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Fire Extinguishers at Home Altomes shou! be equipped ith ir extinguishers. ‘A goa pac to keep ae extinglser inthe Jochen There maybe Chis 4, Bando Cis {here so make sue you have theright hind of ating to andthe. Dry chee or bon dood are two good cokes Just having an extinguisher not enough Tech your fany howto use oe propery: Have impected uly By allowing proednes sinrothow at your work se, you ensure the salty of youl Bywerkingasn fil “tew" you can seid dager ie. nd extensacoty oe seam deters, poetic ie revertion at home, Sid ino bow tune nesting put ot there phn. Prepare, Prevent, and Protect ‘The cot offre interme los prhcton, Injures and damages sry high A prope fe say program ll ede the munber fires aint damage tomate aswel as save Tes, ir extinguishers hve oe vale in salcent numbers varieties, andlecaoas becase a Becan start anywhere anytime: For more infomation ref to current applise (Occupational Hak ral Say Letom. ‘The bert Construction Safety Asseations msn sto ie quality ace ar edcaton rhe Consens tha wil ediehanan ‘using and ran css asocaedwth wodcenifet Thsbrchepartt ses, The Toler rochares, ha ate naar ft ois yu haa qesonser Cones peasecomact: ‘ane 67 968 ramennaneesrucyen an sar Forchoy Foca a0 Foc a Ineo rs ‘bomen 08 Eee aig Sees Your Best Firefighting Tool ‘You and your co-workers areal port ofa eam In ae ofa, you wil eed to alr eam membesto help eighung ols are alo ese The Best Hrefihtng tool you ca ave isles aha?” fieextagusher Inettmaleaincd working condo, Ln amany case, the extingusr alone wl be enough to Patou rein youre, In other css, can rede damage an nit the growth or eter fe ir ican alo buy you tinea Yuma your escape fom a dangeteus situation. ‘Types of Extinguishers ‘Thee are anumber of diferent ypes of etngushers Dey chemi cartidge Dey chemi toned presse 1 2 3. Carbon dioxide (C03) 4, Presa o pnp water 5. Select with Care ‘Youneod tow what pts of fire aries to ‘ccur on yur ese. Then, you net now wha ‘extinguisher ose foreach das offre Real the flowing infomation ensue you know vwhattedoincaecta tie: ime ‘od an Fire Extinguisher Checklist Afreertinguer laws you wo respond immediately toate Review te ceeds emu you are prepared forall ercumstanees: |sthe fre extnglser est fi in your workarea! + Tsitdamaged? Check for dents signs of bitmourted core? + Isitbeing maintained o manuicuers specication ‘bamsitenance atl ale? Isitchayged and rend forse? asthe ertingaisher been nected acon to ‘curenlegtion? youre wsinga CO, extinguisher do you have expat portion to vd breathing the shemicl? ‘fen ft wil startin the aap arc whee a rmistre of material nd hemi cancretes potent and toe ire. ure tha ire salty plans Incdethe ure of protective clthingand devices sich sel contained breathing apparatus SCBA) sehen ested, “Take theme to arnand poetic the techniques f perting fire etngishers Keorng you re ont with extingshes wl kevp yu eam in an emerge

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