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12/2/22, 3:11 PM Risk-based Internal Prescription for Audit Function – Vinod Kothari Consultants

Risk-based Internal Prescription for Audit

March 18, 2021 / 0 Comments / in Financial
Services, NBFCs, RBI  / by Vinod Kothari Consultants

Qasim Saif | Executive (

Updated as on June 11, 2021

It is a well-known fact that an independent and effective internal
audit function is of special importance to all corporates for
mitigation of their risk. And it has increased importance for a
financial sector entity as it provides for reasonable assurance to
the board and its senior management regarding the quality and
effectiveness of the entity’s internal control, risk management,
and governance framework.
Given the current relatively uncertain economic environment
which has put significant pressure on debt servicing capabilities
of corporates and businesses, there is a need to critically
examine the existing portfolio and take an account of the related
risk management and accounting practices.
This on-going stressed situation coupled with the uncertain
economic environment and the increased global regulatory
watch requires financial institutions to critically evaluate the
quality of their regulatory submissions, risk model, capital
adequacy, and conduct in the financial markets.
In recent times, Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) /
Urban Co-operative Banks (UCBs) have grown in size and have
become systemically important in the economy given their
increased participation in the financial credit market. Just like
banks, NBFCs and UCBs face similar risks by virtue of being
engaged in financial intermediation activities, hence, it makes
sense that their internal audit systems should also broadly align
while keeping in mind the principle of proportionality.

Earlier this year, RBI had issued RBIA Framework for
Strengthening Governance Arrangements for commercial banks,
local area banks, small finance banks, and payment banks on
7th January 2021[1].
To increase focus on the risk management function of
NBFCs/UCBs, the RBI on 3rd February 2021[2]issued a circular
prescribing the requirement for Risk-Based Internal Audit
(RBIA Framework). The requirements prescribed under the 1/7
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circular are to be implemented by 31st March 2022.The said

circular is applicable on-

The framework for NBFCs and UCBs draws largely from the
framework for banks.
The circulars clearly indicates that RBI is now accepting a more
stringent attitude towards risk management and audit,
specifically given the challenges faced due to Covid -19. It
seems like Covid-19 acted as a wake-up alarm to increase focus
on risk management and its mitigation by financial sector
Applicability on Housing Finance Companies (HFCs)
The RBI circular did not specifically state the applicability of
RBIA Framework on HFCs. Hence the same was open for
interpretation by the stakeholders and so there were 2 different
school of thoughts on this. First is that since HFCs are also a
class of NBFCs so the circular should also be applicable on
HFCs. However, a counter interpretation was that the Master
Direction for Housing Finance Company (which assembles all
applicable regulations at one place) which was notified on
February 17, 2021[3] (after the given 3rd February circular), did
not include compliance with RBIA Framework. Accordingly, the
coverage of the RBIA Framework did not seem to be applicable
on HFCs. The interpretation by the stakeholders resultied in
diverse practices in the market.

However, RBI on 11th June, 2021 has issued a circularstating

“On a review, it has been decided that the provisions of the
aforesaid circular (circular dated 3rd February, 2021) shall be
applicable to all deposit taking HFCs, irrespective of their
size and non-deposit taking HFCs with asset size of ₹5,000 crore
and above.
Considering the above clarification from RBI, HFCs
shall now be required to be undertake Risk Based Internal
Audit and put in place RBIA framework by June 30, 2022.

Risk Based Internal Audit: A Sub-set of

Risk Management Framework
An essential characteristic of an effective RBIA Framework
would be that it should be a connecting link between various
components of risk management framework and should provide 2/7
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for reasonable assurance that organisation’s internal controls,

risk management, and governance related systems and processes
are adequate to deal with risk faced by it.

The internal audit function should ideally be targeted towards

contributing to the overall improvement of the organization’s
governance, risk management, and control processes using a
systematic and disciplined approach.
The circular provides that internal audit function is an integral
part of sound corporate governance and is considered as the third
line of defence. The inference for different lines of defence for
risk management may be drawn from the RBIA circular for
Banks, which provides as follows-

Based on the recent developments and emerging trends, the

focus areas for robust internal audit should ideally inter-alia the
following components-

The internal audit function in NBFCs/UCBs has generally been

concentrated on accounting requirements and regulatory
compliance etc. However, considering the market developments,
testing limited to these factors may not be sufficient. Therefore,
the current framework includes, above aspects along with, an
evaluation of the risk management systems and control
procedures in various areas of operations. This will help in
anticipating areas of potential risks and mitigating such risks.

The RBIA should be conducted based on a RBIA plan which is

required to be formulated after considering the elements of risk
management framework of the entity. 3/7
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As mentioned above, reasonable amount of time is provided to
NBFCs/UCBs to prepare for effective implementation of the
RBIA Framework, that is, by 31st March 2022. However, though
the requirements are to be complied by the end of next financial
year, the preparedness for the same must be initiated
immediately. A list of actionable on the part of NBFCs/UCBs
has been provided below for reference:

Role and responsibilities of functionaries

It is a well understood notion that to get a particular task done, a
fixed responsibility centre should be set-up, this enables proper
implementation and also increases the efficiency of the
implementation. Considering the same RBI has prescribed for
responsibilities of senior management, Board and Audit
committee to ensure proper implementation of RBIA
Framework.  The allotted role and responsibilities shall be as

Board of Directors / Audit Committee of Board

The Board of Directors (the Board) / Audit Committee of Board
(ACB) of NBFCs/UCBs shall have the primary responsibility of
overseeing the internal audit function in the organization. The
major responsibility of the Board and ACB would be to establish
and further review the RBIA systems.
The RBIA policy is to be formulated with the approval of the
Board and would be disseminated widely within the
organization. The policy should be consistent with the size and
nature of the business undertaken, the complexity of operations
and should factor in the elements of internal audit. The ACB and
Board would further review the performance of RBIA and shall
also formulate and maintain a quality assurance and
improvement program that covers all aspects of the internal audit
function. 4/7
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Senior Management
The senior management shall be responsible for implementation
of the systems established by the board and ACB.

The senior management shall ensure adherence to the internal

audit policy guidelines as approved by the Board and
development of an effective internal control function that
identifies, measures, monitors, and reports all risks faced. The
senior management shall ensure audit reports is placed before
the ACB/Board. Further, a consolidated position of major risks
faced by the organization shall be presented at least annually to
the ACB/Board, based on inputs from all forms of audit.
The senior management shall also be responsible for establishing
a comprehensive and independent internal audit function that
should promote accountability and transparency. It shall ensure
that the RBIA Function is adequately staffed with skilled
personnel of right aptitude and attitude who are periodically
trained to update their knowledge, skill, and competencies.

Internal Audit Function: Major Elements

The RBIA Framework broadly provides for a comprehensive
internal audit function the major elements and their requirements
are summarised as follows-

Risk Matrix
A risk matrix is a matrix that is used during risk assessment to
define the level of risk by considering the category of probability
or likelihood as against the category of consequence severity. 5/7
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This is a simple mechanism to increase visibility of risks and

assist in management decision making.

The circular requires that the RBIA function should consider

risk matrix while setting up action plan. Further, certain risk
mentioned shall be given enhanced attention during the RBIA,
the matrix and areas of focus are marked red in graph below-

Outsourcing of the Internal Audit Function

The internal audit function cannot be outsourced. However,
where required, experts including former employees can be hired
on a contractual basis subject to the ACB/Board being assured
that such expertise does not exist within the audit function of the
NBFC/UCB. Any conflict of interest in such matters shall be
recognised and effectively addressed.

Monitoring and follow up

Monitoring and follow-up actions form an integral part of entire
internal control system to ensure effective functioning of the
procedures. Accordingly, the process as well as findings under
the RBIA Framework should be regularly monitored. The said
responsibility lies with the Board and Senior Management, as
discussed above.

[3]Our write up on the topic “RBI consolidates directions for
Housing Finance 6/7
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[4] Our write up on the top “Risk management

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