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Analysing Disaster from the different


1. Physical Perspective
disaster is a phenomenon that can cause damage to
physical elements such as buildings, infrastructures,
including people and their properties, e.g. houses &
environmental sources of living.
Physical effects are the most visible and quantifiable
effects of a disaster

- the physical effects on both the people and the

environment will depend on the level of
destruction the disaster brings. People do get hurt
in typhoons, earthquakes, fires, and tsunamis. So,
assuming the disaster is massive, then the effect
would be long-lasting because of the loss of lives
and injuries.

2. Psychological Perspective

disasters can cause serious mental health consequences

for the victims, which can take the form of Post-
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and a variety of other
disorder and symptoms which have been less

3. Sociocultural Perspective

what the people living at risk know and do about natural

hazards and disaster risks is mediated by a range of
factors including social conditions and cultural settings
in most places are also more or less exposed by
information and ideas coming from the outside - the
world outside their own cultural setting

it is very hard to change people’s culture, so a disaster

won’t have much of an impact. People will still help each
and pick up their lives and move on if that is their

4. Economic Perspective
a natural disaster is a natural event that causes a
perturbation to the functioning of the economic system,
with significant negative assets, production factors,
output, employment, and consumption.
5. Political Perspective
natural disasters are commonly thought to be less
politically contentious than armed conflicts. yet, a closer
look reveals that politics are deeply wedded to both the
impact of a natural disaster and the subsequent delivery
of humanitarian assistance

this is a different case, a community’s economy can be

destroyed, and may take a long time to recover. The
normal routine of manufacturing, delivering, and selling
of goods can be put to a standstill.

this is where the district leader like the congressman,

mayor, barangay captain will need to shine. How he
reacts to the disaster may determine his or her future in
the next election.

6. Biological Perspective
the biological effect of a disaster is self-healing,
remember, all these animals and plants have been
dealing with these types of events long before we were
here. It is only when our manmade structures or
creations collide with their habitats that the true
problem for that area of the biosphere begins.

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