Chapters 1-3, Research Janobas, Montecillo, Mangubat... Rice Water As Treatment For Dogs' Scabies

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Chapter 1

The Problem


It is said that dogs are considered better companions than

humans. They are known as “man’s best friend”.Once you had their trust,

they will love you unconditionally and they become your most loyal friend

you could ever have.They will give you unconditional love and also take

away your loneliness.Unlike humans,a dog never judges you and loves you

despite your mistakes and flaws; they wait for you patiently at home to

greet you when you come back from school/work. A dog kisses you, jumps

on you and licks you to show how much he missed you. They do many good

things for us, which is why they are called as mans’ best friend.According to

various studies,they are beautiful pets that can improve your physical and

mental wellbeing.A lot of us want to have a pet at home and a dog is one of

the common pets that everyone wishes. 

Like other animals, dogs may suffer from different skin problems

that may lead to discomfort and sometimes even to death. Scabies in dogs is

also known as sarcoptic mange. It is caused by the small mite, sarcoptes

scabies I canis. Highly contagious, the mites work there way into the skin

and cause intense itching (pruritis). If left untreated, the condition can

become severe, leading to thickening of the skin and weeping sores.


Affected dogs may develop systemic signs of disease such as

anorexia with weight loss, and a peripheral lymphadenopathy is common.

Severely affected dogs will incessantly scratch and bite, causing

excoriation. Severe neglected cases can result in death and scabies is also a

common cause of death in urban foxes.

A rare form of the disease is one involving severe generalised

crusting, analogous to a human variant called Norwegian scabies. In these

cases, there are usually multiple mites and an underlying immune

suppression should be suspected.

In a multi-dog household, it is possible that some dogs will

harbour mites but not show signs. In time, without veterinary intervention,

hypersensitivity develops and these dogs will also become pruritic.


Eventhough there are already treatment out in the market for

dogs scabies, still the researchers wanted to offer a home remedy for the

dogs which have scabies.

Personally, the researchers have so much love for pets,

especially the dogs. The love and compassion they have, have make them

come up with the idea of finding a home treatment for dogs’ scabies.The

main ingredient that the researchers used in their study is water from rice

since rice is one the basic commodity we found at home.Studies and articles

have shown that rice water are good for skin and hair. In year 2018 study

also found that rice water reduced the activity of elastase, an enzyme


involved in skin aging. This suggests rice water may have the potential to

reduce the formation of wrinkles and lines on the skin.There are studies

that prove that rice water are good for acne treatment.Based from these

studies, the researchers thought that the rice water may be good also for

the dogs skin problems particularly the scabies.

This study which the researchers entitled, “ Rice Water as Home

Treatment for Dogs’ Scabies ” would like to help the people who have pets

at home in a way that the scabies of their dogs might be treated at home

through putting rice water to the infected parts of the dog’s body.This is

their way of showing their love for the dogs and the other animals because

they believe that like us, animals deserve to be treated well.

Theoretical Framework

Rice water — the water left over after you cook rice — has long

been thought to promote stronger and more beautiful hair. The earliest

known use of it was over 1,000 years ago in Japan.Today, rice water is

gaining popularity as a skin treatment too. It’s said to soothe and tone your

skin, and even improve different skin conditions. Even more enticing, rice

water is something you can easily and inexpensively make at home. Rice

water contains substances known to help protect and repair your skin.

Despite some real benefits, there are many claims about it that science

hasn’t fully proven.(,Jan 18, 2019)

Rice bran oil is well known for its contents of antioxidant-rich

components such as ferulic acid, gamma-oryzanol and phytic acid and has

been used in the cosmetic industry and also in the management of skin

diseases. Rice bran oil and rice bran extracts have been used in the free

form and nanoencapsulated for protection against UVB-radiation injuries ,

for skin disease treatment Additionally, rice bran bio active compounds have

been found to exert anti-aging activity and to be efficient in the treatment

of alopecia .Rice water is known to help with skin irritation caused

by sodium laurel sulfate (SLS), an ingredient found in many personal care

products. Anecdotal evidence has shown that using rice water twice a day

helps skin that has been dried and damaged by SLS.

With the above mentioned researches, the researchers strongly

believed that the rice water can treat dogs’ skin diseases particularly the

scabies. If rice water can treat pimples, or acne since it is good for human

skin and hair then there is a big possibility that it can also treat dogs’

scabies. According to rice water is known to soothe

sensitive skin. It has also been known to help with skin dermatitis, irritation,

and other skin inflammations. So it's safe to use for folks with sensitive skin.

Rice water has a multitude of components with nutritional value for

the skin and hair. Around 16 per cent of these are proteins, the building

blocks essential to cell health. Triglycerides and lipids each make up 10 per

cent of the rice water composition, while starch (an extract still used in

Japanese cosmetics), is present at 9 per cent. Carbohydrates, inositol,

phytic acid and inorganic substances are other components in rice water.

This is what you get when you boil an average handful of white rice in two

cups of hot water and strain out the residue liquid.

Rice water can be used twice a day every day as a skin toner, once a

day in a skin mask or as a facial rinse. It can also be used as a shampoo as

often as you shampoo your hair, or as a final rinse.


Over the years, various studies have been testimony to the fact that

rice water, part of Asia’s culinary legacy, is also part of its beauty legacy.

And for good reason. Its application on the skin can benefit in a lot of

ways.The potent antioxidants it has is the best bet from protection against

premature ageing. It does so by neutralization of free radicals and also goes

by the properties of elastase (the enzyme that damages elastin and makes it

bouncy). It also soothes and improves impaired skin barriers and keeps it

hydrated. There are several benefits to using rice water for the skin.  It

soothes skin conditions in sensitive skins, including acne and pimples .In

2002, a study from the Department of Toxicology at the Vrije Universiteit

Brussel in Belgium determined that patients with skin conditions like

inflammation, rashes and dermatitis benefitted greatly from taking a bath in

rice water twice a day.It also keeps your skin safe from the sun .Rice water

is a natural sunscreen, protecting from the harmful effects of UV rays. In

addition, rice water can be used to treat sunburns. Just apply it on sun-

damaged skin, and it will help your skin recover faster. It also helps tighten

open pores. 

Rice is an anti-ageing solution.Skin texture is greatly improved, and

elasticity is restored by using rice water, especially in the case of dry and

dehydrated skin. Rice water is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E,

flavonoids and phenolic compounds. In addition, it contains ferulic acid and

allantoin, all of which are necessary for skin function.  Rice water can

protect against skin cancer,not only does it promote cell growth and

regeneration, keeping your skin supple and smooth, it also has antioxidants,

which keep various skin cancers at bay and also act as an anti-ageing agent.  

Conceptual Framework

 Rice water  Gathering the  Effective Scabies

materials Treatment
 Doing the trials
 Testing the
 Observation
 Result

Figure 1. The Scheme of the Study


Statement of the Problem

The researchers’ study aims to find out the efficacy of rice water

as home treatment for dogs’ scabies. Specifically, this study sought to

answer these questions: 

1. What makes the rice water as treatment for scabies?

2. Is the rice water effective in treating the scabies?

3. What are the benefits of using the rice water towards the dogs

and the dogs’ owners, and to the environment?

Objectives of the Study

This study aimed to:

1. Identify the components of rice water as home treatment for

canine scabies.

2. Determine the effectiveness of rice water as home treatment

for canine scabies.

3. Know the benefits of the rice water to the scabies infected

dogs, to the dog owners, and to the environment as well.

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study will redound to the benefit of the following:

Dogs. The researchers have this conviction that the study can help

mitigate the scabies on the dogs’ skin.If found effective, this is a big relief

to the dogs which suffer scabies.Using the rice water as treatment to the

canine scabies might not only will treat the scabies but will prevent future

episodes as well.

Dogs’ Owners.This study tend to help the pets’ owners in finding an

affordable scabies treatment for their pet dogs.

Young Learners.It contributes an idea to young minds in finding or

creating an alternative way or home treatment for the canine scabies which

is derived from the rice water.Research studies like this create a value of

resourcefulness and open-mindedness to young researchers.

Future Researchers. This research would be beneficial to the future

researcher because they can get some information that might needed in

their research and some of their question may possibly be answered by this

research.This research may improve services and treatments not just for

today’s young minds but also for future generations. It helps develop new

tests for diagnosis, treatments and processes that could eventually help

your dogs, or even to your other pets and animals.The research may gain

access to treatments that are not yet readily available to the general


Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on the efficacy of rice water as scabies

treatment for dogs . Rice water as scabies treatment for dogs will be

applied to two infected dogs which are owned by the researchers.This study

will not cover other skin problems that are not consider as scabies. Other

dogs that are not owned by the researchers are not within the scope of this

research. The study would be done through the application of the rice water

to the infected body parts of the two dogs which are owned by the

researchers.By their method the researchers will be able to know the

efficacy of rice water as home remedy for dogs’ scabies.

Definition of Terms

Sarcoptic Mange - also called scabies in dogs is caused by the Sarcoptes

scabiei mite, a highly contagious skin parasite. The mites burrow

into the skin and cause severe itching, which can result in the

formation of scabs and hair loss. It is a nonseasonal parasite that

can be found in dogs of all ages and breeds.a form of mange

caused by the itch mite and tending to affect chiefly the

abdomen and hindquarters


Contagious-(of a disease) spread from one person or organism to another

by direct or indirect contact.

Alopecia - the partial or complete lack of hairs in areas where they are

normally present. Hair loss is a sign and its underlying cause must

be determined for the condition to be successfully treated. If a dog

has hair loss and is also scratching the area excessively, the itching.

Dermatitis-a general term that describes a common skin irritation. It has

many causes and forms and usually involves itchy, dry skin or a


Or it might cause the skin to blister, ooze, crust or flake off

Elastase - an enzyme made by special tissue in the pancreas, an organ in

your upper abdomen.

Anti-ageing-used or tending to prevent or lessen the effects of aging

Canine-a dog.

Home treatment-a simply prepared medication or tonic often of unproven

effectiveness administered without prescription or professional


Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Scabies is a transmissible and zoonotic ectoparasitic skin infection

caused by tiny mites of the species Sarcoptes scabiei. It is transmitted

readily among the animals, often even throughout an entire household, by

skin–to–skin contact. The parasite commonly affects young dogs and dog

with poor nutrition, but can affect healthy dogs who are exposed to the

mites. Scabies in humans is most prevalent in overcrowded and poor

hygienic conditions. Zoonotic importance of scabies was also recorded in

Andhra Pradesh (Reddy and Kumari, 2013). It was felt to be a disease of

overcrowding and poverty rather than a reflection of poor hygiene

(Heukelbach, 2005).

Scabies is normally an intensely uncomfortable skin disease due to

itchiness caused by the parasite. This pruritus is thought to be due to a

hypersensitivity to proteins found in the fecamatter produced by Sarcoptes

mites as they burrow through the layers of the epidermis. Dogs with scabies

were an intensely prurutic, scratches, rubs almost constantly and

uncomfortable. In many animal species, the prevalence of scabies is very

high and often confers the death of the untreated animals.Presence of

Sarcoptic mange was also responsible for development of recurrent

pyoderma in dogs (Reddy et al., 2014a). Literature was available on reports

on Sarcoptic mange in different animals (Qianqian Xu et al., 2013; Sivajothi

et al., 2013). But, no literature was available on haemato biochemical

changes and thyroxin levels in dogs affected with scabies. So, present study

was conducted to record the thyroxin changes along with other haemato–

biochemical findings in dogs affected with scabies.

According to Medical News Today, there are home remedies for

scabies.One of this is by using Borax or sodium borate which is controversial

at best. It is mostly used in household cleaning products, such as laundry

washes.Though some people claim it can help with scabies, others question

it is safe to use for humans.It should not be used directly on the skin, but it

may be effective in a person’s laundry when trying to eliminate the scabies

mites.Borax is a powdery white substance, also known as sodium borate,

sodium tetraborate, or disodium tetraborate. It’s widely used as a household

cleaner and a booster for laundry detergent. It’s a combination of boron,

sodium, and oxygen.Boron is an element found naturally in leafy green

vegetables like kale and spinach. It can also be found in grains,(that

includes rice), prunes, raisins, noncitrus fruits, and nuts.Boron (B), a

nonmetal micronutrient, is essential for normal growth and development of

plants, including rice (Gupta 1979; Dunn et al. 2005); its essentiality was

first reported in 1933 (Warington 1933). 

Rice water is the starchy water left over after rice is cooked or left

to soak.Rice grains contain 75–80 percent starch.It is thought to contain

many of the vitamins and minerals contained in rice. These include,amino

acids,B vitamins,vitamin E,minerals,and antioxidants.medicalnews

There are lots of studies that determine the efficacy of rice water

as skin and hair treatment for humans.One of this is the research study

entitled “Rice Water: A Traditional Ingredient with Anti-Aging Efficacy”.In

this work, they produced rice water by different methods. The rice water

obtained after boiling the rice presented in vitro biological antioxidant

activity comparable to that of ascorbic acid and remarkable elastase


inhibition activity. Its incorporation into a hydrogel formulation has led to

the development of a semisolid dosage form suitable for topical application

and with adequate cosmetic properties. It would be very important to

identify the component or the class of compounds responsible for the

antioxidant activity. Another important evaluation would be how such

antioxidant activity could be used to supplement skin antioxidant capacity.

Rice water should be thus considered as an anti-aging ingredient to be used

in skincare products.

A research article which was published last April 2019,Antibacterial

Effectiveness of Rice Water (Starch)-Capped Silver Nanoparticles Fabricated

Rapidly in the Presence of Sunlight proved that rice water is effective as

antibacterial.Plenty of people claim that applying rice water topically can

soothe the skin, clear up blemishes caused by skin conditions like eczema,

and help it heal. Eczema is caused by bacteria. Scabies is caused also by

bacteria,bacteria is present in both skin disease.Eczema is a very common

skin condition that causes itchy, red, dry, and irritated skin. The condition

is also called atopic dermatitis. It typically starts during infancy or early

childhood and can persist into adulthood. However, eczema can occur in

people of any age.( While scabies is a skin disease

found in the dogs.The researchers believed that if rice water is effective as

treatment for eczema then it is possible that it can cure scabies among


Another study that supports the above mentioned researches is in

2002, a study from the Department of Toxicology at the Vrije Universiteit

Brussel in Belgium determined that patients with skin conditions like

inflammation, rashes and dermatitis benefited greatly from taking a bath in

rice water twice a day. So people with sensitive skins, rejoice! It is the most

natural astringent you can ever imagine, thanks to its high starch content,

and is good for people suffering from chronic acne and pimples as well. 

Chapter 3

Research Method

In this chapter, the researchers discuss the research design,

delimitation of the study,area of study, data gathering procedure, sampling

technique, and research instrument.


Research Design

The researchers chose an experimental research design because it

best served to solve the problems and the purposes of the study.As

Calmorin ( 2010) stated, apllied of the scientific knowledge to the solution

of a problem such as the development of a new system or procedure,new

device,or new method in order to solve the problem.In this type of

research,the problem is identified a new system or new method is applied in

order to solve the problem.

In countenance, experimental type of research is conducted in the

study.The experimental method was employed in this study to determine

the efficacy of rice water as home remedy for dogs which have scabies.

Delimitation of the Study

In this study, only one dog is being tested. Ramboo as the

researcher’s call the dog, was the only one which is being tested of the rice

water as home remedy for scabies. The researchers assured that the

procedure is harmless to the dog.

Area of the Study

The study was conducted at Janobas’ residence located at Block 6,

lot 35, Transville Homes Subdivision,Poblacion,Quezon, Bukidnon.


Data Gathering Procedure

First the researchers agreed the study since they are pet lovers.They

thought of helping the dogs particularly in terms of dogs’ skin diseases. They

believed that by having this study, they can show their admiration and

extend their help with the least that can do to the animals, especially the

dogs. Then, they thought of having the rice water as scabies treatment

since many articles and researches have proved that rice water is good for

the skin and hair of the human. If rice water is good for the human skin and

hair, then there is a big possibility that it also applicable to the dogs.After,

they consult the approval of their adviser about the title of their study and

luckily, it was being approved.

Furthermore, the researchers gather some researches that affirm the

idea of the efficacy of rice water of skin and hair. After doing some internet

browsing, they collected all the needed materials for the

experimentation.Moreover, when the material were gathered , they started

to conduct the study.

The preparation for the study is basic,since every meal we cooked

rice, its not hard to prepare the rice water.The researchers put the rice

water in a closed container and preserved it for an hour. After that, they

applied the rice water in the infected area of the dog. They practiced this

in almost two weeks for twice a day.After observing the results of their

experimentation they made their conclusions and recommendations.


Sampling Technique

In this study, the researchers input is the rice water.They chose this as

the main content for the treatment of the scabies.

Research Instrument

The instrument used in the study to gather needed data are observation

and experimentation.After conducting the experimentation, to test the

effectiveness of the rice water as treatment to scabies, they do a series of


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