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Role casting:
- Thơ (Prim) and Ngọc (Sarah) represent double-dealers who like to defame and flatter
each of others.
- Kim (Kimese) and Long (Boo) are those who live by other people’s words.
- Nhi is an anonymous person.

(Narrator) Nhi: Problems in our everyday lives change into different forms constantly,
and so does school violence. It is no longer just fighting between students, but it has
turned in to offensive statements nitpicking and slandering others’ body image,
personality and academic performance.
The scene takes place in the school hallway.
- Prim: Hello
- Sarah: Hello
- Boo: Hello
- Kimese: Hello
- Sarah: The P.E class this afternoon really wore me out.
- Boo: We even have to be in campus, our skins are all tanned.
- Sarah: I wish we were like Kimese, her tanned skin not only looks healthy but also
- Prim: That’s right, Kimese. You’re so lucky.
- Kimese: Thanks, I’m glad to hear you guys say so. Hihi
- Prim: Oh yeah, and you too Boo, you’ve gotten slimmer lately. Any tips?
- Boo: Really? It’s nothing, I’m just dieting.
- Boo: Hey I have to leave now. I told my dad to pick me up after the P.E period. Byeee
- Kimese: Yeah, I have to go too. Bye
- Kimese: Oh no I left my motorbike keys. I need to return to our class to get it.
- Boo: I forgot my helmet. I must go back.
- Prim: Hey Sarah, you saw how healthy Kimese’s skin was. Do you want to be like
- Sarah: What? No way. I don’t see anything beautiful about dark skin. I only praised her
to make her happy, or else she will be isolated. She would only look worse when that
- Sarah: You said Long got thinner earlier. How in the world did you came to that
- Prim: Haiz, I said it so that he would have motivation to lose weight. Just look at him,
he looks like a pig, how do you think he’s going to slim down? I hope that praise helped
him lose the innocent face. Not only is he fat, ugly but he also has that dumb dace, gross.
- Prim: Hey it’s getting less sunny, let’s go home.
- Sarah: I was waiting for the sun to go out to leave, for fear I would be dark and ugly
like Kimese. Hihi.
(Narrator) Nhi: After that, Kimese and Boo return home.
- Kimese: Am I that ugly?
- Boo: Am I so fat that it makes people uncomfortable?
- Kimese: No. I have to buy more cosmetics to make my skin lighter.
- Boo: I need to lose weight, I can’t eat a lot anymore.
(Narrator) Nhi: Consequently, Boo and Kimese tried their best to fix their flaws, but the
harder they tried, the more hatred they receive from Prim and Sarah. Suddenly, one day,
when Kimese and Boo look in the mirror.
- Boo : I have lost weight already, why doesn’t anyone recognize that? Why am I still the
ugly one? Why?
- Kimese: I tried so hard to make my skin lighter but why isn’t it working? Why? I don’t
want to be nitpicked.
- Kimese: Wait? Why do I look so weird? It seems like I’m not myself anymore. I don’t
like how I look right now. It makes me scared of the sun.
- Boo: Why do I look so bony? How long have I not eaten? I look so unhealthy. I don’t
like my current self.
- Boo: I don’t need to have a good-looking appearance. I want to live true to myself. I
don’t need anyone’s approval. I just want to do whatever I like.
- Boo: I love myself.
- Kimese: I want to be myself. What’s wrong with dark skin? It’s my special feature, it
doesn’t need to be the prettiest. I don’t want to be another version of someone else.
- Kimese: I love myself.
- Sarah: Don’t be self-conscious about your flaws.
- Kimese: You are beautiful in your own way, because you are unique.
- Boo: If you don’t wish to, you don’t have to change your life for somebody else, live
for yourself.
- Prim: School bullying is no longer just acts of impulse, and it doesn’t simply cause
harm physically. Now, it exists around us, everyday, every hour. It is the hatred,
offensive, nitpicking words that we hear regularly.
- Sarah: We cannot eliminate school bullying. But we can stop it from getting more
serious by loving ourselves more and being our own hero.
- Kimese: I believe you can.
- Sarah: I believe you can.
- Prim: I believe you can.
- Boo: I believe you can.
(Narrator) Nhi: Our story is not special, it happens daily in schools all around the
world. However, it is our belief that each of us is a part of this world and together, we
can change anything, even bullying in schools.

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