Journal-3 - November 14 To 18, 2022

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Republic of the Philippines

City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, Donor St., East Tapinac, Olongapo City

Regional Science High School

Journal #2
B.S.Ed. – Math major

November 14, 2022

When I arrived at Regional Science High School on November 14, 2022, all grade levels from 7 to 12
were already gathered in the court for the first day of the week for the flag ceremony. All of us student
teachers from various programs are there to see the activities happening during the Flag Ceremony. My
cooperating teacher and I headed to Grade 10-Copper after the flag ceremony. We greeted them as we
entered the room, and they reciprocated. The prayer leader stood up and prayed. Ma’am Aspiras told us to
arrange the chairs after the prayer and asked who was absent that day. Because the classroom was tidy, she
announced in the afternoon that the distribution of Cards would take place after the PTA meeting. She also
stated that the students all have good grades and that it is probable that they are all honor students. We
congratulated them on all of their accomplishments and encouraged them to improve in the coming quarters
so that they may all graduate with honors. That day, all of the children were enthusiastic and full of energy,
and we began our session with enthusiasm and smiles on their faces.

Ma’am Aspiras then started her class. She taught the Polynomial Intermediate Value Theorem. As a
recap, she explains the range sign of Polynomial F (x). She was now applying a Conceptual Approach. Because
students must need to understand each topic of the lesson in order to follow each sequence of reaching the
lower and upper bounds. She then proceeds to the examples of finding the alternating sign, largest integral
lower bound, and smallest integral upper bound after discussing the concepts. During the discussion, she
noticed that the students were concentrating on taking down notes. She orders them to stop writing and
concentrate on listening as she discusses the lesson so that they learn how to solve the given problem. She
stated that she would allow ample time after the conversation to copy the lecture.

After the first example, she offered another, but this time she let the students respond each answer in
each sequence of the problem; she utilizes a recitation technique and an interview technique in which the
students can freely express their answers. The learner responds to the problem more than the teacher does to
each sequence of a problem-solving equation. The pupils' learning is more visible because they are the ones
who discover the answer to the provided equation on their own. The teacher then evaluates their solution to
see whether they are correct, but they also ask the student if their statement of the answer has the same
answer as their co-student.

After that, she presented another problem to the students, to which they all responded; then answered
in just 10 minutes, and then she called a student who wanted to discuss their answer. Then she directed the
students to their various groups for the group activity. They can freely communicate their diverse thoughts in
solving a problem in any position or posture as long as they are comfortable, whether lying down, sitting, or
with their feet up. When their teacher runs out of time, they simply convert it into an assignment and turn it in
the next day. Each student's behavior is different, just like grade 10 Platinum. When we entered their class,
the seats were not ordered and were scattered around the classroom. Someone is sitting on the floor, making
a lot of noise, and there is a lot of clutter on the floor. They were still sitting in their chairs when we arrived.
They waited for their teacher to instruct them to take their seats because class was about to begin. When you
enter grade 10 Copper's classroom, it is calm and clean. As a result, she shifted her teaching method from
recitation to lecture.

Beginning at 12:45 p.m., I saw GRade 7 led by a teacher, Ma'am Nicole Maldupana, and a student
teacher, Leslie Ocampo. This is the Grade 7 Emerald and Diamond. According to what I observed in the Grade
7 Teacher's teaching technique, she began by making an announcement about the results of the students'
grades because grades will be issued after class that day.She  advised the children who received less than
85% that if they had any doubts about the computation of their grades, they may speak with her after the
(047) 602-7175 local 307 
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, Donor St., East Tapinac, Olongapo City

PTA meeting. She began her lesson with a review of common weight and measure as motivation in her class.
Following the review, she began her measurement lesson. She employed a discovery learning approach in this
case, and there are more student recitations than lectures. I also saw in their classroom that they used
decorations that quickly capture the attention of young students, such as Pizza, French fries, KFC, and Mang
Inasal, for their learning skills or MELCS. Their behavior is similar to that of elementary students. Others stand
in front and raise their hands, while others shout when they are not called. Some were sitting on the floor,
while others were chatting. I also observe that the teacher stands on either side of the whiteboard (left or
right) to prevent blocking the view of the students on what the teacher writes on the board. She gave an
individual activity after the discussion and after answering the task in 20 minutes. They check their own
papers, and the teacher get their total score one by one.

We have prepared the classroom for the parents who will attend the PTA meeting after my observation at
another grade level. As a student teacher, I assisted the parents who arrived and required them to sign the
attendance sheet so that we could determine which parent was absent. At 4 p.m., my cooperating teacher
began a meeting in which she briefed the DEPEd orders on the retention policy and grading system of RSHS
III. Following the discussion, my cooperating teacher introduced me to the parents as their other teacher who
will be teaching next year. The students' cards were subsequently distributed, and all of the parents were
congratulated because their children had all received with honors. Following the distribution of the cards, the
parents prepared food to celebrate their children for their accomplishments in the first quarter of the year.

As an introduction to the new topics, it is essential that you start with each concept of a topic with
each change in what you teach so that the student may better comprehend each part of your lesson, its
objective, rules, and formulas that will be applied. It is also important that the student review past lessons in
relation to the new lesson; this will support in retrieving old knowledge that needs to be studied again. Every
achievement that our students make is a very big thing that we should give recognitions and appreciation to
increase their confidence to study hard and get higher grades.

November 16, 2022

On November 16, 2022, at 7:30 a.m., Ma’am Baby Rose Aspiras is busy with the event in guidance
because they are expecting people from FEU to observe the Regional Science High School. Because she has
her first lesson at 7:30, she instructs me to watch the Grade 10 Copper for their practice for the upcoming
“Tugsayawit” event so that don’t mess up or create any noise that can disrupt other classes. She also told me
to take the plants they bring and make a list of it. Since this is my chance to get to know my Grade 10 Copper
student. I take advantage of this opportunity to get to know each other. In the beginning I introduced myself
and gave them some rules. As my students introduced themselves, I observed that most of them were soft-
spoken and shy. Some of them are also funny and cheerful.

I let them practice after they all introduced themselves. I saw that they each have unique talents, such
as playing instruments, singing, and dancing. Because they are not all participants in the play. The others had
just finished reviewing for a different subject quiz. I witnessed how people spend their time doing meaningful
things to expand their knowledge. They collaborate when reviewing in order to increase the effectiveness of
what they are reviewing. Before we end up the class We brought all the plants in RSHS Garden and arrange

Maam Aspiras then conducted a graded group recitation for the next three sections. She utilized the
discovery learning approach and the recitation technique in this case. She used instructional material that I
created with various shapes to group each student based on the forms they pick with different colors. I assist
them in distributing the various shapes per student. I saw the children's excitement when they learned who
would be their group partner. Some students shout, both nervously and joyfully, when they find out who their
(047) 602-7175 local 307 
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, Donor St., East Tapinac, Olongapo City

group mate will be. Following the groups, Maam Aspiras selects two sign symbols from the table in different
colors. The first two selected will be the first to answer on the white board, and Maam Aspiras will verify if
they got the correct solution and answer. The other groups are the same; they must check each group's work
and deduct any incorrect solutions from their total score. Before beginning, Maam Aspiras provided
instructions and rubrics for Graded recitation. Following that, the allocated representative for each group
writes the Equation that they will answer on the board. The other members of the group then assist their
representative in answering the provided equation. During the graded recitation, however, I observed students
sleeping on their chairs, playing the organ, eating, and lying on the floor.


For my overall observation during the day, we should not only teach young people to shape their
knowledge through different academics, but we should also teach them to appreciate and care for our natural
environment. We also teach them positive behaviors like cooperation, camaraderie in every group task, and
teamwork to help them complete their tasks. We build their personality with these educational methods to
prepare them for the larger challenges that will come in their lives.


November 14, 2022


(047) 602-7175 local 307 
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, Donor St., East Tapinac, Olongapo City


(047) 602-7175 local 307 
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, Donor St., East Tapinac, Olongapo City


(047) 602-7175 local 307 
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, Donor St., East Tapinac, Olongapo City

November 16, 2022


(047) 602-7175 local 307 
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, Donor St., East Tapinac, Olongapo City


(047) 602-7175 local 307 

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