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G.KEERTHANA - 20011AA005
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A School of Thought by Walter 1919
Gropius. Staatliche's Bauhaus school of design founded by
Walter Gropius in Weimar, Germany. The school
was developed under Gropius' leadership.

The Art school moves to Dessau, Germany.
Gropius designed the building for the new
Bauhaus Dessau himself and oversaw the move
of the art school.

Swiss architect Hannes Meyer becomes the
director of the school as Gropius leaves the
What is the Bauhaus?
Ludwig Mies Vander Rohe becomes the director
The Bauhaus (meaning ‘house of building’ in
of the school.
German) of Staatliches, Germany originally refers
to the School of Design which merged the former
Grand Ducal School of Arts and Crafts and the
The school moves to Berlin.
Weimer Academy of Fine Art. It was founded by
architect Walter Gropius in 1919.
Bauhaus school closes due to Nazi pressure.
The idea of Bauhaus However, the ideas continue to be spread by staff
and artists.
‘’There is no essential difference
between the artist and the craftsman’’ The principles of Bauhaus
- Walter Gropius
‘’An object is defined by its nature’’
The idea of Bauhaus started from a fear of - Walter Gropius
soulless manufacturing as a result of
industrialization. Its core objective was a radical
concept: to reimagine the material world to
reflect the unity of all the arts. Gropius explained
his vision for Bauhaus as a union of art and
design, described as a utopian craft guild
combining architecture, sculpture, and painting
into a single creative expression. Practical crafts
were placed on par with fine arts.

Bauhaus through the years

Basic principle- truth to materials; using materials
in their most natural, honest form, allowing them The angular approach and use of geometry in the
to be celebrated and seen rather than covered logo are definitive of the Bauhaus style.

• No border between artist and craftsman

• The artist is an exalted craftsman
• Form follows function
• Gesamtkunstwerk or the ‘complete work
of art’
• True materials
• Smart use of resources
• Simplicity and Effectiveness The Bauhaus School – Architecture
• Structure and Precision
• Industry and Technology Location- Dessau, Germany
• Innovation Architects- Walter Gropius
• Play and Combining "Work" and Living Year-1926
Area- 113,400 sq. ft
Built-up space- 250,600 sq. ft
The style of Bauhaus

"Colourful is my favourite colour,"

- Walter Gropius

The style of Bauhaus is commonly characterized

as a combination of the Arts and Craft Movement
with modernism. The use of simple geometric
shapes was essential in Bauhaus design
philosophy, contributing to its themes of
functionality and simplicity. As technology and
mechanization were significant pieces in the
movement, classic geometric shapes visually • It has similarities to the international
resembled the technological thinking that style more than Neo Classical.
pervaded the era. Squares, circles, triangles, solid • Includes spaces for teaching, housing
angles, and thick lines are definitive of art and students and faculty members, office,
design from this period and play an essential role auditorium
in graphic design today. • From the aerial view, this layout hints at
the form of airplane propellers, which
were largely manufactured in the
surrounding areas of Dessau.

The Original Bauhaus Logo

• Some of the various progressions include
a window glazing, a skeleton of
reinforced concrete and brickwork,
mushroom-like ceilings of the lower
• Level, and roofs covered with asphalt
tiles that were meant to be walked on.
• The huge curtain window facade of the
workshop building became an integral
part of the building's design. Hoping to
create transparency, the wall
• The building is comprised of three wings emphasized the 'mechanical' and open
all connected by bridges. The school and spatial nature of the new architecture.
workshop spaces are associated through • Vast windows- enabled sunlight
a large two-story bridge, which creates throughout the day, had a negative
the roof of the administration located on effect in summers.
the underside of the bridge.

• In order to preserve the curtain wall as

• Interior decoration was done by wall
one expanse, the load bearing columns
painting workshop, lighting fixtures by
were recessed back from the main walls.
metal workshop, lettering by print
The Bauhaus Movement
The Bauhaus movement produced more
practical forms of artwork such as architecture,
interior design, and metalworking. This led to a
resurgence of interest in the artistic world as
creatives looking to provide for their families
were afforded an avenue through which to do so.
The Bauhaus movement encompassed a wide
array of mediums, materials, and disciplines. It is
also characterized by economic sensibility,
simplicity and a focus on mass production.
Today, Bauhaus is often credited as the catalyst
for modern architecture and furniture and as an
important influence on mid-20th century
painting and sculpture. The Bauhaus was much
more than an architectural style – it was a new
way of thinking, and a century since it was born,
at the end of World War One, its ideas still set the
pattern for the way we live today. Bauhaus
architecture and design principles still influence
the shape and look of everyday objects.
Bauhaus, a modern threat?

"Society needs a good image of itself.

That is the job of the architect."

-Walter Gropius

Why did the Nazis feel so threatened by the

Bauhaus? Why were they so scared of an art
school that made modernist furniture and
kitchenware? Because it represented a world
view which was the complete opposite of
National Socialism. Nazism was nostalgic and
nationalistic. The Bauhaus was cosmopolitan
and avant-garde. Its international ethos made a Shortcomings of the Bauhaus
mockery of Hitler’s racist fantasies. In a way, the
persecution of the Bauhaus by the Nazis was a Although Gropius’ initial aim was a unification of
(very) backhanded compliment. They hated the arts through craft, aspects of this approach
everything it stood for, but they were fearful of proved financially impractical. While maintaining
its power. the emphasis on craft, he repositioned the goals
Ironically, it was this persecution of the Bauhaus of the Bauhaus in 1923, stressing the importance
which ensured its survival. Had it been of designing for mass production. It was at this
embraced by the Third Reich; it would have time that the school adopted the slogan “Art into
perished with it. Driven into exile, its philosophy Industry.” It also abandoned many aspects of
spread around the globe. traditional arts education.

The Legacy of Bauhaus
An instigator in the minimalism trend which is still
‘’If your contribution has been vital one of the most popular styles to date, Bauhaus
helped the design world step away from the
there will always be somebody to pick ornate designs of the early 20th century with its
up where you left off, and that will be emphasis on function before form, combining
your claim to immortality." craft with art and paving way to a legacy spanning
more than 100 years.
-Walter Gropius

&rct=j&url= &rct=j&url=
bauhaus&ved=2ahUKEwit3MKTnpb5AhWly6AC hWxxjgGHVMJBowQFnoECGkQAQ&usg=AOvVa
HcKPDbsQFnoECCkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3bMVzzA w0-7RlDd184wRANayAS_84w
M6FUq9I8a9BaRsN &rct=j&url=
&rct=j&url= is-bauhaus-architecture-
hd/bauh/hd_bauh.htm&ved=2ahUKEwilgLHcnJb 4784133&ved=2ahUKEwj9hLO9nZb5AhX_4TgGH
Vaw0zq7XDznCC72mS32Tf0hGX I4LBBqkG6wK6wtaM
&rct=j&url=https://www.uni- 74io9y

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