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ISSN 10628738, Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics, 2015, Vol. 79, No. 6, pp. 723–728.

© Allerton Press, Inc., 2015.

Original Russian Text © I.Zh. Bunin, V.A. Chanturiya, M.V. Ryazantseva, E.V. Koporulina, I.A. Khabarova, 2015, published in Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya
Fizicheskaya, 2015, Vol. 79, No. 6, pp. 800–805.

Changes in the Surface Phase Composition of Sulfide Minerals

upon Irradiation by HighPower Nanosecond Pulses
I. Zh. Bunin, V. A. Chanturiya, M. V. Ryazantseva, E. V. Koporulina, and I. A. Khabarova
Institute for the Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources (ICEMR), Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, 111020 Russia

Abstract—The effect of highpower (highvoltage) nanosecond pulses on the phase composition and chem
ical state of atoms of surface layers of sulfide minerals with different semiconductor properties (galenite,
molybdenite, and sphalerite) is investigated by means of XPES. Common patterns and characteristic features
of the structural phase transformations of sulfide surfaces under the pulsed energetic effect are the formation
and growth of a surface layer by the nonstoichiometric sulfurenriched sulfide phase and Zn and Mo oxides
and hydroxides; the staged character of the transformation of sulfur atoms in the composition of galenite and
sphalerite surface layers; and the stability of the chemical state of sulfur in the molybdenite composition and
lead atoms in the galenite composition.
DOI: 10.3103/S1062873815060052

INTRODUCTION tively analyze the mechanisms of formation of

microphases and nanophases on the surfaces of sulfide
In recent years, an important new field of scientific minerals with different semiconductor properties
inquiry aimed at acquiring new knowledge on the (Table 1, [2, 12, 13]) under the effects of high energy,
physical and physicochemical properties of minerals, notably the influence of HEMP on the phase compo
developing efficient highenergy means of improving sition and chemical state of the atoms of surface layers
the contrast between the properties of separated min of galenite PbS (Eg ~ 0.37–0.4 eV, narrowgap (direct
eral components [1–3], and the selective disintegra gap) binary IV–VI semiconductor), molybdenite
tion and breaking of refractory ores [3–8] has been MoS2 (Eg = ~2.0 eV), and sphalerite ZnS (Eg =
under development at ICEMR. The authors of [9, 10] 3.68 eV, widegap binary II–VI semiconductor).
investigated the effect highpower (highvoltage) nano
second electromagnetic pulses (HEMP [4, 5, 11]) have To determine the gross contents of elements in
on the surface phase composition of sulfide minerals mineral samples (Table 2; the content of minor impu
(chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and galenite). rities is not given), we used atomic emission spectros
copy with inductively coupled plasma on a Varian
In this work, we present new experimental data on Vista CCD simultaneous ICPAES device. According
changes in the composition and chemical state of sur to optical microscopy data, the molybdenite (MoS2)
face atoms of molybdenite (from the Sorsk copper– crystals were agglomerations of irregularly shaped
molybdenum deposit in Khakassia) after treatment grains up to 2 mm in size, incorporated into quartz–
with highvoltage nanosecond pulses. We compara carbonate rock. Powdered mineral samples (mineral

Table 1. Crystalline structure and electrical properties of semiconductor ore (sulfide) minerals [2, 12, 13]

Types Lattice Type

Compound Crystalline structure Band gap (Eg), eV
of semiconductors constant, nm of conduction

IV–VI PbS Cubic 0.5935 0.37 (0.29) n, p

Molybdenum(IV) sul MoS2 Hexagonal a = 0.316, ~2.0(1.9; 1.29) n, p

fide P 63/mmc (layered) c = 1.2295

II–VI ZnS Cubic 0.5409 3.6–3.9 (3.83) n


724 BUNIN et al.

Table 2. Chemical composition of the galenite, molybdenite, and sphalerite samples (wt %)

Sample Pb Mo Zn S Fe As Si Ca Cu

PbS 56.71 – 8.75 15.60 1.41 0.45 – 0.24 0.09

MoS2 0.05 52.3 – 26.00 1.42 – 3.77 3.27 –

ZnS 6.61 – >50.00 29.30 4.08 – – – 0.28

particle size, –100 to 63 μm) and polished metallo position of galenite surface layers, we investigated the
graphic sections (~10 × 10 × 5 mm) were subjected to spectra of electron levels Pb4f, S2p, O1s, and C1s [10]
highvoltage nanosecond pulses with pulse front for the atoms of oxygen and carbon on the sphalerite
τ ~ 1–5 ns; pulse duration τ ~ 50 ns; pulse amplitude surface (Zn2p3/2, S2p, O1s, and C1s) and the atoms of
U ~ 20 kV; E ~ 107 V/m; pulse repetition frequency, molybdenum, sulfur, and oxygen in the composition
100 Hz; pulse energy, ~0.1 J; and range of variation in of the molybdenite surface layers (Mo3d, S2p,
treatment time ttreat = 5–50 s. In other words, the and O1s).
number of HEMP, Npul ~ (0.5–5) × 103, were treated
under conditions that excluded (or minimized) the
influence of interelectrode spark breakdown in Galenite
the mineral samples [5, 11]. The authors of [10] showed via XPES method the
To analyze the phase compositions of the surfaces structuralphase transformations of galenite surface
of mineral particles, we used Xray photoelectron layers after HEMP treatment were due mainly to vari
spectroscopy (XPES) on a Kratos Axis Ultra DLD ations in the chemical state of sulfur atoms. A metasta
spectrometer equipped with a monochromatic AlKα ble phase of lead thiosulfate (PbS2O3) formed in the
Xray source and IR Fourier diffuse reflection spec surface of mineral particles as a result of pulsed treat
troscopy (IRFS) on a Shimadzu IRAffinity1 spec ment of the samples in first 5–10 s (ttreat ≤ 10 s) and was
trometer. A detailed description of the procedures for reduced to the initial sulfide state as the duration of the
XPES investigations of the surface of sulfide minerals pulsed effect increased to 30 s. The mineral surface then
was presented in [9, 10]. (at ttreat ≥ 30 s) oxidized. The variation in the chemical
We investigated the surface morphology and sur composition of sulfur atoms was accompanied by dehy
face potential distribution (contact potential differ dration of the galenite surface at ttreat ≤ 10 s.
ence CPD [15], Δϕ, V) of molybdenite before and According to the XPES data, the position and
after HEMP treatment using the Kelvin probe tech shape of the considered spectral bands of the Pb4f level
nique [14]. The AFM measurements were made using of lead did not differ appreciably after pulsed treat
an Ntegra Prima module scanning probe microscope ment, testifying to the stability of the chemical state of
(NTMDT, Zelenograd) in air under standard condi lead atoms in the composition of the galenite surface
tions; the scanning step was 256 × 256. Application of layers relative to the effect of nanosecond highvoltage
the twopass Kelvin probe approach to measure the pulses.
CPD [14, 15] allowed us to reduce considerably the
influence the topographic component had on the form Sphalerite
of the surface potential’s distribution pattern. The sur
face relief was determined during the first pass, and the The results from investigating variation in the
CPD was measured during the second pass of the can chemical composition of sphalerite surface layers
tilever, during which the tip was lifted by Δz over the before and after HEMP treatment via XPES are given
sample so that Δz ~ 20 nm. We used DPE14 sensors in Table 3.
with a <40 nm spherical radius of the probe tip and The results of expanding the 2p spectrum of lead
conducting Pt probe coating. The width of the cantile show that there were two components with a chemical
ver bar was 35 μ; its resonant frequency was ~160 kHz, (energetic) shift on the order Δ E ≈ 1.3 eV in the
and its rigidity was 6 N/m. Zn2p3/2 spectra: the first component with a binding
energy of ~1021 eV was attributed to ZnS [16–18], while
the second with Ebind = 1022.5 eV was likely due to oxi
dized zinc compounds in the composition of the surface
Analyzing the XPES Data sphalerite layer (Σ ZnSO4 + ZnO + Zn(OH)2) [18].
To analyze in detail the chemical (valent) state of Given the satisfactory coincidence between the
atoms of lead, sulfur, oxygen, and carbon in the com experimental photoelectron S2p spectrum and its full



Table 3. Effect of HEMP on the phase composition of the sphalerite surface, according to the XPES data (at %)

Zn 2p3/2 S 2p O 1s C 1s
number, Zn–O[(ZnO +
103 (Zn–S) ZnS Zn(OH) + ZnS S2x
(2x −n)

SO x
− Σ ZnO +
H2Osurf Csurf.cont Zn(CO3)
Zn(SO4)] ZnOH

0 69.8 30.2 30.2 69.8 – 100 0 93.8 6.2

0.5 53.7 46.3 16.5 38.3 54.8 100 0 87.4 12.6
1 7.5 75.1 28.4 71.6 – 51.5 48.5 86.9 13.1
3 24.9 100 48.8 51.2 – 22.6 77.4 88.6 11.4
5 45.4 54.6 100.0 0.0 – 67.7 32.3 88.7 11.3

calculated envelope of the set of elementary compo tion of carbon in zinc carbonate was established from
nents, it is possible that sulfur bound in zinc sulfide the component with the binding energy (in the range
(Ebind = 162.2–162.6 eV) [19], elemental sulfur, and of 288.5–289.2 eV) of spectrum 1s of carbon growing
(or) its allotropic modifications of the S n2− type [16] from 6.2 to 12.6% (Table 3).
were present on the sphalerite surface. Prolonging the duration of pulsed treatment to ttreat
According to the XPES data, the electropulse ~ 10 s reduced the fraction of zinc bound in the sulfide
effect led to variations in the chemical state of the from 53.7 to 7.5% (Table 3) and increased the surface
sphalerite surface. Due to shortterm (ttreat ~ 5 s) concentration of zinc atoms corresponding to its oxi
HEMP treatment, a component with a binding energy dized forms. Variations in the profile of the spectrum
of 166.8 eV and attributed to sulfite ions SO32− [20] was of the S2p level were also found: the absence of the
noted in the spectrum of 2p level of sulfur (Table 3). component with a binding energy of 166.8 eV, which
Two components with maxima Ebind = 530.0– corresponds to the SO32− state; and increases in com
530.5 eV and Ebind = 532.0 eV can be distinguished in ponents of the spectrum associated with sulfide and
the spectra of 1s level of oxygen, both for the sample elemental sulfur by factors of 1.7 and 1.9, respectively
with no HEMP treatment and for the treated sample, (Table 3).
indicating the presence of ZnO oxide and Zn(OH)2
hydroxide, respectively [21]. Prolonging the duration Electromagnetic pulsed treatment at ttreat ~ 30 s
of the pulsed effect (ttreat ≥ 10 s) led to variation in the increased surface hydration by a factor of 1.6 (Table 3).
shape of the spectra (asymmetric broadening with the It follows from the expansion of the Zn spectrum of
emergence of a pronounced shoulder in the 533 eV the 2р level that the zinc in the region of collecting
region of binding energies), indicating that there was analytical information was associated with oxides and
physically and/or chemically sorbed water in the com hydroxides. Analysis of the spectrum of the 2p level of
position of the sphalerite surface layer (48.5 at %, sulfur atoms showed a drop in the surface concentra
Table 3).
tion of sulfur in state S2n− (from 71.6 to 51.2%) due to
We can distinguish three components with binding
energies of 285.0, 286.5, and 289.2 eV for all of our its thermal removal and a simultaneous increase in the
sphalerite samples in the spectra of the 1s level of car sulfide component of the spectrum (from 28.8 to
bon. The first two correspond to C–O and C=O bonds 48.8%).
in the structure of hydrocarbon surface contamina Prolonging the duration of the pulsed effect to
tions [22]; the last one is attributed to the presence of
zinc carbonate ZnCO3 [23]. ttreat ~ 50 s led to the removal of sulfur S2n− from the sur
Analysis of the XPES data showed that the sulfide face of sphalerite particles, due apparently to a local
components in the spectra of the 2p level of zinc and increase in the temperature of surface nonuniformities
sulfur were reduced by factors of 1.3 (from 69.8 to of mineral particles [24]. This was confirmed by the
53.7 at %) and 1.8 (from 30.2 to 16.5 at %), respec XPES data, according to which sulfur and zinc (in
tively (Table 3), due to the pulsed effect for ttreat ~ 5 s. amounts of 100% and 45.4%, respectively) were in sul
At the same time, the formation of the sulfite form of fide form (Table 3). A reduction in the total hydration
sulfur (Ebind = 166.8 eV) was observed, due apparently of the surface layer of mineral by a factor of 2.4 was
to sulfide and polysulfide sulfur bonding with oxygen observed, relative to the sample treated with HEMP
(Table 3). In addition, an increase in the concentra for 30 s.


726 BUNIN et al.

Table 4. Effect of HEMP on the phase composition of the molybdenite surface, according to the XPES data (at %)

Mo 3d S 2p O 1s
of HEMP, 103
MoS2 MoSxOy + MoOx MoS MoSxOy Σ MoOx + Mo(OH)y + MoSxOy H2Osudface

0 93.8 6.2 66.7 33.3 75.0 25.0

0.5 90.6 9.3 66.7 33.3 87.7 12.3

1 92.8 7.2 66.7 33.3 83.9 16.1

3 88.4 11.6 66.7 33.3 91.3 19.7

5 90.7 9.3 66.7 33.3 91.5 18.5

Molybdenite ment remained invariable) are presented in Table 4. The

In processing our XPES data, the spectrum of the main variations in the phase composition of the min
3d level of Mo atoms was approximated by two dou eral surfaces under the HEMP effect are due to the
blets, Mo3d5/2–3/2 (binding energy with maxima Ebind = accumulation of molybdenum oxides and hydroxides,
229.9–235.8 eV and Ebind = 232.9–236.1 eV), the first the surface concentrations of which rose by a factor of
of which is associated with molybdenum disulfide 1.2–1.9. For example, the fraction of molybdenum
MoS2 and the second with molybdenum oxysulfides atoms associated with oxide and hydroxide phases
MoOxSy and oxides MoOx [25, 26]. grew from 6.2% (reference sample) to 11.6% after
pulsed treatment of the mineral samples for 30 s.
The results from expanding the S 2р level showed
that the sulfur in the molybdenite surface layer (depth In addition, the HEMP effect for 5 s led to dehy
of analysis, ~1.2 nm) was in two chemical states: dration of the surface of mineral particles (Table 4), or
molybdenum disulfide itself (doublet 162.38– a reduction in the concentration of oxygen associated
163.68 eV) and oxysulfide formations with the formula with molecules of water adsorbed on the mineral sur
MoSxOy (doublet 163.53–164.83 eV) [25, 26]. faces, compared to the reference sample. Prolonging
The spectra of the O1s states on the surfaces of the duration of pulsed treatment raised the concentra
molybdenite particles consisted of three lines: the tion of surface water from 12.3% (ttreat ~ 5 s) to 19.7%
maxima of first two bands were due to oxides, hydrox (30 s).
ides, and oxysulfides (Ebind = 531.15 eV), while the
lines lying in the region of high binding energies CONCLUSIONS
532.55 eV and 533.5 eV were associated with oxygen
atoms (of water molecules) adsorbed on the mineral The main variations in the phase composition of
surfaces (molecularly adsorbed water) [27]. molybdenite surfaces resulting from electromagnetic
On the whole, a molybdenite surface is oxidized pulsed treatment are associated with the accumulation
weakly both in the initial state and after treatment by of molybdenum oxides and hydroxides, and with the
nanosecond pulses: ~90% of the molybdenum atoms dehydration (hydration) of the mineral surfaces.
and ~67% of the sulfur atoms on the surfaces of min It was shown using the Kelvin probe technique that
eral particles are bound into molybdenum disulfide. the maximum of the potential distribution of the CPD
The MoS2 compound has a layered structure (a natural surface (Δϕmax) was shifted by approximately 10 mV to
characteristic of twodimensional structures) in which the region of lower (positive) values after pulsed treat
each layer consists of three atomic planes so that the ment of the molybdenite samples for 10 s: from
layer (sheet) of hexagonally packed Mo atoms is ~77 mV (in the initial state) to ~67 mV (Fig. 4). It
clamped between two hexagonally packed sheets of seems likely that, according to the relation [15] Δϕ =
sulfur [28]. Molybdenite is characterized by strong ϕp – ϕsurf, where ϕp is the probe potential and ϕsurf is
anisotropy of its crystalline structure and chemical the potential of the mineral surface, our results indi
bonds, so the bonds of the atoms inside the layer are cate an increase in the molybdenite surface potential
considerably stronger than those between the layers. due to the effects of pulsed energy. It should be noted
Data on the effect highvoltage nanosecond pulses that the established patterns in the distribution and
have on the phase composition of the surfaces of variation in the mineral surface potential were
molybdenite particles (according to which the chemi observed while gradually increasing the sizes of the
cal state of surface atoms of sulfur caused by pulsed treat surface scanning regions from 1 × 1 μm to 50 × 50 μm.



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