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Impact of law and order on domestic tourism



Tourism in Pakistan has great potential and due to the geographical location of Pakistan; tourism industry is said to be the next big industry in Pakistan. According to the statistics provided by PTDC (Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation) in 2008, Pakistans diverse cultures, people and landscapes fascinated 700,000 visitors to the country which is almost double as compared to that of a decade ago.

Just one year after the 2005 Northern Pakistan earthquake, the Guardian released in October 2006 illustrated it as "The top five tourist sites in Pakistan", to facilitate the country's ailing tourism industry. The five main sites mentioned were The Karakorum, Lahore, Taxila, Lake SaifulMulk and Karimabad. Also, in order to promote Pakistan's inimitable, distinctive, and several cultural heritages, Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz launched the "Visit Pakistan" marketing campaign in 2007.This campaign involved various promotion events throughout the year including fairs, festivals, sporting events, arts and craft shows, and several others including openings of historical museums.

Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

Before the global economic crisis, Pakistan received more than 0.5 million tourists on annual basis ( In addition to that, in 2010, the World Economic Forums (WEF) Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report categorized Pakistan as one of the top 25% tourist destinations among its World Heritage sites but deteriorating law and order situation in the country, terrorist actions, suicide bomber attacks, political unsteadiness, kidnapping of foreigners and fortnight-long curfews have badly affected both international and domestic tourism in Pakistan. In some areas of the country, particularly Northern side of Pakistan its the only way of livings for the masses. Unfortunately, at the moment, many of foremost tourist attractions are nearly on the verge of their end (Blanke and Chiesa, 2009). Tourism numbers have now come down drastically to near zero percent since the year 2008 because of political situation and unsteadiness across the country and many nations proclaiming Pakistan as unsafe and advising its citizens and residents against visiting. Pakistans tourism industry suffers from a weak travel and tourism framework, inefficient branding and marketing strategy as well as presumed precedence which has been given to the tourism industry by the entire government. Pakistan was graded as 103 out of 124 among other countries according to the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report of World Economic forum in 2010 (TTCR). By glancing at these statistics, one can evaluate the corroboration and importance of environmental stability in

Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

Pakistan as well as the competitive benefits and detriments to the entire travel and tourism industry in Pakistan.

A number of researches have been carried out to find the relationship between impact of law and order situation on tourism. Terrorism is basically a premeditated political violence or violent actions against normal civilians with the objective of maximizing media exposure to get attention. Researchers have studied a lot in recent years about the aggregate behaviour of terrorism over time, about its economic and political costs and about its microeconomic motives, but considerable disagreement remains about its root causes. The violent actions have their certain impacts on people as well as on the tourists coming from other countries. This affects the image, political aspects, economy, and tourism activities of the region because the incoming tourists consider the risk involved of victimizing while visiting the region (Altindag, 2009).

There are three problems; 1) domestic instability economic and political as main reasons for terrorism; 2) different political instabilities to identify the escalation effect from diverse indicators of international terrorism that reflect the number of severe terror acts; 3) policy implications, which diverge from current policy prescriptions from the dominant especially among non-

Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

economists failed states perspective. We would also look into other law and order variables that adversely affect the domestic tourism, supported by statistics (Campos & Gassebner, 2009).

Tourism enforces several aspects in the infrastructure; such as, infrastructure, economy, environment control, and above all, security aspects. Tourists always prefer to go places that are safe and secure to visit and allow traveling with mental peace. Tourism depends on environmental, events, and law and order situation of the region where tourists could get atmosphere free of terrorism. However, the domestic tourism is highly affected by different measures of political freedom, events after 9/11 mishap the escalation effect has increased since 1968 (Kakar & Khalil, 2007).


Problem Statement

As explained above, Pakistan stands among one of the most attractive places present on the face of the earth but faces problems in dealing with its tourism industry. This is because tourists seek mental peace, security, good environmental and geographical conditions, great cultural values and heritage, and most of all, environment free from any sort of terrorism so that they could travel safely without any worries and tension. However, the

Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

tourism industry of Pakistan has been greatly affected due to the rise of terrorism activities. The following thesis is also about the same problem, therefore, the main problem statement of this thesis is: To study the effects of law and order on domestic tourism of northern areas of Pakistan.



1.3.1 Despite various operations to captivate tourist from throughout the world the number has been declining each year. 1.3.2 Lack of facilities is yet another factor because of which Pakistan is facing competitive drawbacks in the tourism industry when they are compared to the international standards. 1.3.3 Last but not the least, there is another factor which plays the most vital role and that is lack of focus for preservation of natural environment. By doing this, Pakistan would be able to attract more tourists as well as supporting the cause of global warming.



There is a relationship between domestic tourism and law and order.

Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

x 1/ y

Where: x = Tourism Variables y = Law and Order Variables

Dependent Variable: Tourism Independent variable: Law and order


Key Points / Outline of the Thesis

When compared to the last year figures, the numbers were dropped by 8% in the year 2010. At present, its a bitter truth that has discouraged travel and tourism industry.



At present, the tourism infrastructure of Pakistan is very poor with the provision of reasonable 110 hotel rooms, 96 nationalized and intellectual recourses, and ranking at the position of 106th secure country. Rise in inflation has significantly affected and reduced tourism in the northern areas of Pakistan.

Impact of law and order on domestic tourism


Statistics should be used to categorize and evaluate the dynamics that are involved in creating an uncertain travel and tourism industry in Pakistan.


The Pakistani government should illustrate the implication regulatory structure in these localities by producing accessible supportive enterprise possibilities with a world class streets mesh having a firm aim on transport facilities


Although Pakistan faces numerous comparable handicaps in journey and tourism commerce but still one will not disregard that Pakistan was awarded 40th position for its airline facilities and 39th position for ground transportation infrastructure

1.5.6 The maturation of human and natural assets can furthermore assist in development of this weak industry.


Tourism industry is considered as one of the most promising and leading economic industries around the globe. It helps countries to improve their economic conditions and to present positive image of their homeland in front of other countries by serving their tourists and giving them the chance to enjoy their visit to the fullest (Khan and Saqib, 2007). Many countries have undertaken serious concern and planned strategies to develop their tourism

Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

industry. It not only generates employment possibilities, but also serves formal and informal sector. Furthermore, tourism brings foreign exchange to the country that directly adds to the economic development of a country. These are the core reasons why countries and their government pay extra attention to the welfare of their tourists because they are source of good reputation and foreign exchange. Within last two decades, tourism industry has seen rapid growth all around the world. Now, people are becoming aware of geographical locations of different countries and want to explore them personally, thats why, tourism has increased.

(Athanasopoulos, George & Hyndman, 2006) The country of Pakistan is enriched with natural beauty, landscapes, green fields, rainforests, mountains, cultural heritage, mysterious history, exotic coastal areas, splendid seasonal variety, and one of the oldest civilizations that attract millions of tourists every year. Everything is there in Pakistan from exotic beaches to sky high mountains, hill stations; from deserts to beautiful landscapes. Therefore, Pakistan has great chances of receiving tourists from around the world because of its versatility in natural beauty. However, the field of tourism was taken seriously first time in the year 1972 when the Ministry of Minority and Religious Affairs and Tourism was established (Tetsu, 2006). Since that, measures started to take place from the government side and the government of Pakistan showed its interest in improving the tourist

Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

activities and conditions around the country so that foreign exchange could be brought. The main concern of Pakistan government was to enhance economic conditions of Pakistan and to present a positive image of the country in front of others. Pakistan is beautiful and scenic enough to attract millions of tourists every year, and for that, Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) has been established that looks after the interest and affairs of tourists that come to visit Pakistan. However, the tourism industry in Pakistan need extra concern, heavy investment, and most of all, government involvement since its a multi dimensional industry where not only the private but public sector should also take great interest. Besides that, the private sector is playing quite a vital role in the development of tourism industry in Pakistan more than the public sector by putting in heavy investments and manpower (Kakar and Khalil, 2008).

According to the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report in Worlds Economic Forum of the year 2009, Pakistan has been ranked as one of the top 25 countries to have the best geographical conditions to enhance tourism industry domestically. This is because of the reason that Pakistan is enriched with great record of history, cultural heritage, landscapes, sceneries, recreational activities and best tourist destinations ever discovered. The main attractions of Pakistan are the big cities, such as Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Gwadar, Faisalabad, Abbottabad, Quetta,

Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

Peshawar and others. Besides that, the main tourists attractions that are famous in Pakistan are Malam Jabba, Swat, Gilgit, Kalam, Shangla, Ayubia, Bhurban, Murri, Chitral, Balakot, Naran and Kaghan valleys and many others. This proves that the main domestic tourist attractions are the northern areas in Pakistan that serves all kinds of people with different mindsets (Khalil, Kakar, Waliullah, 2007). Northern Pakistan region contains a lot of contrast locations within and attracts all kinds of people whether they are enthusiastic, energetic, adventure lovers, individuals, and peace lovers. Northern Pakistan continues as a land of compares, exclusive in its legacy of landlocked civilisation and blessed as no other place travelled to with an astonishing array of some of most attractive valleys, lagoons, streams and mountains. The junction of four of the worlds most formidable hill varieties Karakoram, Hindukash, and Himalayas types an exclusive issue to the north areas; it has climbers, trekkers, mountaineers, hikers and unheeding rock, the flow of countless glacial creeks, which attracts millions of visitors annually. Few localities in the world offer such an exclusive combine of wind taking natural attractiveness and a wealthy diversity of heritage, socioeconomic customs, annals and way of life as in the HindukushHimalayan district of Pakistan. Furthermore Pakistan has a marvellous promise in the areas of echo and safari tourism. The appearance of foreign visitors is expanding day by day in these areas. Pakistan achieved a record development in tourist appearances of number of visitors, 798260 to be specific, from all tourist developing markets, which are 23.3 per hundred


Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

boosts from the preceding year. Pakistans share in the district has expanded from 8.6 per hundred in 2004 to10.1 percent in 2005. In the world tourist appearances, Pakistans share is 0.10 per hundred if compared to southern district share of 10.1 per hundred in 2005. Tourism in Pakistan has promise, the tourist journeys are in the relentless line that about 42 million household tourists traveled with in the homeland in 2005. Nearly 90 per hundred tourist traveled by street, 8.5 per hundred by rail and only 1.8 per hundred traveled by air. Tourism commerce has performed an important function in the socioeconomic development, and has undertaking future and development promise in the country. By the year 2009, Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report in The World Economic Forum ranks Pakistan among one of the top ranking 25% frequently visited traveller preferred landmarks for its Global Heritage locations (Blanke and Chiesa, 2009).

Before global economic crisis was increased, Pakistan received more than 500,000 tourists every year ( But, as the condition of law and order situation began to become worse in the country with increase in terrorist activities, drone attacks, Taliban actions, suicidal assaults, political unsteadiness, the abduction of foreigners and fortnight-long blackouts; tourism industry of Pakistan has been affected very badly. Domestic tourism is affected more than the international tourism in Pakistan. Domestic tourism, especially Northern areas of Pakistan have been affected


Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

very badly due to the bad influence of law and order situation. Tourists used to visit Northern areas of Pakistan very often whenever they used to get a chance, but now, when the law and order situation is not stable in the country, number of tourists has drastically decreased. This influences the locals to high extent because domestic tourism created high number of job vacancies and income for them (Blanke and Chiesa, 2009). The local population of northern areas is highly dependent on the amount of local and international travellers they receive every year. Tourism figures have now come down drastically to near zero numbers since 2008 due to political conditions and volatility in the rural and a lot continent announcing Pakistan as dangerous and coaching its civilians and residents against visiting (Blanke and Chiesa, 2009).

Pakistans tourism development endures from a frail tour and tourism plan, incompetent marketing and selling approach as well as presumed main concern bestowed to the tour and tourism development by the government. Pakistan was positioned 103 of 124 nations throughout the world by the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report of World Economic Forum in 2010 (TTCR). By looking at these statistics, one can guesstimate the fortification and meaning of environments sustainability in Pakistan as well as the competent superiority and penalties to the tourism development in the homeland. According to the exact definition, Terrorism is a deliberate


Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

political hostility or vicious achievements in resistance to regular people with the aim of maximizing broadcasting exposure to get attention. Terrorism is a set of brutal activities by some hostile group that leaves immeasurable terror and tension among normal people. In Pakistan, unfortunately the ratio of terrorism has increased over time on people and environment that eventually is affecting the economy and lifestyle of normal people (Altindag, 2009). This has affected the law and order situation to high extents and domestic tourism, especially Northern areas of Pakistan has been greatly affected by it. People now before traveling anywhere in the Northern areas because there is no certainty what condition they would face while traveling. This proves that the risk of discrimination bolstered by the travellers is (partially) recompensed by the touristic attractiveness of the Northern Pakistan. The effects put forward that tourists estimate hazards of victimization before planning or deciding for a vacation. This has affected everything and everyone. The locals of Northern Pakistan are facing severe troubles due to the unstable situation of law and order because domestic tourism is their bread and butter. The locals used to get their income by serving the tourists and fulfilling their requirements; such as, providing accommodation facilities, providing fire wood, food and beverages, providing tour guide services, selling handy craft items, and so many other services. All these services and all tourist activities seems like coming to an end due to the uncertain situation of law and order in the country. Domestic and international tourists seem reluctant to visit Northern areas of Pakistan. The


Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

law and order situation has not only affected the locals, but it is also affecting foreign capital, investments, foreign exchange, and economy that was received from all tourists. In short, law and order situation has affected the positive image, political characteristics, economy, and tourism behaviours because the arriving tourists assess their risk involved of persecuting while visiting the Northern areas of Pakistan (Blanke and Chiesa, 2009).

The ongoing law and order situation accompanied by Taliban mutiny has wrecked havoc to the economy of the country and has also affected the tourism industry especially in the northern region of Pakistan. Northern Pakistan, which was once known as Heaven on Earth is deserted by the local and foreign tourists. The devastation caused by law and order situation because of the militancy is so immense that it is feared whether the past glory and delicacy of the northern region of Pakistan would ever be restored. Northern areas of Pakistan are still enriched with golden sunshine, lavish green carpeted valleys, beautiful hills, enchanted waterfalls, and lakes shimmering with crystal clear waters; but they do not receive the number of tourists they used to get in the past due to the worst law and order situation which has caused nothing but disaster to these heavenly beautiful valleys and the people who live there. Moreover, the foreign media has pictured Pakistan, especially the Northern region of Pakistan as highly insecure and


Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

vulnerable to visit and this has made the situation worst. People have been alarmed and they are not willing to visit Pakistan and its northern region at all because they are scared and uncomfortable to make northern areas of Pakistan as their tour destination.

However, after all these destructions and violence made in the entire region, there are still a number of tourists who intend to and DO visit Pakistan and its northern areas to witness the artistic and charismatic creations of Mother Nature. Since the year 2009, the government of Pakistan made some efforts and started a campaign to resume the tourism industry once again and give it a booming start. As the government stepped ahead to present a positive image of Pakistan, the locals also recollected their strengths and efforts to help the government in this campaign. They succeeded in gaining the number of tourists since then; however, the number has not been raised like it used to get in the past. Nevertheless, something is better than nothing. There is still hope and tourists again prefer northern areas of Pakistan on others but the devastation made by the law and order situation needs to be repaired and needs extraordinary efforts and investments from the private and public sector. It might take some more years for the domestic and local tourists to reconsider their preferences to travel. The locals might have to have more patience than ever because disasters usually take long period of time to heel and northern region of Pakistan might take some more time to


Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

receive tourists because no matter how severe the devastation was made by the law and order situation; but the natural beauty of northern areas of Pakistan can never be destroyed and they would definitely receive tourists like they used to get in the past.


Impact of law and order on domestic tourism


Research usually refers to the collection of information, its assessment, and dissemination procedure. It never "happens", but is always commenced by a researcher or a group of investigators with an ambition of analyzing their gathered information, its consistency and policy goal. The distinctive and diverse aspect the following thesis has revolved round the aspects of how situation of law and order has affected the domestic tourism of Northern region of Pakistan.

3.1 Method of Data Collection

Data collection was the most time consuming activity in completing the following Thesis. Both primary and secondary research methods were used to collect data for the Thesis. Primary research was used to collect data from the questionnaires and research participants, while secondary research was used when data was collected from journals and articles. The primary research for the following thesis includes personal survey based questionnaire which was aimed at collecting information on the topic of how law and order situation has affected the domestic tourism of Northern areas of Pakistan. the research participants contacted for data collection belongs from almost every occupation, such as, businessman, student, housewife,


Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

government employee, private organization employee, entrepreneur, jobless people, adventurer, and even freelance worker. Every single person was contacted personally and was asked to fill the survey based questionnaire.

3.2 Qualitative Study

The qualitative research was carried out by adopting the strategy of an open, free and unbiased attitude towards the data gathering process and then taking out the final decision and recommendations out of it. The data for the main topic was gathered using extensive research from journals, and online articles. A complete theoretical structure was engaged in working out for the basis of the commendations and the key/stress points. The information gathered has been represented in the literature review and then in the results, findings and conclusion using an unbiased strategy. For the compilation and the investigation of the data gathered, an unbiased approach and attitude was furthermore adopted. While gathering data, research participants contacted to fill up the survey based questionnaires were not lead by the researcher to persuade them and they were given free time alone so that they could participate while remaining unbiased.

3.3 Data Collection


Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

In order to carry out the research for this thesis, data was taken from authorized peer reviewed articles, reports, and journals. All related articles and journals were thoroughly evaluated before acquiring relevant information from them and they are listed down in the reference sheet at the end of the thesis as well. For more practical research, survey based questionnaires were given to around 400 research participants to be filled out personally and particularly. No probability sample variety or particular biased collection method was used to collect data for this study. All the data is collected in written form and is validated and verified without any biased intention.

3.4 Data Analysis

The investigation of the qualitative study undertook for the paper was engaged through a personal investigation of the qualitative data with the use of keywords of how law and order has affected the domestic tourism of Northern areas of Pakistan. Any quantitative data that was furthermore accumulated was investigated through statistical investigation methods utilising the Microsoft Office and SPSS software.

3.5 Instrument of Data Collection Questionnaires


Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

Very simple and unbiased sampling was carried out for this study. Highly qualified survey based questionnaires were formulated and then given to 400 research participants. These research participants were kind enough to fill out the given questionnaires. The results and conclusions derived from the resultant sampling methodology seems to be most suitable as it uses non probability and convenience based sampling method. This is because of the fact that probability based research often makes biased decisions, results, recommendations and conclusions. In total, 400 survey based questionnaires were prepared and distributed among research participants who agreed to provide their help for the following thesis. This questionnaire was designed in such a way that any person from any field or lifestyle could navigate through the questionnaire and answer the questions without any problem. The questionnaire comprised of close end and multiple choice questions (MCQs). Most of the questions were put into MCQ style so that they could consume minimum time of research participants and help them to respond quickly. This made the evaluation process quite easy to draw verification and validation of the research.

3.6 Research Model Developed


Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

Law and order Talibanization and Drone attacks Suicide bomb attacks Political instability (Strikes, protests, general insecurity etc.) Street Crimes (Assault, Homicides, Cell-snatching etc.) Robbery/Burglary Kidnapping


Tourism preferences Tourism frequency

Variable to be Studied
1. Dependent Variable Tourism 2. Independent Variable Law and Order

3.7 Statistical Technique

The most important thing required for this Thesis was to acquire result from the research. According to the requirements and specifications of the Thesis, One Sample Test Technique was used to know the relation between law and order and its affects on the domestic tourism of northern areas of Pakistan.


Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

4.1 Findings and Interpretations of the results
In reference to the hypothesis , the data collected via questionnaires by 400 respondents was entered on SPSS and below results were observed


Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

One-Sample Statistics
Rise in Crimes No Domestic Travel : Crime Frequency of traveling domestically N 392 Mean 1.6097 Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean .68838 .03477

When one sample statistics test was applied, the results concluded that from the sample size of 400 total 392 respond to this question and 8 remaining was unable to answer it, the test shows that when there will be rise in crime then the mean is 1.6097 which shows that it lies in between the options of less than once a year and once a year therefore, if there will rise in crime than the frequency of travelling domestically will be decline and as people will not prefer travelling.

One-Sample Test
Test Value = 1 95% Confidence Interval of the Sig. (2Rise in Crimes No Domestic Travel : Crime Frequency of traveling domestically 17.536 391 .000 .60969 .5413 .6781 t df tailed) Mean Difference Difference Lower Upper

The column t shows a value of 17.536 which is each sample observed statistics


Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

Df stand for degree of freedom and here its value is 391 which is calculated when 1 is minus from number of cases and it is equal too to them

The hypothesis is rejected because the value is significant. And probability is shown with value of 391 in column Sig (2-tailed)

0.60969 is the value of mean difference which is get when from each sample the test value (1 here) is subtracted

All possible samples of 400 respondents involved in travelling results in 95% confidence interval

Lower boundary value is .5413 and upper boundary value is .6781

One-Sample Statistics
Security Issues No Domestic Travel : Security Issues Frequency of traveling domestically N 392 Mean 1.6097 Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean .68838 .03477

Similarly, security issues is an important factor while travelling so when there is a threat of security issues then people will not prefer travelling, here 392 respondents replied to this and 8 were unable to answer

Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

One-Sample Test
Test Value = 1 95% Confidence Interval Sig. (2Security Issues Security Issues domestically t 6 df 1 tailed) .000 No Domestic Travel : Frequency of traveling 17.53 39 Mean Difference .60969 of the Difference Lower .5413 Upper .6781

Here, again The column t shows a value of 17.536 which is each sample observed statistics

Df stand for degree of freedom and here its value is 391 which is calculated when 1 is minus from number of cases and it is equal too to them


Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

One-Sample Statistics
Law & Order Situation No Domestic Travel : Law Frequency of traveling & Order Situation domestically N 392 Mean 1.6097 Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean .68838 .03477

As the whole purpose of the thesis is to know the effects of law and order on tourism so it is important to consider this question the most. When law and order situation is not stable then respondents answer then they will not travel domestically and frequency of travelling will be less than usual travelling ratio.

Out of 400, 392 respondents gave the answer and rest 8 were unable to answer it, Mean value is 1.6097, mean deviation value is .69938 and standard error mean value is .03477


Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

One-Sample Test
Test Value = 1 95% Confidence Interval of the Sig. (2Law & Order Situation No Domestic Travel Frequency of : Law & Order Situation traveling domestically 17.536 391 .000 .60969 .5413 .6781 t df tailed) Mean Difference Difference Lower Upper

T value is 17.536, degree of freedom is 391, and sig value is .000 which is significant so the hypothesis is rejected

One-Sample Statistics
Military operations No Domestic Travel : Military Operations Frequency of traveling domestically N 392 Mean 1.6097 Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean .68838 .03477

Lastly, when there will be military operations in northern areas then frequency of travelling domestically will be less


Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

One-Sample Test
Test Value = 1 95% Confidence Interval of the Sig. (2Military operations No Domestic Travel Frequency of : Military Operations traveling domestically 17.536 391 .000 .60969 .5413 .6781 t df tailed) Mean Difference Difference Lower Upper

Also, all the values are same as above tables, so military operations are also a factor for people to not travel.


Impact of law and order on domestic tourism


Very thorough research has been carried out for this Thesis in the result and hypothesis section which recommends and concludes that law and order situation plays the most important role in successful tourism industry because tourists, whether traveling domestically or internationally prefer places where they could travel without any fear or insecurity. The uncertain situation of law and order has affected the domestic tourism industry of northern areas of Pakistan to great extents. This has decreased the number of tourists who used to visit these areas every year. The northern areas of Pakistan are heavenly beautiful and can be compared to any beautiful landscape on earth, but they have lost their value and number of tourists because of the worse condition of law and order situation in Pakistan. in order to improve the domestic tourism of the northern areas, extraordinary


Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

efforts are need to be made that includes heavy investments, government involvement, private and public sector interest, efforts of local people, and positive image of Pakistan through electronic media. This procedure might take long time to settle everything but is effective in the long run.

After performing thorough research on the subject matter of Thesis. It is found that the law and order situation has greatly affected the domestic tourism of northern areas of Pakistan. previously, northern areas of Pakistan used to receive thousands of tourists every year, but with the increase in uncertainty of law and order situation; domestic and international tourists have been alarmed by the electronic media and international tourists are told specifically not to visit Pakistan because it is unsafe and insecure for them due to the worse conditions of law and order.

Implications and Recommendations

The law and order situation in Pakistan has decreased the number of tourists that were received by the northern areas of Pakistan. It has affected


Impact of law and order on domestic tourism

everything and everybody. However, Pakistani government need to step forward and help the locals to present a positive image of Pakistan so that more tourists could be attracted to visit. This needs high motivation, positive image building, media support, heavy investments, education, and most of all; means of security and better environment so that tourists could feel secure before planning their trips to northern areas of Pakistan.

Future Research
The following Thesis has paved way for a vast area of research. In future, more research could be carried out on the aspect of how domestic tourism could be improved and how law and order situation could be handled while traveling. Apart from that, research could also be carried out on how to present positive image of Pakistan and its domestic tourism through media and how media could be used to attract more tourists and tempt them to visit the northern areas of Pakistan. Tourism could play a vital role in the development of economic conditions of Pakistan and it could be improved by making contributions and presenting a positive image of Pakistan in front of other countries.


Impact of law and order on domestic tourism



Impact of law and order on domestic tourism


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