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Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Vol 58, No 2

Copyright 2019 March 2019

by the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Pages 252–253

Association of Primate Veterinarians Guidelines

for Jacket Use in Nonhuman Primates

Purpose Sleeveless jackets or protective vests are available and may

The Association of Primate Veterinarians (APV) recognizes be cooler and more comfortable if sleeves are not required for
that jackets may need to be placed on nonhuman primates a particular study. Many investigators prefer clipping the hair
(NHPs) and accepts that their use may facilitate aspects of under the jacket. Others believe that clipping may stimulate
biomedical research projects. To ensure appropriate animal itching and that hair provides a buffer that reduces abrasions.
welfare, it is essential that each institution ensures that jacket Ultimately, either approach requires close clinical vigilance
use is justified and that users are adequately trained and fa- combined with jacket adjustments to accommodate growth
miliar with potential complications associated with jacket use. and weight gain.
The following general guidelines provide basic information for Jacket Habituation. Many NHPs will habituate to a jacket
researchers, animal caregivers, veterinarians, and institutional within a few days. Signs of maladaptation include destruction
animal care and use committees (IACUCs) to consider when of the jacket, poor appetite, depressed or aggressive attitude,
assessing the use of jackets for NHPs. Professional judgment decreased activity, self-injury, and stereotypic behavior. Field
should guide development of institutional policies and standard et al. provides evidence that fecal corticosterone levels return to
operating procedures (SOPs) to reflect specific research uses. baseline by day 3 after jacketing in rhesus macaques. However,
a longer habituation period may be required for long-term stud-
ies or for jackets with additional components such as a tether,
Background swivel, or recording device. In addition, there are species differ-
Use of jackets ranges from helpful to critical in specific types
ences with respect to jacket tolerance. In the authors’ experience,
of research, but regardless of the purpose, putting a jacket
baboons tend to be highly tolerant, most macaques readily
on a NHP can be a stressful experience for the animal. Every
habituate, and African green monkeys often quickly destroy
project in which jacket use is deemed necessary will benefit
jackets. The limited use of sedatives, tranquilizers, or anxiolytics
by habituating the NHP to the jacket prior to study initiation.
may be considered to assist with habituation. Animals that fail
Jackets offer advantages in projects in which animals have been
to habituate to the jacket should not be placed on a study that
instrumented with chronic, indwelling catheters for collection
requires jacket use. Jacket habituation must include all aspects
of blood samples or constant infusion of test articles. Other
of the restraint system (e.g., a tether/swivel system or other
uses include protection of implants, fentanyl patches, surgical
devices that may be attached to the jacket), usually introduced
incisions, and traumatic wounds.
in a stepwise fashion.
Monitoring Jacket Use. The jacket and animal must be exam-
Guidelines ined regularly to ensure proper fit and cleanliness, and to ensure
that the animal does not sustain injuries from wearing the jacket.
Protocol Review. The IACUC should carefully examine each The examination frequency is dictated by the duration that an
proposal to ensure that jacket use has been described and justi- animal wears a jacket and/or the presence of an internal implant
fied, and that suitable alternatives are not feasible. Each proposal with an exteriorized component but should be at least weekly.
should include a plan to habituate the animal to the jacket and Sedation is necessary in most cases to allow a thorough examina-
ensure the jacket’s integrity and cleanliness throughout the tion of the animal and adjust the jacket as necessary. An ill-fitting
study (e.g., periodic changes, repairs as needed), and should jacket is more likely to chafe and can quickly cause significant
contain a description of the parameters and schedule for moni- skin erosions. Minor skin abrasions can often be managed by
toring the comfort and health of a jacketed animal. Finally, the readjusting the fit of the jacket and providing padding in the
IACUC should determine if wearing a jacket will interfere with affected areas. The most common locations for jacket abrasions
social housing or implementation of the institutional environ- are the underarm and shoulder areas, but all areas of the body
mental enrichment program. in contact with the jacket should be closely examined. Severe
Fitting the Jacket. The manufacturer may be consulted for wounds may not heal without removal of the jacket, and if the
determination of an appropriate jacket size. Although the jacket jacket cannot be removed, frequent sedation may be necessary
sizes are roughly based on animal species, body weight, and for wound cleaning and bandage changes. Jackets should be
length, the fit is best customized to an individual animal with changed at a minimum of once monthly, or when damaged, or
plastic zip ties, additional padding, and other adjustments. Jack- soiled with feces, urine, blood, or exudates. Jackets should be
ets may produce discomfort, distress, or pain when not fitted disinfected and laundered after each use.
properly. The jacket should fit snugly and comfortably around Considerations for Long-Term Use of Jackets. The long-term
the neck, thorax, abdomen, and armholes, and not restrict the use of jackets is often required for NHPs instrumented with
animal’s normal movements or respiratory effort, or cause externalized implants, such as an indwelling catheter protected
chafing, which may lead to skin lesions. Stretchable spandex or by a tether. In such cases, a longer acclimation period to all the
cotton undershirts may be used to reduce skin chafing from the components of the system may be warranted to allow stabiliza-
jacket. Pockets and inserts may be added to customize jackets tion of the animals. In particular, there are physiologic changes
for a particular study, but the overall weight and size of the consistent with persistent arousal of the sympathetic nervous
jacket must be considered. system that have been documented in response to jacketing,

APV guidelines

tethering, and catheterization. Adams et al. demonstrated an in-

creased heart rate in male cynomolgus macaques in response to
1. Adams MR, Kaplan JR, Manuck SB, Uberseder B, Larkin KT.
tethering. This study did not include females nor was the effect 1988. Persistent sympathetic nervous system arousal associated
of surgical catheterization assessed separately from the tether- with tethering in cynomolgus macaques. Lab Anim Sci 38: 279–281.
ing process. Crocket et al. found that urinary cortisol increased PubMed
in both male and female cynomolgus in response to jacketing, 2. Butler TM, Brown BG, Dysko RC, Ford EW, Hoskins DE, Klein
tethering, and surgical catheterization. Each condition was as- HJ, Levin JL, Murray KA, Rosenberg D, Southers JL, Swensen
sessed separately, and results demonstrated that urinary cortisol RB. 1995. Medical management. p 257–334. In: Bennett BT, Abee
CR, Henrickson R, editors. Nonhuman primates in biomedical
quickly returned to baseline following jacketing and tethering
research: Biology and management, 1st ed. San Diego (CA): Aca-
in both males and females. However, surgical catheterization demic Press.
was associated with elevated cortisol levels for at least 3 weeks, 3. Crockett CM, Bowers CL, Sackett GP, Bowden DM. 1993. Urinary
especially in females. cortisol responses of longtailed macaques to 5 cage sizes, tethering,
Jacket Use for Socially Housed NHPs. Jacketed NHPs do not sedation, and room change. Am J Primatol 30:55–74. https://doi.
need to be routinely exempted from social housing. Each animal org/10.1002/ajp.1350300105
and research scenario must be evaluated to determine the impact 4. Field AE, Jones CL, Kelly R 3rd, Marko ST, Kern SJ, Rico PJ. 2015.
of social versus individual housing. IACUCs should encourage Measurement of fecal corticosterone metabolites as a predictor of
the habituation of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) to jacketing.
use of new technologies to allow social housing of jacketed
J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci 54:59–65. PubMed
animals (e.g., telemetry signaling in group housed animals). 5. Institute for Laboratory Animal Research. 2011. Guide for the care
The principal investigator, veterinarian, or IACUC should be and use of laboratory animals, 8th ed. Washington (DC): National
familiar with recent publications involving the socialization Academies Press.
of jacketed animals and consider socialization if appropriate. 6. Kelly R 3rd, Carlson A, Kern SJ, Field A, Marko S, Bailey E,
Social housing of jacketed or instrumented NHPs must take into Norris S, Honko A, Rico P. 2014. Evaluation of the use of primate
consideration exteriorized components that can be manipulated undershirts as a refinement practice for jacketed rhesus macaques
by a social partner; therefore, one should proceed with caution (Macaca mulatta). J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci 53:267–272.
7. Morton WR, Knitter GH, Smith PM, Susor TG, Schmitt K. 1987.
to make sure that the partner does not damage the jacket or
Alternatives to chronic restraint of nonhuman primates. J Am Vet
associated components. If this occurs, further changes to the Med Assoc 191:1282–1286. PubMed
jacketing equipment may be necessary to allow continued social 8. Tardif SD, Coleman K, Hobbs TR, Lutz C. 2013. IACUC review
housing or single housing may be elected. of nonhuman primate research. ILAR J 54:234–245. https://doi.
Endpoints. a. The experimental endpoint should be clearly org/10.1093/ilar/ilt040 PubMed
defined and include the duration of jacket use.
b. It is difficult to predict a priori how an individual animal Disclaimer. The position statements and/or guidelines produced
will react to wearing a jacket. Any maladaptation must prompt by the Association of Primate Veterinarians (APV) are intended to be
veterinary investigation, treatment, and further habituation or recommendations and guidance and are not a regulatory requirement.
The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) within APV is tasked with the
removal from the study.
generation and revision of guidance documents for use by the member-
Record Keeping. The clinical veterinarian should examine ship and primate specialists worldwide. A subcommittee of current APV
animals and review records regularly to ensure that the health members and subject matter experts that have expertise in the area of
of each jacketed animal is monitored according to parameters interest are recruited to draft a document that is then sent out for com-
outlined in the protocol or SOPs. Any departures should be ment and input from the SAC committee, the APV Board of Directors,
investigated and treated accordingly. Records must be available and the APV membership. The final version is approved by the Board
for review by clinical veterinarians, IACUC, and regulatory of Directors before being published on the APV website. We would like
agencies. to extend special thanks to the committee members that worked on
and contributed to this document: Dr Jason Dufour, DVM, DACLAM
(TNPRC), Dr Nicole Pach, MS, DVM (University of Chicago), and Dr
Lisa Halliday, DVM, DACLAM (University of Illinois at Chicago).


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