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Energy Conversion and Management 52 (2011) 1555–1561

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Air gasification of empty fruit bunch for hydrogen-rich gas production in a

fluidized-bed reactor
M.A.A. Mohammed, A. Salmiaton ⇑, W.A.K.G. Wan Azlina, M.S. Mohammad Amran, A. Fakhru’l-Razi
Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A study on gasification of empty fruit bunch (EFB), a waste of the palm oil industry, was investigated. The
Received 9 November 2009 composition and particle size distribution of feedstock were determined and the thermal degradation
Received in revised form 23 August 2010 behaviour was analysed by a thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Then fluidized bed bench scale gasifica-
Accepted 4 October 2010
tion unit was used to investigate the effect of the operating parameters on EFB air gasification namely
Available online 30 October 2010
reactor temperature in the range of 700–1000 °C, feedstock particle size in the range of 0.3–1.0 mm
and equivalence ratio (ER) in the range of 0.15–0.35. The main gas species generated, as identified by
a gas chromatography (GC), were H2, CO, CO2 and CH4. With temperature increasing from 700 °C to
Empty fruit bunch
1000 °C, the total gas yield was enhanced greatly and reached the maximum value (92 wt.%, on the
Gasification raw biomass sample basis) at 1000 °C with big portions of H2 (38.02 vol.%) and CO (36.36 vol.%). Feed-
Hydrogen stock particle size showed an influence on the upgrading of H2, CO and CH4 yields. The feedstock particle
Yield size of 0.3–0.5 mm, was found to obtain a higher H2 yield (33.93 vol.%), and higher LHV of gas product
Energy source (15.26 MJ/m3). Equivalence ratio (ER) showed a significant influence on the upgrading of hydrogen pro-
duction and product distribution. The optimum ER (0.25) was found to attain a higher H2 yield
(27.31 vol.%) at 850 °C. Due to the low efficiency of bench scale gasification unit the system needs to
be scaling-up. The cost analysis for scale-up EFB gasification unit showed that the hydrogen supply cost
is RM 6.70/kg EFB ($2.11/kg = $0.18/Nm3).
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Eq. (1). The yields of end products of gasification and the composi-
tion of gases are dependent on several parameters including tem-
Dependence on fossil fuels as the main energy sources has led perature, biomass species, particle size, heating rate, operating
to serious energy crisis and environmental problems. Therefore, pressure and reactor configuration [2].
due to the environmental considerations as well as the increasing
demand for energy in the world, more attention has been paid to Biomass þ heat ! H2 þ CO þ CO2 þ CH4 þ Hydrocarbon
develop new energy sources [1]. Owing to that, there has been þ Char ð1Þ
interest in the utilization of biomass for production of environmen-
tal friendly biofuels. As known, biomass is a CO2 neutral resource in The concern of using biomass in gasification to produce a
the life cycle, while CO2 is a primary contributor to the global hydrogen rich product has been getting particular attention in re-
greenhouse effect. Hence, increasing attention is being paid to bio- cent years. The reasons may be attributed to: (1) hydrogen is a
mass as a substitute for fossil fuel to reduce the global greenhouse clean and efficient energy source and is expected to take an impor-
effect, particularly under the commitment of the Kyoto Protocol. tant role in a future energy demand; (2) hydrogen is a safe source
Biomass used as an energy resource can be efficiently achieved and can be easily stored as a gas or a liquid; (3) hydrogen has good
by thermo-chemical conversion technology: pyrolysis, gasification properties in fuelling engines in automobiles; and (4) most impor-
or combustion. Gasification process is one of the most promising tant, current and future energy technologies are extensively
thermo-chemical conversion routes to recover energy from bio- increasing the possibility of utilizing hydrogen with economic
mass. During gasification process, biomass is thermal decomposed acceptance. Apparently, how to force the biomass gasification pro-
to small quantities of char and ash, liquid oil and high production cess into shift towards the maximum hydrogen rich end product is
of gaseous products under limited presence of oxygen following becoming a priority topic [3].
Various types of biofuels can be produced from gasification pro-
cess after catalytically upgrading the syngas by using Fischer–
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +60 3 89466297; fax: +60 3 86567120. Tropsch (FTS) synthesis and Higher Alcohol synthesis (HAS)
E-mail address: (A. Salmiaton). technologies [4]. Through the FTS reaction, syngas can be

0196-8904/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1556 M.A.A. Mohammed et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 52 (2011) 1555–1561

converted to a wide range of long chain hydrocarbon products, like Currently, oil palm biomass (shell, fiber and EFB) can be con-
gasoline, naphtha, diesel and wax. The long chain hydrocarbons verted to the high-value products via thermo-chemical conver-
produced from the FTS reaction are distilled and hydro-cracked be- sion processes. Yang et al. [21] have investigated the use of the
fore being used as a liquid transportation fuel [5]. There are also palm oil wastes as a feedstock to produce hydrogen-rich gas via
many types of alcohols such as methanol and ethanol that can be pyrolysis process in fixed bed reactor. The authors reported that
produced using HAS technology. The syngas produced from gasifi- the palm oil wastes could be ideal biomass sources for biofuels
cation process will be catalytically converted to alcohols under this production The total gas yield was enhanced by increasing reactor
technology. Ethanol is an important renewable liquid fuel for mo- temperature with the maximum 70 wt.% of gas yield achieved
tor vehicles. The production of ethanol from biomass can signifi- per raw biomass sample with good portions of H2 (33.49 vol.%).
cantly reduce both the dependency on fossil fuel sources and Kelly-Yong et al. [29] have studied the thermodynamic analysis
environmental pollution [6]. of hydrogen production from oil palm biomass in gasification
Oil palm (Elaeis guianensis) originally originates from West reaction using supercritical water (SCW) technology. The authors
Africa. It grows well in wet and humid places like Malaysia. In reported that the utilization of SCW medium in biomass gasifica-
the present time Malaysia is the world’s largest producer and ex- tion can directly deal with high moisture content of biomass
porter of palm oil. Its currently accounts for 51% of the world palm (>50%). Therefore, preliminary treatment such as biomass drying
oil production and 62% of the world exports. Palm oil production in could be avoided which will automatically reduce the operating
Malaysia has increased from 2.57 million metric tons in 1980 to cost of the process. In addition, the feasibility study of obtaining
17.8 million metric tons in 2009 [7]. Beside palm oil availability, hydrogen from palm oil biomass (0.117 kg H2 kg1 biomass) was
Malaysian palm oil also generates huge quantity of oil palm bio- obtained. Abdullah et al. [30] investigated the fast pyrolysis of
mass including oil palm trunks, oil palm fronds, empty fruit EFB using 150 g/h fluidized-bed reactor to produce bio-oil. The re-
bunches (EFB), shells and fibers in the production of palm oil. There sults showed that the maximum bio-oil production was 55.1 wt.%
was annual generation of 9.66, 5.20 and 17.08 million tons for fi- at 450 °C at only 1.03 s vapor residence time.
ber, shell and empty fruit bunches respectively [8]. Oil palm is a This study focuses on using EFB, a waste from the palm oil
multipurpose plantation and also a prolific producer of biomass industry as a feedstock material using air gasification process in
as raw materials for value-added industries [9]. For example, fresh bench scale fluidized bed gasifier. Different operation conditions
fruit bunch contains only 21% palm oil, while the rest 6–7% palm namely reactor temperature, feedstock particle size and equiva-
kernel, 14–15% fiber, 6–7% shell and 23% empty fruit bunch (EFB) lence ratio will be investigated to achieve an improved perfor-
are left as biomass [10]. mance of EFB conversion to energy with a high yield of
In Malaysia, there has been a strong interest in the utilization of hydrogen-rich gas.
oil palm biomass for the production of environmental friendly bio-
fuels. The implementation of biofuels program in Malaysia is in
line with the government policy in ensuring a sustainable develop- 2. Materials and methods
ment of the energy sector as well as promoting a clean environ-
ment. For examples, the government has embarked on the 2.1. Feedstock preparation and properties
growth of renewable energy as the fifth fuel after oil, gas, hydro,
and coal, initiated earlier under the Third Outline Perspective Plan The EFB sample investigated in this study was collected from
(OPP3), 2000–2010 [11], and the ninth Malaysian plan (9MP), Seri Ulu Langat palm oil mill, Dengkil, Selangor. EFB used in this
2006–2010 [12]. work is the biomass remaining as a by-product of industrial pro-
Till now, a lot of work has been done and many processes are cess after removal of the nuts. Samples received were relatively
being investigated on hydrogen-rich gas production from bio- dry having less than 10 wt.% moisture, and were in the form of
masses [13–18]. Among them, thermo-chemical processes (gasifi- whole bunches. Particle size reduction was required to allow gasi-
cation and pyrolysis) are the most promising and applied fication of the EFB on the available 600 g/h reactor. The bunches
solutions for ‘‘second generation fuels”. were first manually chopped into small pieces that could be fed
Presently, many research works related to the gasification of in a shredder. After that, a Fritsch grinder with a screen size of
biomass using different operating processes such as types of gasifi- 1.0 mm was used to obtain the feedstock size of less than
ers (fixed bed, moving bed and fluidized bed), gasification agents 1.0 mm. The distribution of feed particle size after grinding is given
(air, oxygen, steam or their mixtures) and operating conditions in Table 1. After extensive feeding trials, it is found that only par-
(temperature, pressure, equivalent ratio (ER)) have been presented ticles between 0.3 and 1.0 mm were easily fed. Both the size frac-
and extensive researches have been conducted on small and tion below and above this range frequently led to blockage of the
medium size air gasifiers to produce low BTU fuel gas and power available feeder.
[19–26]. The proximate and elemental analyses were carried out in a
Gasifying agent is one of the most important parameters in the TGA (Mettler-Toledo TGA/SDTA 851) and CHNS/O analyzer (LECO
gasification process. It plays an important role during the gasifica- CHNS932), respectively. The results are listed in Table 2. EFB had
tion reactions. The agent can be air, pure oxygen, steam or their a very high volatile content (>80 wt.%) and low amounts of fixed
mixtures. Air is cheap and widely used in the gasification process, carbon (<10 wt.%). The calorific value of EFB (17 MJ/kg) was mea-
however, it contains large amount of nitrogen, which reduces the sured in a bomb calorimeter (Parr 1341); this is lower than that of
heating value of the syngas produced. On the other hand, if pure coal, possibly due to the low fixed carbon and high oxygen con-
oxygen is used, the heating value of syngas will increase but at tents in the EFB [31]. The ultimate analysis indicates that EFB is
the same time, the operating costs will also increase due to the
oxygen production [27], and the same can be said for using steam Table 1
as gasifying agent. The low calorific value syngas produced from air Particle size distribution of EFB.
gasification can be directly utilized as fuel for gas turbines and gas
Feed particle size (mm) Mass fraction
engines [28] or can used as an industrial feedstock for heat and
power generation. Yet, the condensable organic compounds (tar) Less than 0.3 22
0.3–0.5 50
need to be removed using hot gas cleaning method or catalytic
0.5–1.0 28
reforming of tar.
M.A.A. Mohammed et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 52 (2011) 1555–1561 1557

Table 2 rate. The feeding capacity of biomass was 10 g/min. The heating
Properties of EFB. medium in the reactor was inert sand of size between 0.3 and
Component Measured (wt.%) 0.5 mm. The fluidizing gas was air, entering from the base of the
Cellulose 22.24 reactor.
Hemicellulose 20.58 The condensable part of the product gas was collected from the
Lignin 30.45 ice water condenser, whereas the incondensable gases leaved the
Asha 8.28 system through glass wool/silica gel filter and then were collected
Extractivesa 18.45
by gasbags for gas chromatography (GC) analysis. The tar product
Elemental analysis was trapped in the water cooler, ice condenser walls and glass
C 46.62
H 6.45
wool/silica gel filter. Dichloromethane (DCM) was used to remove
N 1.21 the tar from condenser walls and filter. The dissolved product was
S 0.035 then filtered using filter paper and the filtrate was heated in an
Ob 45.66 oven at 70 °C for about 2 h to evaporate any rising solution. The
Proximate analysis heated filtrate was then weighed to get the weight of tar.
Mad 5.18 The yield of the products was quantified as mass basis. The solid
Vad 82.58
product called charcoal was removed from the reactor and sepa-
Ad 3.45
FCad 8.79 rated from the sand bed then weighed to get the solid mass. The
Calorific value (MJ/kg) 17.02 yield of the total product gas was then calculated by difference.
M: moisture; V: volatile matters; A: ash; FC: fixed carbon; ad:
on air dried basis; d: on dry basis. 3.1. Product gas analysis
Remaining value obtained from Acid Detergent Fiber
(ADF), Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF) and Acid Detergent
0.5 mL of the product gas was analyzed in gas chromatography
Lignin (ADL) analysis method.
The oxygen content was determined by difference. (GC) Agilent Technologies model HP6890 N with TCD and FID
detectors. A 30 m HP-Molesieve capillary column was used to sep-
arate the permanent gases. The internal diameter and film thick-
environmental friendly, with trace amounts of nitrogen, sulfur and ness of the column were 0.53 mm and 0.5 lm, respectively. The
mineral matter. oven temperature was set at 70 °C and carrier gas flow rate (Argon)
was 6 mL/min. The splitless inlet and TCD detector temperature
were 60 and 200 °C, respectively. The TCD was calibrated with
standard gas (Air Product, Malaysia) mixture containing CO, CO2,
3. Experimental procedure
H2 and CH4 in nitrogen at periodic intervals.
A fluidized bed bench scale gasification unit operating at atmo-
spheric pressure was employed for all runs. Fig. 1 shows a sche- 4. Results and discussion
matic diagram of this unit, which consists of three main systems:
reactor (gasification reactor and heating furnace), condenser and 4.1. Thermogravimetric analysis of EFB
purification (condenser, glass wool filter and dryer) and gas storage
(gasbags). The reactor is a cylindrical configuration made of stain- The thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was performed under
less steel with a length of 600 mm and a diameter of 40 mm. Three 10 mL/min air with a heating rate of 10 °C/min. The thermal degra-
thermocouples were inserted in the middle of the heating furnace, dation characteristics of different particle size dried feedstock are
middle of the reactor tube and bottom of the reactor tube, respec- displayed in Fig. 2 by thermogravimetry (TG) and differential ther-
tively. Biomass was fed into the reactor by a feeder on the top of mogravimetry curves (DTG), respectively. The EFB samples showed
the reactor, which were continuously carried out at a constant flow a small DTG peaks around 100 °C, which are indicative to the mois-

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of biomass air gasification in a fluidized bed: (1) lab-scale gratifier, (2) electric furnace, (3) air pump, (4) biomass feeder, (5) flange, (6)
thermocouples, (7) air distributor, (8) temperature recorder, (9) gas discharge, (10) water cooler, (11) ice trap, (12) cooling water supply, (13) glass wool filter, (14) fuel gas
sampling point, and (15) gas flow meter.
1558 M.A.A. Mohammed et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 52 (2011) 1555–1561

ture content, followed by big peaks around 300 °C, which are indic-
ative to the decomposition of cellulose and hemicellulose, while
the humps apparent around 450 °C are indicative to the decompo-
sition of lignin. Similar weight loss rate was observed in other re-
searches [32,33]. The distinction between hemicellulose and
cellulose breakdowns was not fully understood but it had been
established that hemicellulose broke down at lower temperature
compared to cellulose [34].

4.2. Effect of reactor bed temperature on product yields

The yields of final products from EFB gasification under differ-

ent temperatures are shown in Fig. 3. As shown in Fig. 3a with tem-
perature increasing from 700 to 1000 °C, the total gas yields
increased sharply from 62.68 to 91.7 wt.%, while liquid, char and
tar yields reduced gradually. Meanwhile, varying temperature
showed a great influence on gas product components. The main
gas products are H2, CO, CO2, CH4 and some C2 hydrocarbons traces
(C2H4 and C2H6).
As shown in Fig. 3b, H2 content increased progressively from
10.27 to 38.02 vol.% as temperature increased from 700 to
1000 °C. CH4 yield also increased from 5.84 to 14.72 vol.%., whilst
CO2 content decreased in general with temperature increasing,
particularly at 1000 °C. The CO yield was initially increased from
21.87 to 33.35 vol.% as temperature increased to 800 °C, then de-

Fig. 3. Effect of temperature on EFB gasification yield: (a) effect of temperature on

product yield, (b) effect of temperature on product gas composition.

creased to 33.08 vol.% at temperature 900 °C, before it increased

again to 36.36 vol.% as temperature continuously increased to
1000 °C. The C2H4 and C2H6 yields were relatively small and the
influence of temperature was insignificant. The thermal cracking
of gas-phase hydrocarbons at high temperature might explain
the variation of gas product distribution observed [35]. At high
furnace temperature, the gas species generated from biomass at
pyrolysis zone could undergo further reactions (secondary reac-
tions) such as tar cracking and shifting reaction, leading to much
more incondensable gases (including H2) generated. Therefore,
the total yield of gases products increased significantly as tem-
perature increased from 700 to 1000 °C. The main reactions in-
volved could be expressed using the following Eqs. (2)–(10)
[35,36]. Among them, Eqs. (2)–(6) are principle or heterogenous
gasification reactions whilst Eqs. (7)–(11) are homogenous and
secondary reactions. In terms of increasing H2 production, Eqs.
(5), (7)–(10) are the main reactions of interest for EFB gasification
at atmospheric pressure and temperature between 700 and
1000 °C. The other gases component might increase or decrease
with the occurring of secondary reactions. As a result, more H2
can be obtained when secondary reactions occur significantly.
From the above analysis, it can be concluded that higher temper-
Fig. 2. Thermal degradation characteristics of EFB: (a) thermogravimetric analysis ature (1000 °C) is favorable for thermal cracking of tar and shift
of EFB, (b) differential thermogravimetric analysis of EFB. reaction.
M.A.A. Mohammed et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 52 (2011) 1555–1561 1559

C þ O2 ! CO2 ð2Þ

C þ ð1=2ÞO2 ! CO ð3Þ

C þ CO2 ! 2CO ð4Þ

C þ H2 OðgÞ ! CO þ H2 ð5Þ

C þ 2H2 ! CH4 ð6Þ

CO þ H2 O ! CO2 þ H2 ð7Þ

CH4 þ H2 OðgÞ ! CO þ 3H2 ð8Þ

CH4 þ CO2 ! 2CO þ 2H2 ð9Þ

Tar þ H2 OðgÞ ! CO þ H2 O þ CH4 þ H2 þ Cm Hn ð10Þ

Cm Hn þ nH2 O ! nCO þ ½n þ ðm=2ÞH2  ð11Þ

The lower heating value (LHV, MJ/m ) of the gas products can be
calculated using the following equation [21,35].
LHV ¼ ð30:0xCO þ 25:7xH2 þ 85:4xCH4 þ 151:3xCn Hm Þx4:2 ð12Þ
CO, H2, CH4 and CnHm in the above equation are the molar ratio
of the CO, H2, CH4 and other hydrocarbon (C2H2 and C2H6) in the
gas product. As shown in Fig. 3a, the heating value of total gas
products increase steadily as the temperature increases. At
1000 °C, LHV of gas products reached 15.55 MJ/m3, which belongs
to be medium level of heat values for gas fuels that can be directly
used for gas engine, gas turbine or boiler for power generation.
Also it can be used for the chemical formation of methanol and
methane [31].

4.3. Effect of feedstock particle size on product yields

The second series of experiment was performed to establish the

effect of feedstock particle size on the EFB gasification product
yields. In this study, the experiments were conducted by using
Fig. 4. Effect of feedstock particle size on EFB gasification yield at temperature of
three different feedstock particle size ranges, namely <0.3 mm, 850 °C: (a) effect of feedstock particle size on product yield, (b) effect of feedstock
0.3–0.5 mm and 0.5–1.0 mm with constant reactor temperature particle size on product gas composition.
of 850 °C. As shown in Fig. 4a, the smallest particle size of
<0.3 mm produced a gas yield of 74.79 wt.%, about 2% higher than
larger particle size of 0.5–1.0 mm, which produced a gas yield of was varied from 0.15 to 0.35 in increments of 0.05, keeping final
72.74 wt.%, while particles size of 0.3–0.5 produced a gas yield temperature of the reactor at 850 °C and feedstock particle size
73.33 wt.%. The total gas yield decreased with feedstock particle at range of 0.3–0.5 mm. The air flow rate entering the reactor
size increased, while char and tar yields increased with increasing was varied to investigate the effect of ER. As shown in Fig. 5a, with
of feedstock particle size. An increase in feedstock particle size increased in ER, char and tar yield decreased from 13.65 to
causes greater temperature gradient inside the particle so that at 2.12 wt.% and 9.83 to 2.82 wt.% respectively, while gas yield in-
a given time the core temperature is lower than of the surface, creased from 70.75 to 86.46 wt.%. The lower heating value (LHV)
which possibly gives rise to an increase in the char and liquids of the gases decreased slightly from 15.38 to 12.35 MJ/m3. Increase
yields and decrease in gases [37]. in ER increases oxidation reaction and decrease the product gas
Fig. 4b showed that the smaller EFB particles produced more quality. However, too high ER cause low concentrations of H2
CO, CH4 and less CO2 than the larger ones, while hydrogen yields and CO with high CO2 content in the product gas. As shown in
was almost the same (32.99 and 33.93 vol.%) for particles size of Fig. 5b, with ER varied from 0.15 to 0.35, the H2 content increased
<0.3 mm and 0.3–0.5 mm, respectively, then decreased to and reached to maximum value of 27.42 vol.% at ER of 0.25 and
21.57 vol.%. for particle size of 0.5–1.0 mm. However, in this study then dropped to 18.37 vol.% with further increase in ER, while
it was observed that the smallest feedstock particle size of the CO2 content increased steadily, from 16.66 vol.% to
<0.3 mm obtained maximum yield of gas product, while the feed- 36.05 vol.%; CH4 and other hydrocarbons traces content were on
stock particle size in range of 0.3–0.5 mm obtained the optimum the contrary. It can be explained that in the gasification process,
gas composition and highest LHV of gas product. oxidization reactions are always strong, and oxidization reactions
of combustible product gases strengthen with ER, which results
4.4. Effect of equivalence ratio (ER) on product yields in more CO2. Several groups [39–41] investigated the effect of ER
in air gasification of biomass in a fluidized bed gasifier. They found
The equivalence ratio (ER) is defined as the ratio of oxygen (air) that with increase in ER, H2, CO increased initially and then de-
required for gasification to oxygen (air) required for stoichiometric creased, while CO2, CH4 and other hydrocarbons content were pro-
combustion of a given amount of biomass [38]. In this work, ER gressively decreased, which are similar with our findings. Through
1560 M.A.A. Mohammed et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 52 (2011) 1555–1561

(a) Table 4
Basis of cost analysis.

Items Data Note

Capacity EFB: 144 kg/d
(51.84 t/y)
H2: 7.488 kg/d
(2.69 t/y)
Capital Gasifier RM 3119
Furnace RM5865
Construction RM1746
Total RM10730
Operation Feed RM2592 RM50/t, including
collection and
Electricity RM3000/ RM0.28/kWh
Interest 10% of capital cost RM1073/
Maintenance 5% of capital cost RM536.5/
Other 1% of capital cost RM107.3/
H2 product RM 6.7/kg = $2.11/
cost kg: $0.18/Nm3

(b) H2 CO CH4 CO2

Table 5
Hydrogen cost through different process.
H2 cost Process Reference
Yield, Vol. %

30 $10/kg Electrolyzed hydrogen [42]

$4.28/kg Biomass pyrolysis with high-pressure [43]
$1.69/kg Biomass gasification with CO-shift [44]
20 $2.11/kg EFB air gasification This study

d) of EFB would be the raw material for gasification process to pro-
duce 0.052 kg H2/kg EFB (7.48 kg H2/d = 84.13 Nm3/d). The capital
0 cost of this system covers fluidized bed gasifier, furnace and con-
0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
struction expenditure. Costs of operation, interest, maintenance
and other expenses are assumed as shown in Table 4.
Fig. 5. Effect of equivalence ratio (ER) on EFB gasification yield at temperature of Based on the operating parameters and data of capital cost, the
850 °C and feedstock particle size of 0.3–0.5 mm: (a) effect of equivalence ratio (ER) calculation result of H2 product cost from this system is RM 6.7 for
on product yield, (b) effect of equivalence ratio (ER) on product gas composition.
every kilograms of EFB which is equal to $2.11/kg EFB ($0.18/Nm3).
For comparison, Table 5 presents other researcher’s cost analy-
sis on H2 through different processes.
the analysis on the experimental results of varying ER, it can be
understood that the optimum value for ER is 0.25, which maxi-
mum hydrogen content can be obtained.
6. Conclusions

5. Cost analysis In this study, air gasification of EFB, one of the most abundant
biomass found in Malaysia, was carried out in bench scale fluidized
Performance data of fluidized bed biomass gasifier system used bed gasifier. The operating parameters namely reactor tempera-
in this study is given in Table 3. Due to the low efficiency of bench ture, biomass particle size and equivalence ratio were tested to
scale gasification unit, the system needs to be scaling-up. The prin- determine their effects on total products yields, product gas com-
cipal costs of H2 production from EFB biomass using fluidized bed position and LHV gas. The main products of EFB air gasification
gasifier are estimated as follows: It is assumed that 6 kg/h (144 kg/ were solid charcoal, liquid oil, tar and hydrogen-rich gas product.
Temperature was an important factor in this process. As the tem-
perature increased from 700 to 1000 °C the gas yield increased sig-
Table 3 nificantly whilst solid, liquid and tar yields progressively
Performance data on fluidized bed EFB gasifier.
decreased. The gas products mainly consisted of H2, CO, CO2 and
Feed rate of EFB (kg/h) 6.0 CH4. High temperature is favorable for the increasing gas products
Feed rate of air (Nm3/h) 7.2 including H2, CO, CH4. The LHV gas increased with temperature and
Gasifier temperature (°C) 850
Gas composition (vol.%)
reached to 15.55 MJ/m3 at 1000 °C. The EFB particle size had an
H2 26.70 influence on the total gas yield and gas composition; smaller EFB
CO 33.36 particle size produced more CH4, CO and less CO2. On top of that,
CH4 16.04 LHV gas increased with smaller EFB particle size. ER had complex
CO2 26.11
effect on the gasification products. The ER of 0.25 was found to
LHV of gas (MJ/m3) 12.84
be optimum to yield a maximum H2 production of 27.31 vol.% at
M.A.A. Mohammed et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 52 (2011) 1555–1561 1561

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