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Course Syllabus: ChEng5101 Separation Technology

Course Code and Name: ChEng5101 Separation Technology
1. Credits and Contact hours: 4CP, 5hr per week (64 hours)
2. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name: Mr. Asmare T.
3. Text and reference book
 Seader/Henley:separation process principles, 3rd edition
 Marcel Mulder:- Basic principles of membrane Technology, 2d Edition
 Enrico Drioli:- membrane operations
 Coulson and Richardson’s particle technology and separation , volume 2, 5th edition
INSTRUCTIONAL FORMAT: Lecture, group work, interactive tutorial sessions (group and
pair work/discussions) and individual work (independent learning) and in-class problem solving,
homework problems, midterms, and final exam
Specific course information
a. Catalog description this course covers the fundamental concepts of the course
teaches the student basic separation techniques, industrial chemical process,
adsorption, membrane, and chromatographic separation techniques
b. Prerequisites or co-requisites: none
c. Course Status: Required /compulsory
4. Student outcomes addressed by the course
 Recognize the difference mass separating agents
 Understand the theoretical frame work of separation
 Separation by phase addition
 Able to identify different separation techniques
5. A brief list of topics to be covered
 Introduction to separation process
 Basic principles of separation process
 Membrane process
 Adsorption process
 Chromatography process
6. Assessment type, weight, and duration
Assessment type Mark allotted
Individual Assignment 11%
Test 12%
Mid exam 25%
Group Assignment 12%
Final Exam 40%
Total 100%
7. Course Policy
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students (article 166 and 166.1.1, of
the Senate Legislation of Bahir Dar University May 20, 2005) throughout this course. Academic
dishonesty, including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be
reported to concerned bodies for action.
Class attendance and participation: You are expected to attend class regularly. I will take
attendance on regular days during the semester to ensure that students are coming to class, and if
you miss class repeatedly, your grade will be affected as it has value. If you miss more than 15%
of lectures and tutorials and if there is any absence of laboratory class attendance you will not sit
for the final exam.
8. Authorization
a. Prepared instructor’s/s’ Name: Mr. Asmare T.
Signature: _______________________________ Date: _____________
b. Checked course chair’s Name: __________________________
Signature: ________________ Date: _____________
c. Verified chair holder’s Name: __________________________________
Signature: ________________ Date: _____________

Faculty seal

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