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Module IL Anlenna Array! An anlenna Qiray [3 @ Syren of similar, an|ennas onemled Pmilas +. ge grealed Aixectvity in a. dered iveehm: TW nag also be dekned ax A yaaiak Splem Con\ersh of Several shaced and propos pheped vadtelrs’ The tofa| feu produred by an antenna array syle tr clhe Veeder Sum of the “=Precy produted by clhe indevidural aolenna .0f lhe aia! g5-lem- An antenna! atyay is Paid to be oe , ‘f she individual en-bennas of lhe antag are enreatly speed along Q Phraish| Aine. Thus Linear arlenna array ‘is a Sy2-]em of eqn Spend elem onde. Also (me uniform ep array (sone tn es dhe element are Fed oth a Current of equal wm ferme phrase tif] otlon She magne Forms of Anlenva arrays 1. Broad trde Array The broad ode Array ts me in esaeh a number of rdeotierl beoalliel antennas ave Sefup along a Line dawn per hendituley fe Sheir veshec ve anes: Tr broad mde a individual zlemenb ave eapraly ahaud a a Rne and each elemenl 7 fed fe curren! of eayual magnifide: and all in Same phage - hus he arran emer voduates tn bread de Aireeht (ie perbenditule -b -the Line of array anus) a mechinsl 4 Aine Aye d 5c diy : {4 I. i t |. I = dokan Aning 1 ‘4 > 3 + 4 1 fg: Braad ode Array Orrangem enl , > oY fy Pedrahon feller of breed Siete Onray » oe — @ —@- -0-—>» 4. Endfive Array Th ts vodhe bet lhe brood Bde Qerrey ornep| thet individual elements are fay en, out of phase Cureally lee’): thus 1) emdbre ares , Aanumbey of tdembeal: anlennas Qre Shated equal alowg @ Line and individual klemend aye fo4 di “Cierrents of 2qual Pragnidude but -thery phese Vamjes Progress ively a lous che 2ne in Sueh aw 21 4o. male -lhe entire arrangement ee Uni diveehml. Th endifre 7 | our. tiny of vadtatm Col med 0 es r ee of che ares Qnuy- Qrray An) Creston of 2 fe Fe Rasen hetleon of emd fre ares. 3. Collinear Array Th collnear anraas, clbe axrlennas are ann. 24 Co- artally #e anlennas are mounted 2nd +o ed in Bregle dine. te One anlenna ts Placed oveyY anole oe: ‘ 4 vireckmn of it Mans Radiahon _ % ¢€ s. <-- WQ)- W-WZ2-Wan- Array Diteehenof f prveatran of Ant! Mace adi le Maw: Pade + preccton of . Mans Radiat. + Atrey ant? ‘ : Hovizmsal fy. Vertical collrnear i 93 ti “ | anlema Colineay anjemna- Be individes! elemenl are ff ctl, carrven| echreh & equal im meagnidude and Phar 22 1 he Cage of broad Bde arrayy. A collinear am: is a broad Pde vadsater in eSoach -lhe Birveetro of mart muro radia ten bs ferbendi cular do -lhe Lune of anolema - eo Arrays of Two Lso-hopie Pot] , Sources An andenna eshreh Ocewp jee Zero Volume ts Cmedered Os porn] Source. Avrey of eo tsoleope Peind Sourea is -lhe Sn p les Fidua hon in -lhe arrays of isoleo pe barn | Sours: | Assume chat -lbe -kvo bel Sours are Sagaraled a a dente q and Fase ~ he Same prlaniea try: Gnu eve Conmdev che arr of anlenna, anf in Qaeh armdenna element Seme phar r invelved at che fay Fey ewe fave de deal aith the Folocsing clhvee Capes. 4S. Arr of in| Source cxiclb wa| e sealed and Ben A Avrag of pond Source eid equa| am plifude and Sppotrle ghar. 3 Acres of doin Sourte cxiclb unequal ewn plitude and ' oe. phere. 4. Avvays af 4 egal amp Lel be few fein] Soturens, 4 ad a, Be Sepavaled bya Air taniu ‘A and Located Spommebica lly wvlh respect Je clhe ongin ” Car|eprear to- ordinate Syehem- % ison. x ° ei) 2 OF fan Source’ corlb Cfude and phase No ew woe. are GCF to Caluulate dhe fields al 2 and P estreh 13 ad a ais danu R pen -lbe ongin: he cuaver Pro Sour 1 veeeher lhe pool P apa Dalle dime clhan che Cua ves Teen Zour. a, bevaure of paslb afferenu involved belween the deo waver hus lhe fety due to Soure 1 Pegs et verfeed de Ye ferent Comgin)) and he Rend dur fe Pounce 2 Leads cuits respect Jo referee. ‘ baell ail forenu ts given oy, pall aiff - of, cosa + tf wos = G cos an) meler) —— G) = (4- cone) conve ting ths. —_— @) from badb aiff cx Car omile -lhe phase ongle, phate angle Ct) = 7 Cre aiff) = (4 deer) yadians- a = (p4 ose) Yedians- —G) Now he dolel fen fey Cor froin "in che Atveeton of @ al fend . Y i \s ren de a, E = E,e 7 a Exe G@) coms fer fets Conrberoen9| durte Sourte E 2 ", for Rec Cerrsponent dux fo Source &. if art) pliludes are Same, chen E\=Eg = Ey. -e-B (207A, 3%) ) = 2 Eo O08 Ha oa, gi ie Es 26 os Pd use —_@) Paws ego @ he betel amplitude o 25 and Ber nermalited factlens Qbank E= ts (tds#) —@ = we. far A= A. co on (2 $8) E = Cs (4% cosa) @) Direchen of pellers Maruima :- the marimun value of Ew +4 se 0 CHa Cora) = +4 @ , eo fee Oba Aa, cos Brae = © fan ae Omme = 40° and 278. | ——C) Tye, * Divecten of patlern miniwal- the minimurs value of Ew o- fe cos (Yq ws) =o ——) Wo, (28 Beniy = A Anti 2 r= O12 = AY, it =o Aa, 003 Qmin = Cos Omin = a4 Het-P hoover bates 2 At bat? pooer,b cint , power ws Ae &s RK wie be mareinun vakee- ad feta se Cos Chg Cro) = xr — (a) Wp eas = Gos, Jn 0,)2-- a vy ‘bos af CoS yep = a Ay ° \ utr Cs Cute = =A Fa gon Ree 2 toe Ata? ly 2 One? ee Heaw = 68 BUAL= 3x hpso = Ax bom LAP Oye “at Om? VATP fy. Raaiates fucllem of fm . ‘sofrv pic pein! Sour enclh ag ual amo glifude and phase “the fel Cape cwe CMirdeved BD dhe Soplerd Cove of broad Prefe aoe. Th is also knew ap broad &de Couper) a Arras of exo bei Bounce arb equal amblilude and obborle phove Hkre prio] Source tis cutof oban ov apposite phase Cte) te Sourte 2. ve ecken Source 1 frave® ‘elbe mMmarumurd | thes Source afer have -lhe minimum ad -lba-f ingfory] 2- ce”, E,e% is) Pee C= Eo, they ec. Eo Pe 2%] —w E= 2S Eo Mm Me — (i) “© Es afeE, fm (Plone) - Gg) Fer notmalered value, AJEo= 4 E= Bn (bd cna) 5) E= In (at x Gua) te de ah = &n C¥ 00) @o) Direction of pallern manima t Eis masimum, echen 3m (My sa) = Ad Wo C08 Conare = +n) In=ol,&-- Ya CS Oman = + Ye fy =o CS Onan = tL Pree Fa ]—a9 o Divectron of ballern minime 7— Eis minimum, eh en Sin A cara) =o Wa (08 Omin = Ane $950, 1,8--- Wo C15 Grin = O fer n =0 Gz) Omin = 40° and 27P Hal? pooner hater 2 Bin (Ym se) = + Mp Cos Qitpp = + An+p Af, We cat Om = 2 7/y Cor Ongp = 2 Ourep = +6 aa tl ae —@3) eo %, » Mt -6P . Orme !2F . , ¢ ne : Fog: Raaiadors falers of? evo ts0 ro pre born Sours oi-lb equal amplitude and opposite pirar. fas Con o the Smplee! Cow of an end Fre arret. 3- Arrays of teas pois Source eni-lb Un eq wal Armpli ede and ‘a: any pha ; Te is lhe “nore eneral Conditons inival wives teoo ‘sobre pie tind Sources. the Amplidedes @re Unequal’ and’ phate 4ifferent ts ath brary. Now Actus Atume hal Sormee 4 is taken as reference phot - The arm plidides ‘of felts due do Sourtee 4 aud 2 at clirtern| Os pain) P & E, and Ey in otech Ey is greater dhan Ea: € ‘e g A a eS heim fy : Neeley veqrezondalrn dis: Toso pair] Source oalb unequal crm fletude and ony. phese a “the tolal phe se aif ferenu beleveen lew pein Sour. radiate Ps + = 22 duro + XO —— (a4) ax ts che phase onl by esbrch she Curren} Tz of Source 2 Leeds che Curren! Ty of Soure 4. i a =0° av so ag E> Ez Eo -lhen i) ell Corves pends te he Roel fear Cotes Yespechrvely. Be tolal Held at fis gyre by E= & oy E at z Ex J+ Ey (i+ Bae ‘) fe Es Et (4+ ké*) = Ex &5) k= o Fine EL > Ea che value of K enill Se @«ke4)° “the magnitude and pha al prin-| D> ts Es | E Ti+ K Ceos 4 + J 9m) Fr 8 Teuku kao <0 —@e) fap! ant Go re [tea G1 Non isolropic bul Gmilav born Sources Th dhe above Conerdeved Cater all involve isotropic Sources. Bul -lbs mm be exclended to -lhe mere general Cer, oPre 4 are non iso-bopre bal Sirnilar: The word Similar bere Vn di'cafe, chal he fe fallern of nen isodropre maul have she Same Bape and oritmdaclm. But lhe marie amplitude of -lhe individual — Sourtes ey 78 “in equal: Theere che amplitudes Qe equal chen -the Soureey are no.| oly equsd tmni lay bel ave Cdentreal. o Now Let us Corgrcf ex soo eho! dipoles ecbreh are Super innposed ovet -lhe lew isoloo pie patn| Souras and are Se pevafed 22 tPewn in -IhS hett” 4 ae difle €— 4— > wee figs Tae nen tso- by aatdanu dq shopre Sours « Ue > The Perl Bifole Pra ran tsobropre Source and we Corder tl aran tdentrert sourte he Fd bate of sr ml ple onenled along Mans is ane boy Eo = Eo no —— Ww As we know -lhe fucy baleen of hese identical tso. hope pot] a a! Es RE, Cor 7g aq ome bdo + «—G) Combining ean G9 and @) wil E= 26) 3no Gt 4) for Mermaireed follero ej 2d ve Ena = ot Pelee a) Fest sour) X ar et) Ere = This Leads to -hbe bon ciple of ba-Hemn mou lh bl Cafrmn- Principle of Pablern Mult bicatron be 2helemen| paler mullipicedon ft "The telat Bete bartlern of an arr oF non- ‘Solvopic bel Smiley point Souris is -lhe mul tp Lice hn of the Individual Source palferns and -lhe batlern of an) arr of 'sofzopre poin| Sourts 22eb focated. af@ the phan cnbe, of individual Soure and havt dhe relative complitede and Phen, echere ax “lhe fédal these parler 1 jhe addidn of che phate pallern of She Individual Sources ond thet of -the array of iso-lvo pic pore] Sources". Syorboll ca ty Es jE;(@ 4) x cod ]Enlod aE 0a} Mulfi plication oP Addisron of phate Re fallem padiem. cshere, E:(adb) > Fie patlern of indi vidual Source Ea Ca,b) —> Fey falter of Array of isofrepx fowreas Ep (odd > phan baller of trdividud Sources Epa (0,4) —> Phew pollen of Array of tsofoopte fin] Sous o Moles “The incble of cer mult pli poorder a Cheat of Ted eke. pattern of Complicated arrese, eng -lhus -he principle promdes prover do be 2 wef) foo] tn detyn of an-lenna arrays: Lineay arvay of ‘ise drop bern Sources An avr 7s Sax} te be Renead if dhe Indi ved we! elements of -lbe CU spaced eauatly aleve a Line An array if Sard de be ed if ‘Gi. element are fe4 oidf currends of aapeal ameplifade and having. an unijerns .. paogretrive phase Pitl ales dhe Lint are Lel us new Comedet a Linear arr of n iso-b 1t boi Sourtes in oe pair Sourus @rve spaced ean lly (sag d) and are fed eaidh in Phaze — Curren of equal! an plifades (SE) d Faishon| oir epee a CPP * Ry. Linear array eid 1 So-hepie pores] Suny: Os “The -+telal Fretg E alta Parnge Ai'stdane. in dhe aiyectim a ts Given a u Eee coh Ee ty E, ait cesses E, ae-t Ee = Eo (14 &% + td --" soro)—o asheve = pdwso4e vadians- V2 Toll phere aifferene of lhe Leta, ad bain! “p Proms aAjacen| Sources a> phate Ai fferente of (2Cer>} pers] Sources, (Progressive phase eb: Pf). ie phate iff of 2 ail, rubet 4o4 Go Poelrspat-ha Th we arumt Soured a, che phere ae ferente | -lben fey Poin Sour, 2 advanud in phar onl respect fo Source 4 by . he fiety Prom Soure 3 is advanud ty phase orl, ves feet do Boure 4 by AL ef, Muthyly equator by elt OF Sto cm, PE At.._@ Sublaehug @> from CL) Eye, 2*- &, (1-2) Ea (- 2%) = Eo(l-€ et) Ine Ep = Eoli-€ » — ®& CD Ep= £o (eo grr _ irae) bo 6 ( me) Ode BaF py Ep =e Snob] a- = Eo sen SP othere > = OV SnH/e ok co) Et = Eo Sony nz ? Ths is che equatoo of total tee fp pattem of Linear Qrrey of nH 's0 bepre Pein Sowrn- Th dhe referents s hy Pley te the conbe pein *f lbee hes Phase angle “CDS od arclomadreally + abdminad ade then ean @) besmes Ep = Eo Snn% @ il ) indederminan| fot of a0 gn @? beamer ie wey fone OL. a Yule mus + Sin yp 4 ae th) = Eo Ling Corny, ~~ “= esa. jp = 06% = Eon: ya = Eon | @ te ema = Eo? : value of EL is Thee che Mau Mur , . Sous. Heme lhe Fecy From a Feg | 5 Ser normalited value, Emax = he Namal'ted Recy ba-eo Is Barnes “ Enate = Ee Eb man = Eo Anne Finy_ Eon: Eorm = Sn My, h Sina, eqn (od is referred as cle array faster 2, n isolepre gon-| Sourtes- Arrag Feeley ts -be footer by ettich the ar increafes che Feeey slrenglh over chat ofa Fuge 2lemen| Vadading che Same tea powws r: a. Broad Frole Array —_——_ (>) An arr tu Sard to be baved nde array, if phase angle is Sueh chat t] malees macmum Yadiahwm ber hendiculey lo clhe anrras, Ars 42, 48? and ALE er broad Brde Array , Souras are Mm phase dt M20 ay +} =o: oe We knees Abad of a bd coat o aa man: of Laved trde array 0 = bd Us Ome CoS Crna = © * Oman = V0? Gi 218 Octars In we she brine: bal ee she Airee Minor Lobe padlern maruima t- cy ean FE = Fong/, E. tn Wa, he above eaueden ts masu'mum oshen Sonny, 1s marsamun poowd-} Sindy to Sinn% = 41 — WwW OW) =7GMIG s haa ag Nao —> Correshonds to Primibal marctma, Wy = + @NDYL ea + Qn4%, — (da) se os PA cena) ct = HR) Z, a0 Ley broad Bde array bd conejo A GHUDY, Co1@madrainet = FHF [26 “lf Codhing = & fy eve] he geneal onpretnen fy mine Lobe Maretma 1P | + =o Cian PE fof Le, ha 4, and ‘ ‘A= (onary = Cos {2 Qn+1) | 2 (2%) if ned 4¢ @rnas) mnjony = AAD (id #138. fer Naa, @mnasi)enine = Cox! 25h))5 eckeel, does nil ena}. ‘ 4 i301 aeprc Ww. Sours, 19 phate shaved Wa, apeol tase mine “tbe macu'ma at + 414% 4138-69 —4) 4, 138.6% Divectim of paler minima 2- From ean de), fer pactlern minima, we Can conde Sin "Ye provided Bint bo . BB a ENT J NAbaB--- Uy = NE ak ant — Ww bd cnn * aH =0 Co Cra REVERT (Qe aninet = COS [a ova] ginoal tpt rinrs fer ming Lube minima to A [Godan = 334] Ley te eo fer n=4, and d= Ae — cat {4 NA (Gm miney ~ Cos ee] = Cas! [24] f n= @ricdanina = e[Ht] Patan (Cris) mina = O° a4 180° if N= (nia) minet = os! ps] eshte dvesrs| eourl- thus 0° 60 lac’ 188-60, -120% ave the Sne minct Labe minina fey an am of 4 isotropic Soures in phase haces A apere- “ar v oP 0 =219 Fig: ets fallem of broad tide array. Consinheg of Tg tt lee of equal sonplilade ved tn Pho. © scanned withor Beam oth bely rel nlull CBurH) BRIFH = gx angle bl, Pir] null and Panu bal maccuima: = axd rom ean (5) (Grated senior = cai [+ 42] 4¢ @P-Y) = + cal! [3] Ge) mad — 20a Gey firs| Null occur af Nad fey 8mall argh I Sind. !! ae) = Ap BWFEH = 22 [eve = 2TH Gu —_@ The total Peaglh of che array ts Ls Gr)q and : = 29 vadien = 3 Bw = 22 yadien = @x5182/) degree burt 90) dome |__ gy eo Hal? power Beam ad th, _ _ ypow = BOF (STB) degres 2! Dy —(i4 2) b. Endfire Array Ey an ares de be ond fire dhe Alrvectan of marnimun Yadiaten coinudes oth -lhe arr. anus. thu fy an arr do be emdfire , pao ad @=0 erige® mmaleer manimun Yadiaten: \ele Eneeo chet pa bh one+ x o = Bd W3OmantX te os pd Ore +o Minor tobe batlern Maxime Prone & we Can esride Masemum occurs ethen Sn hh =1 provided Poth Sn n% =| IM = LAND Ih = +@u)2 —_A€@) (Het ora mee = recto @e) Bd O Omas)ningt 7 = ot yey b = — bd Ler ondfye array: 4e $d Cos Gna Denier — BA = HANDY, Cos max dmriner | = + Gua; x ~pdo- Cos @mar) rnin at (Qnspa a +4 Q inoy = Coy!) + C max) sein Coy) + cube sf 2) Bnd this is -lbe Goneral 2p tem Ry miner Lebe wmandma in snabfye Array: Ler n= 4 ad d= Me Fed Gee pede Gada wf 27 nUKPe i Gs! Fae = as! Ty, Ve = coi T f Key 1 CO ee (Grav linet! = 21S: S° (acts. 1 . = kh ifn = a, Co C09 Moe (Coe deiner’ = ca] 260s ] ——< + wn, = tail f sslaf = cw! Fala “af 2 call Ta Sonne 6H JY seal (Gora) pina = tlows Direchon of baller minima Fin "%4 =0 nt = ter of = + ANE ba Ces Cmin) ate = =sn7 n Bd CoLOmin) inary PA = ENT C03 Crd mringy | = +. tant 1 Gy l- 2 9507(@mio) mine -| = =8a (x0 ={-2 20 ee od x = 2 9n°(Omin) mine kD a In (Omin pind = — [RA Corin “+ and ) (Grrin)eninet = 2%0! [7 isa 24) ths b he sy gree eupretnmn fey ming Lb e Lor nay ad d= W- = 2%n! [F ‘] = &x (30) (Gott nat = (FN= Fale, (Grin vninet 6S = awil[2¥] = Ax(#0s) =z4e Puen 3 (Omidmminaes = Fi28 dh beteseen fs] uel CBCOFN) Beam wid gwen = Ax angle befeoeem print fal wnanaita od Pind nal = AX Cmin)minet 4 Loren @y (Gmc) weiner = 2 an! [2 Bin @nio)rniast = fn iB ssl] J] m Als [Na nea, 7m (Gn) eit = + [ap ——a5) o if Atay tong lh is L, then L=@194 snd: te (Genin) inet = = =2 BWEN = 2x OmiQhnines| a4 Baltes tt & iN} BWEN =4513 x ax [2 degret: BwWEN = tug J 22 degves: —@p Grating Lobes ie TP a ume Linear “nd of ny’ element fas a Shaeeg da between element erccechi tm ty., Fide Qsbes Append ostsch ave eaal th am plidute te she main 2sbe, These ave. Called ‘goats Lsbes” athe spating befereen Cin angles) main Lube and he sey Lobes ane is given by Oq= Sia GD Yadiany ) M= 1, 23--- Gnu angle ® ts voy Small. ureedonal if dard Oa = vedlany da “the Joong Leber Can $e Cnet fy atuvrinalad) by b og elements inelead of ran divectiomal (itohopre) arr element, each cn. I, aperture Atyrom Ap procima, equal te d,. bo ) ‘ — Cre!) Popabes ariggls ek ’ [se *aetgeby Ela fo wn Ll Fe Fait tips Linear ple} o f recy belles wn Lineay Array cul unite “4 a Xion loro debs butters Th Lmeay ar of n ‘sohropr Poin Sourts oth eareal am blifude and shes, eve lemeco thal lhe batlem Sblamed i Sumifore’. de che am Vidude of he Yodtadiog Soues Fave a probabittle ces-bibusren, ovtach ts suniferm airdibuten’ When we Con barre che Recs pal em of unifers aisdributen cvidh any ochey airhibubeon . 4 binomial, Ophmur), he balf oedey (4 8% oblained is 23° fara f of ra Bul dhe gsde Leber are Yelatvely com these miner Lobes are usually undenrablk, beeawe nol om Contrdenabk amoun| of power is wazled in the Airectrmne of minsy taper bel 2ven unnetctrany, inden Revenues ave also Cauzed in hote areas. Th um fare Array, beans onde Is toca Ge Aiveetiily & figh) bul be ‘Ste lobe viadio"G) CH ts the rat ef power slensily oP eo main beam fo che bower density of miney Lobes, in deecbelds ft] calkd Larges-| no we SS ede debe suse!) ts low. “Bes posblen Canbe Yedued by to brodduudig Souves of Rineay ar evidh, neon uniter Curtin ava plitader. he poacets of, Veduties, Abe Pde Ube MW! ts cated ~T. eriag! flere our Oiscutien I's Limited to fw tishibuten Binemral ais bibutin a- the Del ph - Teh ache ff Optimum : wot Binomral Arrays Th binemral Cras, che Cerrern| Com plilude of the Yadia-h Souveas are arranged Ao Coredivng de dhe Co-< PReven ty of Sues ve derms of che binomial Sener. te the paddern produced by che oy L hese bineniml aisbibuden. (a+ by! = 46-0 ab 46-0 Di O-) e Al 1D *f clhe Seamdary @iD Prde Leber pn lhe LineaY arrays ave do be elminete4 totally dhen -lhe vadiotk Sources muyd Fave Curren arrpliteedes proportional to -lhe co- ef ferents of binomial Serer Tf an arr is Sard tobe binemia}, shen dhe Following Comditrrs mul be Secty fred. i. spac befoveen -lhe eo conse cehve Vadiak Sourte Apes] seceed Ay ii. The Curren! ampliledes inn Yadiating Source C from, outer towards Contre) are bro er-hore| do -the Co-efReeemt of Sucecrive ferme A she binermtal Server. Th binemtal Seager clbe Yetative ompitade of oy, no: of arrads Can Be found Out by “Pascal's Totem hed 4 ned LoL hes 4 A OL he 4 i a ot nae 1 4 & A AL nos {5s wo 0 5 A neF 4 6 ig 20 If 6 J PAsCa|'s ‘Trianole. Os Nole : - Rel ative Amp feed £ Iteewe Paseals che Neary She Yatio behy dhe Cerrrend| am plitude fotlous Paseals hime le Lot eal n=4 have relative dion plitude be ee | bul -lbe oviginul amnplifade mag. be, antes Poovided & be lhe Comme feel: ———— “The Wormalicad Seto balers of 5elemenl ur ferne and lanomial Orrags, spared Ms, apan is drown beloeo: Traqs 1234 5 pari ‘Lily Age uniform Bg: Binemnal: fron -lhe Figure we Can feo hf Thal in amferw arr he minoy (obey ppeant bud the HP BW is Low (1223°)- cheyeas in binemral arr H no ode lhe are preter but -lhe beam evder cutdery. (te Hp Bus 3°). O sean Disadvantages of Binomal Arve, @ Half power Beam owid-h Increases we Dire echvity decree pes @ For farae Ficed Arras, bacger orm plirtende Yato of Sourn Teguived: Delph cad Tehe ba sche tf Arrays Tn Corobart um ferro and Lmnemial Aisloibuhm an tdeal Condiden Cant he achieved. ie bolb Pde Lsbesvel and Hpaw canbe rveduudsal Same tiene. >So we Pave to made a Combromise betuesn Srde Qke tue} and beam eid. se we Pave do ophrmice Yelatwn between Frd< Lobe Lure} and beamuiddh. dhal means he Pde Lobe Lurrel oll no} Le Kero bul the beameovidlh cui ll 4. few hay Keng. hel of binamral cusbibuton Ary ampli dude Aslaibubeos of ln nakure boohoee g Dol ph 7 bated on he pr perhres of Tehe Poff polprsmels is Called — Dalph- Teheby chefp ols tosbe tan + O sean Th clus aisdetbuden iP -the Sige abe Lusel ts shereHed , che beam estdell bef ween firs) nul) ts minim ied 6y) Converse ; if -lhe beam ontdth belweern Ral mull ps 2 ei fey dhe arde 2oBe Dun! is mmininnted. Th other words, “Dolph Tehebyscheff arrays produces narower| bean otidlh fy given Prde Lsbe Level and Weave rsa" he Lewy Retg pallens of a Lineay ar of iso-ropre pairs! Sourtes Canhe expretted azxva Finite Pouniey Serves of N ermy Th Delpbs proadare , ohal he ard cues gurl mratehing che derms of -he Burrey Paynenral eilh -he Tebe sche ff polsnemin | of” ame degree, Ibis then gielee opbmum Sours ambilede ctirhsbuteo fra sherfed Grr the Lure Ley n= even => he. Ene= 2Ao Corfe 2AiCu 3% 4... 2Ac Gs-Dy) oshere ne = . —>& e kr), kzo, La |kse, 4 (ne-! - mes a Gr) Nes ACk+l) lesa ynes 6 FAK +R ent = RE+R-1 Sen = ak+l =—. oskere N= oe fer n= odd 3 no Eno = DAot Aa od + BAA + - Ageeedy) ochere ho = &k+l fr kso, no =L : ped ros oa ho-l _ ak No => Ak+t k=a ho=S A A ho-| =Aale+i-! = ake cans) => nN é cdhane. N= ho -! “2 Tobe by sche ff £P Po Iyer “ho Sin Suen AT A the Tehebysche ff polynsmral oe Actned by Tm Cx) = O88 Cmeaiee) 2 [el <2] + ' — © Im Cx) = C3 Cmeash ne) » lxl>t) © scanned with KEN fos m=o To(x) = cos (m cai be) Cos 0D = i a tm Cara " fa med TCX) = Ca (cas %)) = 03 We = x Perna = a Tae) = 005 (2 CF Gox-4,)) = CHAT) = Lot Hh! 2 axl tbe £1 ordet es namialt Can be found ae dhe age muly Tri Ce = Aut, I— TC) |. @ te for m= a, Tap = ToC) = 2x Tyee — TO = Ax (a) — * = Ax 3x. Cx R2 = Ats@-| Now We Can Summanee the Poly ermiats up fo maa T3oced = i Tow = % Ta ud = a] Tatu) = Anr— 3% Tat = ant gx 1 Ts OO = [be? — Qos Sx Te 00 = gane_ ental fol Too = bad = Wat 45620 Tn & é 4 a Tstxp= 1AB* — a5be + |boxrt-3ax+] a) Ta (xd = ee xl sty xl + 43277 1A +42 Sleps le be £ Noeved 2 A: select clbe yequtred main tbe te ede tebe Level Cr) Y= Mathlshe man: "Spd Riche tuvel Bde rsbe tere! bloc main tobe mone ind B = Rotor ¥- A How Select -lbe Tebe Scheff poly noni al Tr Cx) of lhe Bame degre of Array polynomial te ( = n=l): Then pul Ro ingdoad of 2% ad equate P] fo y aed Solve i] fo find x,. 42 Tn (to) = % fay Yo. pe pein (eo, Y) Corres bonds to -lbe main Qob< manu mum - %o can be found ow} ae a » allemate ftrmule, y mp 9 Yo = [beri “54 =f] 3 Now Calculate -lbe total Reed Uti vat &) of G- Fnu we @re Courned I lide, -lhe feels 2 org, on-b ye lative arm Buc} befne the Summed fn eqn@) ag @ the Value oP “x must be tithin the yarge +1 fo-L So we Rave intordue @ Seale. Ae change ° 1 t& je pul Xa Curae aad Kae he a “10 @> =» x Ss ad. Ene = Ao Ws He + Ay Cos 3% 4---. = A0K +a (4x2.3z)4--- ean => Eng = Qot A COMA+ QA, 54% = ata [ax—J+ on [eat sz-1] 4 Hrinks equate clhe arrod bol nomial 42 Ey. @& Eno te che Tehely sched Bly emia] and fond G0, a, ~~ - “he equattn fr BwFnl is Born = Ata oes Fase eal | Enea ple t— Deriyn a four element broad Mrde a rf of We shaciag befeveen efements. the Keen ts 4o be optima cul a de rahe uve | of lat dB down che men Lobe ma rime my Bokogot = lad te arch tog Gn) = Fas = Here n= 4, meh-] = 4-] = 3 Now. Ts Ceo) = 4- se Awe 3% = 4 wok Kee paler sete = Ie Uy e+ (1 jay} = Hels Here 1 ts even. th 3 ges F) cIhtn Ene = Eo At cas (Bes! k=o = Ao H+ H Cs 3%, a do x+ A [4n7-3z] equate Tt wich Tebeby sof poh manna] Aox+ Al [+z 32] = Ax — 3% AA Le Ao- Bz = 443 — Bx - ° Ao 3A) % = — 3% AAC) =e (to~ 24) % = = BB°316) X= HBS Aelesy = 3315 Go - 3316) % Ao— lag = 4S eh? NP? AH Ao = 5-625 BSS Ghar Shas 3315 . . lof bes 2 bee rt Relafive Amnpi date Age 2315 ob Agr 7 i? Se ol Ao => ae | scannes with OnEN Se Beam shee ving Tr broed Bde and ond fre ar she marn 0sbe Lireeten ts Per pendicu do the arn aes And alovy ay One veshechvety. But Plo bo serble “¢ cha dhe datyeedrn of marin Libe olbed chan he above men-hmed Aiveeten. tas 13 Caled beam sleoriug. ie Beam Bleeriag is the oremlaten of’ marimum Yadiates In a direchm: The beens seeneg Can he achiy achfoved Through phaped Orr phoreg ar Means, arr of nang alement wih he phate of zak elemen being Variable Provt aig Con tora! af dhe beam Avy eetan - ul dhe angk af oibreh cle orienta tron regpered ts Qo C0 La <1 08) chen at 2 (bd cosa + &)p. ay Ler mont: Tok Poe, te Bdesle ta =o

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