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Submitted by
Hritik Kumar
Registration No:-12200866

In the partial fulfillment of the project for the award of a


Mittal School of Business


Phagwara, Punjab
October 2022
Undertaking from the student

I Hritik Kumar, Registration Number 12200866. Hereby

declare that the information provided by me in the above
format is complete and true to the Best of my knowledge,
belief, and information. I hereby undertake to present the
recordings of the Sessions for verification immediately upon
demand by the concerned authorities of the University. In case
any of the above-mentioned information is found wrong or
incorrect then disciplinary action can be initiated against me
by the university.

Signature of the student:

Date: 05/11/2022

This project's success and outcome required a lot of help from a

lot of individuals. All of what I've accomplished has been
possible solely because of their guidance and cooperation, and I'd
want to express my gratitude to them.

I would not forget to remember Uday Jha Sir Chairman of the

encouragement and for their timely support and guidance till the
completion of my project work.

I heartily thank Abhishek and Saurav for their guidance and

suggestion during this project work.

I’m thankful for and fortunate enough to get constant

encouragement, support, and guidance from all the teaching staff
of “Mittal School of Business” which helped me in completing
our project work.



Here I HRITIK KUMAR Registration no 12200866 have completed

the CDP Project given by LPU under which we have to join an NGO
and serve there for a time tenure of 2 weeks and get a certificate and
make a report on what work I did and what challenges I faced. But
aside from this initiative, I want to express my gratitude to LPU for
providing me the chance to experience a new way of life and for
guiding me toward discovering my interest in societal issues.
To assist them and educate them about the existing waste
management problem and the requirement for further afforestation. I
explored all facets of society and learned about various farming
techniques and agricultural practices. I began making efforts to create
a clean, green atmosphere. Additionally, working with AADHANIK
SAHAYOG SAMITI was among my most enjoyable experiences to
date. I developed new networks and relationships while also learning
a great deal about us and our surrounding circumstances.

I was offered the ideal opportunity to work in an NGO during this

time. I sign up with the NGO AADHANIK SAHAYOG SAMITI. I
discovered an NGO in my hometown that offers environmental
internships in which we plant a variety of crops and seeds while
learning more about fertilizers, manures, and how to care for the
plants and seeds we have produced.
We must plant in our community, and online tutorials and lectures
have been provided to us on how to do so. They have also taught us
about the fertilizers and various types of manure to use to make our
plants healthy, as well as how to care for the flowers and make sure
they grow well. They have also covered global warming.
I, therefore, have in my village and I gather some kids and adults in
my neighborhood, and I also educate them about the many sorts of
crops we use and how to take care of them.
This was one of the nicest experiences I have had on the thing planet,
and I want to thank you for giving me the chance and for giving me
the information that will enable me to assist other people in ensuring
that our surroundings are clean and truly have a wonderful place.
Sundays are utilized to organize various activities and events for all
the locals in my region.


So AADHANIK SAHAYOG SAMITI is a small organization that is

working towards making this planet greener and contributing to
preventing soil from soil erosion. We have the vision to make this
planet a green place against deforestation and emission by making
everyone aware of needing saving soil and increasing plantation to
achieve a sustainable life form.
AADHANIK SAHAYOG SAMITI is a non-governmental
organization established in 2003. The registration number of the
organization is 172/2003-04. (20-05-2003). The organization is
operational in Bihar, India. AADHANIK SAHAYOG SAMITI works
in the area of aged and elderly, animal husbandry, dairying &
fisheries, animal welfare, art & culture, biotechnology, children, civic
issues, Dalit welfare, disability, disaster management, education &
literacy, environment, and natural resource management, food and
agriculture, health & nutrition, HIV/aids, housing and shelter, human
rights, information & communication technology (ICT), labor &
employment, land resources, legal awareness & aid, microfinance,
micro small & medium enterprises, minority issues, etc. The NGO
works towards the promotion of sustainable development.


 A prosperous nation with a harmonious society.


 To make every individual a prosperous unit of society with
organized efforts of men and women for national prosperity and
rural renaissance.


 Equality, integrity, participation of all, transparency, and

 Plantation: We provide seeds and other plantation supplies to

your home, and we also give you instructions on how to plant
seeds and care for your plants.
Therefore, you will receive a kit when you join us. A user
handbook, a few plants, and some planting will be included
in the kit. You must utilize the plants by the directions in your

 Soil Prevention: Preventing erosion of the soil is vital to us,

therefore we take good care of the plants that have been planted
around the country. we give all our members and interns
appropriate instruction on how to care for the land and our
mother planet.

 Awareness about Afforestation: It aims to increase the

green cover in rural areas by helping companies, organizations,
and individuals reduce their carbon footprint. Their team
calculates the amount of carbon sequestered at each plantation
site. Our scientific methodology for undertaking carbon
sequestration assessments takes into consideration species
type, age of saplings, and projected growth rates.
The activities are carried out as a response to the global
deforestation crisis. Global mass afforestation shows the world
that we as humans are united to face climate change and do
anything in power to bring the earth to its pristine form.


As a result, on the first day of the first work week, I was greeted and
given information about the NGO by Mr. UDAY JHA, the NGO's
chairman, who also held the lecture. What other NGOs exist and how
do they operate the organization's accomplishments, expectations for
the future, plans, and contribution to the organization?
Then on the further day, they discussed the many types of fertilizers
and manure that are sold in our culture and on the market, as well as
how to utilize them and which types of chemicals-based fertilizers
and manures we shouldn't use. Next, we'll discuss the many kinds of
manure, fertilizers, and agricultural practices, as well as ways to
lessen the use of dangerous chemicals on plantations.
To boost output, manure is a decomposed form of dead plants and
animals that are spread on the soil. It is both an economical and
natural form of fertilizer. Animal and human excrement the cattle
dung is rich in potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen and is also
utilized as fertilizer.
Manure is a useful renewable resource that may be acquired from a
variety of sources, is exceptionally rich in organic matter, and
improves soil fertility over time while causing no pollution.
The following list of manure:
 Slurry and urine from biogas plants derived from cow manure.
 The garbage from human habitation, including sewage,
household waste, Night’s soil sludge, and human urine.
 By-products of agricultural businesses; Waste from
slaughterhouses, such as bones, flesh, and hoof waste; Goat and
sheep droppings; Waste from fisheries.
 agricultural residue.
 Water hyacinth, weeds
The benefits of manure include improving soil fertility and serving as
an excellent supply of macronutrients.

 It is economical.
 reduces soil leaching and erosion.
 Enhances the physical characteristics of the soil and aerates it.
 It is portable and increases the soil's ability to keep both water
and nutrients.
 Manure produces methane gas, a by-product that may be used
for cooking and warmth.
 The crops are grown on land that has been fertilized with
manure yielding robust crops.

CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS: Chemical fillers and nutrients are

mixed to form a synthetic solution to make chemical fertilizer, which
is created from refined organic or (more frequently) artificial
This synthetic, "inorganic" fertilizer is frequently composed of
petroleum, crushed rock, or other non-renewable materials. Typically,
nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, sulfur, and occasionally
micronutrients are found in chemical fertilizers. To stop the
breakdown process, the materials are purified and removed from the
These materials don't need to break down, so the nutrients are
available to your plants straight away and swiftly absorbed, frequently
enlivening your environment in only a few days. That's only the
beginning of the advantages.

Benefits of Chemical Fertilizer Use:

Organic alternatives are rarely preferred over synthetic ones since
they are:

 Less costly: The fact that chemical fertilizers are less expensive
than organic ones is probably the main factor influencing
homeowners' decisions. Because these refined materials can be
manufactured in larger quantities and have a longer shelf life,
manufacturing costs are lower, which transfers savings to the

 Show more rapid results. Chemical fertilizers are absorbed

quickly by your plants, whereas organic fertilizers take some
time and moisture to break down naturally over a few weeks. As
a result, these refined, pure minerals have almost immediate
effects—in days rather than weeks.

 diversified, and simpler to apply. Instead of being placed,

several chemical fertilizers are available in liquid form that may
be sprayed. Liquid fertilizers may be applied to your treetops
unlike dry fertilizers, which settle on top of the soil.

 Easier to blend with other products, and directly onto high

foliage for an added boost— not just on grass. Since many
chemical treatments are liquid fertilizers, they may readily be
used with other solutions for weed and pest control. This helps
safeguard and nurture your landscape while saving time.

The Drawbacks of Chemical Fertilizer Use:

 Including a few nutrients. Set, in inorganic fertilizers measured

mineral concentrations. Although they frequently include the
"big three" minerals (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium), they
frequently lack the variety of micronutrients that a plant would
get from naturally decaying materials in favor of having a lot of
"filler." Additional minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron,
zinc, and calcium are frequently included in organic fertilizers,
to mention a few.
 The pollution:  According to University of Vermont research,
the use of synthetic fertilizers may pollute adjacent rivers,
turning them green or clouded with algae blooms, giving them
an odd smell, and smothering fish and other animals by robbing
them of oxygen. Artificial fertilizers are frequently viewed as
being unfriendly to the environment due to the impacts of this
chemical run-off.
 Problems with the PH balance or overfertilization. These
inorganic compounds are very concentrated solutions, and if
sprayed or applied excessively, they can overwhelm your
landscape, turning it into an unmanageable mess. a lot of
excellent things. High mineral concentrations might instantly
harm, like root burn. Long-term chemical usage can change
your soil's pH balance and result in a hazardous build-up of
some nutrients.
 Needing must be applied more often. Your plants and grass
readily absorb chemical fertilizers. While this produces quicker
effects, the greenery is frequently not long-lasting. You'll learn
below how organic fertilizers improve soil structure, needing
less application to preserve the long-term health of your

The next week, I received several sorts of equipment, and I was
instructed on how to use them regularly and how to take care of them
by washing them. How to tell people about it and how to apply it in a
tangible form.
I discovered some seeds for mango and guava trees after opening that
package. There was also an instruction booklet inside, along with
various plugging tools and farming equipment, making it a truly
thoughtful gift from the NGO.
Now, using the equipment the NGO gave, we must plant seeds and
crops on the earth. I was so eager that day that I only carried a small
amount of water and the NGO kit, which have all the seeds and
gardening equipment.
So, I just soaked the ground with water and let it be wet for an hour.
Bind all the fertilizers and the instruction handbook by the directions
in the instructions and the order in that I took them. I began
excavating the crown and dug a sizable hole where I had already
placed all the fertilizers and manure that I had prepared, followed by
the seeds.
Then I carefully combined the entire concoction with the dirt in
portrait mode, and I let it sit for another day.
As a result, we were once again prepared with our assortment of
seeds, including those for mango trees and eucalyptus plants, ready to
be sowed in the hopes of bountiful harvests of mangoes.
after a few years, and trees, it was exactly like that; we invested a few
hours over the upcoming years and received actual rewards that grew
with time. This demonstrated once more that we are acting with
humility and pride in the globe.
So let me explain what we accomplished today.
Following the instructions in the guidebook, we harvested large
mango tree seeds and miniature eucalyptus trees. I need to feel the
weight of the mango seeds in my palms. Holding the small sample
size of eucalyptus so well help you giving so I stopped them at
another area close to my locality and started digging the ground and
combining fertilizers and manure in and then I added the seeds and
eucalyptus sampling after that I just watered the soil and waited for
them to go grow big and big.
So as the day passes by, we continued spreading the growing of plants
and seeds be taken care of seeds of mango trees and eucalyptus
sampling which was on in the ground, and which was so such a
beautiful and peace-giving activity that daily watching the things
which you have grown to like it was like growing a child from birth.
Then we go for the campaign the Ngo held for the afforestation
program in our area. A few people gather and we taught some
children of my village about the plantation and the benefits of trees
and our environment.
As you can see below pictures creating awareness among children
about the plantation:
 Taking care of the plants and sampling the soil in all the public
areas was a pleasant task because several prey animals were
walking about that may eat a plant, so we did. we just need to
set up iron cases for the power plants and sampling to protect
them from animals like cows and other animals to keep such
facilities safe. This was one of the most difficult hours we have
ever worked since it was so difficult to organize all the iron
cages of the soil without harming the plant, but we succeeded
thanks to our persistence and excitement.
 You were a novice in this sector of tree planting and tool use. As
a result, in the beginning, we encountered some difficulties with
utilizing the agricultural equipment and performing the Things
that happened exactly as they had explained to us, so we were
still learning in those early days. Eventually, though, we grew
increasingly knowledgeable about it—not to the level of
professionals, mind you—but rather because we had first-hand
experience with the tools and had learned how to use them to
plug the waste plants from the neighborhood and the good plants
 The education of many individuals, such as those who joined
teams, was our next hurdle. Chaos and violent ability to manage
things by a plan because we had never done this before, so we
just gradually increased every day that we learned new things
and actively faced challenges so that we brought some of my
papers some charge on which the rules were being returned on
which like different types of course where veteran so that the
people can read it and learn more about it we went and helped
every newbie one by one to the speed the many sorts of trees
and agricultural practices that the NGO members educated us

 The first thing to understand about how an NGO operates is how

its members coordinate with one another as a team during events
and campaigns, such as how they manage and direct individuals
according to weight. Their staff and how they manage different
kinds of interns in various spheres of employment.

 We gained a lot of marketing knowledge and learned how to

turn a little, everyday event into a huge success. how to build a
huge corporation from a tiny event in incremental phases how to
inform the public about the occurrences how to keep people
entertained using effective communication, engaging
information, and instructional techniques, as well as how to
enhance audience interest in a certain group or subject. We
gained a lot of knowledge about social gathering customer
service and the large organizations that the WHO and other
United Nations organizations use to plan events in which people
from all over the world will be attending and taking part.

 The next thing we discover about using internet marketing to

turn a modest event into a huge success is with your assistance,
physical marketing, pamphlet marketing, and team members and
how effectively communicate with every other member of
society, as well as how to gather the public who are interested in
this field in one location and organize things and a building,
were all factors in how effectively we learn.

 The following topic we studied was agriculture and farming,

including the various agricultural techniques used in various
civilizations, various states, and various nations throughout the
world We gained knowledge of various farming techniques used
in India and shared this knowledge with people in other
countries to show them how people there live their lives, how
they used to practice earlier farming techniques, how modern
technology has improved their quality of life, and how we can
incorporate these practices into our daily activities.

 We received instructions on how to use a farming kit, how to

utilize all the seats without damaging the mattress, how to use
various types of fertilizers, and which guides are organic and
which are not dangerous to our soil and for a plant, how to make
a plant develop, and how to keep it safe by utilizing various
methods, such as using an iron cage or other pesticides nearby,
so it won't be attacked by large animals or microscopic insects.

 When you plan an event to encourage participation from the

public and society members and to present them with difficulties
such as task discipline and discrete-time instruction,
Leichhardt's attack, and how to utilize the kids and me to make
things work well without any contact made this a challenge as
well, and we learned about the business and some managerial
abilities as a result.

 I began working for an NGO called AADHANIK SAHAYOG

SAMITI, whose major goals were to stop plant growth, stop soil
erosion, and get rid of waste materials like plastic and rubber.
The director, chairman, and other NGO members spoke to us
about how we might remove waste from our environment and
make our surroundings cleaner.

 I worked in an NGO in accordance with the internship project

provided by LPU under the topic of CDP, where I was required
to donate my 15 days to the organization to serve my time there,
learn about the environment and society, and receive a

 They inform us about the many agricultural techniques and

agriculture practices used across the world and in various
regions of India, as well as how technology has altered past
farming traditions the different kinds of seeds and plants that
were available on the market, how they grew, what type of
temperature climate soil and surroundings in our locality were to
be grown, and they also provide knowledge about the organic
and chemical fertilizers and manure, and how to use when to
use, and when not to use them. methods and become a
revolution in the current farming methods.

 My friends all helped me with the task as I began by employing

their children to plant seeds and little samples initially close to
our house, then in the neighborhood areas of my city. Okay, and
after witnessing us working so arduously, more individuals
showed there and approved of what we were doing regarding
those who were interested in aiding mother Earth in being more
lovely and clean.

 To protect the children from animals, tiny insects, and other

microbiological insects, we began planting more and more in
our region and setting up security measures like insecticides. It
was such a delight to work on this project with my friends, and
as more people joined us, we began to think about how to plan a
great event to save the environment and stop soil erosion.

 As a result, we organized a small event in which everyone who

was interested came together to clean up public parks and bus
stops, plant seeds, and cycle through them. They were also
given assignments to attend economic assemblies for a specified
amount of time and to set up preventive measures like plants
and seeds.

 To generate enthusiasm and a vision of how to work with motor

hands as an intern for an NGO but not I want to work for my
mother Earth, we prepared a modest event more than that.
cleaner and more lovely.

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