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(Paper Format)
Duration: 3 hrs. Maximum Marks: 200

Pass Marks: 100

Note: 1) Question number 1 is compulsory.

2) Attempt any five out of the remaining six questions.

Q1 (a): Numerical based on lay days/ charter party/ voyage estimates (load line zones) (35 marks)
(b): Theory based on Economics of sea transport/ Custom Procedures/ Shipping Practices/ International Institutions.
(15 marks)

Q2 (a): Merchant Shipping Act (15 marks)

(b): Amendments to national and international legislations (15 marks)

Q3 (a): Insurance/General average/P & I clubs/ Salvage/ Wreck (15 marks)

(b): Warranties, CLC, Fund convention, York-Antwerp rules (15 marks)

Q4 (a): Ship handling and manoeuvring (15 marks)

(b): Master- Pilot Relationship/ VTS Procedures and Communication/ Lighterage/ Towing (15 marks)

Q5 (a): Emergency Response Procedures/ Distress Musters and drills/ IAMSAR/ Ports of Refuge (15 marks)
(b): Stowaways, hijacking of ships, armed robbery / piracy, smuggling and other custom offences, drug and alcohol
policy and its enforcement (15 marks)

Q6 (a): Control procedures: Classification surveys, Flag State Control, Port State Control, and Charterer’s vetting
inspections (15 marks)
(b): Conventions/ Codes// Documentation (15 marks)

Q7 (a): Environmental Protection/ Ice/ IMDG (15 marks)

(b): Principles and practice of modern ship management - ISM Code, Human Resource
Development (15 marks)


Q7 (a): Various ship plans used in Cargo Loading / discharging, dry docking, Grounding, Dry-docking both intact and
with damage; Preparation of Repair Specifications (15 marks)
(b): Damage Stability booklet (15 marks)

Please note that the above format is only an indicative of the examination paper. The candidates are advised to refer to
detailed teaching syllabus and the course outline.
Date: - 12th Nov-2020

TIME: 3 Hours PASS MARKS: 100 MAX.MARKS: 200

1. Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 50 marks.
2. Attempt any five questions from the remaining 6 and each question carries 30 marks.

Q.1 a) A charter party reads “Vessel to discharge cargo at 750 tons per weather working day.
Sundays and holidays excepted”. The ship has to discharge 9,000 tons of cargo: Laydays commence
at 8 a.m. on Thursday 22nd September. The vessel completes discharging at 1600 hours on
Wednesday 5th October. Thursday 29th September was a public holiday. Demurrage to be paid at
USD 300 per day and pro rata for part of a day, dispatch at USD 180 per day and pro rata.
State when the laydays expire and calculate the amount of demurrage or dispatch to be paid.
(35 marks)
b) With respect to time charter parties, write notes on:
i) Grounds for ‘Off-Hire’; and
ii) ‘On/Off-Hire’ surveys.

Q.2 a) With respect to MSA 1958, define a ‘recruitment and placement service’. What safeguards
are available under Section 95 to ensure their smooth functioning?

b) What do you understand by International Energy Efficiency Certificate? What items are checked
before this certificate is issued to a vessel? Explain in detail with reference to applicable regulations,
compliance date etc.

Q.3 a) Explain the principles on which the declaration of General Average is based and give one
example. How does General Average apply in Multi-Modal transport system?

b) What is the purpose of the FUND Convention? By defining ‘Contributor’ and ‘Contributing Oil’ as
per the Fund Convention, explain how are the funds disbursed and who disburses funds under the

Q.4 a) The vessel under your command is likely to encounter heavy weather. Based on wave
direction, wave period, GM of the vessel, course and speed of the vessel explain the behaviour of
the vessel in heavy weather and the corrective actions you will take as a Master. (20 Marks)

b) Describe the various items to be included in the Master – Pilot information exchange. (10 Marks)

Q.5 a) Describe in detail how as a Master you will render assistance to another vessel in distress?

b) State your responsibilities as Master in accordance with the guidelines / rules / recommendations
of P & I Club, flag State Administration and IMO with respect to detection of stowaway on board
Indian ship. Also state the responsibilities of the time charterer, if stowaway is found in a container
after sailing from a load port?
Q.6 a) Describe briefly the objectives and functions of regulatory regimes applicable to a ship i.e. the
flag State and the port State. How would you as a Master ensure that the vessel is fully prepared for
any PSC inspection?

b) Enumerate the functions of Classification Societies as ROs & RSOs and their role in enhancing
safety and securing of ships?

Q.7 a) What all factors will you consider as a Master in preparing a repair list for a Dry dock? Prepare
an agenda for the daily meeting between ship and shore personnel.

b) Discuss the contents of a Damage Stability Booklet Including, with reference to maximum
Allowable KG / Minimum Allowable GM (T) diagrams.

------------------- xxx ------------------------------

Date: - 29th Sept-2020

TIME: 3 Hours PASS MARKS: 100 MAX.MARKS: 200

1. Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 50 marks.
2. Attempt any five questions from the remaining 6 and each question carries 30 marks.

Q.1 a) A ship of Summer DWT 12,500 MT on a summer draft of 8.64 mtr and TPC 23 Ton is to sail
from OSAKA for LONDON on 1st Feb via Singapore & Cape. Her daily consumption of Fuel Oil & Fresh
Water are 20 ton & 12 ton respectively. 3 days reserve of Fuel & Fresh water are to be provided for
all the times at sea. (Ignore Port consumption).
The vessel has on board on departure OSAKA, Fuel Oil: 200 MT, Fresh Water 120 Mt & Stores &
Constants 280 Mt. Singapore & Dakar are the bunkering Ports.
The ship is to call at Colombo for loading 500 Mt of cargo.
Passages are estimated as follows:
OSAKA to Singapore: 7 Days – Summer at first, then Tropical.
Singapore to Colombo: 4 ½ Days – Tropical throughout.
Colombo to Dakar: 22 Days – 4 Days Tropical, then 11 ½ Days Summer & then 6 ½ Days Tropical
Dakar to London: 8 Days – 2 ½ Days Tropical, then 2 days Summer, then 3 ½ Days in Seasonal Winter
Zone in winter.
Find the maximum cargo that can be loaded at OSAKA & the Fuel Oil required to be taken as
Singapore & at Dakar.
Also, find the maximum Fuel Oil that can be taken at Dakar? (35 Marks)
b) Explain the following:
i) Demise Charter ii) Stoppage in transit. (15 Marks)

Q.2 Part XII of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 deals with investigation & inquiry. In this contest,
write short notes on any three of the following: (10 x 3 = 30 marks)
a) Shipping Casualties b) Preliminary inquiry and formal investigation
c) Inquiry into charges of incompetency d) Marine Board

Q.3 Define the following according to York Antwerp Rules: (10 x 3 = 30 marks)
a) General Average
b) General sacrifice and general expenditure
c) Expenses included and deductible under York Antwerp Rules

Q.4 a) Explain the legal status of a pilot on board. (10 marks)

b) Explain master-pilot exchange with special reference to passage plan, UKC, safe speed, duties of
bridge team and contingency planning. (5 x 4 = 20 marks)
Q.5 a) Prepare a muster list for 18 persons complement including master, 3 mates, 4 engineers, 3
petty officers, 3 each deck and engine ratings and 1 cook. (15 marks)
b) Enumerate the best practices recommended for transiting piracy high risk area as per BMP4.
(15 marks)

Q.6 a) Enumerate the legal requirements and the implementation process for control of fatigue of
crew members. (15 marks)
b) List the statutory certificates required to be carried onboard a cargo ship > 500 GT as per SOLAS
along with the issuing authority, validity & attachments / supplements. (15 marks)

Q.7 a) Briefly write about the hazards of navigation in polar waters and the mitigation measures
required by the POLAR code. (15 marks)
b) Explain the procedure for damage control and stability assessment following an accident with
reference to various plans and booklets including use of loading instruments and shore based
assessment services. (15 marks)

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Date: - 3rd March-2020

TIME: 3 Hours PASS MARKS: 100 MAX.MARKS: 200

1. Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 50 marks.
2. Attempt any five questions from the remaining 6 and each question carries 30 marks.

Q.1 a) A large bulk carrier of 179000 MT Summer displacement, having a load draft of 15.36 m and
TPC 104 mt at load draft, is to load iron ore at Goa for Rotterdam. Bunkering is planned at Cape
Town and Las Palmas where receiving of stores and crew exchanges keeps the vessel for a day in
Cape Town and two days at Las Palmas. Estimate ROB’s arrival Goa is Heavy Fuel Oil 1070 mt, Fresh
water 240 mt. Daily fuel consumption of Heavy Oil 62 mt, Fresh water for boiler consumption 2 mt
at sea and 4 mt Fuel oil per day and 10 mt Fresh water in port. 5 days reserve of Fuel oil and 50 mt
of fresh water to be maintained at all times. Cargo loading at Goa takes 4 days.
Goa to Cape Town passage is 12 days, 3 days in summer, 5 days in Tropical and 4 days in summer
Cape Town to Las Palmas passage is 7.5 days, 2 days in summer, 5.5 days in tropical Las Palmas to
Rotterdam passage is 5 days. 2.5 days in summer, 2.5 days in seasonal winter in winter Light
displacement of the vessel is 23000 mt.
Calculate the Fuel and fresh water bunkers to receive at Cape Town and Las Palmas and the
maximum cargo to load at Goa.
b) Briefly explain the role & functions of the following:
i) OCIMF ii) SIGTTO iii) WMU iv) IMLI

Q.2 a) You are in command on board an Indian registered ship and during the process of inquiry
conducted by you, the 2nd Officer was found to be negligent in his duties. What punitive steps can be
initiated by you within the meaning of M.S. Act 1958?
b) What are the objectives of a shipping casualty investigation? State the procedure to conduct
shipping casualty investigation in accordance with Sections 358-361 of MS Act, 1958?

Q.3 a) What is the difference between General Average and Particular Average? What are examples
of expenses and/or sacrifices that are recoverable under General average as per York-Antwerp
b) Under Hull and Machinery Insurance describe the following:
i. Implied Warranty
ii. Explicit Warranty, and
iii. Condition.
What is the difference between a ’Breach of Warranty’ and a ‘Breach of Condition’?

Q.4 a) Describe the precautions that you will take as a Master during Lighterage / Discharge/ Trans-
shipment during ship to ship (STS) operations based on the ICS / OCIMF petroleum guidelines.
b) State the relevant provisions of compulsory and non-compulsory pilotage for safe entry of ships
into Indian Ports. Describe the responsibility of Master while entering/ leaving Indian port having
routeing and Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) in place.
Q.5 a) What are the various circumstances under which a Master may call a port of Refuge?
b) As a Master, describe the procedures you will follow upon deviating to port of refuge and the
actions you will take if a general average has also arisen.

Q.6 a) List out statutory certificates required by an Indian ship on international voyages without
which, or in the event of expiry off any or one of those certificates, she shall not be allowed to
depart from a port.
b) List the functional requirements embodied in the ISPS Code that will assist in achieving the
objectives of the code.

Q.7 a) What are the duties of a Master?

i) On sighting ice or some other danger to navigation, and
ii) On receiving warning of ice in the vicinity.
b) By stating the objectives of ISM Code, discuss how the application of ISM Code ensures a change
of perspective on implementation of rules and regulations? By describing the Master’s
responsibilities, how will you, as a Master, ensure the successful implementation of ISM Code on
board to ensure that implementation is more than just holding certificates?

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Date: - 6th Jan-2020

TIME: 3 Hours PASS MARKS: 100 MAX.MARKS: 200

1. Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 50 marks.
2. Attempt any five questions from the remaining 6 and each question carries 30 marks.

Q.1 a) A Bulk Carrier is scheduled to load cargo at a rate of 2000 MT / Day at the Load Port. She has to discharge the
cargo at a discharge port, where it was declared that the discharge rate is 8000 MT / day. If the cargo was loaded &
discharged in 24 consecutive WWD Hours SHEXEIU. C/P states that both at the load port & at discharge port Laytime
will commence 24 running hours after NOR is accepted, during official working hours WIBON, as per the terms &
conditions of C/P. At Load Port vessel arrived at 2 AM on 3rd April, Thursday and NOR was served by the Master as per
instruction of the Charterer. NOR was accepted at 1000 Hrs on the same day. Stevedores commenced loading
operation at 1430 Hrs on the same day and vessel completed loading at 0900 Hours on 11 th April, Friday. On
completion of loading Master has signed a Clean B/L for 15500 MT. Master has sent an ETA to the disport agent for
early morning on 5th May AGWWP. Vessel arrived at Discharge Port at 5 AM on 5th May, Monday & NOR was served
by the Master on arrival. NOR was accepted at 1000 Hrs on the same day. Just after an hour after acceptance of NOR
discharging commenced & finally vessel completed discharging on 7th May, Wednesday. If demurrage is payable at the
rate of Rs. 46,000/- Day or pro-rata & dispatch money is payable for all time saved at half the rate of demurrage
amount, prepare a SOF for both the Load Port and discharge Port and calculate the amount payable at the end of the
voyage. (35 Marks)
b) i) Differentiate between Letter of Protest & Note of Protest.
ii) What do you understand by Standing cost & running cost as per Voyage Estimate? (15 Marks)

Q.2 Explain the duties of master as per MS ACT, 1958 in the following circumstances:
i) In the case of collision
ii) On encountering Dangers to navigation
iii) On receiving a Message of distress. (10 x 3 = 30 marks)

Q.3 a) What factors led to the development of SCOPIC Clause in salvage? (15 Marks)
b) What is the difference in scope of the CLC, BUNKER CONVENTION & WRECK REMOVAL CONVENTION? (15 Marks)

Q.4 a) Differentiate between possessory and maritime lien. (15 Marks)

b) Enumerate heavy weather precautions required when gale force winds are expected over next week with storm
warnings in force. (15 Marks)

Q.5 a) List the actions required of a master after detection of stowaway. (15 Marks)
b) Prepare a drug and alcohol policy for your vessel. (15 Marks)

Q.6 a) Briefly write about the close-out procedure & reporting requirements for minor observation raised by PSC.
(15 Marks)
b) List the documents required for entry / exit formalities at ports with FAL convention and brief contents. (15 Marks)

Q.7 a) Briefly write about the layout, contents and use of the EmS and MFAG. (15 Marks)
b) Prepare a detailed risk assessment for ballast tank inspection with risk matrix, residual risk, hazard identification
and control measures. (15 Marks)

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Date: - 4th Nov-2019

TIME: 3 Hours PASS MARKS: 100 MAX.MARKS: 200

1. Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 50 marks.
2. Attempt any five questions from the remaining 6 and each question carries 30 marks.

Q.1 a) A ship of 12,500t deadweight on a summer draught of 8.66m and TPC 23.2 is to sail from Osaka for London on
1st February via Singapore and Cape. Her daily consumption of fuel and water is 32t. She is to load 420t of fuel at
Singapore, 250t at Dakar and is to call Colombo for 500t of cargo. Fuel, water and stores on board when leaving Osaka
amount to 1570t. Passages are estimated to be:
Osaka to Singapore: 7 days: Summer then Tropical.
Singapore to Colombo: 4 ½ days: Tropical throughout
Colombo to Dakar: 22 days – 4days Tropical, then 11 ½ summer,
Then 6 ½ Tropical.
Dakar to London: 8 days – 2 ½ days Tropical then 2 days in summer then 3 ½ in Winter seasonal zone in the Winter
season. Find the maximum amount of cargo that can be loaded at Osaka. (35 marks)
b) Differentiate between Voyage Charter, Time Charter and Bareboat Charter.

Q.2 a) What is a shipping casualty as per Merchant Shipping Act. What is your obligation as a Master with regard to
shipping casualty?
b) What do you understand by International Energy Efficiency Certificate? What items are checked before this
certificate is issued. What is a SEEMP?

Q.3 a) Under what circumstances does Towage change to Salvage? What is the SOLAS requirement for ETA and the
towing booklet to be carried on board?
b) Define General Average Act as per York Antwerp Rule 1994? Under what circumstances can General Average be

Q.3 a) Under what circumstances does Towage change to Salvage? What is the SOLAS requirement for ETA and the
towing booklet to be carried on board?
b) Define General Average Act as per York Antwerp Rule 1994? Under what circumstances can General Average be

Q.4 a) Describe the emergency ship handling techniques to be followed in case of loss of propulsion, loss of steering
and loss of tug assistance in congested waters.
b) Describe the various items to be included in the Master – Pilot information exchange. State the legal relation
between Master and Pilot.

Q.5 a) The Search and Rescue (SAR) System has three general levels of co-ordination namely SAR Coordinator (SC), SAR
Mission Coordinator (SMC) and On-Scene Coordinator (OSC). Discuss the role of each of them for a successful SAR
b) Define: i) Piracy ii) Armed Robbery

Q.6 a) What is the role of the Port State Control and Flag State Control in ensuring safety and environmental
b) State the relevant sections of MLC 2006 concerning Recruitment and Placement services. Social security provisions
and Medical Care on-board and ashore for seafarers.

Q.7 a) Important information to be analysed before undertaking a passage through High Latitude areas.
b) Write down various means for minimizing ice – accretion on ships.

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Date: - 3rd Sept-2019

TIME: 3 Hours PASS MARKS: 100 MAX.MARKS: 200

1. Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 50 marks.
2. Attempt any five questions from the remaining 6 and each question carries 30 marks.

Q.1 a) A voyage charter party requires the vessel to load 64,000t, 10% MOL of coking coal from Newcastle, Australia,
at the rate 15000 per W.W.D. of 24 consecutive hours basis Sundays and Holidays Excepted, unless used. Laytime to
count only between working hours of 0700 hrs Monday till 1300 hrs on Saturday. Time not to count between 1.00 p.m.
on a day preceding a holiday till 7.00 am on the first working day after the holiday. NOR to be tendered only during
working hours. Time waiting at anchorage to be considered as part of laytime. Lay time to commence 24 hours after
N.O.R. is served.
The vessel arrived at loading port anchorage on Friday 25th April at 0900 hrs. Shifting from anchorage to berth was
1200 hrs to 1800 hrs on the same day. The N.O.R. and master’s declaration of cargo capacity of 63,750t was tendered
and accepted at 1800 hours on the same day. Loading commenced at 1300 hours on 26th April and completed at 2300
hours on Sunday 4th May. Rain stopped work between 1900 hours and 2100 hours on 25th April, between 0900 hours
and 1900 hours on 2nd may and between 0600 hours and 1200 hours on 4th May. 1st May and 3rd May were local
holidays. Demurrage, if incurred is to be paid at $4000/- per day and pro rata. Dispatch on all time saved to be half of
demurrage per day pro rata. Freight and dead freight payable at US$ 14 per metric ton. Vessel loaded 63,705Mt of
cargo as provided by charterers. Owners to give 2% discount on freight to charterers in lieu of weighing. If charterers
exercise their option of not weighing at the discharge port. Calculate the amount due to the vessel at the discharge
port if master had received 25% of the freight at load port as advance freight. (35 marks)

b) What is letter of indemnity? Can the Master discharge the cargo on the basis of LOI from charterer without original
Bill of Lading? (15 marks)

Q.2 a) What is a Shipping casualty under section 358 of M.S. Act 1958? How has Cancellation and suspension of
certificate of competency rules 2003 brought about a major change in marine investigation procedures.
b) Discuss briefly casualty investigation code 2008. W.r.t. Part I & Part II of Casualty Investigation Code.

Q.3 a) Differentiate between Possessory and Maritime Lien.

b) Write a short note on FUND convention.

Q.4 a) What factors will you consider before selecting an area for “Ship to ship transfer (STS)” operations?
b) In a “Ship to ship transfer (STS)” operations, explain the procedure for going alongside the vessel to be lightened.

Q.5 Define Piracy? Discuss briefly the Best Management Practices (BMP4) recommended for protection against
Somalia based Piracy developed by International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) along with other shipping industry

Q.6 a) What measures have been taken by IMO to ensure uniform standards of PSC inspections across all MOUs.
b) List four detainable deficiencies under SOLAS and MARPOL.

Q.7 ISM Code assists the Master and another key shipboard personnel’s in making timely and right decisions to
prevent casualties and pollution incidents. In the light off this, state the implications of ISM elements during the
following situations on board while you are in command of fully laden Indian Tankers (Cargo crude oil) registered
under M.S. Act.
i) Main Engine breakdown off offshore Oil Development Areas.
ii) Arabian Sea, iii) Grounding off Indian Port iv) Collision at Sea.

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Date: - 1st July-2019

TIME: 3 Hours PASS MARKS: 100 MAX.MARKS: 200

1. Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 50 marks.
2. Attempt any five questions from the remaining 6 and each question carries 30 marks.

Q.1 a) A General cargo ship sailed from Bangkok for Rio with 12,960 mt of bagged rice under a Voyage charter party.
Terms and conditions of the C/P are as follows: (35 marks)
i) Cargo to be discharged @ 120 mt/hour, Sunday & holidays expected, even if used
ii) Demurrage @ $200 per hour & pro-date and dispatch @ $90 per hour and pro-rata
iii) Lay time is to commence counting 24 hours after the NOR is served, however time may count at half rate if cargo is
actually worked during these 24 hours.
iv) Owners have the option of collecting 95% of the chartered freight as advance of completion of loading.
v) Chartered freight on B/L quantity is $21/- per mt, Free in and out (FIO).
vi) Receivers have the option of deducting 1.5% in lieu of weighing.
Vessel arrived Rio anchorage on Tuesday 6th May at 1400 hours. NOR was served at 0700/7th upon berthing,
discharging commenced at 0900 on 7th May & continued except during rain i.e., 10-11 AM on 7th May & 7-11 PM on
11th May & 12th May. The cargo was completed at 2 AM on 14th May. May 1st, 9th, 15th & 16th were official holidays at
Rio. If the owners exercised their option at the Load port & the receivers exercised their option of not weighing at the
discharge port. What is the balance money payable to/ from the ship?
b) Differentiate the role of ship-onwner in time charter and demise charter. (15 marks)

Q.2 a) Discuss the following with reference to provisions to MS Act 1958 as amended:- Misconduct endangering life of
ship and general offences against discipline.
b) Discuss the provisions to Merchant shipping (Second amendment) act No. 32 of 2014.

Q.3 a) An oil tanker engaged in the carrier of persistence oil in bulk as cargo under your command is involve in oil
pollution incident. By describing the compensation mechanism for oil pollution damage as per the CLC, 1992 and
FUND, 1992 Convention to which India is party the reason(s) for the involvement of a P & I Club for the payment of
compensation of the victims affected due to this pollution incidents.
b) State the scope of application in respect of CLC, 1992 for oil pollution damaged and CLC, 2001 for bunker oil
pollution damage. How does the scope differ in respect of Wreck Removal Convention, 2007?

Q.4 a) Explain procedures for executing any two emergency stopping manoeuvres for VLCC’s.
b) Briefly explain the meaning of Vicarious Liability and how it is applicable on respect of master / crew, owner /
master, ship owner / pilot and master / point.

Q.5 a) Differentiate between the responsibility of the master in the conduct of vessels at sea under rule 2 and rule 18
of collision regulation 1972.
b) Discuss the salient features of SUA convention.

Q.6 a) Explain control measures stipulated under the following IMO / ILO conventions:
i) SOLAS regulation 19 chapter 1 (control).
ii) MARPOL regulation 11 (PSC optional requirements)
iii) ILO 147 minimum standard convention. (20 marks)
b) Detention of a vessel by PSC authority indicates failure of SMS comment. (10 marks)

Q.7 a) Enumerate procedures you would adopt as Master of Indian flag oil tanker operating in foreign waters to
implement / enforce following policies developed by your company:
i) SEP Policy ii) D & A policy iii) Navigation policy (20 marks)
b) Write short notes on OOPRC 1990 convention and OPRC HNS 2000 protocol. (10 marks)

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Date: - 03rd May-2019

TIME: 3 Hours PASS MARKS: 100 MAX.MARKS: 200

1. Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 50 marks.
2. Attempt any five questions from the remaining 6 and each question carries 30 marks.

Q.1 a) Vessel of 6 holds / hatches loads 18000 MT of coal at the rate of 2500 mt per WWD of 24 consecutive hours,
SHEXEIU. Lay time to commence 6 after Notice of readiness is accepted during official working hours, reported and in
free pratique WIBON. Office hours are 0900 to 1700 hours Monday to Friday. Cost of shifting including fuel to be on
owners account and time used for shifting not to count as lay time. Demurrage is fixed at 5000 USD per day or pro
rata. Dispatch for all time saved at half rate or prorata.

Anchored 0330 on Friday the 14th of March. Thereafter pratique was granted at 0400 hours. Notice of Readiness was
tendered at 0900 hours and accepted at 1000 hours on the day off arrival. Vessel heaved up anchor at 0700 hours on
17th. Pilot boarded at the same time and the vessel was all fast at the berth at 0900 hours on the same day. Loading
commenced soon thereafter continued and was completed at 1700 hours on 23rd of March.

Rain interrupted loading from 05 – 1000 hours on 15th and again on 20th, No.2 hatch cover broke down stopping
loading from 0900 to 1200 hours on 21st, 19th and 25th were Official holidays. Stevedores resorted to a flash strike
from 02 – 0400 hours 18th.

b) State the differences between fixed lay time and customary lay time.

Q.2 a) With respect to MSA 1958. Define a ‘recruitment and placement service’. What Safeguards are available under
section 95 to ensure their smooth functioning?

b) Discuss the 2007, amendments to MSA 1958. OR

How has the form & content of Article of Agreement been affected by MLC 2006?

Q.3 a) At the time of its adoption in 2007, the ‘Nairobi Wreck Removal’ Convention had ‘widespread acceptance!’
However, it is still awaiting enforcement. Why are the states not forthcoming in its ratification?

b) As per Marine insurance act, explain the following terms:

i) Both to Blame collision clause ii) Clause paramount
iii) Charterer’s contribution clause iv) War risk clause

Q.4 a) Explain your duties as OOW of a vessel as per COLREG 1972 when your vessel is a
(i) Stand-On vessel.
(ii) “Not to Impede” vessel
In any Risk of collision Situation

b) Describe the various items to be included in Master – Pilot information exchange. What is Compulsory Pilotage &
under what circumstances an exception can be granted. What Procedure will you follow if your vessel collides with
Tug while under pilotage?

Q.5 a) How as a Master will you prepare for an Emergency Drill, also explain the importance of Muster and Drill?

b) Write short notes on: (any two)

(i) IMO ‘Stowaway Focal Point’
(ii) BIMCO ‘Stowaways Clause’ for Time Charter parties..
(iii) International convention relating to Stowaways i.e. Brusssel’s Convention 1957.

Page 1
Q.6 a) Explain the procedure for detention of a foreign flag vessel in India as per MSA. If a foreign flag vessel is not
able to obtain a favorable judgment from a ‘Court of Survey’, what recourse does she have?

b) How is MLC 20006 beneficial to the ship’s crew and how does it protect the interest off a sea-farer in case of

Q.7 a) If your vessel gets damaged forward of the collision bulkhead, then how will you prepare your vessel for
proceeding to Dry-Dock as a Master?

b) What methods are used for calculating the Damager Stability of a vessel? Discuss the features of each.

------------------- xxx ------------------------------

Page 2
Date: - 05th March-2019
TIME: 3 Hours PASS MARKS: 100 MAX.MARKS: 200
1. Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 50 marks.
2. Attempt any five questions from the remaining 6 and each question carries 30 marks.

Q.1 a) A ship of 12500t deadweight on a summer draft of 8.66m and TPC 23.2 is to sail from Osaka for London on 1 st
February via Singapore and Cape. Her daily consumption of fuel and water is 32t. She is to bunker 420t of fuel at
Singapore, 250t at Dakar and is to call Colombo for 500t of cargo. Fuel, water and stores on board when leaving Osaka
amount to 1570t. Passages are estimated to be:
Osaka to Singapore: 7 days summer then tropical.
Singapore to Colombo: 4.5 days: Tropical throughout
Colombo to Dakar: 22 days – 4 days tropical, then 11.5 days summer, 6.5 tropical.
Dakar to London: 8 days – 2.5 days tropical then 2 summer then 3.5 in winter seasonal zone in the winter season.
Find the Maximum amount of cargo that can be loaded at Osaka.

b) Define: i) Gross Tonnage, ii) Suez canal Tonnage iii) Dead weight tonnage.

Q.2 a) Under IMO convention how is the hygiene of the ship and the welfare of the crew regulated? Explain the
provisions of MSA 1958 with respect to hygiene of ship and welfare of crew?

b) What are the various agreements between the ship owner / manager with crew? As a master how will you ensure
that the agreements are fully functional?

Q.3 a) What is the scope of responsibilities of Multimodal Transport Operator as governed by Multimodal
Transportation of Goods Act 1993 (as amended)?

b) As per the Marine Insurance Act write short notes on the following: i) Deviation ii) Warranties

Q.4 a) Discuss the effect on the turning maneuverability of a VLCC in shallow water.
b) What are the preparations for towing as outlines in the IMO guidelines on the safety of the towed ships (IMO Res.

Q.5 a) Write short notes on:

i) WORLDSCALE ii) Place of Refuge as per IMO iii) Maritime Assistance Service as per IMO.
b) What are the responsibilities of a master on finding a stowaway on board? Define ‘attempted stowaway’ and
‘stowaway’ under FAL convention. Discuss types of stowaways.

Q.6 a) When does Indian Mariners Casualty Contingency Plan come into action? What role does it prescribe for: Master,
Ship-owner, Ship manager with office in India and DG Shipping?
b) Differentiate in between ‘piracy’ and ‘armed robbery’. Write short notes on:
i) Djibouti code of conduct
ii) International maritime bureau
iii) ReCAAP information sharing centre (ISC)

Q.7 a) Outline the objectives of PSC and FSC inspections. State the provisions of the IMO conventions applicable for the
PSC inspection.
b) With suitable examples, explain how would you go about calculating the damage stability of your vessel with the help
of a Damage Stability Booklet?

------------------- xxx ------------------------------

Date: - 02nd Jan-2019
TIME: 3 Hours PASS MARKS: 100 MAX.MARKS: 200
1. Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 50 marks.
2. Attempt any five questions from the remaining 6 and each question carries 30 marks.

Q.1 a) A charter party provides for 10 weather working days, SHEX allowed for loading and discharging. Stoppages due
to machinery failure are not to count as part of Lay time and time from 1800 hours on Saturday to 0600 hrs on Monday
and 1800 hours on a day preceding a holiday and 0700 hours on the day after such holiday is not to count. Lay-time to
commence 6 hours after NOR is accepted. At the loading port, vessel arrived at 0400 hours on Tuesday 12th July and
NOR tendered and accepted at the same time. Vessel experienced rain from 1400 hours to 1600 hours on 13th July.
Vessel completed loading at 1630 hours on 16th July. At discharge port lay time commenced at 0830 hours on Tuesday,
26th July, and discharging was completed at 1724 hours on 6th August. The first Monday in August was a public holiday.
Rain prevented work being done from 0700 to 1230 hours on 28th July and work at no. 3 hatch was suspended from
1600 to 1800 hours on 29th July due to winch breakdown. The ship has 5 hatches.
Calculate the demurrage or dispatch amount payable if the demurrage rate is $ 5,000 per day and pro-rata and dispatch
rate is half the demurrage rate. (35 marks)
b) Briefly explain the role of IACS and its contribution to the evolution of ‘classification’ in making ships that are safe and
environmental friendly. (15 Marks)

Q.2 a) State the duties of Master as per the MS Act after a collision incident.
b) Explain the procedure for clearing inwards in an Indian Port.

Q.3 a) What is “SCOPIC” clause and how it is to be used in the LOF?

b) Write short notes on the following and also give the differences with their limitations:
i) CLC
ii) IOPC
iii) Supplementary fund 2003.

Q.4 a) Write short note on: (i) Crash Stop (ii) Rudder cycling to stop the vessel
b) What all factors will you consider as a Master of ship being towed before getting engaged into towing out at sea?

Q.5 a) As a Master upon departure Dar-e-salam how will you carry out stowaway search? What all places the search will
be carried on-board? Upon finding three stowaways on board ship what action will you take out at sea.
b) Write short notes on the following:
i) Limits on alcohol consumption as per STCW 2010 amendments.
ii) Offence for which a CDC may be cancelled under MSA.

Q.6 a) Outline the objectives of Port state control and state provisions of the IMO conventions applicable for this
b) How does the Port State Control assist you as a Master in complying with the safety, environment Protection and
maritime labour standards as stipulated in applicable IMO and ILO convention?

Q.7 a) What all documents are required for dry-docking purpose? As a Master how will you prepare your vessel for dry-
b) What do you understand by Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP). What are the methods for energy
improvement onboard a vessel as per MEPC 213(63) guidelines.

------------------- xxx ------------------------------

Date: - 01st Nov-2018
TIME: 3 Hours PASS MARKS: 100 MAX.MARKS: 200
1. Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 50 marks.
2. Attempt any five questions from the remaining 6 and each question carries 30 marks.
Q.1 a) A tanker is fixed on a voyage charter to load and discharge 1,35,500t of crude oil in 172 running hrs. NOR to be
tendered within office hrs of 0900 hrs to 1700 hrs Monday through Friday. Bunkering time not to count as laytime.
Laytime to commence 6 hrs after NOR is accepted. At the loadport NOR was tendered at 1200 hrs on Friday the 6th of
May. Work ceased while bunkering from 0730 hrs to 1230 hrs on 9th May. Loading finished at 1600 hrs on 10th May. NOR
was tendered at the discharge port at 1500 hrs on the 20th May and discharging was completed at 1830 hrs on the 23rd
May. The demurrage rate is US$ 24000 per day pro rata. Dispatch money is half of demurrage. Freight is due at US$ 4.90
per ton less 2% commission. Calculate the amount due to the ship on account of freight and demurrage or dispatch
completion of discharge.
b) With the help of a flow chart explain “Documentary Credit System”?

Q.2 State the laws as per M.S. Act relating to

i) Duties of the Master in case of collision.
ii) Duties of the Master on encountering ‘Dangers to navigation’.
iii) Duties of Master on receiving Distress message.

Q.3 a) Define ‘Constructive Total Loss’

b) Enlist the role of ‘Average adjuster’ in the general average adjustments.

Q.4 a) Describe the contribution factor for Synchronous rolling and Parametric rolling of ships and the action to be taken
to minimize the damages to ship or cargo or total loss of the ship.
b) Describe the relevance & application for Emergency Towing Arrangement on tankers.

Q.5 a. Enumerate the steps to be taken when your vessel is disabled and in distress and for assisting a ship or aircraft in
b. State your responsibilities as Master in accordance with the guidelines / rules / recommendations of P & I Club, flag
State Administration and IMO with respect to detection of stowaway on board Indian ship. Also state the
responsibilities of the time charterer, if stowaway is found in a container after sailing from a load port?

Q.6 a. As per SOLAS Chapter XI –I: Special Measures to Enhance Maritime Safety: describe, with suitable examples, the
framework of “clear grounds” and “detainable deficiencies”.
b. As per the IMO Code for the Investigation of Marine Casualties and Incidents define:
i. Marine Casualty; and
ii. Substantially Interested States.

Q.7 a. What are the indications of approaching ice? By enumerating the procedures and precautions to be taken for
high latitude navigation; explain the important information that you will analyse as a Master before undertaking a
passage through a high latitude area.
b. Describe how ISM Code has ensured the “Role and Responsibility of Company / Owner” in achieving safety
management objectives? State the various objectives in the ISM Code and measures you would take as Master in
achieving them.

------------------- xxx ------------------------------

Date: - 04th Sept-2018
TIME: 3 Hours PASS MARKS: 100 MAX.MARKS: 200
1. Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 50 marks.
2. Attempt any five questions from the remaining 6 and each question carries 30 marks.
Q.1 a) Define the following terms under a charter party contract:-
i) Sunday and Holidays Excepted (SHEX)
ii) Per working hatch per day
iii) Amount due to ship owner/ charterer on reversible basis lay time.
b) i) A charter party provides for a bulk carrier to load 72,000 t of iron ore from Goa (west coast of India) at the Loading
rate of 12,000 t per weather working day (WWD) to be discharged at Shanghai (China). The discharge rate required is @
18000t per WWD of 24 hours, (SHEX). Notice of Readiness (NOR) may be tendered on vessel’s arrival but accepted
within office working hours between 0900 hrs to 180hrs from Monday to Friday. NOR may be tendered and accepted
between 0900 hrs to 1400 hrs on Saturday. Lay days are to commence 6 hours after N.O.R. is served. Time not to count
between noon on Saturday and 0600 hrs on Monday at load as well as discharge port.
ii) V/l arrived at loading port Goa on Saturday 4th Sept at 0600 hrs & tendered NOR upon arrival. Loading commenced at
1200hrs on 4th Sept and completed at 0600 hrs on 06th.
iii) Vessel arrived at the discharge port shanghai and commenced discharging on 18th Sept at 1900 hrs. NOR tendered
and accepted at the commencement of permissible time as per charter party terms. Discharging completed on 30th Sept
at 1500 hrs. Demurrage to be paid at $22,000 per day or pro rata for part of a day whereas dispatch at half of the
demurrage rate per day or pro rate for part of a day.
You are required to prepare a laytime statement and calculate the amount due to the ship-owner or charterer if the
laytime is worked out on average basis.

Q.2 a) State the purpose of investigations as specified in section 360 / 361 of the MS act 1958.
b) Discuss the provisions to Merchant shipping (Second Amendment) act No. 31 of 2014.

Q.3 a) As per Maritime insurance act explain the following terms:

i) Clause of paramount ii) Charterer’s contribution clause iii) Both to blame collision clause
b) Write short notes of fund 1992 and supplementary Fund 2003 convention.

Q.4 a) The law of Safe Navigation is vital concern to the state, the shipping industry, seafarers and environmentalist. In
view of this statement, explain your responsibilities in the following navigational activities:
i) Carriage and maintenance of charts and nautical publications as per SOLAS chapter V.
ii) Recording of navigational activities as per SOLAS chapter V.
b) Discuss about Master Pilot exchange / relationship.

Q.5 a) Develop a contingency plan (for Oil Tanker) to be included in the safety management system in dealing with
grounding incident in Indian island (nature of bottom coral reef).
b) Write notes on:
i) Differentiate robbery and piracy.
ii) Measure taken up by IMO for countering armed robbery at sea.

Q.6 a) Differentiate between the PSC and FSC inspections.

b) Differentiate between arrest and detention of the ship.
c) Briefly discuss the provisions of Merchant Shipping Act 1958 prescribed in Section 190.

Q.7 a) Describe the key elements of safety management system manuals required to be carried on board Indian
registered bulk carrier?
b) Describe the salient features of IMDG code including latest amendments?
c) Differentiate between Emergency Towing Arrangement applicable to Oil tanker and Emergency Towing Procedure
applicable to non tanker.
------------------- xxx ------------------------------
Date: - 02nd July-2018
TIME: 3 Hours PASS MARKS: 100 MAX.MARKS: 200
1. Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 50 marks.
2. Attempt any five questions fromthe remaining 6 and each question carries 30 marks.

Q.1 a) A vessel arrives @ port of Colombo at 0600 hrs on Thursday 25th Oct, with 16000 tons of coal and tenders NOR.
Laytime to start once the NOR is accepted. NOR was accepted at 0900 hrs on same day. Cargo to be discharged at the
rate of 2000 tons per WWD, SHEX. Time not to count from 1800 hrs Saturday or a day preceding a holiday till 0800 hrs
Monday or the following day of holiday. Demurrage if any to be paid at the rate of 6000 USD per day and prorate;
dispatch if any at the rate of 3000 USD per day and prorate for Laytime saved Discharging commenced at 1200 hrs on
25th Oct and was completed at 1700 hrs on 4th Nov. Bad weather stopped work for 6 hrs on 28th Oct and further 4 hours
on the 3rd Nov, Afternoon. 1st Nov was declared a public holiday.
Calculate the amount of demurrage or dispatch as applicable (35 Marks)
b) Write short notes on i) ILO ii) UNCTAD (15 Marks)

Q.2 a) Discuss the following with respect to M.S. Act:-

i) Receiver of Wreck
ii) Provisions pertaining to Misconduct endangering life of the Ship and General Offences against Discipline.

b) Enlist the Most probable Causes of Bulk Carrier Losses. What remedial actions have the Class and IMO (SOLAS) taken
towards minimizing the same.

Q.3 a) What do you understand by the term “General Average”. Differentiate General and Particular Average with at
least two examples of each case.
b) State the Salient Features of York Antwerp rules 2004.
What are the Key differences between 1994 and 2004 amendments for the same?

Q.4 a) Explain the contents of wheel house poster and discuss the effects of transverse thrust and pivot point on ship
handling in respect of ship in Ballast / laden condition.
b) What is the legal nature of relationship between a Master and Pilot onboard? As a Master, how will you ensure the
delegation of control on navigation to the pilot does not jeopardize the safety of the vessel?

Q.5 a) Write short notes on:

i) WORLDSCALE ii) Place of Refuge as per IMO b) Maritime Assistance Services as IMO.

Q.6 a) Elaborate the Procedures and Corresponding Master’s Role in Vetting Inspections on Oil Tankers engaged in
International Voyages?
b) With respect to UNCLOS, Discuss the following:
i) Provisions regarding Archipelagos.
ii) Difference between Transit Passage and Innocent Passage
iii) Functions of Flag State under Article 94

Q.7 a) Discuss the effect of High Latitudes on Compasses and various other Marine Electronic Aids.
b) With respect to ISM Code. Explain the following Terms: (any three)
i) DPA ii) SMC iii) DOC iv) Objective Evidence v) Major NC

------------------- xxx ------------------------------

Date: - 03rd January-2018
TIME: 3 Hours PASS MARKS: 100 MAX.MARKS: 200
1. Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 50 marks.
2. Attempt any five questions fromthe remaining 6 and each question carries 30 marks.

Q.1 a) A vessel arrives in port at 0600 hrs on Wednesday 20th March with 17,200 tons of rock phosphate. NOR was
accepted at 0900 hrs on same day. Relevant Charter party terms are as follows:
 Cargo to be discharged at the rate of 3200 tons per WWD, SHEX.
 Demurrage if any to be paid at the rate of 6000 USD per day and prorate, dispatch if any at the rate of 3000 USD
for all time saved.
 Time to start once the NOR is accepted.
Discharging commenced at 1200 hrs on 20th March and was completed at 1800 hrs on 26th March. Bad weather
stopped work for 6 hrs on 22nd March and further 2 hours on the 24th March afternoon. Calculate the amount of
demurrage or dispatch as applicable.
b) Differentiate between Voyage Charter, Time Charter and Bareboat Charter (15)

Q.2 Part XII of Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 deals with investigation and inquiry. In this context, write short notes on
three of the following:-
(i) Shipping Casualties
(II) Preliminary inquiry and formal investigation.
(III) Inquiry into charges of incompetency of misconduct.
(iv) Marine board (30)

Q.3 (a) Discuss the provisions of Nairobi Convention on wreck removal as applicable to India, with regards to following:
1) Opt out clause
2) Time limits for action by affected state (15)
(b) Differentiate between Hague Visby & Hamburg rules and what are the main features of the Hamburg rules in the
interest of the Ship Master. (15)

Q.4 (a) With reference to maneuvering in heavy weather explain in detail (i) Synchronous rolling (ii) Loss of intact
stability (III) Broaching to (15)
(b) Explain in detail 2013 amendments to ISM Code which came in force on 01-January 2015. What is the likely impact of
these amendments onboard and in company’s office? (15)

Q.5 a) What is ‘LOF’ and give details of two clauses which have been added to LOF 2000 & LOF 2011.
b) State the measures prescribed by Indian Maritime Administration in curbing & preventing incidents of piracy in Gulf of
Aden / Somalia.

Q.6 a) What are the objectives of Port State control and how would you as a Master ensure that the vessel is prepared
for a PSC inspection?
b) What are the duties of the classification societies?

Q.7 a) List the contents of the Polar code, date when it came in force and the associated manuals required to be on
b) What are the precautions to be taken before entering an area of pack ice?
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Date: -07thJuly-2017
TIME: 3 Hours PASS MARKS: 100 MAX.MARKS: 200
1. Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 50 marks.
2. Attempt any five questions fromthe remaining 6 and each question carries 30 marks.
Q.1 a) A Ship of deadweight capacity of 8940T (winter), 9335T (summer) & 9738T (tropical) is to load a full cargo of
heavy grain at Bahia Blanca for Kobe via Cape town ad Miri. After discharging at Kobe she is to be proceed in Ballast to
Pince Rupert. From the information given below find the maximum amount of cargo she can load at Bahia Blanca and
quantity of bunkers that should be taken there and at Cape Town and Miri, respectively, with the intention of leaving
Kobe with the maximum possible amount.
Bahia Blanca to Cape Town 10.5 days summer Zone throughout Cape Town to Miiri 16 days – summer tropical, in that
order. Miri to Kobe 8 days – tropical for the 1st 1.5 days, then summer. Daily consumption – Fuel oil 16 tonnes, water 10
tonnes. (Port consumption to be ignored). Fuel prices per tonne are $ 340 Bahia Blanca, $ 335 Cape Town, $ 306 Mir,
$329 Kobe. Reserves of fuel and water to be 5 days supply at all times of sailing. Allowance for stores, etc. consumed –
Bahia Blanca to Cape Town 15 tonnes, Cape Town to Miri 22 tonnes. Provision and Stores (not including water) on board
at Bahia Blanca amount to 128 tonnes. (35 marks)

b) State the Salient features of the Contract of Afreightment and how does it differ from the Contract of Carriage?
(15 marks)

Q.2 Part XII of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 deals with investigation and inquiry, in this context, write short notes on
three of the following:
i) Shipping Casualties ii) Preliminary inquiry and formal investigation
iii) Inquiry into charges of incompetency or misconduct iv) Marine Board

Q.3 a) Define Wreck as per the provision of Merchant Shipping Act, 1958. State the duties of receiver of wrecks and your
responsibility towards him.
b) What is the duty of master under Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention?
c) Briefly describe the limitation of liability for the ship owner under the provision of CLC / BUNKER and Wreck Removal

Q.4 a) State the factors that influence the maneuvering characteristics of a large size ship (oil tanker VLCC full laden).
b) With the help of suitable sketches, show the emergency stop parameters.
c) Briefly describe the uses of these maneuvering capability in berthing and STS operations.

Q.5 a) Define piracy under the article 101 of UNCLOS 1982.

b) Define stowaway and describe the relevant provisions in section 205 of Merchant shipping act 1958 and IMO
resolution 871 (20) which provide the duties of master in the event of detecting and successful resolution of stowaways
on board.
c) Describe the function of IMO’s “Stowaway focal point”.

Q.6 a) Outline the objectives of port state control. State the provisions of the IMO conventions applicable for this
b) The casualty code has entered into force internationally with effect from 1st July 2010, state the salient features of
this code.

Q.7 a) Discuss how as a Master you would comply with the following ISM code clauses which the stress the concept of
“Learning from past mistakes”
i) Clause 9 on “Accidents, hazard of occurrences reporting” ii) Clause 12 on “Internal audits”
iii) Clause 1.2 on “contingency seek to improve safety management skills of shore and ship’s personnel” (20 marks)
iv) Write short notes on Navigation in Ice, through leads and lanes, related to weather forecast. (10 marks)
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Date: -06thMarch-2017
TIME: 3 Hours PASS MARKS: 100 MAX.MARKS: 200
1. Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 50 marks.
2. Attempt any five questions fromthe remaining 6 and each question carries 30 marks.

Q.1 a) A Vessel of Summer DWT 93542T at Summer Draft of 14.40 TPC 42, Stores and Constant 380T in loaded to her
Summer DWT at Le Havre with 340T of Ballast on board and with FO 740T and FW 350T as ROB. She is to load 350T of
cargo from Gibraltar and 780T from Las Palmas Her Route is essential as follows:
i) Le Havre to Gibraltar: 2 Days-Summer Zone
ii) Gibraltar to Casablanca: 0.5 Days-Tropical Zone
iii) Casablanca to Las Palmas: 2 Days-Tropical Zone
iv) Las Palmas to Abidjan: 1 Day in Tropical then 2 Days in Seasonal Tropical (S) then 5 Days in Seasonal Tropical (W)
v) Abidjan to Cape Town: 11 Days – 1 Day in Summer, 6 Days in Seasonal Tropical (W) and Rest in Winter Zone
vi) Cape Town to Durban: 2 Days-Winter Zone
She has to discharge 1500T Cargo at Casablanca, 1000T each at Abidjan and Cape Town. Required quantity of FO and FW
is to be replenished at Las Palmas maintaining three Days reserve of FO and FW at all times. Daily Consumption FO 34T
and FW 18T
Find how much additional cargo she can lift from Las Palmas if the ballast was pumped out at sea one day prior arrival
Gibraltar. (35 marks)

b) Write Short notes on the Following: (any two)

i) OCIMF ii) BIMCO iii) ICS (15 marks)

Q.2 a) Discuss the following with respect to M.S. Act

Functions of Marine Board and Court of Survey
b) Discuss the Main Salient features of STCW Convention adopted at the Manila Conference June 2010

Q.3 a) What factors led to the development of SCOPIC Clause in salvage

b) What is the difference in scope of the CLC, Bunker Convention, and Wreck Removal Conventions?

Q.4 a) What is the legal nature of the relationship between a Master and a pilot onboard? As a Master how will you
ensure the delegation of “control of navigation” so the pilot does not jeopardize the safety of the vessel?
b) What points are to be taken into account when as a Master you are requested to tow a vessel which is disabled but
not in distress? Describe the procedures to be followed for safe towing.

Q.5 A vessel sailed for a Tanzanian port & one day after sailing the stowaways were detected. Describe your action as a
Master under the following headings.
i) Master’s responsibilities.
ii) Safety & security of stowaways.
iii) P & I cover for the stowaways.

Q.6 a) Why do we have classification societies as a statutory requirement?

b) What are the duties of classification societies?

Q.7 a) In order to comply with the ISM Code, as a Master, how will you ensure the working of Safety Management
system (SMS)? Give your answer by describing the elements the SMS must consist off.
b) Describe precautions for entering and navigating in an ICE Pack

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