag can cause memory loss. Over 80% of the brain is water.

#05 June 2011

#05 June 2011


Rd Quotes
It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.. Henry David Thoreau I haven't spoken to my wife in years. I didn't want to interrupt her. Rodney Dangerfield Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it. Soren Kierkegaard The truest characters of ignorance are vanity and pride and arrogance. Samuel Butler Who is wise in love, love most, say least. Alfred Lord Tennyson I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific. Lily Tomlin

What our guests think of us!

Just want to thank you for the invitation that I won in the comment card competition. Youssef H. You are good just the way you are. Robert R. The new light menu is a very good idea. Christian C. I've decided to come to Rd more often because of the good service and generosity so keep your new customers happy. Michel M. The old placemat had a game and it was a good idea, you should do much more of these games, specially for kids. Charbel C. I have nothing to say except: BRAVO!. Unknown The new location in ABC dbayeh is nicer than the old one. Unknown You are my favorite diner and you've got the best food on earth, plus you've got the friendliest staff i've ever seen, you rock. Robert J. You are by far my favorite place in the world. Unknown Everything was FANTASTIC! Antonio A. The team was great and knows how to give value to customers." Wissam B. The low cal menu is a great idea and very tasty. Unknown We would like to congratulate you for the live performed music you're projecting, it made a big difference, wish you a continuous success. Richard D. Thank you everyone who contributed to this awesome meal. Happy Easter! Marina O. Congratulations for your nice service and friendly and nice waiters Abdel Samad Z. Try to keep the same food quality, it's perfect. Khaled Z. Excellent food and taste. Misak H. You have wonderful people as waiters. Tony K. Thank you for the low cal menu. Paul K. Keep the soup for all seasons, it's so delicious. Christian C. Thank you for the smart phone application sent earlier this week however it would be great if you could add the option of online delivery. Mounir T. Very friendly waiters, smiley faces. Anthony Fakhry

Help the Jeita Grotto become one of the new 7 wonders of the world! All you have to do is log on and vote:


City Mall


LM Sin el-Fil



Jal el-Dib

ABC Dbayeh


Beirut Delivery 01 325 777

Keserwan Delivery 09 933 955

Metn Delivery 04 406 206

Initiated and managed by Randa Daher Design and artwork Mind the gap Vintage photography PhotoDisc

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