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Name: Romnick John P. Cael Date: September 29, 2022

Course: CCJE Time: 10:00-11:00

Organization and Interpretation of Data

Data that are collected must be organized and presented effectively for
analysis and interpretation. It can be presented in textual, tabular, or

A. Analyze and interpret the following data set.

2. To study the library habits of students at a local college, thirty randomly
selected students were surveyed to determine the number of times they had
been to the library during the last week. The following results were obtained:
Organize the data by creating the frequency distribution and construct a pie
chart to represent the data.

Library Habit Frequency %

1 9 30%

2 8 26.67%

3 2 6.67%

4 5 16.67%
5 6 20%

Total 30 100%

4. Below is the 2016 distribution of the Philippines’ overseas contract

workers according to age group. Represent the data in a pie chart and make
an interpretation.
- The pie chart depicts the proportions of foreign contract
workers by age group in 2016. The 30 - 34 age group has
the highest proportion
(22.30%), followed by the 25 - 29 age group (21.70%). The
35-39 age group has the third highest proportion (19.1%),
followed by the 45-plus age group (18.5%). The 40-44 age
group has the fifth-highest proportion with 11.6%, while the
15-24 age group has the lowest proportion with 6.90%.

Measures of Central Tendency

A measure of central tendency (also referred to as measures of centre or
central location) is a summary measure that attempts to describe a whole set
of data with a single value that represents the middle or centre of its
Solve the following problems.
There are three main measures of central tendency: the mode, the median
and the mean. Each of these measures describes a different indication of the
typical or central value in the distribution.
B. Solve the following problems.

2. A salesperson records the following daily expenditures (in Php) during a

10-day trip.

- In my opinion, the median of expenditures best represents

the average daily expenditures of sellers because, as
shown in the data, there are outliers of 1345.75 and 88.12.
These two numbers deviate significantly from the rest of
the data, and if there are outliers in the data, the median is
the best measure of central tendency.

5. A professor grades students on 5 tests, a project, and a final examination.

Each test counts as 10% of the course grade. The project counts as 20% of
the course grade. The final exam counts as 30% of the course grade. Vanessa
has test scores of 70, 65, 82, 94, and 85. Vanessa’s project score is 92. Her
final examination score is 80. Use the weighted mean formula to find
Vanessa’s average for the course.

Test Score and Test Count: 70, 65, 82, 94, 85 and 10%
Project Score and Project Counts: 92 and 20%
Final Exam Score and Final Exam Counts: 80 and 30%
So, Vanessa’s average of the course is 82

Measures of Dispersion
The measure of dispersion (also called variability or variation) is the
extent to which a distribution is stretched or squeezed or scattered.
Common examples of measures of statistical dispersion are the range,
variance, and standard deviation.

C. Solve the following problems.

3. Some studies show that the mean normal human body temperature is
actually somewhat lower than the commonly given value of 37°C. This is
reflected in the following data set of body temperatures. Body temperatures
(°C) of 30 healthy adults are recorded as follows:

36.1, 37.2, 37.0, 37.3, 36.9, 36.5, 37.8, 35.9, 36.3, 37.2
37.0, 37.2, 36.8, 37.5, 37.3, 36.7, 36.8, 37.7, 37.2, 36.5
36.1, 36.5, 36.7, 37.1, 37.2, 36.6, 36.4, 36.6, 36.7, 37.8

a. Find the mean and sample standard deviation of the body temperatures.

Solution: Arrange the data in the column: Celsius (°C)

∑ 𝑥: 1106.6
Therefore, the mean is 36.8867, and the sample standard deviation is

b. Are there any temperatures in the data set that do not lie within 2 standard
deviations of the mean? If so, list them.

4. A mountain climber plans to buy some rope to use as a lifeline.

Which of the following would be the better choice? Explain why you think
your choice is the better choice.

Rope A: Mean breaking strength: 500 lb.; standard deviation of 100 lb.
Rope B: Mean breaking strength: 500 lb.; standard deviation of 10 lb.

- I believe Rope B is a better option because it has a lower standard deviation,

implying higher consistency.

Measures of Position
The measure of position is the position of a value, relative to other values
in a set of data. The most common measures of position are percentiles,
quartiles, and standard scores (aka, z-scores).
D. Solve the following problems.

3. A survey was given to 18 employees. One question asked about the one-
way distance the employee had to travel for work. The results, in kilometres,
are shown below. Use the median procedure for finding quartiles to find the
first, second, and third quartiles for the data.


Solution. Arrange the data in ascending order:

1 3 4 5 5 7 8 10 10 10 12 15 18 26 28 32 41 85
Determine Q2, which is the median of the distribution.

The 50% of the employees had to travel for work got a 10 kilometres.

Determine Q1, which is the median of the distribution.

Q1 = 5
The 25% of the employees had to travel for work got a 5 kilometres.

Determine Q3, which is the median of the distribution.

Q3 = 26
The 75% of the employees had to travel for work got a 26 kilometres.

5. A random sample of 80 tires showed that the mean mileage per tire was
41,700 mi, with a standard deviation of 4300 mi.
a. Determine the z-score, to the nearest hundredth, for a tire that provided
46,300 mi of wear.

b. The z-score for one tire was -2.44. What mileage did this tire provide?
Round your result to the nearest hundred miles.

Normal Distribution
The normal distribution is the probability distribution that plots all of its
values in a symmetrical fashion, and most of the results are situated
around the probability's mean. Values are equally likely to plot either
above or below the mean. Grouping takes place at values close to the
mean and then tails off symmetrically away from the mean.
E. Solve the following problems.

1. The length of human pregnancies from conception to birth varies

according to a distribution that is approximately normal, with a mean of
266 days and a standard deviation of 16 days. Draw a normal curve for this
distribution on which the mean and standard deviation are correctly

2. The concentration of the active ingredient in capsules of a prescription

painkiller varies according to a normal distribution with μ = 10% and σ
= 0.2%.
m = 0.1

A. What is the median concentration? Explain your answer.

- In a normal distribution, the median equals the mean, so
B. What interval of concentrations covers the middle 95 percent of all the
- The concentration interval covering the middle 95% is
between -9.96% and 10.04%
C. What interval covers the middle half of all capsules?
- The interval is 9.865%, and 10.135%.
Correlation and Linear Regression
3. A Zumba instructor remembers the data given in the following table,
which shows the recommended maximum exercise heart rates for individuals
of the given ages.

a. Find the linear correlation coefficient for the data.

The linear correlation coefficient for the data is -1.

b. What is the significance of the value found in part a?

- The significance of the value found in part (a) is that the
value of r is -1 which implies that there is a strong negative
linear relationship between the two variables which are the
age and the maximum heart rate that beats per minute.
c. Find the equation of the least-squares line.
Given the value of a and b above where a = 187 and b = -0.85, the linear
regression equation for the data above is y = 187+ (-0.85) x.

d. Use the equation from part c to predict the maximum exercise heart rate for
a person who is 72.

e. Is the procedure in part d an example of interpolation or extrapolation?

- Part d's procedure is an example of extrapolation.
Because the predicted maximum exercise heart rate of
125.8 or 126 for a
72-year-old person is beyond the date set.

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