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Final Paper Presentation Outline

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All over the world, there is a growing challenge on climate change, for example the issue of sea

level rise in shanghai is a threat to the livelihood of the city but how can the problem be solved

both in short term and long term?

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In coming up with the question of the rising sea levels, the impact of the phenomenon was the

guiding principle. People in the city are seriously affected by the rising sea level because the land

they were occupying gets submerged forcing them to relocate in highland. Their movement to

highland has led to overpopulation which is a threat to causing outbreak of contagious diseases.

Also, the marine life is affected by the sea rise, this is because the animals and other organisms

that live in the sea are washed away by the flood resulting to their death. When the marine life is

affected, also the blue economy is hardly hit. The blue economy being an economic resource also

affects the economic GDP of the country.

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After submitting my topic on sea rise in Shanghai, a lot of questions have been lingering in my

mind. First, what can be done to overcome this natural calamity and who should be the
stakeholders. Which mitigation steps should be employed as short term and long-term remedies?

How better can the livelihood be assured of their security and health. I also came to learn that it

is not only the issue of flooding that should be addressed but also the health care system. The

question that should be addressed is whether the health care system is prepared to manage the

rising health issues among the population of the affected areas.

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Sea rise is potential challenge to many sectors of the government. These include:

 Health care system which will require more resources to manage the rising outbreaks that

are experienced as a result of poor sanitation.

 Agricultural sector will also be affected because the arable has been submerged and

waterlogged. This will reduce food production and more resources will be needed to

import food.

 Blue economy is hardly hit because of the change in sea environment. The money

collected from the sector will reduce because sea animals like fish which are used as a

source of income will be affected.

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Sea rise levels are a challenge because it will require the intervention of many governmental

sectors to provide a solution. Joining hand with the national government, the local

governments should also be involved. The institutions that are affected by this challenge


 Finance ministry

 Ministry and department of Agriculture

 Ministry of land and planning.

 Ministry of foreign affairs

 Ministry of natural resources

 Ministry of health

 Ministry of transport

 Ministry of tourism and,

 Immigration department

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Although the government has made significant contributions toward finding a solution to the

problem of rising sea levels, these efforts to mitigate the problem are not producing a long-term

solution to the issue. Relocating people to safer land is only a stopgap measure, and what is

really needed is a solution that will hold up over the long term. It is not a workable solution to

redirect the waters of the sea to other regions that are not impacted by the problem; instead, this

shifts the potential danger to both people and animals to new areas. The top priority should be

given to developing mitigation strategies that are both comprehensive and long-term.

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The solution that I would propose to provide long term remedy includes:

 Encouraging building of more spongy cities and improving the development of dykes.

 Forming a national committee that will conduct robust research on how to provide a long-

lasting solution. Example of such a committee is National Coordination Committee on

Climate Change that was founded in 1998 as part of China's administrative reforms. The

National Development and Reform Commission oversees coordinating the various

climate change policies.

 Formation of The State Council Office of the Administrator (SOA) which is charge of

leading China's participation in the work of the IPCC. The SOA is doing a significant

study on sea level rise, but more research on adaptation strategies has yet to be done.

Academic institutions also have dedicated departments for disaster preparedness and

climate change research, including the Meteorological Administration and the Agro

Meteorological Institute.

 Encouraging the use of modern technology in providing solution to the flooding and sea

rise problems.

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The institutions that would be mandated the task of implement the laid down policies are:

 The state must set out an overarching plan of adaptation and reduction," which includes

preparations for climate change and sea level rise (Yao, 2002). The National

Coordination Committee on Climate Change should include a comprehensive adaptation

strategy and assign suitable duties for this aim. This may occur in the context of a unique

agency tasked with handling the aftermath of climate-related disasters.

 The Ministry of Water Resources (MWR) or its counterparts at the province and county

levels are heavily involved in all three of the illustrative coastal activities.

 The river basin management Authority which would oversee and provide the groundwork


 The ministry of finance that will be responsible of releasing funds for implementing the

projects that are laid down in the mitigation policies.

 The provincial Administration departments that would also be stakeholders in the

program by providing resources and advice on what and where to apply the proposed

strategies. The provincial administrators would also advice on which areas to rehabilitate

or apply more technology. Some areas may need more money for maintenance and

operation, leading to many projects needing to be in better condition. This suggests that

lower levels of administration need to be appropriately supported in their duty of flood

control, particularly with traditional financing.

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The period for implementing and sustaining the policies is not a discussion that should be given

more time. If necessary, actions are not taken with immediate effect, there is a possibility that the

projects will find a pathetic situation that cannot be solved. Therefore, it is expected that these

projects should be treated as urgent and implemented within a period of less than ten years

starting with the most urgent that should be complete within less than five years. The concepts

for implementing such procedures must be established without delay, and their execution must

be securely coupled to an efficient institutional structure. This will prevent further losses that are

experienced because of sea rise and flooding.

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To know whether the solution provided are working or not, it would be necessary to produce

committees that would be tasked to move all over the country assessing the situation on the

ground. The committee would then provide a detailed report on a weekly basis so that evaluation

of the effectiveness of the projects can be analyzed and evaluated. Each committee would be

tasked for one province so that the weekly report would reflect the whole country. If the reports

suggest that there is progress in the project that would be a clear indicator that the mitigation
solutions proposed are working. Also, if the reports suggest that they have reclaimed the land

that had initially been immersed this would be a positive step indicating progress.

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Although I have provided the framework of what should be done and how to implement the

projects, I am still struggling with some issues which to me have an impact in the whole project.

First, who should be held responsible in credibility of the institutions mandate to implement the

project? Secondly, all these projects require financing, where will the government both National

and local solicit these funds and who will audit how they are used? Third, Will it be possible to

sustain the projects because they are long term, and they would require regular revisits to ensure

they are still functional?

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Finally, I take this opportunity to thank all People who played part in making sure that this

research has become a reality. Let me mention my professor who has always been there to guide

me in every step of drafting this research. I applaud his effortless input and he never gave up on

me even at times my energy was draining because of many revisions. I also recognize the effort

of my classmates, who were very resourceful in my project. It is also important to mention the

government bodies that I visited while collected my data. I cannot conclude without mentioning

the librarians who were always there to provide me with necessary materials and resource books

that I needed in my research. I really appreciate all that made this research a success.

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