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Necron Recombinants

Necron Recombinants are incomplete Necron beings constructed by derelict and faulty Tomb complex self-repair malfunctions. Over successive millennia of destruction and self repair, these particular tomb worlds go haywire: reconstituting fallen warriors with armatures and components from varying warrior classes resulting in the ad-hoc aberrant. These hapless creatures are completely deranged, for not only are the physical remnants recombined, but also the last shimmering fragments of their once living souls as well. Of all Necron warriors the Recombinants are the most vocal and terrifying to behold on the battlefield. They usher shrieks and howls of torment and pain as they shamble forward. These garbled and uncommunicative screams are hollow indeed the Necron composite mind recoiling at half memories and the faint imprints of repulsion. Their bodies reflect their minds haphazard design warrior limbs, destroyer arms, gauss rifles inexplicably incorporated in torsos, limbs, or throats. The only common feature amongst them is the array of exposed cables, over lapping components, misfit connections and erratic compositions. Recombinants possess all the lethality of their warrior brethren, plus a more insidious danger. Due to the malfunctioning nature of their construction, their esoteric weaponry is prone to a multitude of horrendous explosions and mishaps. Destroying a Recombinant does not guarantee a ghostly fading as other Necrons, but may very well induce temporal disturbances, gauss explosions, or worse.

Necron Recombinants 20 points per model Elites: Necron Recombinants are a Troops choice for a Necron army. WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 LD 8 Sv 3+ Apotheosis: Recombinants are composed of many elements outside the normal warrior design half completed chronometrons, solar pulses, and Phase Shifters are all equally to be incorporated in their cannibalized designs. Upon destruction, any of these elements may activate unintentionally and cause a destructive backlash that can rip a hole in reality! Even though Recombinants are fearless they must still take morale checks for losing 25% or more during any given round. Whenever the unit has failed a test, a catastrophic malfunctioning has occurred. Nominate a model (which is destroyed), roll a D6 and apply the following:
1Solar Flare Models within 2D6 suffer Instant Death, whether friend or foe. 2-3 Etheric Tempest: All models within 6 must be pushed back away from the nominated model by 2d6 inches. 4-5 Temporal Distortion: All models within 18 gain the Slow and Purposeful rule and have their initiative doubled for the remainder of the turn. 6 Lightning Arc: All enemy models within 3D6 suffer a strength 9, AP 1 hit.


Unit Composition: 5-15 Necron Recombinants Unit Type: Infantry Wargear: Gauss Rifle Disruption Field Special Rules: Necron Fearless Apotheosis

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