Development of A Rotating Shaft Torque Sensor For Automotive Applications

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Development of a rotating-shaft torque sensor for

automotive applications

J.D. Turner, BSc, PhD, CEng, MIEE

Indexing terms: Transducers, Control equipment and applications, Instrumentation and measuring science, Vehicles and transportation

development of a rugged and cheap method of measuring

Abstract: Measurements of the torque in a rotat- the torque in a rotating shaft. Because durability is a
ing shaft are often required for automotive power- prime concern, it was decided that the method used
train and engine control systems. Conventional should be noncontacting.
shaft torque measurement techniques involve A technique known as 'grid dip telemetry' has been
strain gauges and slip rings. While this approach used with success in medical applications [2]. It has also
is often used for prototypes and vehicles under been applied to a number of engineering problems, such
development, it is too expensive and not rugged as monitoring vehicle tyre pressures [3] and measuring
enough for production vehicles. The Ford Motor the temperature of the rotor in a railway traction motor
Company has supported work at Southampton [4]. The operating principle of grid dip telemetry is
University with the aim of producing a rugged extremely simple. A passive circuit consisting of an induc-
noncontact shaft torque sensor, at a cost which tor and a capacitor is linked by inductive coupling to an
will allow its use for automotive applications. The oscillator, as shown in Fig. 1. The resonance frequency of
system described in the paper uses a novel capac- the passive circuit is
itive torque sensor, which is attached to the rotat-
ing shaft. The capacitive sensor forms part of a 1
rotating resonant circuit, which is excited across fr = (1)
an airgap by means of inductive coupling. Varia-
tions in torque cause changes in the resonance fre- passive circuit grid dip oscillator
quency of the tuned circuit. The resonance
frequency is detected as a change in referred
impedance at the exciting coil. Considerable effort
has been put into the design of the capacitive
torque transducer. A number of practical prob-
lems have to be overcome, such as finding a suit-
able method of adhesion and optimising the
capacitor geometry. A satisfactory sensor has now
been produced, and work is now being concen-
trated on improving the passive telemetry system.
The torque sensor is currently the subject of a
patent application by the Ford Motor Company.

1 Introduction
Automotive engineers concerned with engine manage- Fig. 1 Simplified grid dip circuit
ment or gearbox control systems would find it very useful
to be able to continuously monitor the torque from a If the frequency of the oscillator is swept through a range
vehicle's engine and/or gearbox. Strain gauge torque which includes the resonance frequency fr, an increased
sensors and slip rings are routinely used for this purpose loading will occur when the oscillator frequency equals
on prototype vehicles, but are far too expensive and not fr. This loading may be detected as an increase in the
reliable enough to be used in production vehicles. The current being drawn from the oscillator, if a constant
cost constraints placed on the automotive engineer with voltage is maintained.
regard to sensors are considerable. In a recent paper [1], The term grid dip telemetry is a survival from the days
it is shown that manufacturers are likely to reject any of thermionic valve circuits. Before the advent of tran-
sensor costing more than about £2 as being too expen- sistors, an oscillator's output stage usually incorporated a
sive. triode valve. As the loading on the oscillator increased,
The problem addressed by this paper is, therefore, the the voltage on the grid of the triode dropped. Hence the
name grip dip.
Paper 6159D (Cl 1, C12), first received 8th October 1987 and in revised
form 25th February 1988 2 Measurement of the resonance frequency
The author is with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Uni-
versity of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO9 5NH, United The sensitivity with which the resonance frequency can
Kingdom be measured depends on three factors:
334 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 135, Pt. D, No. 5, SEPTEMBER 1988
(i) the quality factor or Q of the resonant circuit maximum torque can be shown to be of the order of
(ii) the coupling between the two inductors (expressed 0.3 mm.
in terms of the coupling coefficient) A cross-section through the capacitive torque sensor is
(iii) the amount of noise in the signal. shown in Fig. 3a. The device is arranged so that one set
Considering each of these in turn: tooth tooth
spacing width
The Q-factor of a resonant circuit is principally con-
trolled by adjusting its resistance Rt (see Fig. 1). This is
most conveniently done by adjusting the number of turns
of wire in the inductor L l5 together with the gauge of the
wire. In practice, complications arise due to eddy current
effects in nearby metal and skin effects at high fre- displacement
quencies, and some experimentation is usually necessary
to obtain a desired Q value.
The coupling coefficient K is a function of the dis- d
tance between the two inductors and the permeability of thickness
the medium separating them, which in this case is air. To
maximise the coupling a coaxial arrangement was used,
with the fixed coil wound onto a ring placed around the
rotating system and separated from it by an airgap of a
few millimetres. K values of around 0.3 were achieved by
the torque sensor.
The third factor affecting the system's performance is
the signal/noise ratio. This can be maximised by arrang- tube serrated
shaft tooth
ing for the resonance frequency to be well away from any capacitance
noise frequencies, and by using as large an excitation plates
signal as possible.
Fig. 3 Serrated tooth capacitance torque sensor
3 Application to a rotating shaft a Cross-section through a serrated tooth coaxial capacitor
b 'Shaft and tube' serrated tooth capacitance transducer
As discussed in the introduction, the technique used for
torque measurement was to mount a passive resonant of serrated teeth are moved relative to a second set when
circuit on the rotating shaft. It was then necessary to torque is applied. The serrations consist of a number of
arrange for the torque to vary either the inductance or copper strips, which are etched onto a flexible printed
the capacitance, in order to vary the resonance frequency. circuit board (PCB) as shown in Fig. 4. One of the flex-
A fixed coil driven by an oscillator is placed close to the ible PCBs is bonded to the outside of the shaft, and the
rotating shaft for telemetry. Torque may then be mea- other to the inside of a tube which is coaxial with the
sured as a function of the resonance frequency. Fig. 2 shaft. Fig. 3b shows a longitudinal section through the
shows the general arrangement, and it will be noted that shaft and sensor. The tube is fixed to the shaft at one end,
a variable capacitor and a fixed inductor have been used. and is free to move at the other. Thus, when torque is
rotating shaft
applied to the assembly, a displacement occurs between
the outside of the shaft and the inside of the tube.
Changes in torque therefore cause change s in the capac-
itance between the two PCBs.
To calculate the best geometry for the capacitor, a
simple analysis of the behaviour of a serrated-tooth
capacitive sensor was undertaken. Fig. 5 shows a pair of
capactive variable flat serrated capacitor plates. If the fringing effect at the
transducer frequency

500—5000 kHz

Fig. 2 Grid dip circuit applied to a rotating shaft

A choice had to be made between using a capacitive

or an inductive torque sensor. As the aim was to sense
the small angular displacement along the shaft under-
going torsion, the capacitive approach was chosen,
because in general, capacitive displacement sensors are
more sensitive to small movements than inductive
devices. To illustrate the magnitude of the displacement
being sensed, the surface deflection of the driveshaft con- Fig. 4 Serrations consisting of a number of copper strips etched onto a
necting the roadwheel and gearbox of a Ford Escort at flexible PCB

IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 135, Pt. D, No. 5, SEPTEMBER 1988 335

corners is neglected, the capacitance between the plates is In the sensor described here the cylinders are not com-
plete but are composed of conducting strips, and so the
eoernqob capacitance obtained will be less than C in eqn. 5. As an
C = (2)
d approximation, we have assumed that C is reduced in
proportion to the amount of copper removed from the
fixed plate cylinders. If, for example, the width of the copper strips
equals their spacing, the capacitance obtained when the
copper strips on each cylinder face each other will be
about 50% of that obtained from complete cylinders.
Thus, for a serrated-tooth capacitive sensor, the
maximum capacitance occurs when the teeth are in
phase, and is, approximately,
moving plate 2neoerb
C = (6)
(rjrt) {q + p)
Fig. 5 Variable capacitance consisting of two serrated plates with n
pairs of teeth where p and q are the tooth width and tooth spacing,
The fractional change in capacitance SC/C due to a small As one cylinder is displaced with respect to the other
displacement Sq is the capacitance varies cyclically, and is a minimum when
the copper strips are out of phase. Fig. 7 shows the varia-
3C Sq0 tion as the cylinders rotate, and it will be noted that the
C q0 minimum C o is not zero. This is because there is always
some residual capacitance, owing to flux leakage. The
Eqn. 3 indicates that the relationship between a change
sensor must be operated within the region between one
in displacement and the corresponding change in capac-
peak and one trough, if ambiguous readings are to be
itance is linear. However, the experimentally measured
characteristics of a serrated-plate capacitive transducer
show that flux leakage due to edge effects can be appre- operating
ciable. This is especially so when the active width q0 of a range
pair of teeth (see Fig. 5) is of the same order or less than
the dielectric gap d. The flux distribution between the
teeth can be mapped by conformal representations [5, 6].
The ratio of nonleakage to total flux can be shown to be
given by eqn. 4 [7]:
nonleakage flux 1
total flux (4d/3q0) displacement
By rearranging, eqn. 4 may be used to plot the sensitivity not to scale
of the transducer (measured as the ratio of nonleakage Fig. 7 Graph of capacitance against displacement for angular rotation
flux to total flux) against d/q0 (the ratio of dielectric gap of coaxial serrated plates relative to one another
to facing tooth width). It then becomes apparent that a
capacitive sensor of the form of Fig. 5 becomes less sensi- It is also apparent that approximately linear behav-
tive as the ratio of dielectric gap d to facing tooth width iour is obtained, if the operating zone is restricted to the
q0 increases, and that d/q0 should be minimised for great- central part of the region between a peak and a trough.
est sensitivity. The above analysis shows that, to achieve the best
The foregoing analysis is for a flat serrated-tooth sensitivity, a compromise must be made between the fol-
capacitor. The situation is complicated here by the fact lowing conflicting requirements:
that we are dealing with a pair of coaxial cylinders, (i) The ratio of dielectric gap d to tooth width q must
rather than flat plates. The capacitance of the pair of be minimised
coaxial cylinders shown in Fig. 6 is (ii) The tooth spacing p must be maximised
(iii) The number of teeth must be maximised, because
2ne0 er b the larger the capacitance the lower the operating fre-
C =• (5)
In (rjrt) quency.
outer cylinder Thus, for a given dielectric gap d, there will be an
optimum pattern of tooth width and spacing. A certain
amount of experimentation was necessary to determine
the optimum geometry. The arrangement used in the
final prototype was a tooth width of 1 mm, a spacing
between the teeth of 3 mm and a dielectric gap of
0.35 mm.
To increase the sensitivity of the device, a solid dielec-
tric was used, rather than a liquid or a gas. As the device
operates by sliding, the dielectric material has to have a
good resistance to abrasion. Mechanical robustness, tem-
perature stability and a high permittivity were also
needed. After lengthy testing, a two-part expoxy mixture
Fig. 6 Coaxial capacitor (cylindrical) (Permabond E32) was chosen. This material was easy to
336 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 135, Pt. D, No. 5, SEPTEMBER 1988
machine, which meant that it could be applied in excess trated on optimising the design of the inductive telemetry
quantities and then turned down to the required thick- link between the rotating and nonrotating parts of the
ness. system.
The prototype torque sensor has been built on a Ford
Escort driveshaft. The shaft and (disassembled) sensor are
shown in Fig. 8. In order to test and calibrate the senor, a
static test rig was used, as shown in Fig. 9. In this rig, one
end of the shaft is anchored and torque is applied to the 80
other end by hanging weights on a lever arm.



2 50
Fig. 8 Prototype torque sensor G
Figure shows the shaft and (disassembled) sensor. Q.


20 40 60 80 100 120 140
equivalent applied load,kg
Fig. 10 Graph of sensor capacitance against torque
Lamina width = 1 mm; lamina spacing = 3 mm
Fig. 9 Static test rig for calibration of the sensor

The technique currently being used is to set the system

Using the simplified analysis described earlier, the up as shown in Fig. 1, but with the oscillator adjusted to
maximum capacitance of the sensor was calculated to be a fixed frequency some way below the resonance fre-
about 80 pF. The prototype had a measured maximum quency of the passive rotating circuit. Variations in
(using a capacitance bridge) of 86 pF, indicating that the torque cause variations in the resonance frequency of the
approximations made in the analysis were reasonable. passive circuit, and these cause the operating point on the
Fig. 10 shows the result of measuring the capacitance resonance curve to change as shown in Fig. 11. Thus,
of the device over its operating range (i.e. from when the instead of having to sweep the frequency of the oscillator
teeth are in phase to when they are out of phase). It can through a range, to detect the resonance as in the classic
be seen that, if an operating range of say 15 pF is chosen grid dip approach described in the introduction, a fixed
in the middle of the range, a good approximation to lin- frequency oscillator can be used. This greatly simplifies
earity (with respect to capacitance) is achieved. The the design and is much more suitable for continuous
repeatability of the device, within this range, was assessed measurement.
by repeatedly applying and removing the torque, and was The torque is measured by measuring the current
found to be better than 0.2%. As frequency varies with drawn from a voltage-stable oscillator. Using this
C~2, the transfer function with respect to frequency will approach, successful torque measurements have been
be nonlinear. However, it is still single-valued and can be
considered as approximately linear over a restricted impedance impedance
z z
range. In the intended application, where the sensor
output may, for example, control an automatic gearbox,
absolute accuracy and linearity are probably of less
importance than repeatability. z

4 Telemetry referred
f f
The development of the prototype sensor is now com- fSG f0 frequency SG 0 frequency
plete as described above, and work is currently concen- Fig. 11 How referred impedance changes with frequency

IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 135, Pt. D, No. 5, SEPTEMBER 1988 337

carried out with a 5 mm airgap between the rotating and rotating shafts. At present, the main difficulty in using the
stationary parts of the system. Fairly large inductors system described here is the rather laborious method
(around 10 H) were used to keep the resonance frequency used to apply the copper strips on flexible printed circuit
as low as possible, to avoid RF and eddy-current effects. boards to the shaft. However, alternative methods of
However, the number of turns of wire needed to obtain applying conducting patterns to shafts, by means of
inductors of this size had an appreciable resistance, which thick-film printing, are now being investigated. It is
gave the system an undesirably low Q. Future work will hoped that this will lead to a significant reduction in both
concentrate on ways of overcoming this problem. the cost and the difficulty of applying the capacitive
5 Practical difficulties
There are a number of practical difficulties which have to 7 Acknowledgments
be overcome in the development of a transducer for auto-
motive use. The automotive environment is one of the The author would like to thank Mr. J. Cary and Mr. J.
most challenging for the sensor engineer, as it encom- William-Ellis, formerly with the Mechanical Engineering
passes extremes of temperature (typically — 30°C to Department of Southampton University, who carried out
+ 80°C in the driveshaft region), vibration, moisture, many of the tests described in this paper, Mr. C.R. Peach
abrasion and electromagnetic interference. Temperature who manufactured the prototype, and Mr. M. Combes
testing has been undertaken on the prototype sensor and who made the original drawings for this paper.
it was found that the linearity of the device worsened as
the temperature was raised. At 90°C, the maximum non- 8 References
linearity was 3%, within the operating region of Fig. 10.
However, the repeatability appeared to be unaffected by 1 WESTBROOK, M.H.: 'Sensors for automotive applications', J. Phys.
temperature. As discussed earlier, repeatability is prob- £,1985,18, pp. 751-758
ably more important than absolute accuracy in the 2 MACKAY, R.: 'Biomedical telemetry' (Wiley, 1970)
3 JONES, B.E., and SIVITER, P.J.: 'Continuous monitor of the safety
intended application. Lowering the temperature to limits of vehicle tyre pressure using a non-contact form of passive
— 15°C had no effect on the device's operation. telemetry'. Conf. Automotive Electronics, IEE, Savoy Place, London,
6 Conclusions MOCHIZUKI, A.: 'Capacitance thermometer applied to a railway
traction motor', in PLUMB, H.H. (Ed.): 'Proceedings of the Fifth
The work described in this paper has demonstrated that Symposium on temperature'. Washington, 1971 (Instrument Society
noncontact torque measurement can be achieved by the of America, Pittsburgh, 1972), pp. 1311-1319
use of a capacitive sensor as part of an inductively 5 CARATHEODORY, C : 'Conformal representations' (Cambridge
University Press, 1941)
coupled resonant circuit. None of the parts of the system 6 WEBER, E.: 'Electromagnetic fields: theory and application' (Wiley,
are expensive, and it seems likely that further develop- 1950)
ment will result in a low-cost torque sensor for use on 7 NEUBERT, H.: 'Instrument transducers' (Clarendon Press, 1975)

338 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 135, Pt. D, No. 5, SEPTEMBER 1988

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