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1. Open a new Blank workbook.

2. Type data into the worksheet as you see below.

- Use Autofill for the month.

- Type any numeric values on the cells for each branch from January to December.
3. Adjust the column width of A into 13 pts. While columns B to M will be 12 pts.
4. Merge the following cells: A1 through M1, A2 through M2, and A4 through M4,
5. Change the font, font size and font color of the text from the merged cells.
6. Format the numeric values (sales per month per branch) using comma style and using 2
decimal places.
7. Apply a border on the data area (sales including the heading).
8. Apply a fill color on the heading of the data area.
9. Align the heading into center and format it into Bold. The sample output is shown below.
10. Rename the Sheet as Activity1
11. Save your file using LastName-U3Exer1

Sample Output

12. Create/Add a new sheet and rename it as into Product

13. On Product sheet, type the labels of the columns as you see below. (Don’t type the data yet.)

14. Type the Categories as you see in column I. (see figure above, #13)
15. Set the data validation for the following:
Note: Set an appropriate Input Message in order to guide the user and an Error Alert to prompt
the user when data entered is incorrect.
- Category (C2): use List and get the values on I2:I9.
- Sold As (D2): use List and use W and R. (W for wholesale, R for Retail)
- Uprice (E2): use Decimal between 1 to 10000.
- QtySold (F2): use Whole Number between 1 to 1000.
16. Use a formula under Amount (G2): =E2 * F2
NOTE: Always save changes to your document
17. Highlight columns A to G and Format As Table. (use any style you wish)
18. In the first data set, set the following conditional format
a. Under Category, apply different colors per category.
b. Under SoldAs, apply different colors for W and R, respectively
c. Under Uprice, apply rules by having different colors on:
 Top 5 for highest unit price
 Bottom 5 for bottom unit price
d. Under Qty, apply different colors on:
 Greater than or equal to 100
 Less than or equal to 10
b. Under Amount, apply data bars.
19. Then add more data (at least 20 sets)
20. Save changes to your workbook.
21. Send your output to a specified google drive link given to you

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