CFR 2009 Title47 Vol3 Part68

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Pt. 68 47 CFR Ch.

I (10–1–09 Edition)

PART 68—CONNECTION OF TER- 68.318 Additional limitations.

68.320 Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity.
MINAL EQUIPMENT TO THE TELE- 68.321 Location of responsible party.
PHONE NETWORK 68.322 Changes in name, address, ownership
or control of responsible party.
Subpart A—General 68.324 Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity
Sec. 68.326 Retention of records.
68.1 Purpose. 68.346 Description of testing facilities.
68.2 Scope. 68.348 Changes in equipment and circuitry
68.3 Definitions. subject to a Supplier’s Declaration of
68.4 Hearing aid-compatible telephones. Conformity.
68.5 Waivers. 68.350 Revocation of Supplier’s Declaration
68.6 Telephones with volume control. of Conformity.
68.7 Technical criteria for terminal equip-
68.354 Numbering and labeling requirements
for terminal equipment.
Subpart B—Conditions on Use of Terminal Subpart E—Complaint Procedures
68.400–68.412 [Reserved]
68.100 General. 68.414 Hearing aid-compatibility: Enforce-
68.102 Terminal equipment approval re- ment.
68.415 Hearing aid-compatibility and vol-
68.105 Minimum point of entry (MPOE) and
ume control informal complaints.
demarcation point.
68.417 Informal complaints; form and con-
68.106 Notification to provider of wireline
68.418 Procedure; designation of agents for
68.108 Incidence of harm.
68.110 Compatibility of the public switched
68.419 Answers to informal complaints.
telephone network and terminal equip-
68.420 Review and disposition of informal
68.112 Hearing aid-compatibility.
68.160 Designation of Telecommunication 68.423 Actions by the Commission on its
Certification Bodies (TCBs). own motion.
68.162 Requirements for Telecommunication
Certification Bodies. Subpart F [Reserved]

Subpart C—Terminal Equipment Approval Subpart G—Administrative Council for

Procedures Terminal Attachments

68.201 Connection to the public switched 68.602 Sponsor of the Administrative Coun-
telephone network. cil for Terminal Attachments.
68.211 Terminal equipment approval revoca- 68.604 Requirements for submitting tech-
tion procedures. nical criteria.
68.213 Installation of other than ‘‘fully pro- 68.608 Publication of technical criteria.
tected’’ non-system simple customer 68.610 Database of terminal equipment.
premises wiring. 68.612 Labels on terminal equipment.
68.214 Changes in other than ‘‘fully pro- 68.614 Oppositions and appeals.
tected’’ premises wiring that serves AUTHORITY: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303.
fewer than four subscriber access lines.
68.215 Installation of other than ‘‘fully-pro-
tected’’ system premises wiring that Subpart A—General
serves more than four subscriber access
lines. AUTHORITY: Secs. 4, 5, 303, 48 Stat., as
68.218 Responsibility of the party acquiring amended, 1066, 1068, 1082; (47 U.S.C. 154, 155,
equipment authorization. 303).
68.224 Notice of non-hearing aid compat-
ibility. SOURCE: 45 FR 20841, Mar. 31, 1980, unless
otherwise noted.
Subpart D—Conditions for Terminal
Equipment Approval § 68.1 Purpose.

68.300 Labeling requirements.

The purpose of the rules and regula-
68.316 Hearing aid compatibility: Technical tions in this part is to provide for uni-
form standards for the protection of
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68.317 Hearing aid compatibility volume the telephone network from harms
control: technical standards. caused by the connection of terminal


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Federal Communications Commission § 68.3

equipment and associated wiring there- ment or security devices pursuant to

to, and for the compatibility of hearing this section shall file a request with
aids and telephones so as to ensure the Secretary of this Commission stat-
that persons with hearing aids have ing the reasons why the exemption is
reasonable access to the telephone net- requested. A list of these departments,
work. agencies, or administrations that have
filed requests shall be published in the
(47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i), 154(j), 201–205, 218, 220,
313, 403, 412, and 5 U.S.C. 553)
may take action with respect to those
[49 FR 21733, May 23, 1984] requests 30 days after publication. The
Commission action shall be published
§ 68.2 Scope. in the FEDERAL REGISTER. However, the
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs Commission may grant, on less than
(b) and (c) of this section, the rules and the normal notice period or without
regulations apply to direct connection notice, special temporary authority,
of all terminal equipment to the public not to exceed 90 days, for governmental
switched telephone network for use in departments, agencies, or administra-
conjunction with all services other tions that wish to qualify for inter-
than party line services. connection of equipment or security
(b) National defense and security. devices pursuant to this section. Re-
Where the Secretary of Defense or au- quests for such authority shall state
thorized agent or the head of any other the particular fact and circumstances
governmental department, agency, or why authority should be granted on
administration (approved in writing by less than the normal notice period or
the Commission to act pursuant to this without notice. In such cases, the Com-
rule) or authorized representative, cer- mission shall endeavor to publish its
tifies in writing to the appropriate disposition as promptly as possible in
common carrier that compliance with the FEDERAL REGISTER.
the provisions of part 68 could result in [66 FR 7580, Jan. 24, 2001]
the disclosure of communications
equipment or security devices, loca- § 68.3 Definitions.
tions, uses, personnel, or activity As used in this part:
which would adversely affect the na- Demarcation point (also point of inter-
tional defense and security, such equip- connection). As used in this part, the
ment or security devices may be con- point of demarcation and/or inter-
nected to the telephone company pro- connection between the communica-
vided communications network with- tions facilities of a provider of wireline
out compliance with this part, provided telecommunications, and terminal
that each written certification states equipment, protective apparatus or
that: wiring at a subscriber’s premises.
(1) The connection is required in the Essential telephones. Only coin-oper-
interest of national defense and secu- ated telephones, telephones provided
rity; for emergency use, and other tele-
(2) The equipment or device to be phones frequently needed for use by
connected either complies with the persons using such hearing aids.
technical criteria pertaining thereto or Harm. Electrical hazards to the per-
will not cause harm to the nationwide sonnel of providers of wireline tele-
telephone network or to employees of communications, damage to the equip-
any provider of wireline telecommuni- ment of providers of wireline tele-
cations; and communications, malfunction of the
(3) The installation is performed by billing equipment of providers of
well-trained, qualified employees under wireline telecommunications, and deg-
the responsible supervision and control radation of service to persons other
of a person who is a licensed profes- than the user of the subject terminal
sional engineer in the jurisdiction in equipment, his calling or called party.
which the installation is performed. Hearing aid compatible. Except as used
(c) Governmental departments, agen- at §§ 68.4(a)(3) and 68.414, the terms
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

cies, or administrations that wish to hearing aid compatible or hearing aid

qualify for interconnection of equip- compatibility are used as defined in


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§ 68.4 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)

§ 68.316, unless it is specifically stated is imported subsequent to the modi-

that hearing aid compatibility volume fications, becomes the new responsible
control, as defined in § 68.317, is in- party. Retailers or original equipment
tended or is included in the definition. manufacturers may enter into an
Inside wiring or premises wiring. Cus- agreement with the assembler or im-
tomer-owned or controlled wire on the porter to assume the responsibilities to
subscriber’s side of the demarcation ensure compliance of the terminal
point. equipment and to become the respon-
Premises. As used herein, generally a sible party.
dwelling unit, other building or a legal Secure telephones. Telephones that are
unit of real property such as a lot on approved by the United States Govern-
which a dwelling unit is located, as de- ment for the transmission of classified
termined by the provider of tele- or sensitive voice communications.
communications service’s reasonable Terminal equipment. As used in this
and nondiscriminatory standard oper- part, communications equipment lo-
ating practices. cated on customer premises at the end
Private radio services. Private land of a communications link, used to per-
mobile radio services and other com- mit the stations involved to accom-
munications services characterized by plish the provision of telecommuni-
the Commission in its rules as private cations or information services.
radio services. [66 FR 7581, Jan. 24, 2001]
Public mobile services. Air-to-ground
radiotelephone services, cellular radio § 68.4 Hearing aid-compatible tele-
telecommunications services, offshore phones.
radio, rural radio service, public land (a)(1) Except for telephones used with
mobile telephone service, and other public mobile services, telephones used
common carrier radio communications with private radio services, and
services covered by part 22 of Title 47 cordless and secure telephones, every
of the Code of Federal Regulations. telephone manufactured in the United
Responsible party. The party or par- States (other than for export) or im-
ties responsible for the compliance of ported for use in the United States
terminal equipment or protective cir- after August 16, 1989, must be hearing
cuitry intended for connection directly aid compatible, as defined in § 68.316.
to the public switched telephone net- Every cordless telephone manufactured
work with the applicable rules and reg- in the United States (other than for ex-
ulations in this part and with the tech- port) or imported into the United
nical criteria published by the Admin- States after August 16, 1991, must be
istrative Council for Terminal Attach- hearing aid compatible, as defined in
ments. If a Telecommunications Cer- § 68.316.
tification Body certifies the terminal (2) Unless otherwise stated and ex-
equipment, the responsible party is the cept for telephones used with public
holder of the certificate for that equip- mobile services, telephones used with
ment. If the terminal equipment is the private radio services and secure tele-
subject of a Supplier’s Declaration of phones, every telephone listed in
Conformity, the responsible party shall § 68.112 must be hearing aid compatible,
be: the manufacturer of the terminal as defined in § 68.316.
equipment, or the manufacturer of pro- (3) A telephone is hearing aid-com-
tective circuitry that is marketed for patible if it provides internal means for
use with terminal equipment that is effective use with hearing aids that are
not to be connected directly to the net- designed to be compatible with tele-
work, or if the equipment is imported, phones which meet established tech-
the importer, or if the terminal equip- nical standards for hearing aid compat-
ment is assembled from individual ibility.
component parts, the assembler. If the (4) The Commission shall revoke or
equipment is modified by any party not otherwise limit the exemptions of
working under the authority of the re- paragraph (a)((1) of this section for
sponsible party, the party performing telephones used with public mobile
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

the modifications, if located within the services or telephones used with pri-
U.S., or the importer, if the equipment vate radio services if it determines


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Federal Communications Commission § 68.105

that (i) such revocation or limitation is cure telephones, as defined by § 68.3 are
in the public interest; (ii) continuation exempt from this section, as are tele-
of the exemption without such revoca- phones used with public mobile serv-
tion or limitation would have an ad- ices or private radio services.
verse effect on hearing-impaired indi-
[62 FR 43484, Aug. 14, 1997]
viduals; (iii) compliance with the re-
quirements of § 68.4(a)(1) is techno- § 68.7 Technical criteria for terminal
logically feasible for the telephones to equipment.
which the exemption applies; and (iv)
compliance with the requirements of (a) Terminal equipment shall not
§ 68.4(a)(1) would not increase costs to cause harm, as defined in § 68.3, to the
such an extent that the telephones to public switched telephone network.
which the exemption applies could not (b) Technical criteria published by
be successfully marketed. the Administrative Council for Ter-
minal Attachments are the presump-
[54 FR 21430, May 18, 1989, as amended at 55 tively valid technical criteria for the
FR 28763, July 13, 1990; 57 FR 27183, June 18, protection of the public switched tele-
1992; 61 FR 42186, Aug. 14, 1996]
phone network from harms caused by
§ 68.5 Waivers. the connection of terminal equipment,
subject to the appeal procedures in
The Commission may, upon the ap- § 68.614 of this part.
plication of any interested person, ini-
tiate a proceeding to waive the require- [66 FR 7581, Jan. 24, 2001]
ments of § 68.4(a)(1) with respect to new
telephones, or telephones associated Subpart B—Conditions on Use of
with a new technology or service. The Terminal Equipment
Commission shall not grant such a
waiver unless it determines, on the § 68.100 General.
basis of evidence in the record of such In accordance with the rules and reg-
proceeding, that such telephones, or ulations in this part, terminal equip-
such technology or service, are in the ment may be directly connected to the
public interest, and that (a) compli- public switched telephone network, in-
ance with the requirements of cluding private line services provided
§ 68.4(a)(1) is technologically infeasible, over wireline facilities that are owned
or (b) compliance with such require- by providers of wireline telecommuni-
ments would increase the costs of the cations.
telephones, or of the technology or
service, to such an extent that such [66 FR 7581, Jan. 24, 2001]
telephones, technology, or service
could not be successfully marketed. In § 68.102 Terminal equipment approval
any proceeding under this section to requirement.
grant a waiver from the requirements Terminal equipment must be ap-
of § 68.4(a)(1), the Commission shall proved in accordance with the rules
consider the effect on hearing-impaired and regulations in subpart C of this
individuals of granting the waiver. The part, or connected through protective
Commission shall periodically review circuitry that is approved in accord-
and determine the continuing need for ance with the rules and regulations in
any waiver granted pursuant to this subpart C.
[66 FR 7582, Jan. 24, 2001]
[54 FR 21430, May 18, 1989]
§ 68.105 Minimum point of entry
§ 68.6 Telephones with volume control. (MPOE) and demarcation point.
As of January 1, 2000, all telephones, (a) Facilities at the demarcation point.
including cordless telephones, as de- Carrier-installed facilities at, or con-
fined in § 15.3(j) of this chapter, manu- stituting, the demarcation point shall
factured in the United States (other consist of wire or a jack conforming to
than for export) or imported for use in the technical criteria published by the
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

the United States, must have volume Administrative Council for Terminal
control in accordance with § 68.317. Se- Attachments.


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§ 68.105 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)

(b) Minimum point of entry. The unit premises owner shall determine
‘‘minimum point of entry’’ (MPOE) as whether there shall be a single demar-
used herein shall be either the closest cation point location for all customers
practicable point to where the wiring or separate such locations for each cus-
crosses a property line or the closest tomer. Provided, however, that where
practicable point to where the wiring there are multiple demarcation points
enters a multiunit building or build- within the multiunit premises, a de-
ings. The reasonable and nondiscrim- marcation point for a customer shall
inatory standard operating practices of not be further inside the customer’s
the provider of wireline telecommuni- premises than a point 30 cm (12 in)
cations services shall determine which from where the wiring enters the cus-
shall apply. The provider of wireline tomer’s premises, or as close thereto as
telecommunications services is not practicable. At the time of installa-
precluded from establishing reasonable tion, the provider of wireline tele-
classifications of multiunit premises communications services shall fully in-
for purposes of determining which shall form the premises owner of its options
apply. Multiunit premises include, but and rights regarding the placement of
are not limited to, residential, com- the demarcation point or points and
mercial, shopping center and campus shall not attempt to unduly influence
situations. that decision for the purpose of ob-
(c) Single unit installations. For single structing competitive entry.
unit installations existing as of August (3) In any multiunit premises where
13, 1990, and installations installed the demarcation point is not already at
after that date the demarcation point the MPOE, the provider of wireline
shall be a point within 30 cm (12 in) of telecommunications services must
the protector or, where there is no pro- comply with a request from the prem-
tector, within 30 cm (12 in) of where the ises owner to relocate the demarcation
telephone wire enters the customer’s point to the MPOE. The provider of
premises, or as close thereto as prac- wireline telecommunications services
ticable. must negotiate terms in good faith and
(d) Multiunit installations. (1) In mul- complete the negotiations within
tiunit premises existing as of August forty-five days from said request.
13, 1990, the demarcation point shall be Premises owners may file complaints
determined in accordance with the with the Commission for resolution of
local carrier’s reasonable and non-dis- allegations of bad faith bargaining by
criminatory standard operating prac- provider of wireline telecommuni-
tices. Provided, however, that where cations services. See 47 U.S.C. 208; 47
there are multiple demarcation points CFR 1.720 through 1.736 (1999).
within the multiunit premises, a de- (4) The provider of wireline tele-
marcation point for a customer shall communications services shall make
not be further inside the customer’s available information on the location
premises than a point twelve inches of the demarcation point within ten
from where the wiring enters the cus- business days of a request from the
tomer’s premises, or as close thereto as premises owner. If the provider of
practicable. wireline telecommunications services
(2) In multiunit premises in which does not provide the information with-
wiring is installed, including major ad- in that time, the premises owner may
ditions or rearrangements of wiring ex- presume the demarcation point to be at
isting prior to that date, the provider the MPOE. Notwithstanding the provi-
of wireline telecommunications may sions of § 68.110(c) of this part, provider
place the demarcation point at the of wireline telecommunications serv-
minimum point of entry (MPOE). If the ices must make this information freely
provider of wireline telecommuni- available to the requesting premises
cations services does not elect to estab- owner.
lish a practice of placing the demarca- (5) In multiunit premises with more
tion point at the minimum point of than one customer, the premises owner
entry, the multiunit premises owner may adopt a policy restricting a cus-
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

shall determine the location of the de- tomer’s access to wiring on the prem-
marcation point or points. The multi- ises to only that wiring located in the


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Federal Communications Commission § 68.110

customer’s individual unit that serves wireline telecommunications in ac-

only that particular customer. cordance with § 68.215(e).
[66 FR 7582, Jan. 24, 2001; 67 FR 60167, Sept. [66 FR 7582, Jan. 24, 2001]
25, 2002]
§ 68.108 Incidence of harm.
§ 68.106 Notification to provider of Should terminal equipment, inside
wireline telecommunications.
wiring, plugs and jacks, or protective
(a) General. Customers connecting circuitry cause harm to the public
terminal equipment or protective cir- switched telephone network, or should
cuitry to the public switched telephone the provider of wireline telecommuni-
network shall, upon request of the pro- cations reasonably determine that such
vider of wireline telecommunications, harm is imminent, the provider of
inform the provider of wireline tele- wireline telecommunications shall,
communications of the particular where practicable, notify the customer
line(s) to which such connection is that temporary discontinuance of serv-
made, and any other information re- ice may be required; however, wherever
quired to be placed on the terminal prior notice is not practicable, the pro-
equipment pursuant to § 68.354 of this vider of wireline telecommunications
part by the Administrative Council for may temporarily discontinue service
Terminal Attachments. forthwith, if such action is reasonable
(b) Systems assembled of combinations under the circumstances. In case of
of individually-approved terminal equip- such temporary discontinuance, the
ment and protective circuitry. Customers provider of wireline telecommuni-
connecting such assemblages to the cations shall:
public switched telephone network (a) Promptly notify the customer of
shall, upon the request of the provider such temporary discontinuance;
of wireline telecommunications, pro- (b) Afford the customer the oppor-
vide to the provider of wireline tele- tunity to correct the situation which
communications the following infor- gave rise to the temporary discontinu-
mation: ance; and
For each line: (c) Inform the customer of his right
(1) Information required for compat- to bring a complaint to the Commis-
ible operation of the equipment with sion pursuant to the procedures set
the communications facilities of the forth in subpart E of this part.
provider of wireline telecommuni- [55 FR 28630, July 12, 1990, as amended at 66
cations; FR 7583, Jan. 24, 2001]
(2) The identifying information re-
quired to be placed on terminal equip- § 68.110 Compatibility of the public
ment pursuant to § 68.354 for all equip- switched telephone network and
ment dedicated to that line; and terminal equipment.
(3) Any other information regarding (a) Availability of interface information.
equipment dedicated to that line re- Technical information concerning
quired to be placed on the terminal interface parameters not specified by
equipment by the Administrative the technical criteria published by the
Council for Terminal Attachments. Administrative Council for Terminal
(4) A list of identifying numbers re- Attachments, that are needed to per-
quired to be placed on terminal equip- mit terminal equipment to operate in a
ment, if any, by the Administrative manner compatible with the commu-
Council for Terminal Attachments, nications facilities of a provider of
pursuant to § 68.354 of this part, for wireline telecommunications, shall be
equipment to be used in the system. provided by the provider of wireline
(c) Systems using other than ‘‘fully pro- telecommunications upon request.
tected’’ premises wiring. Customers who (b) Changes in the facilities, equipment,
intend to connect premises wiring operations, or procedures of a provider of
other than ‘‘fully protected’’ premises wireline telecommunications. A provider
wiring to the public switched telephone of wireline telecommunications may
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

network shall, in addition to the fore- make changes in its communications

going, give notice to the provider of facilities, equipment, operations or


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§ 68.112 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)

procedures, where such action is rea- automobile, railway or subway, and

sonably required in the operation of its workplace common areas.
business and is not inconsistent with
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(1): Examples of
the rules and regulations in this part. workplace common areas include libraries,
If such changes can be reasonably ex- reception areas and similar locations where
pected to render any customer’s ter- employees are reasonably expected to con-
minal equipment incompatible with gregate.
the communications facilities of the
provider of wireline telecommuni- (2) Telephones specifically installed
cations, or require modification or al- to alert emergency authorities, includ-
teration of such terminal equipment, ing, but not limited to, police or fire
or otherwise materially affect its use departments or medical assistance per-
or performance, the customer shall be sonnel.
given adequate notice in writing, to (3) Telephones, except headsets, in
allow the customer an opportunity to workplace non-common areas. Note:
maintain uninterrupted service. Examples of workplace non-common
(c) Availability of inside wiring infor- areas include private enclosed offices,
mation. Any available technical infor- open area individual work stations and
mation concerning wiring on the cus- mail rooms. Such non-common area
tomer side of the demarcation point, telephones are required to be hearing
including copies of existing schematic aid compatible, as defined in § 68.316, by
diagrams and service records, shall be January 1, 2000, except for those tele-
provided by the provider of wireline phones located in establishments with
telecommunications upon request of fewer than fifteen employees; and those
the building owner or agent thereof. telephones purchased between January
The provider of wireline telecommuni- 1, 1985 through December 31, 1989,
cations may charge the building owner which are not required to be hearing
a reasonable fee for this service, which aid compatible, as defined in § 68.316,
shall not exceed the cost involved in lo- until January 1, 2005.
cating and copying the documents. In (i) Telephones, including headsets,
the alternative, the provider of made available to an employee with a
wireline telecommunications may hearing disability for use by that em-
make these documents available for re- ployee in his or her employment duty,
view and copying by the building shall, however, be hearing aid compat-
owner. In this case, the provider of ible, as defined in § 68.316.
wireline telecommunications may (ii) As of January 1, 2000 or January
charge a reasonable fee, which shall 1, 2005, whichever date is applicable,
not exceed the cost involved in making there shall be a rebuttable presumption
the documents available, and may also that all telephones located in the
require the building owner to pay a de- workplace are hearing aid compatible,
posit to guarantee the documents’ re- as defined in § 68.316. Any person who
turn. identifies a telephone as non-hearing
aid-compatible, as defined in § 68.316,
[66 FR 7583, Jan. 24, 2001] may rebut this presumption. Such tele-
phone must be replaced within fifteen
§ 68.112 Hearing aid-compatibility. working days with a hearing aid com-
(a) Coin telephones. All new and exist- patible telephone, as defined in § 68.316,
ing coin-operated telephones, whether including, on or after January 1, 2000,
located on public property or in a semi- with volume control, as defined in
public location (e.g., drugstore, gas sta- § 68.317.
tion, private club). (iii) Telephones, not including head-
(b) Emergency use telephones. Tele- sets, except those headsets furnished
phones ‘‘provided for emergency use’’ under paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this sec-
include the following: tion, that are purchased, or replaced
(1) Telephones, except headsets, in with newly acquired telephones, must
places where a person with a hearing be:
disability might be isolated in an (A) Hearing aid compatible, as de-
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

emergency, including, but not limited fined in § 68.316, after October 23, 1996;
to, elevators, highways, and tunnels for and


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Federal Communications Commission § 68.112

(B) Include volume control, as de- (i) A telephone that is hearing aid
fined in § 68.317, on or after January 1, compatible, as defined in § 68.316, is not
2000. required until:
(iv) When a telephone under para- (A) November 1, 1997, for establish-
graph (b)(3)(iii) of this section is re- ments with fifty or more beds, unless
placed with a telephone from inventory replaced before that time; and
existing before October 23, 1996, any (B) November 1, 1998, for all other es-
person may make a bona fide request tablishments with fewer than fifty
that such telephone be hearing aid beds, unless replaced before that time.
compatible, as defined in § 68.316. If the (ii) Telephones that are purchased, or
replacement occurs on or after January replaced with newly acquired tele-
1, 2000, the telephone must have vol- phones, must be:
ume control, as defined in § 68.317. The (A) Hearing aid compatible, as de-
telephone shall be provided within fif- fined in § 68.116, after October 23, 1996;
teen working days. and
(v) During the period from October (B) Include volume control, as de-
23, 1996, until the applicable date of fined in § 68.317, on or after January 1,
January 1, 2000 or January 1, 2005, 2000.
workplaces of fifteen or more employ- (iii) Unless a telephone in a confined
ees also must provide and designate setting is replaced pursuant to para-
telephones for emergency use by em- graph (b)(5)(ii) of this section, a hear-
ployees with hearing disabilities ing aid compatible telephone shall not
through one or more of the following be required if:
means: (A) A telephone is both purchased
and maintained by a resident for use in
(A) By having at least one coin-oper-
that resident’s room in the establish-
ated telephone, one common area tele-
ment; or
phone or one other designated hearing
(B) The confined setting has an alter-
aid compatible telephone within a rea-
native means of signalling life-threat-
sonable and accessible distance for an
ening or emergency situations that is
individual searching for a telephone
available, working and monitored.
from any point in the workplace; or (6) Telephones in hotel and motel
(B) By providing wireless telephones guest rooms, and in any other estab-
that meet the definition for hearing aid lishment open to the general public for
compatible for wireline telephones, as the purpose of overnight accommoda-
defined in § 68.316, for use by employees tion for a fee. Such telephones are re-
in their employment duty outside com- quired to be hearing aid compatible, as
mon areas and outside the offices of defined in § 68.316, except that, for es-
employees with hearing disabilities. tablishments with eighty or more
(4) All credit card operated tele- guest rooms, the telephones are not re-
phones, whether located on public quired to be hearing aid compatible, as
property or in a semipublic location defined in § 68.316, until November 1,
(e.g., drugstore, gas station, private 1998; and for establishments with fewer
club), unless a hearing aid compatible than eighty guest rooms, the tele-
(as defined in § 68.316) coin-operated phones are not required to be hearing
telephone providing similar services is aid compatible, as defined in § 68.316,
nearby and readily available. However, until November 1, 1999.
regardless of coin-operated telephone (i) Anytime after October 23, 1996, if a
availability, all credit card operated hotel or motel room is renovated or
telephones must be made hearing aid- newly constructed, or the telephone in
compatible, as defined in § 68.316, when a hotel or motel room is replaced or
replaced, or by May 1, 1991, which ever substantially, internally repaired, the
comes sooner. telephone in that room must be:
(5) Telephones needed to signal life (A) Hearing aid compatible, as de-
threatening or emergency situations in fined in § 68.316, after October 23, 1996;
confined settings, including but not and
limited to, rooms in hospitals, residen- (B) Include volume control, as de-
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

tial health care facilities for senior fined in § 68.317, on or after January 1,
citizens, and convalescent homes: 2000.


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§ 68.160 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)

(ii) The telephones in at least twenty whether the product meets the Com-
percent of the guest rooms in a hotel or mission’s requirements and shall issue
motel must be hearing aid compatible, a written grant of equipment author-
as defined in § 68.316, as of April 1, 1997. ization. The grant shall identify the
(iii) Notwithstanding the require- TCB and the source of authority for
ments of paragraph (b)(6) of this sec- issuing it.
tion, hotels and motels which use tele- (b) The Federal Communications
phones purchased during the period Commission shall designate TCBs in
January 1, 1985 through December 31, the United States to approve equip-
1989 may provide telephones that are ment subject to certification under the
hearing aid compatible, as defined in Commission’s rules. TCBs shall be ac-
§ 68.316, in guest rooms according to the credited by the National Institute of
following schedule: Standards and Technology (NIST)
(A) The telephones in at least twenty under its National Voluntary Con-
percent of the guest rooms in a hotel or formity Assessment Evaluation
motel must be hearing aid compatible, (NVCASE) program or other recognized
as defined in § 68.316, as of April 1, 1997; programs based on ISO/IEC Guide 65, to
(B) The telephones in at least twen- comply with the Commission’s quali-
ty-five percent of the guest rooms in a fication criteria for TCBs. NIST may,
hotel or motel must be hearing aid in accordance with its procedures,
compatible, as defined in § 68.316, by allow other appropriately qualified ac-
November 1, 1999; and crediting bodies to accredit TCBs and
(C) The telephones in one-hundred testing laboratories. TCBs shall com-
percent of the guest rooms in a hotel or ply with the requirements in § 68.162 of
motel must be hearing aid compatible, this part.
as defined in § 68.316, by January 1, 2001 (c) In accordance with the terms of
for establishments with eighty or more an effective bilateral or multilateral
guest rooms, and by January 1, 2004 for mutual recognition agreement or ar-
establishments with fewer than eighty rangement (MRA) to which the United
guest rooms. States is a party, bodies outside the
(c) Telephones frequently needed by the United States shall be permitted to au-
hearing impaired. Closed circuit tele- thorize equipment in lieu of the Com-
phones, i.e., telephones which cannot mission. A body in an MRA partner
directly access the public switched net- economy may authorize equipment to
work, such as telephones located in U.S. requirements only if that econ-
lobbies of hotels or apartment build- omy permits bodies in the United
ings; telephones in stores which are States to authorize equipment to its
used by patrons to order merchandise; requirements. The authority desig-
telephones in public transportation nating these telecommunication cer-
terminals which are used to call taxis tification bodies shall meet the fol-
or to reserve rental automobiles, need lowing criteria.
not be hearing aid compatible, as de- (1) The organization accrediting the
fined in § 68.316, until replaced. prospective telecommunication certifi-
cation body shall be capable of meeting
[49 FR 1362, Jan. 11, 1984, as amended at 55 the requirements and conditions of
FR 28763, July 13, 1990; 57 FR 27183, June 18, ISO/IEC Guide 61.
1992; 61 FR 42186, Aug. 14, 1996; 61 FR 42392, (2) The organization assessing the
Aug. 15, 1996; 62 FR 43484, Aug. 14, 1997; 62 FR
51064, Sep. 30, 1997]
telecommunication certification body
shall appoint a team of qualified ex-
§ 68.160 Designation of Telecommuni- perts to perform the assessment cov-
cation Certification Bodies (TCBs). ering all of the elements within the
(a) The Commission may designate scope of accreditation. For assessment
Telecommunication Certification Bod- of telecommunications equipment, the
ies (TCBs) to approve equipment as re- areas of expertise to be used during the
quired under this part. Certification of assessment shall include, but not be
equipment by a TCB shall be based on limited to, electromagnetic compat-
an application with all the information ibility and telecommunications equip-
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

specified in this part. The TCB shall ment (wired and wireless).
process the application to determine [64 FR 4997, Feb. 2, 1999]


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Federal Communications Commission § 68.162

§ 68.162 Requirements for Tele- The general competence, efficiency, ex-

communication Certification Bod- perience, familiarity with technical
ies. regulations and products included in
(a) Telecommunication certification those technical regulations, as well as
bodies (TCBs) designated by the Com- compliance with applicable parts of the
mission, or designated by another au- ISO/IEC Guides 25 and 65, shall be
thority pursuant to an effective mu- taken into consideration.
tual recognition agreement or arrange- (5) A TCB shall participate in any
ment to which the United States is a consultative activities, identified by
party, shall comply with the following the Commission or NIST, to facilitate
requirements. a common understanding and interpre-
(b) Certification methodology. (1) The tation of applicable regulations.
certification system shall be based on (6) The Commission will provide pub-
type testing as identified in sub-clause lic notice of specific elements of these
1.2(a) of ISO/IEC Guide 65. qualification criteria that will be used
(2) Certification shall normally be to accredit TCBs.
based on testing no more than one un- (d) Sub-contractors. (1) In accordance
modified representative sample of each with the provisions of sub-clause 4.4 of
product type for which certification is ISO/IEC Guide 65, the testing of a prod-
sought. Additional samples may be re- uct, or a portion thereof, may be per-
quested if clearly warranted, such as formed by a sub-contractor of a des-
when certain tests are likely to render ignated TCB, provided the laboratory
a sample inoperative. has been assessed by the TCB as com-
(c) Criteria for designation. (1) To be petent and in compliance with the ap-
designated as a TCB under this section, plicable provisions of ISO/IEC Guide 65
an entity shall, by means of accredita- and other relevant standards and
tion, meet all the appropriate speci-
fications in ISO/IEC Guide 65 for the
(2) When a subcontractor is used, the
scope of equipment it will certify. The
TCB shall be responsible for the test
accreditation shall specify the group of
equipment to be certified and the ap- results and shall maintain appropriate
plicable regulations for product evalua- oversight of the subcontractor to en-
tion. sure reliability of the test results.
(2) The TCB shall demonstrate expert Such oversight shall include periodic
knowledge of the regulations for each audits of products that have been test-
product with respect to which the body ed.
seeks designation. Such expertise shall (e) Designation of TCBs. (1) The Com-
include familiarity with all applicable mission will designate as a TCB any or-
technical regulations, administrative ganization that meets the qualification
provisions or requirements, as well as criteria and is accredited by NIST or
the policies and procedures used in the its recognized accreditor.
application thereof. (2) The Commission will withdraw
(3) The TCB shall have the technical the designation of a TCB if the TCB’s
expertise and capability to test the accreditation by NIST or its recognized
equipment it will certify and shall also accreditor is withdrawn, if the Com-
be accredited in accordance with ISO/ mission determines there is just cause
IEC Guide 25 to demonstrate it is com- for withdrawing the designation, or if
petent to perform such tests. the TCB requests that it no longer hold
(4) The TCB shall demonstrate an the designation. The Commission will
ability to recognize situations where provide a TCB with 30 days notice of its
interpretations of the regulations or intention to withdraw the designation
test procedures may be necessary. The and provide the TCB with an oppor-
appropriate key certification and lab- tunity to respond.
oratory personnel shall demonstrate a (3) A list of designated TCBs will be
knowledge of how to obtain current published by the Commission.
and correct technical regulation inter- (f) Scope of responsibility. (1) TCBs
pretations. The competence of the tele- shall certify equipment in accordance
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

communication certification body with the Commission’s rules and poli-

shall be demonstrated by assessment. cies.


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§ 68.201 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)

(2) A TCB shall accept test data from port shall also be provided within thir-
any source, subject to the require- ty days of the action taken by the
ments in ISO/IEC Guide 65, and shall grantee to correct the situation.
not unnecessarily repeat tests. (4) Where concerns arise, the TCB
(3) TCBs may establish and assess shall provide a copy of the application
fees for processing certification appli- file to the Commission within 30 cal-
cations and other tasks as required by endar days of a request for the file
the Commission. made by the Commission to the TCB
(4) A TCB may rescind a grant of cer- and the manufacturer. Where appro-
tification within 30 days of grant for priate, the file should be accompanied
administrative errors. After that time, by a request for confidentiality for any
a grant can only be revoked by the material that may qualify for confiden-
Commission. A TCB shall notify both tial treatment under the Commission’s
the applicant and the Commission Rules. If the application file is not pro-
when a grant is rescinded. vided within 30 calendar days, a state-
(5) A TCB may not: ment shall be provided to the Commis-
(i) Grant a waiver of Commission sion as to why it cannot be provided.
rules or technical criteria published by
(h) In case of a dispute with respect
the Administrative Council, or certify
to designation or recognition of a TCB
equipment for which Commission rules
and the testing or certification of prod-
or requirements, or technical criteria
do not exist, or for which the applica- ucts by a TCB, the Commission will be
tion of the rules or requirements, or the final arbiter. Manufacturers and
technical criteria is unclear. designated TCBs will be afforded at
(ii) Take enforcement actions. least 30 days to comment before a deci-
(6) All TCB actions are subject to sion is reached. In the case of a TCB
Commission review. designated or recognized, or a product
(g) Post-certification requirements. (1) A certified pursuant to an effective bilat-
Telecommunications Certification eral or multilateral mutual recogni-
Body shall supply a copy of each ap- tion agreement or arrangement (MRA)
proved application form and grant of to which the United States is a party,
certification to the Administrative the Commission may limit or withdraw
Council for Terminal Attachments. its recognition of a TCB designated by
(2) In accordance with ISO/IEC Guide an MRA party and revoke the certifi-
65, a TCB is required to conduct appro- cation of products using testing or cer-
priate surveillance activities. These ac- tification provided by such a TCB. The
tivities shall be based on type testing a Commission shall consult with the Of-
few samples of the total number of fice of the United States Trade Rep-
product types which the certification resentative (USTR), as necessary, con-
body has certified. Other types of sur- cerning any disputes arising under an
veillance activities of a product that MRA for compliance with under the
has been certified are permitted, pro- Telecommunications Trade Act of 1988
vided they are no more onerous than (Section 1371–1382 of the Omnibus
testing type. The Commission may at Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988).
any time request a list of products cer- [64 FR 4998, Feb. 2, 1999, as amended at 66 FR
tified by the certification body and 27601, May 18, 2001; 67 FR 57182, Sept. 9, 2002]
may request and receive copies of prod-
uct evaluation reports. The Commis-
sion may also request that a TCB per- Subpart C—Terminal Equipment
form post-market surveillance, under Approval Procedures
Commission guidelines, of a specific
product it has certified. § 68.201 Connection to the public
switched telephone network.
(3) If during post market surveillance
of a certified product, a certification Terminal equipment may not be con-
body determines that a product fails to nected to the public switched telephone
comply with the applicable technical network unless it has either been cer-
regulations, the certification body tified by a Telecommunications Cer-
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

shall immediately notify the grantee tification Body or the responsible

and the Commission. A follow-up re- party has followed all the procedures in


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Federal Communications Commission § 68.213

this subpart for Supplier’s Declaration and/or that has been assessed a for-
of Conformity. feiture may request reconsideration or
[66 FR 7583, Jan. 24, 2001]
make administrative appeal of the de-
cision pursuant to part 1 of the Com-
§ 68.211 Terminal equipment approval mission’s rules: Practice and Proce-
revocation procedures. dure, part 1 of this chapter.
(a) Causes for revocation. The Com- [66 FR 7583, Jan. 24, 2001, as amended at 67
mission may revoke the interconnec- FR 13229, Mar. 21, 2002; 68 FR 13850, Mar. 21,
tion authorization of terminal equip- 2003]
ment, whether that authorization was
acquired through certification by a § 68.213 Installation of other than
‘‘fully protected’’ non-system simple
Telecommunications Certification customer premises wiring.
Body or through the Supplier’s Dec-
laration of Conformity process in (a) Scope of this rule. Provisions of
§§ 68.320 through 68.350 of this part, this rule apply only to ‘‘unprotected’’
where: premises wiring used with simple in-
(1) The equipment approval is shown stallations of wiring for up to four line
to have been obtained by misrepresen- residential and business telephone
tation; service. More complex installations of
(2) The approved equipment is shown wiring for multiple line services, for
to cause harms to the public switched use with systems such as PBX and key
telephone network, as defined in § 68.3; telephone systems, are controlled by
(3) The responsible party willfully or § 68.215 of these rules.
repeatedly fails to comply with the (b) Wiring authorized. Unprotected
terms and conditions of its equipment premises wiring may be used to con-
approval; or nect units of terminal equipment or
(4) The responsible party willfully or protective circuitry to one another,
repeatedly fails to comply with any and to carrier-installed facilities if in-
rule, regulation or order issued by the stalled in accordance with these rules.
Commission under the Communica- The provider of wireline telecommuni-
tions Act of 1934 relating to terminal cations is not responsible, except pur-
equipment. suant to agreement between it and the
(b) Notice of intent to revoke inter- customer or undertakings by it, other-
connection authority. Before revoking wise consistent with Commission re-
interconnection authority under the quirements, for installation and main-
provisions of this section, the Commis- tenance of wiring on the subscriber’s
sion, or the Enforcement Bureau under side of the demarcation point, includ-
delegated authority, will issue a writ- ing any wire or jacks that may have
ten Notice of Intent to Revoke Part 68 been installed by the carrier. The sub-
Interconnection Authority, or a Joint scriber and/or premises owner may in-
Notice of Apparent Liability for For- stall wiring on the subscriber’s side of
feiture and Notice of Intent to Revoke the demarcation point, and may re-
Part 68 Interconnection Authority pur- move, reconfigure, and rearrange wir-
suant to §§ 1.80 and 1.89 of this chapter. ing on that side of the demarcation
(c) Delivery. The notice will be sent point including wiring and wiring that
via certified mail to the responsible may have been installed by the carrier.
party for the terminal equipment at The customer or premises owner may
issue at the address provided to the Ad- not access carrier wiring and facilities
ministrative Council for Terminal At- on the carrier’s side of the demarcation
tachments. point. Customers may not access the
(d) Reauthorization. A product that protector installed by the provider of
has had its approval revoked may not wireline telecommunications. All plugs
be authorized for connection to the and jacks used in connection with in-
public switched telephone network for side wiring shall conform to the pub-
a period of six months from the date of lished technical criteria of the Admin-
revocation of the approval. istrative Council for Terminal Attach-
(e) Reconsideration or appeal. A re- ments. In multiunit premises with
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

sponsible party of terminal equipment more than one customer, the premises
that has had its authorization revoked owner may adopt a policy restricting a


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§ 68.214 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)

customer’s access to wiring on the the wire conforms with part 68, FCC
premises to only that wiring located in Rules.
the customer’s individual unit wiring [49 FR 21734, May 23, 1984, as amended at 50
that serves only that particular cus- FR 29392, July 19, 1985; 50 FR 47548, Nov. 19,
tomer. See § 68.105 in this part. The cus- 1985; 51 FR 944, Jan. 9, 1986; 55 FR 28630, July
tomer or premises owner may not ac- 12, 1990; 58 FR 44907, Aug. 25, 1993; 62 FR 36464,
cess carrier wiring and facilities on the July 8, 1997; 65 FR 4140, Jan. 26, 2000; 66 FR
7583, Jan. 24, 2001]
carrier’s side of the demarcation point.
Customers may not access the pro- § 68.214 Changes in other than ‘‘fully
tector installed by the provider of protected’’ premises wiring that
wireline telecommunications. All plugs serves fewer than four subscriber
and jacks used in connection with in- access lines.
side wiring shall conform to the pub- Operations associated with the in-
lished technical criteria of the Admin- stallation, connection, reconfiguration
istrative Council for Terminal Attach- and removal (other than final removal)
ments. of premises wiring that serves fewer
(c) Material requirements. (1) For than four subscriber access lines must
new installations and modifications to be performed as provided in § 68.215(c) if
existing installations, copper conduc- the premises wiring is not ‘‘fully pro-
tors shall be, at a minimum, solid, 24 tected.’’ For this purpose, the super-
gauge or larger, twisted pairs that visor and installer may be the same
comply with the electrical specifica- person.
tions for Category 3, as defined in the [66 FR 7584, Jan. 24, 2001]
ANSI EIA/TIA Building Wiring Stand-
ards. § 68.215 Installation of other than
(2) Conductors shall have insulation ‘‘fully protected’’ system premises
wiring that serves more than four
with a 1500 Volt rms minimum break- subscriber access lines.
down rating. This rating shall be estab-
lished by covering the jacket or sheath (a) Types of wiring authorized—(1) Be-
with at least 15 cm (6 inches) (meas- tween equipment entities. Unprotected
premises wiring, and protected prem-
ured linearly on the cable) of conduc-
ises wiring requiring acceptance test-
tive foil, and establishing a potential
ing for imbalance, may be used to con-
difference between the foil and all of
nect separately-housed equipment enti-
the individual conductors connected ties to one another.
together, such potential difference (2) Between an equipment entity and
gradually increased over a 30 second the public switched telephone network
time period to 1500 Volts rms, 60 Hertz, interface(s). Fully-protected premises
then applied continuously for one wiring shall be used to connect equip-
minute. At no time during this 90 sec- ment entities to the public switched
ond time interval shall the current be- telephone network interface unless the
tween these points exceed 10 provider of wireline telecommuni-
milliamperes peak. cations is unwilling or unable to locate
(3) All wire and connectors meeting the interface within 7.6 meters (25 feet)
the requirements set forth in para- of the equipment entity on reasonable
graphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) shall be marked, request. In any such case, other than
in a manner visible to the consumer, fully-protected premises wiring may be
with the symbol ‘‘CAT 3’’ or a symbol used if otherwise in accordance with
consisting of a ‘‘C’’ with a ‘‘3’’ con- these rules.
tained within the ‘‘C’’ character, at in- (3) Hardware protection as part of the
tervals not to exceed one foot (12 facilities of the provider of wireline tele-
inches) along the length of the wire. communications. In any case where the
(d) Attestation. Manufacturers (or dis- carrier chooses to provide (and the cus-
tomer chooses to accept, except as au-
tributors or retailers, whichever name
thorized under paragraph (g) of this
appears on the packaging) of non-sys-
section), hardware protection on the
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

tem telephone premises wire shall at- network side of the interface(s), the
test in a letter to the Commission that presence of such hardware protection


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Federal Communications Commission § 68.215

will affect the classification of prem- splice, and insulation equivalent to

ises wiring for the purposes of § 68.215, that provided by the wire and its
as appropriate. sheath shall be suitably restored, ei-
(b) Installation personnel. Operations ther by placement of the splices or con-
associated with the installation, con- nections in an appropriate enclosure,
nection, reconfiguration and removal or equipment rooms with restricted ac-
(other than final removal of the entire cess, or by using adequately-insulated
premises communications system) of connectors or splicing means.
other than fully-protected premises (2) Wire. Insulated conductors shall
wiring shall be performed under the su- have a jacket or sheath with a 1500 volt
pervision and control of a supervisor, rms minimum breakdown rating, ex-
as defined in paragraph (c) of this sec- cept when located in an equipment en-
tion. The supervisor and installer may
closure or an equipment room with re-
be the same person.
stricted access. This rating shall be es-
(c) Supervision. Operations by instal-
tablished by covering the jacket or
lation personnel shall be performed
sheath with at least 15 cm (6 in) (meas-
under the responsible supervision and
control of a person who: ured linearly on the cable) of conduc-
(1) Has had at least six months of on- tive foil, and establishing a potential
the-job experience in the installation difference between the foil and all of
of telephone terminal equipment or of the individual conductors connected
wiring used with such equipment; together, such potential difference
(2) Has been trained by the registrant gradually increased over a 30 second
of the equipment to which the wiring is time period to 1500 volts rms, 60 Hertz,
to be connected in the proper perform- then applied continuously for one
ance of any operations by installation minute. At no time during this 90 sec-
personnel which could affect that ond time interval shall the current be-
equipment’s continued compliance tween these points exceed 10
with these rules; milliamperes peak.
(3) Has received written authority (3) Places where the jacket or sheath
from the registrant to assure that the has been removed. Any point where the
operations by installation personnel jacket or sheath has been removed (or
will be performed in such a manner as is not required) shall be accessible for
to comply with these rules. inspection. If such points are con-
(4) Or, in lieu of paragraphs (c) (1) cealed, they shall be accessible without
through (3) of this section, is a licensed disturbing permanent building finish
professional engineer in the jurisdic- (e.g., by removing a cover).
tion in which the installation is per- (4) Building and electrical codes. All
formed. building and electrical codes applicable
(d) Workmanship and material require- in the jurisdiction to telephone wiring
ments—(1) General. Wiring shall be in-
shall be complied with. If there are no
stalled so as to assure that there is
such codes applicable to telephone wir-
adequate insulation of telephone wir-
ing, Article 800 of the 1978 National
ing from commercial power wiring and
grounded surfaces. Wiring is required Electrical Code, entitled Communica-
to be sheathed in an insulating jacket tions Systems, and other sections of
in addition to the insulation enclosing that Code incorporated therein by ref-
individual conductors (see below) un- erence shall be complied with.
less located in an equipment enclosure (5) Limitations on electrical signals.
or in an equipment room with re- Only signal sources that emanate from
stricted access; it shall be assured that the provider of wireline telecommuni-
this physical and electrical protection cations central office, or that are gen-
is not damaged or abraded during erated in equipment at the customer’s
placement of the wiring. Any inten- premises and are ‘‘non-hazardous volt-
tional removal of wiring insulation (or age sources’’ as defined in the technical
a sheath) for connections or splices criteria published by the Administra-
shall be accomplished by removing the tive Council for Terminal Attach-
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

minimum amount of insulation nec- ments, may be routed in premises tele-

essary to make the connection or phone wiring, except for voltages for


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§ 68.215 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)

network control signaling and super- (1) The responsible supervisor’s full
vision that are consistent with stand- name, business address and business
ards employed by the provider of telephone number.
wireline telecommunications. Current (2) The name of the registrant(s) (or
on individual wiring conductors shall manufacturer(s), if grandfathered
be limited to values which do not cause equipment is involved) of any equip-
an excessive temperature rise, with due ment to be used electrically between
regard to insulation materials and am- the wiring and the telephone network
bient temperatures. The following interface, which does not contain in-
table assumes a 45° C temperature rise herent protection against hazardous
for wire sizes 22 AWG or larger, and a voltages and longitudinal imbalance.
40° C rise for wire sizes smaller than 22 (3) A statement as to whether the su-
AWG, for poly-vinyl chloride insulating pervisor complies with § 68.215(c).
materials, and should be regarded as Training and authority under
establishing maximum values to be de- § 68.215(c)(2)–(3) is required from the
rated accordingly in specific installa- registrant (or manufacturer, if grand-
tions where ambient temperatures are fathered equipment is involved) of the
in excess of 25° C: first piece of equipment electrically
connected to the telephone network
interface, other than passive equip-
ments such as extensions, cross-con-
Maximum nect panels, or adapters. In general,
Wire size, AWG Circular mils current, am- this would be the registrant (or manu-
facturer) of a system’s common equip-
32 ............................................... 63.2 0.32 ment.
30 ............................................... 100.5 0.52
28 ............................................... 159.8 0.83
(4) The date(s) when placement and
26 ............................................... 254.1 1.3 connection of the wiring will take
24 ............................................... 404.0 2.1 place.
22 ............................................... 642.4 5.0 (5) The business affiliation of the in-
20 ............................................... 1022 7.5
18 ............................................... 1624 10 stallation personnel.
NOTE: The total current in all conductors of multiple con-
(6) Identification of specific national
ductor cables may not exceed 20% of the sum of the indi- and local codes which will be adhered
vidual ratings of all such conductors. to.
(6) Physical protection. In addition to (7) The manufacturer(s); a brief de-
the general requirements that wiring scription of the wire which will be used
insulation be adequate and not dam- (model number or type); its conform-
aged during placement of the wiring, ance with recognized standards for wire
wiring shall be protected from adverse if any (e.g., Underwriters Laboratories
effects of weather and the environment listing, Rural Electrification Adminis-
in which it is used. Where wiring is at- tration listing, ‘‘KS-’’ specification,
tached to building finish surfaces (sur- etc.); and a general description of the
face wiring), it shall be suitably sup- attachment of the wiring to the struc-
ported by means which do not affect ture (e.g., run in conduit or ducts ex-
the integrity of the wiring insulation. clusively devoted to telephone wiring,
(e) Documentation requirements. A no- ‘‘fished’’ through walls, surface attach-
tarized affidavit and one copy thereof ment, etc.).
shall be prepared by the installation (8) The date when acceptance testing
supervisor in advance of each operation for imbalance will take place.
associated with the installation, con- (9) The supervisor’s signature. The
nection, reconfiguration and removal notarized original shall be submitted
of other than fully-protected premises to the provider of wireline tele-
wiring (except when accomplished communications at least ten calendar
functionally using a cross-connect days in advance of the placement and
panel), except when involved with re- connection of the wiring. This time pe-
moval of the entire premises commu- riod may be changed by agreement of
nications system using such wiring. the provider of wireline telecommuni-
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

This affidavit and its copy shall con- cations and the supervisor. The copy
tain the following information: shall be maintained at the premises,


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Federal Communications Commission § 68.215

available for inspection, so long as the noise (or any combination of these con-
wiring is used for telephone service. ditions) during test of two-way or out-
(f) Acceptance testing for imbalance. going lines or loops indicates failure.
Each telephone network interface that Inability to receive ringing, inability
is connected directly or indirectly to to break ringing by going off-hook, or
other than fully-protected premises presence of audible hum or excessive
wiring shall be subjected to the accept- noise (or any combination of these con-
ance test procedures specified in this ditions) during test of incoming-only
section whenever an operation associ- lines or loops indicates failure. Upon
ated with the installation, connection, any such failure, the failing equipment
reconfiguration or removal of this wir- or portion of the premises communica-
ing (other than final removal) has been tions system shall be disconnected
performed. from the network interface, and may
(1) Test procedure for two-way or out- not be reconnected until the cause of
going lines or loops. A telephone instru- the failure has been isolated or re-
ment may be associated directly or in- moved. Any previously tested lines or
directly with the line or loop to per- loops shall be retested if they were in
form this test if one is not ordinarily any way involved in the isolation and
available to it: removal of the cause of the failure.
(i) Lift the handset of the telephone (4) Monitoring or participation in ac-
instrument to create the off-hook state ceptance testing by the provider of
on the line or loop under test. wireline telecommunications. The pro-
(ii) Listen for noise. Confirm that vider of wireline telecommunications
there is neither audible hum nor exces- may monitor or participate in the ac-
sive noise. ceptance testing required under this
(iii) Listen for dial tone. Confirm section, in accordance with § 68.215(g) of
that dial tone is present. this part, from its central office test
(iv) Break dial tone by dialing a desk or otherwise.
digit. Confirm that dial tone is broken (g) Extraordinary procedures. The pro-
as a result of dialing. vider of wireline communications is
(v) With dial tone broken, listen for hereby authorized to limit the sub-
audible hum or excessive noise. Con- scriber’s right of connecting approved
firm that there is neither audible hum terminal equipment or protective cir-
nor excessive noise. cuitry with other than fully-protected
(2) Test procedure for incoming-only premises wiring, but solely in accord-
(non-originating) lines or loops. A tele- ance with this paragraph and § 68.108 of
phone instrument may be associated these rules.
directly or indirectly with the line or (1)(i) Conditions that may invoke these
loop to perform this test if one is not procedures. The extraordinary proce-
ordinarily available to it: dures authorized herein may only be
(i) Terminate the line or loop under invoked where one or more of the fol-
test in a telephone instrument in the lowing conditions is present:
on-hook state. (A) Information provided in the su-
(ii) Dial the number of the line or pervisor’s affidavit gives reason to be-
loop under test from another station, lieve that a violation of part 68 of the
blocking as necessary other lines or FCC’s rules is likely.
loops to cause the line or loop under (B) A failure has occurred during ac-
test to be reached. ceptance testing for imbalance.
(iii) On receipt of ringing on the line (C) Harm has occurred, and there is
or loop under test, lift the handset of reason to believe that this harm was a
the telephone instrument to create the result of wiring operations performed
off-hook state on that line or loop. under this section.
(iv) Listen for audible hum or exces- (ii) The extraordinary procedures au-
sive noise. Confirm that there is nei- thorized in the following subsections
ther audible hum nor excessive noise. shall not be used so as to discriminate
(3) Failure of acceptance test proce- between installations by provider of
dures. Absence of dial tone before dial- wireline telecommunications personnel
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

ing, inability to break dial tone, or and installations by others. In general,

presence of audible hum or excessive this requires that any charges for these


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§ 68.215 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)

procedures be levied in accordance of the wiring to the information fur-

with, or analogous to, the ‘‘mainte- nished in the affidavit.
nance of service’’ tariff provisions: If (iii) In the course of any such inspec-
the installation proves satisfactory, no tion, the provider of wireline tele-
charge should be levied. communications shall have the right to
(2) Monitoring or participation in ac- inspect documentation required to be
ceptance testing for imbalance. Notwith- maintained at the premises under
standing the previous sub-section, the § 68.215(e).
provider of wireline telecommuni- (4) Requiring the use of protective appa-
cations may monitor or participate in ratus. In the event that any of the con-
acceptance testing for imbalance at ditions listed in paragraph (g)(1) of this
the time of the initial installation of section, arises, and is not permanently
wiring in the absence of the conditions remedied within a reasonable time pe-
listed therein; at any other time, on or riod, the provider of wireline tele-
more of the listed conditions shall be communications may require the use of
present. Such monitoring or participa- protective apparatus that either pro-
tion in acceptance testing should be tects solely against hazardous
performed from the central office test voltages, or that protects both against
desk where possible to minimize costs. hazardous voltages and imbalance.
(3) Inspection. Subject to paragraph Such apparatus may be furnished ei-
(g)(1) of this section, the provider of ther by the provider of wireline tele-
wireline telecommunications may in- communications or by the customer.
spect wiring installed pursuant to this This right is in addition to the rights
section, and all of the splicing and con- of the provider of wireline tele-
nection points required to be accessible communications under § 68.108.
by § 68.215(d)(3) to determine compli- (5) Notice of the right to bring a com-
ance with this section. The user or in- plaint. In any case where the provider
stallation supervisor shall either au- of wireline telecommunications in-
thorize the provider of wireline tele- vokes the extraordinary procedures of
communications to render the splicing § 68.215(g), it shall afford the customer
and inspection points visible (e.g., by the opportunity to correct the situa-
removing covers), or perform this ac- tion that gave rise to invoking these
tion prior to the inspection. To mini- procedures, and inform the customer of
mize disruption of the premises com- the right to bring a complaint to the
munications system, the right of in- Commission pursuant to the proce-
specting is limited as follows: dures set forth in subpart E of this
(i) During initial installation of wir- part. On complaint, the Commission re-
ing: serves the right to perform any of the
(A) The provider of wireline tele- inspections authorized under this sec-
communications may require with- tion, and to require the performance of
drawal of up to 5 percent (measured acceptance tests.
linearly) of wiring run concealed in (h) Limitations on the foregoing if pro-
ducts, conduit or wall spaces, to deter- tected wiring requiring acceptance testing
mine conformance of the wiring to the is used. If protected wiring is used
information furnished in the affidavit. which required acceptance testing, the
(B) In the course of any such inspec- requirements in the foregoing para-
tion, the provider of wireline tele- graphs of § 68.215 are hereby limited, as
communications shall have the right to follows:
inspect documentation required to be (1) Supervision. Section 68.215(c)(2)–(3)
maintained at the premises under are hereby waived. The supervisor is
§ 68.215(e). only required to have had at least six
(ii) After failure of acceptance test- months of on-the-job experience in the
ing or after harm has resulted from in- installation of telephone terminal
stalled wiring: The provider of wireline equipment or of wiring used with such
telecommunications may require with- equipment.
drawal of all wiring run concealed in (2) Extraordinary procedures. Section
ducts, conduit or wall spaces which 68.215(g)(3) is hereby limited to allow
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

reasonably could have caused the fail- for inspection of exposed wiring and
ure or harm, to determine conformance connection and splicing points, but not


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Federal Communications Commission § 68.316

for requiring the withdrawal of wiring sale without a surrounding package,

from wiring run concealed in ducts, shall be affixed with a written state-
conduit or wall spaces unless actual ment that the telephone is not hearing
harm has occurred, or a failure of ac- aid-compatible, as defined in
ceptance testing has not been corrected §§ 68.4(a)(3) and 68.316; and
within a reasonable time. In addition, (b) Be accompanied by instructions
§ 68.215(g)(4) is hereby waived. in accordance with § 68.218(b)(5) of the
[43 FR 16499, Apr. 19, 1978, as amended at 44 rules.
FR 7958, Feb. 8, 1979; 47 FR 37896, Aug. 27, [54 FR 21431, May 18, 1989, as amended at 61
1982; 49 FR 21735, May 23, 1984; 58 FR 44907, FR 42187, Aug. 14, 1996]
Aug. 25, 1993; 66 FR 7584, Jan. 24, 2001]

§ 68.218 Responsibility of the party ac- Subpart D—Conditions for

quiring equipment authorization. Terminal Equipment Approval
(a) In acquiring approval for terminal
equipment to be connected to the pub- AUTHORITY: Secs. 4, 5, 303, 48 Stat., as
lic switched telephone network, the re- amended, 1066, 1068, 1082 (47 U.S.C. 154, 155,
sponsible party warrants that each 303).
unit of equipment marketed under such
SOURCE: 45 FR 20853, Mar. 31, 1980, unless
authorization will comply with all ap- otherwise noted.
plicable rules and regulations of this
part and with the applicable technical § 68.300 Labeling requirements.
criteria of the Administrative Council
for Terminal Attachments. (a) Terminal equipment approved as
(b) The responsible party or its agent set out in this part must be labeled in
shall provide the user of the approved accordance with the requirements pub-
terminal equipment the following: lished by the Administrative Council
(1) Consumer instructions required to for Terminal Attachments and with re-
be included with approved terminal quirements of this part for hearing aid
equipment by the Administrative compatibility and volume control.
Council for Terminal Attachments; (b) As of April 1, 1997, all registered
(2) For a telephone that is not hear- telephones, including cordless tele-
ing aid-compatible, as defined in phones, as defined in § 15.3(j) of this
§ 68.316 of these rules: chapter, manufactured in the United
(i) Notice that FCC rules prohibit the States (other than for export) or im-
use of that handset in certain loca- ported for use in the United States,
tions; and that are hearing aid compatible, as de-
(ii) A list of such locations (see fined in § 68.316, shall have the letters
§ 68.112). ‘‘HAC’’ permanently affixed thereto.
(c) When approval is revoked for any ‘‘Permanently affixed’’ shall be defined
item of equipment, the responsible as in paragraph (b)(5) of this section.
party must take all reasonable steps to Telephones used with public mobile
ensure that purchasers and users of services or private radio services, and
such equipment are notified to dis- secure telephones, as defined by § 68.3,
continue use of such equipment. are exempt from this requirement.
[66 FR 7585, Jan. 24, 2001] [62 FR 61664, Nov. 19, 1997, as amended at 64
FR 3048, Jan. 20, 1999; 66 FR 7585, Jan. 24,
§ 68.224 Notice of non-hearing aid com- 2001]
Every non-hearing aid compatible § 68.316 Hearing aid compatibility:
telephone offered for sale to the public Technical requirements.
on or after August 17, 1989, whether A telephone handset is hearing aid
previously-registered, newly registered compatible for the purposes of this sec-
or refurbished shall: tion if it complies with the following
(a) Contain in a conspicuous location standard, published by the Tele-
on the surface of its packaging a state- communications Industry Association,
ment that the telephone is not hearing copyright 1983, and reproduced by per-
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

aid compatible, as is defined in mission of the Telecommunications In-

§§ 68.4(a)(3) and 68.316, or if offered for dustry Association:


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§ 68.316 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)
ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION REC- that hearing-aid manufacturers can design
OMMENDED STANDARD RS–504 MAGNETIC their product to use this field, which will be
FIELD INTENSITY CRITERIA FOR TELEPHONE guaranteed in handsets which comply with
1.1 This standard is one of a series of tech-
[Prepared by EIA Engineering Committee TR–41 nical standards on voice telephone terminal
and the Hearing Industries Association’s equipment prepared by EIA Engineering
Standards and Technical Committee] Committee TR–41. This document, with its
companion standards on Private Branch Ex-
changes (PBX), Key Telephone Systems
List of Illustrations (KTS), Telephones and Environmental and
Safety Considerations (Refs: A1, A2, A3 and
1 INTRODUCTION A4) fills a recognized need in the telephone
2 SCOPE industry brought about by the increasing use
3 DEFINITIONS in the public telephone network of equip-
4 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ment supplied by numerous manufacturers.
4.1 General It will be useful to anyone engaged in the
4.2 Axial Field Intensity manufacture of telephone terminal equip-
4.3 Radial Field Intensity ment and hearing-aids and to those pur-
4.4 Induced Voltage Frequency Response chasing, operating or using such equipment
Appendix A—Bibliography or devices.
1.2 This standard is intended to be a living
List of Illustrations document, subject to revision and updating
Figure Number as warranted by advances in network and
terminal equipment technology and changes
1 Reference and Measurement Planes and in the FCC Rules and Regulations.
2 Measurement Block Diagram 2 Scope
3 Probe Coil Parameters
2.1 The purpose of this document is to es-
4A Induced Voltage Frequency Response for
tablish formal criteria defining the magnetic
receivers with an axial field that exceeds
field intensity presented by a telephone to
¥19 dB
which hearing aids can couple. The require-
4B Induced Voltage Frequency Response for
ments are based on present telecommuni-
receivers with an axial field that exceeds
cations plant characteristics at the tele-
¥22 dB but is less than ¥19 dB
phone interface. The telephone will also be
Magnetic Field Intensity Criteria for Telephone subject to the applicable requirements of
Compatibility With Hearing Aids EIA RS–470, Telephone Instruments with
Loop Signaling for Voiceband Applications
(From EIA Standards Proposal No. 1652, (Ref: A3) and the environmental require-
formulated under the cognizance of EIA TR– ments specified in EIA Standards Project
41 Committee on Voice Telephone Terminals PN–1361, Environmental and Safety Consid-
and the Hearing Industries Association’s erations for Voice Telephone Terminals,
Standards and Technical Committee.) when published (Ref: A4).
Telephones which meet these requirements
1 Introduction
should ensure satisfactory service to users of
Hearing-aid users have used magnetic cou- magnetically coupled hearing-aids in a high
pling to enable them to participate in tele- percentage of installations, both initially
phone communications since the 1940’s. Mag- and over some period of time, as the network
netic pick-ups in hearing-aids have provided grows and changes occur in telephone serv-
for coupling to many, but not all, types of ing equipment. However, due to the wide
telephone handsets. A major reason for in- range of customer apparatus and loop plant
compatibility has been the lack of handset and dependent on the environment in which
magnetic field intensity requirements. Typi- the telephone and hearing aid are used, con-
cally, whatever field existed had been pro- formance with this standard does not guar-
vided fortuitously rather than by design. antee acceptable performance or interface
More recently, special handset designs, e.g., compatibility under all possible operating
blue grommet handsets associated with pub- conditions.
lic telephones, have been introduced to pro- 2.2 A telephone complies with this stand-
vide hearing-aid coupling and trials were ard if it meets the requirements in this
conducted to demonstrate the acceptability standard when manufactured and can be ex-
of such designs. It is anticipated that there pected to continue to meet these require-
will be an increase in the number of new ments when properly used and maintained.
handset designs in the future. A standard For satisfactory service a telephone needs to
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definition of the magnetic field intensity be capable, through the proper selection of
emanating from telephone handsets intended equipment options, of satisfying the require-
to provide hearing-aid coupling is needed so ments applicable to its marketing area.


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Federal Communications Commission § 68.316
2.3 The standard is intended to be in con- meets the requirements of this standard also
formance with part 68 of the FCC Rules and generates a magnetic field to which hearing-
Regulations, but it is not limited to the aids may couple.
scope of those rules (Ref: A5). 3.2 The telephone boundaries are the elec-
2.4 The signal level and method of meas- trical interface with the network, PBX or
urement in this standard have been chosen KTS and the acoustic, magnetic and mechan-
to ensure reproducible results and permit ical interfaces with the user. The telephone
comparison of evaluations. The measured may also have an electrical interface with
magnetic field intensity will be approxi- commercial power.
mately 15 dB above the average level encoun- 3.3 A hearing aid is a personal electronic
tered in the field and the measured high-end amplifying device, intended to increase the
frequency response will be greater than that loudness of sound and worn to compensate
encountered in the field. for impaired hearing. When equipped with an
2.5 The basic accuracy and reproducibility optional inductive pick-up coil (commonly
of measurements made in accordance with called a telecoil), a hearing aid can be used
this standard will depend primarily upon the to amplify magnetic fields such as those
accuracy of the test equipment used, the from telephone receivers or induction-loop
care with which the measurements are con- systems.
ducted, and the inherent stability of the de- 3.4 The reference plane is the planar area
vices under test. containing points of the receiver-end of the
handset which, in normal handset use, rest
3 Definitions against the ear (see Fig 1).
This section contains definitions of terms 3.5 The measurement plane is parallel to,
needed for proper understanding and applica- and 10 mm in front of, the reference plane
tion of this standard which are not believed (see Fig 1).
to be adequately treated elsewhere. A glos- 3.6 The reference axis is normal to the
sary of telephone terminology, which will be reference plane and passes through the cen-
published as a companion volume to the se- ter of the receiver cap (or the center of the
ries of technical standards on Telephone Ter- hole array, for handset types that do not
minals For Voiceband Applications, is rec- have receiver caps).
ommended as a general reference and for 3.7 The measurement axis is parallel to
definitions not covered in this section. the reference axis but may be displaced from
3.1 A telephone is a terminal instrument that axis, by a maximum of 10 mm (see Fig
which permits two-way, real-time voice com- 1). Within this constraint, the measurement
munication with a distant party over a net- axis may be located where the axial and ra-
work or customer premises connection. It dial field intensity measurements, are opti-
converts real-time voice and voiceband mum with regard to the requirements. In a
acoustic signals into electrical signals suit- handset with a centered receiver and a cir-
able for transmission over the telephone net- cularly symmetrical magnetic field, the
work and converts received electrical signals measurement axis and the reference axis
into acoustic signals. A telephone which would coincide.
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§ 68.316 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)
4 Technical Requirements NOTE: If the magnitude of the axial compo-
nent exceeds ¥19 dB relative to 1 A/m, some
4.1 General.
These criteria apply to handsets when test- relaxation in the frequency response is per-
ed as a constituent part of a telephone. mitted (See 4.4.1).
4.1.1 Three parameters descriptive of the 4.3 Radial Field Intensity.
magnetic field at points in the measurement When measured as specified in 4.1.2, radial
plane shall be used to ascertain adequacy for
components of the magnetic field as meas-
magnetic coupling. These three parameters
ured at four points 90° apart, and at a dis-
are intensity, direction and frequency re-
sponse, associated with the field vector. tance ≥16 mm from the measurement axis (as
4.1.2 The procedures for determining the selected in 4.2), shall be greater than ¥27 dB
parameter values are defined in the IEEE relative to 1 A/m, for an input of ¥10 dBV at
Standard Method For Measuring The Mag- 1000 Hz (see Fig 2).
netic Field Intensity Around A Telephone 4.4 Induced Voltage Frequency Response.
Receiver (Ref: A6), with the exception that The frequency response of the voltage in-
this EIA Recommended Standard does not duced in the probe coil by the axial compo-
require that the measurements be made nent of the magnetic field as measured in 4.2,
using an equivalent loop of 2.75 km of No. 26 shall fall within the acceptable region of Fig
AWG cable, but uses a 1250–ohm resistor in 4A or Fig 4B (see 4.4.1 and 4.4.2), over the fre-
series with the battery feed instead (see Fig quency range 300-to-3300 Hz.
4.4.1 For receivers with an axial compo-
4.1.3 When testing other than general pur-
nent which exceeds ¥19 dB relative to 1 A/m,
pose analog telephones, e.g., proprietary or
digital telephones, an appropriate feed cir- when measured as specified in 4.1.2, the fre-
cuit and termination shall be used that pro- quency response shall fall within the accept-
duces equivalent test conditions. able region of Fig 4A.
4.2 Axial Field Intensity. 4.4.2 For receivers with an axial compo-
When measured as specified in 4.1.2, the nent which is less than ¥19 dB but greater
axial component of the magnetic field di- than ¥22 dB relative to 1 A/m, when meas-
rected along the measurement axis and lo- ured as specified in 4.1.2, the frequency re-
cated at the measurement plane, shall be sponse shall fall within the acceptable region
greater than ¥22 dB relative to 1 A/m, for an of Fig 4B.
input of ¥10 dBV at 1000 Hz (see Fig 2).
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Federal Communications Commission § 68.316
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Federal Communications Commission § 68.317

APPENDIX A—BIBLIOGRAPHY resented by 0, 2.7, and 4.6 km of 26 AWG

nonloaded cable, respectively. The
(A1) EIA Standard RS–464, Private
specified length of cable will be simu-
Branch Exchange (PBX) Switching
lated by a complex impedance. (See
Equipment for Voiceband Applications.
Figure A.) The input level to the cable
(A2) EIA Standard RS–478, Multi-
simulator shall be ¥10 dB with respect
Line Key Telephone Systems (KTS) for
Voiceband Applications. to 1 V open circuit from a 900 ohm
(A3) EIA Standard RS–470, Telephone source.
Instruments with Loop Signaling for (c) A digital telephone complies with
Voiceband Applications. the Commission’s volume control re-
(A4) EIA Project Number PN–1361, quirements if the telephone is equipped
Environmental and Safety Consider- with a receive volume control that pro-
ations for Voice Telephone Terminals. vides, through the receiver of the
(A5) Federal Communications Com- handset or headset of the telephone, 12
mission Rules and Regulations, part 68, dB of gain minimum and up to 18 dB of
Connection of Terminal Equipment to gain maximum, when measured in
the Telephone Network. terms of Receive Objective Loudness
(A6) IEEE Standard, Method for Rating (ROLR), as defined in paragraph
Measuring the Magnetic Field arould a 4.3.2 of ANSI/EIA/TIA–579–1991 (Acous-
Telephone Receiver. (to be published) tic-To-Digital and Digital-To-Acoustic
Transmission Requirements for ISDN
[49 FR 1363, Jan. 11, 1984, as amended at 61 Terminals). The 12 dB of gain minimum
FR 42187, Aug. 14, 1996]
must be achieved without significant
§ 68.317 Hearing aid compatibility vol- clipping of the test signal. The tele-
ume control: technical standards. phone also shall comply with the limits
on the range for ROLR given in para-
(a) An analog telephone complies
graph of ANSI/EIA/TIA–579–1991
with the Commission’s volume control
when the receive volume control is set
requirements if the telephone is
to its normal unamplified level.
equipped with a receive volume control
that provides, through the receiver in (d) The ROLR of a digital telephone
the handset or headset of the tele- shall be determined over the frequency
phone, 12 dB of gain minimum and up range from 300 to 3300 Hz using the
to 18 dB of gain maximum, when meas- method described in paragraph of
ured in terms of Receive Objective ANSI/EIA/TIA–579–1991. No variation in
Loudness Rating (ROLR), as defined in loop conditions is required for this
paragraph 4.1.2 of ANSI/EIA–470–A–1987 measurement since the receive level of
(Telephone Instruments With Loop Sig- a digital telephone is independent of
naling) . The 12 dB of gain minimum loop length.
must be achieved without significant (e) The ROLR for either an analog or
clipping of the test signal. The tele- digital telephone shall first be deter-
phone also shall comply with the upper mined with the receive volume control
and lower limits for ROLR given in at its normal unamplified level. The
table 4.4 of ANSI/EIA–470–A–1987 when minimum volume control setting shall
the receive volume control is set to its be used for this measurement unless
normal unamplified level. the manufacturer identifies a different
setting for the nominal volume level.
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a): Paragraph 4.1.2 of
The ROLR shall then be determined
ANSI/EIA–470–A–1987 identifies several char-
acteristics related to the receive response of with the receive volume control at its
a telephone. It is only the normal maximum volume setting. Since ROLR
unamplified ROLR level and the change in is a loudness rating value expressed in
ROLR as a function of the volume control dB of loss, more positive values of
setting that are relevant to the specification ROLR represent lower receive levels.
of volume control as required by this sec- Therefore, the ROLR value determined
for the maximum volume control set-
(b) The ROLR of an analog telephone ting should be subtracted from that de-
shall be determined over the frequency termined for the nominal volume con-
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

range from 300 to 3300 HZ for short, av- trol setting to determine compliance
erage, and long loop conditions rep- with the gain requirement.


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§ 68.318 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)

(f) The 18 dB of receive gain may be external means. This rule does not
exceeded provided that the amplified apply to manually activated dialers
receive capability automatically resets that dial a number once following each
to nominal gain when the telephone is activation.
caused to pass through a proper on- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(1): Emergency
hook transition in order to minimize alarm dialers and dialers under external
the likelihood of damage to individuals computer control are exempt from these re-
with normal hearing. quirements.
(g) These incorporations by reference
(2) If means are employed for detect-
of paragraph 4.1.2 (including table 4.4)
ing both busy and reorder signals, the
of American National Standards Insti-
automatic dialing equipment shall re-
tute (ANSI) Standard ANSI/EIA–470–A–
turn to its on-hook state within 15 sec-
1987 and paragraph 4.3.2 of ANSI/EIA/
onds after detection of a busy or reor-
TIA–579–1991 were approved by the Di-
der signal.
rector of the Federal Register in ac-
(3) If the called party does not an-
cordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR
swer, the automatic dialer shall return
part 51. Copies of these publications
to the on-hook state within 60 seconds
may be purchased from the American
of completion of dialing.
National Standards Institute (ANSI),
(4) If the called party answers, and
Sales Department, 11 West 42nd Street,
the calling equipment does not detect a
13th Floor, New York, NY 10036, (212)
compatible terminal equipment at the
642–4900. Copies also may be inspected
called end, then the automatic dialing
during normal business hours at the
equipment shall be limited to one addi-
following locations: Consumer and
tional call which is answered. The
Governmental Affairs Bureau, Ref-
automatic dialing equipment shall
erence Information Center, Federal
comply with paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2),
Communications Commission, 445 12th
and (b)(3) of this section for additional
Street, SW, Washington, DC 20554; and
call attempts that are not answered.
the National Archives and Records Ad- (5) Sequential dialers shall dial only
ministration (NARA). For information once to any individual number before
on the availability of this material at proceeding to dial another number.
NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: http:// (6) Network addressing signals shall be transmitted no earlier than:
codeloflfederallregulations/ (i) 70 ms after receipt of dial tone at
ibrllocations.html. the network demarcation point; or
[61 FR 42187, Aug. 14, 1996, as amended at 64 (ii) 600 ms after automatically going
FR 60726, Nov. 8, 1999; 67 FR 13229, Mar. 21, off-hook (for single line equipment
2002; 69 FR 18803, Apr. 9, 2004] that does not use dial tone detectors);
§ 68.318 Additional limitations. (iii) 70 ms after receipt of CO ground
(a) General. Registered terminal start at the network demarcation
equipment for connection to those point.
services discussed below must incor- (c) Line seizure by automatic telephone
porate the specified features. dialing systems. Automatic telephone
(b) Registered terminal equipment with dialing systems which deliver a re-
automatic dialing capability. (1) Auto- corded message to the called party
matic dialing to any individual number must release the called party’s tele-
is limited to two successive attempts. phone line within 5 seconds of the time
Automatic dialing equipment which notification is transmitted to the sys-
employ means for detecting both busy tem that the called party has hung up,
and reorder signals shall be permitted to allow the called party’s line to be
an additional 13 attempts if a busy or used to make or receive other calls.
reorder signal is encountered on each (d) Telephone facsimile machines; Iden-
attempt. The dialer shall be unable to tification of the sender of the message. It
re-attempt a call to the same number shall be unlawful for any person within
for at least 60 minutes following either the United States to use a computer or
the second or fifteenth successive at- other electronic device to send any
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

tempt, whichever applies, unless the di- message via a telephone facsimile ma-
aler is reactivated by either manual or chine unless such person clearly


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Federal Communications Commission § 68.322

marks, in a margin at the top or bot- equipment has been shown to comply
tom of each transmitted page of the with the applicable technical criteria if
message or on the first page of the no unauthorized change is made in the
transmission, the date and time it is equipment and if the equipment is
sent and an identification of the busi- properly maintained and operated.
ness, other entity, or individual send- (d) The responsible party, if different
ing the message and the telephone from the manufacturer, may upon re-
number of the sending machine or of ceiving a written statement from the
such business, other entity, or indi- manufacturer that the equipment com-
vidual. If a facsimile broadcaster dem-
plies with the appropriate technical
onstrates a high degree of involvement
criteria, rely on the manufacturer or
in the sender’s facsimile messages,
independent testing agency to deter-
such as supplying the numbers to
which a message is sent, that broad- mine compliance. Any records that the
caster’s name, under which it is reg- Administrative Council for Terminal
istered to conduct business with the Attachments requires the responsible
State Corporation Commission (or party to maintain shall be in the
comparable regulatory authority), English language and shall be made
must be identified on the facsimile, available to the Commission upon a re-
along with the sender’s name. Tele- quest.
phone facsimile machines manufac- (e) No person shall use or make ref-
tured on and after December 20, 1992, erence to a Supplier’s Declaration of
must clearly mark such identifying in- Conformity in a deceptive or mis-
formation on each transmitted page. leading manner or to convey the im-
(e) Requirement that registered equip- pression that such a Supplier’s Dec-
ment allow access to common carriers. laration of Conformity reflects more
Any equipment or software manufac- than a determination by the respon-
tured or imported on or after April 17, sible party that the device or product
1992, and installed by any aggregator has been shown to be capable of com-
shall be technologically capable of pro- plying with the applicable technical
viding consumers with access to inter- criteria published by the Administra-
state providers of operator services tive Council of Terminal Attachments.
through the use of equal access codes.
The terms used in this paragraph shall [66 FR 7585, Jan. 24, 2001]
have meanings defined in § 64.708 of this
chapter (47 CFR 64.708). § 68.321 Location of responsible party.
[62 FR 61691, Nov. 19, 1997, as amended at 68 The responsible party for a Supplier’s
FR 44179, July 25, 2003] Declaration of Conformity must des-
ignate an agent for service of process
§ 68.320 Supplier’s Declaration of Con- that is physically located within the
formity. United States.
(a) Supplier’s Declaration of Con-
[67 FR 57182, Sept. 9, 2002]
formity is a procedure where the re-
sponsible party, as defined in § 68.3, § 68.322 Changes in name, address,
makes measurements or takes other ownership or control of responsible
necessary steps to ensure that the ter- party.
minal equipment complies with the ap-
propriate technical standards. (a) The responsible party for a Sup-
(b) The Supplier’s Declaration of plier’s Declaration of Conformity may
Conformity attaches to all items subse- license or otherwise authorize a second
quently marketed by the responsible party to manufacture the equipment
party which are identical, within the covered by the Supplier’s Declaration
variation that can be expected to arise of Conformity provided that the re-
as a result of quantity production tech- sponsible party shall continue to be re-
niques, to the sample tested and found sponsible to the Commission for ensur-
acceptable by the responsible party. ing that the equipment produced pur-
(c) The Supplier’s Declaration of suant to such an agreement remains
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

Conformity signifies that the respon- compliant with the appropriate stand-
sible party has determined that the ards.


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§ 68.324 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)

(b) In the case of transactions affect- ment enclosed with the terminal equip-
ing the responsible party of a Sup- ment.
plier’s Declaration of Conformity, such (d) If terminal equipment is not sub-
as a transfer of control or sale to an- ject to a Supplier’s Declaration of Con-
other company, mergers, or transfer of formity, but instead contains protec-
manufacturing rights, the successor tive circuitry that is subject to a Sup-
entity shall become the responsible plier’s Declaration of Conformity, then
party. the responsible party for the protective
[66 FR 7586, Jan. 24, 2001]
circuitry shall include with each mod-
ule of such circuitry, a Supplier’s Dec-
§ 68.324 Supplier’s Declaration of Con- laration of Conformity containing the
formity requirements. information required under § 68.340(a),
and the responsible party of such ter-
(a) Each responsible party shall in-
minal equipment shall include such
clude in the Supplier’s Declaration of
statement with each unit of the prod-
Conformity, the following information:
(1) The identification and a descrip-
(e) (1) The responsible party for the
tion of the responsible party for the
terminal equipment subject to a Sup-
Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity
plier’s Declaration of Conformity also
and the product, including the model
shall provide to the purchaser of such
number of the product,
terminal equipment, instructions as re-
(2) A statement that the terminal quired by the Administrative Council
equipment conforms with applicable for Terminal Attachments.
technical requirements, and a ref-
(2) A copy of the Supplier’s Declara-
erence to the technical requirements,
tion of Conformity shall be provided to
(3) The date and place of issue of the the Administrative Council for Ter-
declaration, minal Attachments along with any
(4) The signature, name and function other information the Administrative
of person making declaration, Council for Terminal Attachments re-
(5) A statement that the handset, if quires; this information shall be made
any, complies with § 68.316 of these available to the public.
rules (defining hearing aid compat- (3) The responsible party shall make
ibility), or that it does not comply a copy of the Supplier’s Declaration of
with that section. A telephone handset Conformity freely available to the gen-
which complies with § 68.316 shall be eral public on its company website.
deemed a ‘‘hearing aid-compatible tele- The information shall be accessible to
phone’’ for purposes of § 68.4. the disabled community from the
(6) Any other information required to website. If the responsible party does
be included in the Supplier’s Declara- not have a functional and reliable
tion of Conformity by the Administra- website, then the responsible party
tive Council of Terminal Attachments. shall inform the Administrative Coun-
(b) If the device that is subject to a cil for Terminal Attachments of such
Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity is circumstances, and the Administrative
designed to operate in conjunction Council for Terminal Attachments
with other equipment, the characteris- shall make a copy available on its
tics of which can affect compliance of website.
such device with part 68 rules and/or (f) For a telephone that is not hear-
with technical criteria published by ing aid-compatible, as defined in
the Administrative Council for Ter- § 68.316 of this part, the responsible
minal Attachments, then the Model party also shall provide the following
Number(s) of such other equipment in the Supplier’s Declaration of Con-
must be supplied, and such other equip- formity:
ment must also include a Supplier’s
(1) Notice that FCC rules prohibit the
Declaration of Conformity or a certifi-
use of that handset in certain loca-
cation from a Telecommunications
tions; and
Certification Body.
(2) A list of such locations (see
(c) The Supplier’s Declaration of
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

§ 68.112).
Conformity shall be included in the
user’s manual or as a separate docu- [66 FR 7586, Jan. 24, 2001]


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Federal Communications Commission § 68.354

§ 68.326 Retention of records. tained in the Supplier’s Declaration of

(a) The responsible party for a Sup- Conformity Statement furnished to
plier’s Declaration of Conformity shall users.
maintain records containing the fol- (b) Any other changes in terminal
lowing information: equipment or protective circuitry
(1) A copy of the Supplier’s Declara- which is subject to an effective Sup-
tion of Conformity; plier’s Declaration of Conformity shall
(2) The identity of the testing facil- be made only by the responsible party
ity, including the name, address, phone or an authorized agent thereof, and the
number and other contact information. responsible party will remain respon-
(3) A detailed explanation of the test- sible for the performance of such
ing procedure utilized to determine changes.
whether terminal equipment conforms [66 FR 7586, Jan. 24, 2001]
to the appropriate technical criteria.
(4) A copy of the test results for ter- § 68.350 Revocation of Supplier’s Dec-
minal equipment compliance with the laration of Conformity.
appropriate technical criteria. (a) The Commission may revoke any
(b) For each device subject to the Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity
Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity for cause in accordance with the provi-
requirement, the responsible party sions of this section or in the event
shall maintain all records required changes in technical standards pub-
under § 68.326(a) for at least ten years lished by the Administrative Council
after the manufacture of said equip- for Terminal Attachments require the
ment has been permanently discon- revocation of any outstanding Sup-
tinued, or until the conclusion of an in- plier’s Declaration of Conformity in
vestigation or a proceeding, if the re- order to achieve the objectives of part
sponsible party is officially notified 68.
prior to the expiration of such ten year (b) Cause for revocation. In addition
period that an investigation or any to the provisions in § 68.211, the Com-
other administrative proceeding in- mission may revoke a Supplier’s Dec-
volving its equipment has been insti- laration of Conformity:
tuted, whichever is later. (1) For false statements or represen-
[66 FR 7586, Jan. 24, 2001] tations made in materials or responses
submitted to the Commission and/or
§ 68.346 Description of testing facili- the Administrative Council for Ter-
ties. minal Attachments, or in records re-
(a) Each responsible party for equip- quired to be kept by § 68.324 and the Ad-
ment that is subject to a Supplier’s ministrative Council for Terminal At-
Declaration of Conformity under this tachments.
part, shall compile a description of the (2) If upon subsequent inspection or
measurement facilities employed for operation it is determined that the
testing the equipment. The responsible equipment does not conform to the per-
party for the Supplier’s Declaration of tinent technical requirements.
Conformity shall retain a description (3) If it is determined that changes
of the measurement facilities. have been made in the equipment other
(b) The description shall contain the that those authorized by this part or
information required to be included by otherwise expressly authorized by the
the Administrative Council for Ter- Commission.
minal Attachments. [66 FR 7587, Jan. 24, 2001]
[66 FR 7586, Jan. 24, 2001]
§ 68.354 Numbering and labeling re-
§ 68.348 Changes in equipment and cir- quirements for terminal equipment.
cuitry subject to a Supplier’s Dec- (a) Terminal equipment and protec-
laration of Conformity. tive circuitry that is subject to a Sup-
(a) No change shall be made in ter- plier’s Declaration of Conformity or
minal equipment or protective cir- that is certified by a Telecommuni-
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

cuitry that would result in any mate- cations Certification Body shall have
rial change in the information con- labels in a place and manner required


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§§ 68.400–68.412 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)

by the Administrative Council for Ter- complaints. A written notification to

minal Attachments. the complainant that the state believes
(b) Terminal equipment labels shall action is unwarranted is not a failure
include an identification numbering to act.
system in a manner required by the
Administrative Council for Terminal [49 FR 1368, Jan. 11, 1984]
(c) If the Administrative Council for § 68.415 Hearing aid-compatibility and
volume control informal com-
Terminal Attachments chooses to con-
tinue the practice of utilizing a des-
ignated ‘‘FCC’’ number, it shall include Persons with complaints under §§ 68.4
in its labeling requirements a warning and 68.112 that are not addressed by the
that the Commission no longer directly states pursuant to § 68.414, and all other
approves or registers terminal equip- complaints regarding rules in this part
ment. pertaining to hearing aid compatibility
(d) Labeling developed for terminal and volume control, may bring infor-
equipment by the Administrative mal complaints as described in § 68.416
Council on Terminal Attachments through § 68.420. All responsible parties
shall contain sufficient information for of terminal equipment are subject to
providers of wireline telecommuni- the informal complaint provisions
cations, the Federal Communications specified in this section.
Commission, and the U.S. Customs
Service to carry out their functions, [66 FR 7587, Jan. 24, 2001]
and for consumers to easily identify
the responsible party of their terminal § 68.417 Informal complaints; form and
equipment. The numbering and label- content.
ing scheme shall be nondiscriminatory, (a) An informal complaint alleging a
creating no competitive advantage for violation of hearing aid compatibility
any entity or segment of the industry. and/or volume control rules in this sub-
(e) FCC numbering and labeling re- part may be transmitted to the Con-
quirements existing prior to the effec- sumer Information Bureau by any rea-
tive date of these rules shall remain sonable means, e.g., letter, facsimile
unchanged until the Administrative transmission, telephone (voice/TRS/
Council for Terminal Attachments pub- TTY), Internet e-mail, ASCII text,
lishes its numbering and labeling re- audio-cassette recording, and Braille.
quirements. (b) An informal complaint shall in-
[66 FR 7587, Jan. 24, 2001, as amended at 67 clude:
FR 57182, Sept. 9, 2002] (1) The name and address of the com-
Subpart E—Complaint Procedures (2) The name and address of the re-
sponsible party, if known, or the manu-
§§ 68.400–68.412 [Reserved] facturer or provider against whom the
§ 68.414 Hearing aid-compatibility: En- complaint is made;
forcement. (3) A full description of the terminal
equipment about which the complaint
Enforcement of §§ 68.4 and 68.112 is
is made;
hereby delegated to those states which
adopt those sections and provide for (4) The date or dates on which the
their enforcement. The procedures fol- complainant purchased, acquired or
lowed by a state to enforce those sec- used the terminal equipment about
tions shall provide a 30-day period after which the complaint is being made;
a complaint is filed, during which time (5) A complete statement of the facts,
state personnel shall attempt to re- including documentation where avail-
solve a dispute on an informal basis. If able, supporting the complainant’s al-
a state has not adopted or incorporated legation that the defendant has failed
§§ 68.4 and 68.112, or failed to act within to comply with the requirements of
6 months from the filing of a complaint this subpart;
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

with the state public utility commis- (6) The specific relief or satisfaction
sion, the Commission will accept such sought by the complainant, and


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Federal Communications Commission § 68.420

(7) The complainant’s preferred for- (b) Describe any actions that the de-
mat or method of response to the com- fendant has taken or proposes to take
plaint by the Commission and defend- to satisfy the complaint;
ant (e.g., letter, facsimile trans- (c) Advise the complainant and the
mission, telephone (voice/TRS/TTY), Commission or the Consumer Informa-
Internet e-mail, ASCII text, audio-cas- tion Bureau of the nature of the de-
sette recording, Braille; or some other fense(s) claimed by the defendant;
method that will best accommodate (d) Respond specifically to all mate-
the complainant’s disability). rial allegations of the complaint; and
(e) Provide any other information or
[66 FR 7587, Jan. 24, 2001] materials specified by the Commission
or the Consumer Information Bureau
§ 68.418 Procedure; designation of
agents for service. as relevant to its consideration of the
(a) The Commission shall promptly
forward any informal complaint meet- [66 FR 7587, Jan. 24, 2001]
ing the requirements of § 68.17 to each
§ 68.420 Review and disposition of in-
responsible party named in or deter- formal complaints.
mined by the staff to be implicated by
the complaint. Such responsible party (a) Where it appears from the defend-
or parties shall be called on to satisfy ant’s answer, or from other commu-
or answer the complaint within the nications with the parties, that an in-
time specified by the Commission. formal complaint has been satisfied,
(b) To ensure prompt and effective the Commission or the Consumer Infor-
mation Bureau on delegated authority
service of informal complaints filed
may, in its discretion, consider the in-
under this subpart, every responsible
formal complaint closed, without re-
party of equipment approved pursuant
sponse to the complainant or defend-
to this part shall designate and iden-
ant. In all other cases, the Commission
tify one or more agents upon whom
or the Consumer Information Bureau
service may be made of all notices, in-
shall inform the parties of its review
quiries, orders, decisions, and other
and disposition of a complaint filed
pronouncements of the Commission in
under this subpart. Where practicable,
any matter before the Commission.
this information (the nature of which
Such designation shall be provided to is specified in paragraphs (b) through
the Commission and shall include a (d) of this section, shall be transmitted
name or department designation, busi- to the complainant and defendant in
ness address, telephone number, and, if the manner requested by the complain-
available, TTY number, facsimile num- ant, (e.g., letter, facsimile trans-
ber, and Internet e-mail address. The mission, telephone (voice/TRS/TTY),
Commission shall make this informa- Internet e-mail, ASCII text, audio-cas-
tion available to the public. sette recording, or Braille).
[66 FR 7587, Jan. 24, 2001, as amended at 73 (b) In the event the Commission or
FR 25591, May 7, 2008] the Consumer and Governmental Af-
fairs Bureau determines, based on a re-
§ 68.419 Answers to informal com- view of the information provided in the
plaints. informal complaint and the defendant’s
Any responsible party to whom the answer thereto, that no further action
Commission or the Consumer Informa- is required by the Commission or the
tion Bureau under this subpart directs Consumer and Governmental Affairs
an informal complaint shall file an an- Bureau with respect to the allegations
swer within the time specified by the contained in the informal complaint,
Commission or the Consumer Informa- the informal complaint shall be closed
tion Bureau. The answer shall: and the complainant and defendant
(a) Be prepared or formatted in the shall be duly informed of the reasons
manner requested by the complainant therefor. A complainant, unsatisfied
pursuant to § 68.417, unless otherwise with the defendant’s response to the in-
permitted by the Commission or the formal complaint and the staff decision
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

Consumer Information Bureau for good to terminate action on the informal

cause shown; complaint, may file a complaint with


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§ 68.423 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)

the Commission or the Enforcement Subpart G—Administrative

Bureau as specified in §§ 68.400 through Council for Terminal Attachments
(c) In the event the Commission or
SOURCE: 66 FR 7588, Jan. 24, 2001, unless
the Consumer Information Bureau on
otherwise noted.
delegated authority determines, based
on a review of the information pre- § 68.602 Sponsor of the Administrative
sented in the informal complaint and Council for Terminal Attachments.
the defendant’s answer thereto, that a
(a) The Telecommunications Indus-
material and substantial question re-
try Association (TIA) and the Alliance
mains as to the defendant’s compliance
for Telecommunications Industry Solu-
with the requirements of this subpart,
tions (ATIS) jointly shall establish the
the Commission or the Consumer Infor-
Administrative Council for Terminal
mation Bureau may conduct such fur-
Attachment and shall sponsor the Ad-
ther investigation or such further pro-
ministrative Council for Terminal At-
ceedings as may be necessary to deter-
tachments for four years from the ef-
mine the defendant’s compliance with
fective date of these rules. The division
the requirements of this subpart and to
of duties by which this responsibility is
determine what, if any, remedial ac-
executed may be a matter of agree-
tions and/or sanctions are warranted.
ment between these two parties; how-
(d) In the event that the Commission
ever, both are jointly and severally re-
or the Consumer Information Bureau
sponsible for observing these rule pro-
on delegated authority determines,
visions. After four years from the effec-
based on a review of the information
tive date of these rules, and thereafter
presented in the informal complaint
on a quadrennial basis, the Administra-
and the defendant’s answer thereto,
tive Council for Terminal Attachments
that the defendant has failed to comply
may vote by simple majority to be
with or is presently not in compliance
sponsored by any ANSI-accredited or-
with the requirements of this subpart,
the Commission or the Consumer Infor-
mation Bureau on delegated authority (b) The sponsoring organizations
may order or prescribe such remedial shall ensure that the Administrative
actions and/or sanctions as are author- Council for Terminal Attachments is
ized under the Act and the Commis- populated in a manner consistent with
sion’s rules and which are deemed by the criteria of American National
the Commission or the Consumer Infor- Standards Institute’s Organization
mation Bureau on delegated authority Method or the Standards Committee
to be appropriate under the facts and Method (and their successor Method or
circumstances of the case. Methods as ANSI may from time to
time establish) for a balanced and open
[66 FR 7588, Jan. 24, 2001, as amended at 67 membership.
FR 13229, Mar. 21, 2002] (c) After the Administrative Council
for Terminal Attachments is popu-
§ 68.423 Actions by the Commission on
its own motion. lated, the sponsors are responsible for
fulfilling secretariat positions as deter-
The Commission may on its own mo- mined by the Administrative Council
tion conduct such inquiries and hold for Terminal Attachments. The Admin-
such proceedings as it may deem nec- istrative Council shall post on a pub-
essary to enforce the requirements of licly available web site and make
this subpart. The procedures to be fol- available to the public in hard copy
lowed by the Commission shall, unless form the written agreement into which
specifically prescribed in the Act and it enters with the sponsor or sponsors.
the Commission’s rules, be such as in
the opinion of the Commission will [66 FR 7588, Jan. 24, 2001, as amended at 67
best serve the purposes of such inquir- FR 57182, Sept. 9, 2002]
ies and proceedings. § 68.604 Requirements for submitting
[66 FR 7588, Jan. 24, 2001] technical criteria.
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

(a) Any standards development orga-

Subpart F [Reserved] nization that is accredited under the


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Federal Communications Commission § 68.612

American National Standards Insti- § 68.610 Database of terminal equip-

tute’s Organization Method or the ment.
Standards Committee Method (and (a) The Administrative Council for
their successor Method or Methods as Terminal Attachments shall operate
ANSI may from time to time establish) and maintain a database of all ap-
may establish technical criteria for proved terminal equipment. The data-
terminal equipment pursuant to ANSI base shall meet the requirements of the
consensus decision-making procedures, Federal Communications Commission
and it may submit such criteria to the and the U.S. Customs Service for en-
Administrative Council for Terminal forcement purposes. The database shall
Attachments. be accessible by government agencies
(b) Any ANSI-accredited standards free of charge. Information in the data-
development organization that devel- base shall be readily available and ac-
cessible to the public, including indi-
ops standards for submission to the Ad-
viduals with disabilities, at nominal or
ministrative Council for Terminal At-
no costs.
tachments must implement and use (b) Responsible parties, whether they
procedures for the development of obtain their approval from a Tele-
those standards that ensure openness communications Certification Body or
equivalent to the Commission rule- utilize the Supplier’s Declaration of
making process. Conformity process, shall submit to
(c) Any standards development orga- the database administrator all infor-
nization that submits standards to the mation required by the Administrative
Administrative Council for Terminal Council for Terminal Attachments.
Attachments for publication as tech- (c) The Administrative Council for
nical criteria shall certify to the Ad- Terminal Attachments shall ensure
ministrative Council for Terminal At- that the database is created and main-
tachments that: tained in an equitable and nondiscrim-
(1) The submitting standards develop- inatory manner. The manner in which
ment organization is ANSI-accredited the database is created and maintained
shall not permit any entity or segment
to the Standards Committee Method or
of the industry to gain a competitive
the Organization Method (or their suc-
cessor Methods as amended from time (d) The Administrative Council for
to time by ANSI); Terminal Attachments shall file with
(2) The technical criteria that it pro- the Commission, within 180 days of
poses for publication do not conflict publication of these rules in the FED-
with any published technical criteria ERAL REGISTER, a detailed report of the
or with any technical criteria sub- structure of the database, including de-
mitted and pending for publication, tails of how the Administrative Coun-
and cil for Terminal Attachments will ad-
(3) The technical criteria that it pro- minister the database, the pertinent
poses for publication are limited to information to be included in the data-
preventing harms to the public base, procedures for including compli-
switched telephone network, identified ance information in the database, and
in § 68.3 of this part. details regarding how the government
and the public will access the informa-
§ 68.608 Publication of technical cri- tion.
§ 68.612 Labels on terminal equipment.
The Administrative Council for Ter-
minal Attachments shall place tech- Terminal equipment certified by a
Telecommunications Certification
nical criteria proposed for publication
Body or approved by the Supplier’s
on public notice for 30 days. At the end
Declaration of Conformity under this
of the 30 day public notice period, if
part shall be labeled. The Administra-
there are no oppositions, the Adminis- tive Council for Terminal Attachments
trative Council for Terminal Attach- shall establish appropriate labeling of
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

ments shall publish the technical cri- terminal equipment. Labeling shall
teria. meet the requirements of the Federal


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§ 68.614 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)

Communications Commission and the 69.119 Basic service element expedited ap-
U.S. Customs Service for their respec- proval process.
tive enforcement purposes, and of con- 69.120 Line information database.
69.121 Connection charges for expanded
sumers for purposes of identifying the interconnection.
responsible party and model number. 69.123 Density pricing zones for special ac-
[67 FR 57182, Sept. 9, 2002] cess and switched transport.
69.124 Interconnection charge.
§ 68.614 Oppositions and appeals. 69.125 Dedicated signalling transport.
69.128 Billing name and address.
(a) Oppositions filed in response to 69.129 Signalling for tandem switching.
the Administrative Council for Ter- 69.130 Line port costs in excess of basic ana-
minal Attachments’ public notice of log service.
technical criteria proposed for publica- 69.131 Universal service end user charges.
tion must be received by the Adminis-
Subpart C—Computation of Charges for
trative Council for Terminal Attach-
Price Cap Local Exchange Carriers
ments within 30 days of public notice
to be considered. Oppositions to pro- 69.151 Applicability.
posed technical criteria shall be ad- 69.152 End user common line for price cap
dressed through the appeals procedures local exchange carriers.
of the authoring standards develop- 69.153 Presubscribed interexchange carrier
charge (PICC).
ment organization and of the American
69.154 Per-minute carrier common line
National Standards Institute. If these charge.
procedures have been exhausted, the 69.155 Per-minute residual interconnection
aggrieved party shall file its opposition charge.
with the Commission for de novo re- 69.156 Marketing expenses.
view. 69.157 Line port costs in excess of basic,
(b) As an alternative, oppositions to analog service.
proposed technical criteria may be 69.158 Universal service and user charges.
filed directly with the Commission for Subpart D—Apportionment of Net
de novo review within the 30 day public Investment
notice period.
69.301 General.
PART 69—ACCESS CHARGES 69.302 Net investment.
69.303 Information origination/termination
equipment (IOT).
Subpart A—General 69.304 Subscriber line cable and wire facili-
69.305 Carrier cable and wire facilities
69.1 Application of access charges.
69.2 Definitions. 69.306 Central office equipment (COE).
69.3 Filing of access service tariffs. 69.307 General support facilities.
69.4 Charges to be filed. 69.308 [Reserved]
69.5 Persons to be assessed. 69.309 Other investment.
69.310 Capital leases.
Subpart B—Computation of Charges
69.101 General.
Subpart E—Apportionment of Expenses
69.104 End user common line for non-price 69.401 Direct expenses.
cap incumbent local exchange carriers. 69.402 Operating taxes (Account 7200).
69.105 Carrier common line for non-price 69.403 Marketing expenses (Account 6610).
cap local exchange carriers. 69.404 Telephone operator services expenses
69.106 Local switching. in Account 6620.
69.108 Transport rate benchmark. 69.405 Published directory expenses in Ac-
69.109 Information. count 6620.
69.110 Entrance facilities. 69.406 Local business office expenses in Ac-
69.111 Tandem-switched transport and tan- count 6620.
dem charge. 69.407 Revenue accounting expenses in Ac-
69.112 Direct-trunked transport. count 6620.
69.113 Non-premium charges for MTS-WATS 69.408 All other customer services expenses
equivalent services. in Account 6620.
erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR

69.114 Special access. 69.409 Corporate operations expenses (in-

69.115 Special access surcharges. cluded in Account 6720).
69.118 Traffic sensitive switched services. 69.411 Other expenses.


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