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Formative Assessments:

How can formative assessment be used before, during, and after a lesson to ensure student


In my future classroom I would do a lot of entrance and exit tickets. It may vary on the content

that day and not every day there will be two. I believe this is a really good assessment and easy

for the students to do because it will tell me who pays attention and who does not. Because it is

more an overview of the previous day or the end of the lesson. They are checks for

understanding and it tells me who needs more help in certain areas then the others. So the old

school method is just pen and paper and the question would be written on the board. But if I had

to do a digital format I would use the tool padlet. The students would just have to type their

response in the subject format under their name. I would use these assessments at the start of

class or the end (in this case it will be towards the end of the class period). The digital format is

just an easy thing to use and where you as the teacher will know who did it and who didn't. So

digitally tools help the teacher out a lot and will save so much time especially when it comes to

grading. We as future teachers need to make things easier on ourselves and with technology

being so advanced these days it does that for us. So we need to get a hold of these skills and tools

and use them to the best of our abilities.

Padlet link an example of what it may look like:

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