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A. LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE Indicators Suggested MOVs Rating Remarks

1. In place is a development plan 1. The development plan guided by the • Approved copy of School Improvement
( e.g. SIP) developed collaboratively by the school’s vision, mission and goal (VMG) is Plan/Annual Implementation Plan/ School Basic
stakeholders of the school and the developed through the leadership of the Education Learning Continuity Plan and other
community. school and the participation of some invitedrelevant documents showing the actual practice like
community stakeholders the following:
o Signed resolutions
o Approved /signed minutes of the
2. The development plan is evolved through meetings
the shared leadership of the school and the
community stakeholders

3. The development plan is enhanced with

the community performing the leadership
roles, and the school providing technical

2. The development plan (SIP) is regularly 1. The school leads the regular review and • Annual accomplishment reports and report cards
reviewed by the school community to keep it improvement of the developed plan • Other relevant documents showing the actual
responsive and relevant to emerging needs, practice like the following:
2. The school and community stakeholders
challenges and opportunities. o Narrative Report and attachments
working as full partners, lead the continual
o Minutes of Meetings
review and improvement of the development
o Notice of Meeting/ Agreements/Summary of
challenges and opportunities. o Narrative Report and attachments
o Minutes of Meetings
o Notice of Meeting/ Agreements/Summary of

3. The community stakeholders lead the

regular review and improvement process; the
school stakeholders facilitate the process

3.The school is organized by a clear structure 1. The school defines the organizational • Manual of Operation/Handbook / Constitution-by-
and work arrangements that promote shared structure, and the roles and responsibilities of Laws of any existing organizational structure such as
leadership and governance and define the stakeholders School Governing Council (SGC), Parents-Teachers
roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders. Association (PTA) and others with defined roles and
2. The school and community collaboratively responsibilities of the different working committees
define the structure and the roles and • Other relevant documents showing the actual
responsibilities practice like the following:
o Approved Minutes of the Meetings
3. Guided by an agreed organizational o Approved Resolutions
structure, the community stakeholders lead in o Attendance, Pictorial, Notice of Meetings
defining the organizational structure and the
roles and responsibilities; school provides
technical and administrative support

4. A leadership network facilitates 1. A network has been collaboratively • Description of channels of communication
communication between and among school established and is continuously improved by established in the school such as meetings, forums,
and community leaders for informed-decision- the school community consultative conferences, summits and performance
making and solving of school-community wide review via official social media like facebook page,
learning problems. 2. The network actively provides stakeholders official email address of the school, and others,
information for making decisions and solving • Aditional evidence/s that manifest actual practice
learning and administrative problems of the indicators such as Minutes of Meetings,
Agreements of Committees, SRC, School MIS,
transparency reports, dashboard, online platforms
• Aditional evidence/s that manifest actual practice
of the indicators such as Minutes of Meetings,
Agreements of Committees, SRC, School MIS,
transparency reports, dashboard, online platforms
3. The network allows easy exchange and etc.
access to information sources beyond the
school community.

5. A long-term program is in operation that 1. Developing structures are in place and • Long-term Learning and Development Plan for
addresses the training and development analysis of the competency and development school heads and community leaders
needs of school and community leaders. needs of leaders is conducted; result is used • Additional evidence/s that manifest actual practice
to develop a long-term training and of the indicators such as:
development program o LAC PLan and Accomplishment Reports

2. Leaders undertake training modes that are

convenient to them (online, offline, modular,
group, or home-based) and which do not o Accomplishment Report on
disrupt their regular functions. Leaders Coaching and Mentoring
monitor and evaluate their own learning

3. Leaders assume responsibility for their

own training and development. School
community leaders working individually or in
groups. Coach and mentor one another to
achieve their VMG

Percentage Weight of Leadership and Governance (30%)

B. CURRICULUM AND LEARNING Indicators Suggested MOVs Rating Remarks

1.The curriculum provides for the 1. All types of learners of the school • Report on the documentation and implementation
development needs of all types of the community
2. Programsareareidentified, their learning
fully implemented and of differented programs addressing the development
learners in the community. curves
3. assessed; appropriate
monitored toneeds
The educational address programs
types of with
of all needs of the learners
its support
learners foras
being met each type
shown byof learner
practices; • Copy of the assessment results /pretest-posttest
is developed.
coach low performers;
continuous improvement mentor potential
on learning results such as Early Childhood Care Development
leaders; reward
outcomes high achievement,
and products of learning.and (ECCD)/ Multi-Factoral Assessment Tool (MFAT
maintain environment
Teachers’ that makes
as well as students’ learning
performance /Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (PHIL-IRI)
meaningful and enjoyable.
are motivated by intrinsic and extrinsic /Functional Literacy Assessment Test (FLAT)/and
rewards. The school’s differentiated program other assessment tests for special curricular
is frequently benchmarked by other schools. programs.
2. The implemented curriculum is localized to 1. Local beliefs, norms, values, traditions, • Localized guidelines on curriculum implementation
make it more meaningful to the learners and folklores, current events and existing • Copy/ies of
applicable to life in the community technologies are documented and used to Contextualized Learning Materials with
develop a lasting curriculum. Localization documentation of its utilization
guidelines are agreed to by school o Documentation of best practices in localizing
community and teachers are properly curriculum and benchmarking by other schools
oriented. • Additional evidence/s that manifest actual practice
of the indicators
o Monitoring Report on the utilization of the
contextualized Learning materials
2. The localized curriculum is implemented o Sample of teachers learning plan integrating the
and monitored closely to ensure that it makes contextualized curriculum
learning more meaningful and pleasurable;
produces desired learning outcomes and
directly improves community life. Ineffective
approaches are replaced and innovative ones
are developed.

3. Best practices in localizing the curriculum

are mainstreamed and benchmarked by other
There is marked increase in number of
projects that uses the community as learning
laboratory, and the school as an agent of
change for improvement of the community.
3. A representative group of school and 1. A representative team of school and • Report on the documentation of the culminating
community stakeholders develop methods community stakeholders assess content and programs and actvities of the school/documentation
and materials for developing creative thinking methods used in teaching creative, critical of students performance such as
problem solving. thinking and problem solving. robotics/exhibits/research and development
projects/reading projects/campus journalism/any
Assessment results are used as guide to contests that develop the creative and critical
develop materials. thinking of the learners.

2. Learning materials and approaches to

reinforce strengths
3.Materials and address
and approaches are deficiencies
being used
in developed
in theand tested
family andfor
in applicability
community toon
school, family
develop critical,and community.
creative thinking and
problem-solving community of learners and
are producing desired results.

4. The learning systems are regularly and 1. A school-based monitoring and learning o Conduct Quarterly Card Day with relevant
collaboratively monitored by the community system is conducted regularly and documents such as Minutes of the
using appropriate tools to ensure the holistic cooperatively; and feedback is shared with Meeting,Attendance Sheets, Learners' Portfolio and
growth and development of the learners and stakeholders. The system uses a tool that Narrative Report
the community. monitors the holistic development of learners.

2. The school-based monitoring and learning

systems generate feedback that is used for
making decisions that enhance the total
3. The monitoring
development of thesystem is accepted and
regularly used for collective decision-making.
Monitoring tool has been improved to provide
both quantitative and qualitative data.

5. Appropriate assessment tools for teaching 1. The assessment tools are reviewed by the • Report on the Review of Summative Assessment
and learning are continuously reviewed and school and assessment results are shared Tools
improved and assessment results are with the school’s stakeholders. • Results of Assessment
contextualized to the learner and local • Report on the evaluattion of culminating activities
situations and the attainment of the relevant o Copies of summative assessment tools which
life skills. include written tests and other authentic
o Report on the Culminating Program Activities
5. Appropriate assessment tools for teaching • Report on the Review of Summative Assessment
and learning are continuously reviewed and Tools
improved and assessment results are • Results of Assessment
contextualized to the learner and local • Report on the evaluattion of culminating activities
situations and the attainment of the relevant o Copies of summative assessment tools which
life skills. 2. The Assessment tools are reviewed by the include written tests and other authentic
school community and results are shared assessments
with community stakeholders. o Report on the Culminating Program Activities

3. School assessment results are used to

develop learning programs that are suited to
community, and customized to each learner’s
context, results of which are used for
collaborative decision making.

6. Learning managers and facilitators 1. Stakeholders are aware of child/learner- • Summary reports on stakeholders' participation
(teachers, administrators, and community centered,
2. rights-based,
Stakeholders begin toand inclusive
practice such as Brigada Eskwela, Oplan Balik Eskwela,
members) nurture values and environments principles of education.principles of education
child/learner-centered Enrollment Campaign, WASH, WINS, and other
that are protective to all children and Learning Managers
in the design and to
of support facilitators
implemented programs.
demonstrate behaviors consistent to the activities aimed to increase stakeholder’s
Learning managers and o Child Protection Policy
organization’s vision, mission and goals. awarenessapply
facilitators and commitment
the principlestoinfundamental
Implementation Report
designing o Documentation/
rights of children
learning materials.and the basic principle ofimplementation of Child Friendly School System
educating them. o Additional
evidence/s that manifest actual practice of the
3. Learning environments, methods and indicators such as Lesson plans / weekly home
resources are community driven, inclusive learning plans and learning materials integrating
and adherent to child’s rights and protection child-centered, right-based, and inclusive principles
requirements. of education.
Learning managers and facilitators observe
learners’ rights from designing the curriculum
to structuring the whole learning environment.
7. Methods and resources are learner and 1. Practices, tools and materials for • Report on the implementation of Independent-
community- friendly, enjoyable, safe, developing self-directed learners are highly Cooperative Learning (ICL) / Parent-Teacher
inclusive, accessible and aimed at developing observable in school, but not in the home or Conference
self-directed learners. Learners are equipped in the community. o Learning Management System
with essential knowledge, skills and values to Learning programs are designed and o Copy of designed and developed
assume resonsibility and accountability for developed to produce learners who are learning programs (Remediation/Intervention
their own learning. responsible and accountable for their Programs/Activities) offered in the school
learning. ADM/SLMs

2. Practices, tools and materials for

developing self-directed learners are
beginning to emerge in the homes and in the
The program is collaboratively implemented
and monitored by teachers and parents to
ensure that it produces desired learners.

3. There is continuous exchange of

information, sharing ofSub-total
expertise and
materials among
Percentage Weighttheofschools, home
Curriculum andand
Learning (30%)
community for the development of self-
directed learners
The program is mainstreamed but
continuously improved to make relevant to
emergent demands.


IMPROVEMENT Indicators Suggested MOVs Rating Remarks
1. Roles and responsibilities of accountable 1. There is an active party that initiates• List of active and recognized organizations (SGC,
person/s and collective body/ies are clearly clarification
2. of the roles
The stakeholders areand responsibilities
engaged in
PTA, Faculty and Employees Association,
in clarifying
defined and agreed upon by community education delivery.
and defining their specific roles and SSG/SPG, Alumni, BAC and other stakeholders’
stakeholders. responsibilities. organization)
• Availability of Constitution and By-Laws of the
3. Shared and participatory processes of Organizations / Terms of reference indicating
determining roles, responsibilitis, and specific roles and responsibilities
accoutabilities of stakeholders in managing • Any of the following additional documents that
and supporting education. manifest actual practices of indicators:
o Minutes of the Meeting of the Organizations,
Attendance, Pictorial
o Signed Memorandum of Agreement/ Memorandum
of Understanding with stakeholders
o Resolutions
2. Achievement of goals is recognized based 1. Performance accountability is practiced at •OPRF and IPCRF (midyear and year-end) results
on a collaboratively developed performance the school level AIP/ BELCP/ (Annual Evaluation) Results
accountability system; gaps are addressed •School Report Card
through appropriate action. 2. A community-level accountability system is •Additional relevant documents that manifest
evolving from school-led initiatives actual practices of indicators such as:
o Narrative/Accomplishment Report,
3. A community accepted performance pictorials
accountability, recognition and incentive o Approved and signed minutes of the meeting,
system is being practiced. attendance and pictorial
o Approved resolutions
o School PRAISE Committee for recognition and
incentive system (guidelines and criteria)
3. The accountability system is owned by the 1. The school articulates the accountability• School Report Card
community and is continuously enhanced to assessment framework with basic • Liquidation Reports
ensure that management structures and components, including implementation • Updated Transparency Board
mechanisms are responsive to the emerging guidelines to the stakeholders. • Any of the following additional documents that
learning needs and demands of the manifest actual practices of indicators such as:
community. o Approved and signed minutes of the meeting,
2. Stakeholders are engaged in the attendance, and pictorial
development and operation of an appropriate o Accomplishment reports.
accountability assessment system.

3.The school community stakeholders

continuously and collaboratively review and
enhance accountability systems, processes,
mechanisms and tools.

4. Accountability assessment criteria and 1. The school, with the participation of •School M & E evaluation results (SMEA processes
tools, feedback mechanisms, and information stakeholders,
2. Stakeholdersarticulates an accountability
are engaged in the and tools) with recommnedations and agreements
collection and validation techniques and assessment framework
development with of
and operation basic
an appropriate • Feedback mechanism results
processes are inclusive and collaboratively components, including implementation
accountability assessment system. • Additional documents that manifest the actual
developed and agreed upon. guidelines to the stakeholders. practice such as :
o Approved and signed minutes of the meeting,
3. Stakeholders continuously and attendance and pictorial
collaboratively review and enhance o Approved resolutions
accountability systems, processes,
mechanisms and tools.

5. Appropriate assessment tools for teaching 1. School initiates periodic performance • Report on the conduct of School Monitoring,
and learning are continuously reviewed and 2. assessments with
Collaborative the participation
conduct of
of performance Evaluation, Plan and Adjustment (SMEA) Results
improved and assessment results are stakeholders.
3. informs planning,
School-community developedplanperformance • Additional documents that manifest the actual
contextualized to the learner and local adjustments is
assessment and requirements
practiced and is for
Sub-total basis for practice such as:
situations and the attainment of the relevant assistance.
Percentage Weightmonitoring and evaluation
of Accountability o Minutes (25%
& Continuous Improvement of the Meeting
life skills. systems, providing monitoring and evaluation o Report on identified CIGPs on PPAs for TA
systems, providing technical assistance, and (presence of Technical Assistance Plan and M&E
recognizing and refining plans. Plan)
o Technical Assistance accomplishment

D. MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES 2. Resource inventory Indicators

is characterized by Suggested MOVs Rating Remarks
1. Regular resource inventory is 1. Stakeholders
regularity, are aware
increased that a regular
participation of o Updated inventory of school resources such as the
collaboratively undertaken by learning resource inventory
stakeholders, is available andtoisthe
and communicated used as Report on the Physical Count of Property, Plant, and
managers, learning facilitators, and a3.basis
Resource inventories are systematically Equipment (RPCPPE) and Report on the Physical
communityfor resource
as the allocation
basis for and
community stakeholders as basis for resource developed
allocation and stakeholders are engaged in Cost Inventories (RPCI)
allocation and mobilization. a collaborative process to make decisions on
resource allocation and mobilization.

2. A regular dialogue for planning and 1. Stakeholders are invited to participate in o Documentation in the participation of stakeholders
resource programming, that is accessible and theStakeholders
2. developmentare
of an educational
regularly planininthe
engaged in the Approved ESIP/AIP/ BELCP/APP
inclusive, continuously engage stakeholders resource and
planning programming, and in the and in
resource programming, o Additional documents that manifest the actual
and support implementation of community implementation
the of the
implementation educational
of the plan.
education plan. practice such as Minutes of the meetings, resolution,
education plans. and attendance
3. Stakeholders collaborate to ensure timely
and need-based planning and resource
programming and support continuous
implementation of the education plan.

3. In place is a community-developed 1. Stakeholders support judicious, • Updated MOOE Liquidation Report and School
resource management system that drives appropriate, and effective use of resource. Financial Reports in all activities
appropriate behaviors of the stakeholders to • Validated and Approved Disbursement report
ensure judicious, appropriate, and effective • Inventory of purchased materials
use of resources. 2. Stakeholders are engaged and share • BAC Documents
expertise in the collaborative development of • Minutes of the Meetings
resource management system. • Deed of Donations
• Minutes of the Meetings
• Deed of Donations

3. Stakeholders sustain the implementation

and improvement of a collaboratively
developed, periodically adjusted, and
constituent –focused resource management

4. Regular Monitoring, evaluation, and 1. Stakeholders are invited to participate in • Reports on regular monitoring and evaluation of all
reporting processes of resource management theStakeholders
2. developmentcollaboratively
and implementation of in
participate assets of the school and audited by stakeholders
are collaboratively developed and monitoring, evaluation,
3. developmentare and
held of • Any of the following additional documents such
implemented by the learning managers, processes on
accountable resource
and management.
implement reporting process
a collaboratively as compliance of audit memorandum observation
facilitators and community stakeholders. on resourcesystem
developed management.
of monitoring, evaluation report, notice of diasallowance (if any), property and
and reporting for resource management. accountability clearance (for those who will transfer),
and others.

5. There is a system that manages the 1. An engagement procedure to identify and • Doumentation on Network Linkages
network and linkages, which strengthens and utilize partnerships with stakeholders for • Additional documents that manifest the actual
sustains partnerships for improving resource improving resource management is evident. practice such as:
management. o List of Partners
o Report/Status of External Linkages
2. Stakeholders support a system of o Memorandum of Agreement is forged between the
partnerships for improving resource school and the identified linkages and networks
management. o Stakeholders' appreciation activity/ commendation/
3. An established system of partnership is
managed and sustained by the stakeholders
for continuous improvement of resource

Percentage Weight of Management of Resources (15%)
Rating Computation Subtotal
SBM Principles per Indicator (Total Score/No. of indicators) (Computed Result Total
x Weighted %)
A.       Leadership and
Governance (30%)
3 0.00 0
B.       Curriculum and Learning
Development (30%)
0.00 0.00
C.      Accountability and
Continuous Improvement (25%)
0.00 0
D.      Management of Resources
0.00 0
on SBM Validated Practice (40% 0.00 0.000
DOD Validation)
Learning Outcomes Performance Indicators Value and Average Computation Results
Range Score
Completion Rate for the last 3 99-100 3
3 0.75
years (25%) 97-98 2
96 & below 1
SY 2018-2019 98.7
SY 2019-2020 96.27
SY 2020-2021 99.95
Average 98.31
Range Score
Promotion Rate for the last 3
` 3 0.75 100% 3
years (25%)
99-99.99 2
SY 2018-2019 99.48 98.99 & below 1
SY 2019-2020 97.77
SY 2020-2021 99.57
Average 98.94
Range Score
General MPS MPS for the last 3 years (25%) 2 0.5
85.00 & above 3
80.00- 84.99 2
SY 2018-2019 83.36 79.99 & below 1
SY 2019-2020 85.21
SY 2020-2021 85.41
Average 84.66
Drop-Out Rate for the last 3
Range Score
years (25% )
SY 2018-2019 0 0 3
Drop-Out Rate SY 2019-2020 0 3 0.75 0.01- 0.1 % 2
SY 2020-2021 0 0.11 & above 1
2.75 1.65
Areas Weight Results
A.       Learning Outcomes 60% 1.65
B.       SBM Assessment Score
40% 0.698
TOTAL 100%

Level II (Maturing )
Numerical Rating Scale Levels
0.5 – 1.49 Developing (Level I)
1.50 – 2.49 Maturing (Level II)
2.50 – 3.00 Advanced (Level III)

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