Mod4 Hipolito Hazel Lavoisier

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Name of Student: Hazel C.

Hipolito Date Submitted: November 12, 2021

Grade and Section: 12-Lavoisier Class Adviser
Name of Parent / Guardian and Signature :_________________________________________________
A C T I V I T Y S H E E T FOR Module 4
Global environmental issues lend themselves to classification At present, philosophy employs the
following classification of global issues: issues related to interrelationships within the “man–man”
system – so called “inter-social” issues. Examples of these include . 1) Depletion of ozone ; 2)
deforestation ; 3) pollution of the world’s waters; 4) Rapid Forest Fire 5) technogenic disasters; etc.
Despite the differences between them, most of the global environmental issues share a number of
common characteristics. Firstly, being of a planetary nature most of them cut across the life interests of
all humanity. Secondly, resolving most of the global environmental issues requires the concerted effort
of all nations. Thirdly, most of these issues are placing human civilization under the threat of demise (or
regression). Thus, the global environmental issues require immediate measures be taken to resolve
them, which, first, signals the need to reflect on the specificity of relationships within the “man–
machinery–nature” system, and, second, provides a rationale for a consolidated effort on the part of
science and morality in resolving technical objectives.
DIRECTIONS: After reading the Module No. 4-Human person and the environment, Write your own
explanation about the five present alarming environmental issues that beset the earth and threatened
the lives of humans.

1. What is your idea about the depletion of Ozone Layer? What do you think are the possible
solutions in maintaining back the protection we derived from the presence of Ozone Layer?
Explain your answer.   
Man-made chemicals, particularly halocarbon refrigerants, solvents, propellants, and
foam-blowing agents, are the primary contributors to the depletion of the ozone layer.
Increases in certain types of skin malignancies, eye cataracts, and immune deficiency
illnesses have been linked to ozone layer depletion. It also emits UV radiation, which has
an impact on land and aquatic ecosystems by disrupting growth, food chains, and
metabolic cycles. 
The ozone layer is necessary for human survival. It works as a barrier, shielding us
from the sun's rays. As a result, we must consider how to deal with its depletion in order
to protect it. We can protect it in a variety of ways. The first is to avoid consuming gases
that deplete the ozone layer. The second step is to reduce the use of automobiles. Urban,
biking, or walking are the best modes of transportation. If you really must have a car, try
carpooling with others to reduce your car usage. Third, avoid using cleaning products
that are hazardous to both the environment and ourselves. Through performing these
simple actions everyday, it will help to decrease the consumption of ozone-decreasing.

2. Deforestation is another manifestation of man’s abuse against the environment.What is your

understanding of deforeastation ? Describe the problems related to deforestation. How can you
contribute to the solution of this problem?
Deforestation is the systematic eradication of trees, which results in a number of
ecological and environmental imbalances. It's a natural and human-caused loss of trees
that has an impact on wildlife, ecosystems, weather patterns, and even climate.
Reforestation and afforestation are the most effective ways for us to contribute to the
solution of deforestation. Planting new trees is essential; we must encourage everyone
to plant trees to replace those that have been taken down. We can also help by lowering
the amount of paper we use. Printing paper, notebooks, napkins, toilet paper, and other
items fall under this category. Let us try to reduce paper waste as much as possible and
choose to recycle paper products whenever possible. Lastly, educate others. Many
people are still oblivious to the dangers of global warming. Sharing facts about
deforestation, as well as its causes and effects, with your family, friends, and community
can have a significant impact on reducing forest depletion.
3. Define what is Water Pollution? What are the measures that you think will be the best solution
to solve this marine environmental problem? Why do you say so? Explain your answer.
Water pollution occurs when pollutants are released into bodies of water, making
them unsuitable for human consumption and disrupting aquatic ecosystems. Toxic
waste, petroleum, and disease-causing bacteria are just a few examples of contaminants
that can pollute water. Both human health and the ecosystem may be harmed as a result
of this maritime environmental hazard. It has the potential to kill millions of people each
year, increase the risk of cancer, induce vascular and liver damage, and harm the spinal
cord. It also has a negative impact on the environment because heavy metal
accumulation is hazardous to shellfish and other fish species, organic matter reduces
the amount of oxygen in the water, and suspended particles reduce the amount of
sunlight that penetrates the water, causing photosynthesis problems.
    There are a number of ways that can be used to minimize water contamination.
Wastewater treatment is one of them. This is one of the most effective techniques to
eliminate pollutants in the water supply. We can accomplish this by treating part of the
water before reintroducing it into the waterways. Another option is to reduce the amount
of plastic garbage produced. One of the most significant sources of water contamination
is plastic garbage. The best thing we can do to assist reduce the quantity of plastic
garbage that enters the environment is to avoid using plastics wherever possible. Make
an effort to find alternatives to plastics, and remember to recycle wherever possible.

4. Define what is a Forest Fire? What are the perils when you are living in the place near a
forest? How can you help prevent forest fire? Why do you say so , explain your answer.
Wildfire, also known as forest, bush, or vegetation fire, is any uncontrolled and
unprescribed combustion or burning of plants in a natural context such as a forest,
grassland, brush land, or tundra that uses natural fuels and spreads due to
environmental conditions. It's a fire that's blazing in a densely forested area that's tough
to control and spreads swiftly at times. A combination of lightning strikes and extremely
dry circumstances sparked the forest fires. People who live near a forest are more
vulnerable than those who live further away, as the likelihood of being impacted by a
forest fire is higher.
To help avoid forest fires, the best thing we can do is follow all local laws and
regulations. Check the weather, and pay particular attention to weather and drought
conditions, as these might impact vegetation's flammability. When it's hot, dry, and
windy, avoid any activities that involve fire or sparks.

5. Technogenic disasters, what does it means to you? Why do you consider this as the
culprit of deterioration of the air that we breath? As a youth how can you contribute to
the solution of this problem? Explain your answer.
A technological disaster, such as a horrific murder in a small village, thrusts people
and places into the spotlight. People are overwhelmed and sometimes muzzled by their
affiliations or terrified to speak out in the face of a toxic crisis, much less to make sense
of their own particular view of a much wider picture. Natural disasters caused by
technology. include fires, transportation accidents, and manufacturing mishaps.
explosions, hazardous material releases, and so on. Technological disasters are a
source of anxiety, particularly because they are unforeseeable. Individuals, families, and
communities all suffer as a result of this. Income loss, job insecurity, anxiety about the
future, family conflict, and stress are just a few of the consequences. As a youth, the
best thing I can do to help solve this situation is to educate others on how we can
address this problem. I can have a large impact on addressing and limiting the
repercussions of this problem by educating others, such as my family, friends, and


Direction: Think of five (5) ways on how you can apply prudence and frugality on each of the
following item. Fill the table with your ideas.

Energy Plastic Water Paper

Turn off the faucet Proofread and
Use and bring paper and don't let it run review your files
Turn off
bags or, better, cloth while brushing your before printing to
unnecessary lights
bags when shopping teeth, washing your avoid mistakes and
especially when you
instead of plastic hands, and when printing again.
aren't using them.
bags. cleaning vegetables.

Use double sided

Replace plastic printing to save
containers or Limit and take paper.
Remove or unplug
Tupperware with shorter showers.
unused electronics.
glass or steel

Minimize the use of Reduce or avoid Use less toilet

electronics using single use paper if possible
appliances like plastics such as Check faucets and
electric kettle/s, rice straws. If straw is a pipes for leaks.
cooker/s, and many must, buy a reusable
more. straws like steel

Replace your Re- use scrap

traditional light paper.
bulbs with lights that When eating in a
use less electricity restaurant, bring
Minimize the use of
like Halogen your own container
the washing
incandescent bulbs, for left-overs
machine and use it
compact fluorescent because most
only for full loads.
lights (CFLs), and restaurants use
light-emitting diode plastics.
bulbs (LEDs).

Practice energy Use reusable

efficiency. Practicing plates instead of
energy efficiency is paper plates.
so important as it Boil only the exact
helps us eliminate Recycle plastics. amount of water you
energy waste, need.
reduce greenhouse
gas emissions, and
lower the cost of our
household bills.

Performance Task No,6 : Defend the Environment Directions: ( Writing a Position Paper)
Read and analyze the situation given. Write a 2-pargraph position paper regarding the issue. In
writing the position paper, include principles of sustainability and/or theories of radical ecological
philosophy to support your stand. Write your position paper on a separate sheet of paper/s.
Title of the issue you will be defending :
( NOTE : Create a title of an issue based on the above box statement )
Follow this format in writing your position paper
Introduction (Identify the issue that will be discussed and state your position on that
I. issue.)
Body (Write your central argument. It can be further broken up into three unique sections:
a) Background information;
b) Evidence supporting your position; and ) A discussion of both sides of the issue, which
addresses and refutes arguments that contradict your position
c) Conclusion (Restate the key points and, where applicable, suggesting resolutions to
the issue.)

Water is essential to our survival. For day-to-day living, the human body needs water.
We might be able to go a week without food, but we won't make it through three days
without water. Furthermore, 70% of our bodies are made up of water. This, in turn, aids
our body's natural functioning. As a result, a lack of water or the use of contaminated
water might result in major health issues in humans. Our government's solution to this
problem is to contract with a foreign company for the construction of a project called
New Hope Dam. This will be located in one of the ancestral domains of Dumagats that
has rich biodiversity which in turn this project will cause danger much of the ecosystem
potentially end up being endangered. That is why my opinion of this project is to respect
the rights of the indigenous people over their ancestral land and consider the ecosystem
that will be endangered. 

      Dams are thought to be a vital source of water as well as being significant for a
number of other reasons. They provide water for a variety of reasons, including home
usage, irrigation, and industrial applications. Hydroelectric power generation and river
traffic are both aided by dams. Cooking, cleaning, bathing, washing, drinking water,
gardening, and farming all benefit greatly from the use of these dams. Dams and
associated reservoirs give fishing and boating opportunities. Floods are reduced or
prevented, which benefits people. Dams are indeed important to our life. It has various
benefits and advantages. However, although dams have benefits and advantages, they
also have disadvantages. One of these is that it disrupts the local ecosystem. Dams, in
order to produce a reservoir, cause floods behind the building. This not only obstructs
human activity, but it also degrades existing wildlife habitats. This problem has the
potential to destabilize entire ecosystems, which might have a negative impact on the
entire regional biome. Migratory fish and other marine creatures that rely on a river's
unrestricted flow may be harmed by the decision to dam the stream. 

       Our city's water interruption crisis can be alleviated by building dams. However, our
ecology will be endangered as a result of this. Even if there is a water shortage, I believe
we should protect environmental integrity. That is to say, human actions should not turn
the ecosystem into a wasteland. Environmentally sound ecosystems must be self-
sustaining and self-regulating, requiring no human interference. We must strike a
balance between human well-being and the well-being of other living things in the
      Constructing dams can ease the problem of the water disruption in the city and
respecting the rights of indigenous people over their ancestral land and considering the
ecosystem to prevent it from being endangered can have both benefits and advantages
to many people. Water is indeed important to our life. There can be no life on earth
without water. Water is our most valuable resource for survival since we utilize it for
drinking, washing, cleaning, cooking, and growing food. However, even though we are
experiencing water interruption, we cannot just build a dam that would cause danger to
our ecosystem. The best way to solve the problem of water shortage in our city is to
educate. Educate others about the effects of dams not just in our daily living but also to
our environment. Making them aware of the effects of it can also make them think of
another solution to ease the problem of water shortage without causing danger to our
environment. We have to always remember that it is important to protect and conserve
our resources as well as our ecosystem.

( DEADLINE : On or before NOVEMBER 12, 2021 )

You will be graded using this point system:

Criteria Highest Possible Points

Content (Relevance to the situation) 40 points
Organization (clear and logical pattern) 10 points
Coherence and Cohesion (connection of ideas) 10 points
Language Use (choice of words) 10 points
Mechanics (capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar,
10 points
TOTAL 80 point


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