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1. All Rise, this formal investigation now in session (Secretariat)

2. Introduction of Chairperson (Secretariat)
3. Greetings! (Chairperson)
4. Prayer (Secretariat)
5. Call the case now (Secretariat)
6. Prosecution Presentation of Witnesses
a. Witness taking his/her oath
b. (Take note of the order of hearing)
c. Resolve objections
d. Resolve oral motions

Entry of Appearance

Lawyer: Good afternoon, Your Honor. Atty __________, respectfully appearing for the
plaintiff/defendant. We are ready Your Honor

Chair: What is your pleasure?

Pending Incident
Lawyer: I would like to proceed with the presentation of evidence _________, Your

Chair: Proceed

Presentation/Offer of Testimony

Lawyer: For my first witness, I would like to call on __________. I would like to offer
his/her testimony to identify and affirm the due execution and contents of:
i. His/her Judicial Affidavit dated____________________.
ii. Annexes.

Lawyer: this Judicial Affidavit is being offered to prove the allegations of the petition and
of the motion.


Secretary: [Oath]
Please raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing
but the truth?

Witness: I do.

Chair: Counsel, your witness.

Lawyer: Kindly state your name and personal circumstance for the record
Lawyer: Do you remember executing a judicial affidavit in relation to this case?

Witness: Yes.

Lawyer: I’m handling you a judicial affidavit, please go over it and tell us the relation of
the judicial affidavit that you just mentioned to this judicial affidavit.

Witness: It’s the same.


e. May I ask the both counsel, the date of our next hearing, for the presentation of
witness/es of the respondent?

f. Before we adjourned, May I ask if you have any manifestation?

g. If there is none, Session Adjourned

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