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Com pany
N ? by Richard Passov
More than you think-a lot more-if yours is a knowledge-based
corporation. That's because you need to provide for intangible
liabilities-the investments a company has to make to realize
the benefits of its knowledge.

A F T E R ITS MERCER with rival thereby unlocking tremendous value

^ j L Warner-Lambert in 2000, New for their shareholders, both from tax
/ \ York-based pharmaceutical benefits and from the market's well-
giant Pfizer found itself sitting on a net documented perception that managers
cash position approaching $6 billion. with less money to spend will spend it
That seemed extraordinarily conser- more wisely. Consider Bank of America.
vative for a company whose products Its capital structure, like that of most
generated close to $30 billion in reve- banks, relies heavily on debt The value
nues. Those products included some of of the tax shields alone accounts for
the world's best-selling drugs. The anti- approximately one-third of the com-
cholesterol blockbuster Lipitor alone pany's $120 billion market capitaliza-
generated worldwide revenues in excess tion. But is this kind of strategy appro-
of $7 billion in 2001. priate for a knowledge-based company
Most large companies with revenues like Pfizer? To answer that question,
tbat healthy would increase their lever- Tim Opler of Credit Suisse First Boston
age, or the amount of debt they carry, and I undertook an in-depth study of

NOVEMBER 2003 119

TOOL KIT • How Much Cash Does Your Company Need?

the knowledge-based businesses that risk of failing to sustain value-added in- chip had just emerged as the key hard-
were most closely comparable to Pfizer. vestments in difficult times. An optimal ware component for IBM's burgeoning
Tbere, we saw a rather different picture: capital structure that calls for significant personal computer business. Unfortu-
The world's largest and most successful cash balances is at odds with the results nately, Intel was at the same time in-
technology and life sciences companies of a traditional capital structure anaiysis volved in producing DRAM memory
were consistently holding significant net but explains the financial policies of chips, which were becoming commodi-
cash positions. many well-run knowledge companies. tized due to competition from Japanese
Like Pfizer, these companies had mar- manufacturers. Intel's cash position
ket valuations that were much greater Funding the Intangible dwindled and its debt rose to the point
tban tbe value attributable to their on- To see why knowledge companies aren't where the company was unable to make
going businesses, a premium that re- suited to traditional capital structures, the capital expenditures necessary to
flects these companies' ability to create consider again Pfizer. In mid-2001, the complete the development of its micro-
new products through R&D. And like company's market valuation was in ex- processors. Intel was forced to raise new
Pfizer's, tbese companies' assets were cess of $200 billion. Of that amount. equity capital from its primary business
very risky-a fact often obscured by the Wall Street analysts estimated that more partner, IBM, which purchased 12% of
companies' balance sheet structure. than 30% was derived from the com- the company for $250 million. The cap-
Pfizer shares, for example, had approxi- pany's R&D pipeline and its worldwide ital infusion allowed Intel to continue
mately the same price volatility (30%) as branding and marketing capabilities. its R&D program and build manufac-
tbose of Bank of America in 2001. But A large portion ofthe drug pipeline was turing plants for new microprocessors
Pfizer had a negative leverage ratio of in advanced stages of development, but while simultaneously sustaining a costly
0.3:1 where Bank of America bad a ratio significant investment and risks were transition awayfromthe DRAM market.
approaching io:i. If the equity volatili- still associated with realizing the po- Arguably, Intel's inability to meet its
ties are adjusted to eliminate the effect tential value. Furthermore, a great deal R&D commitment cost its shareholders
of the two companies' balance sheet of value was attributed to early-stage as much as a debt default would have.
structures-treating both companies as development projects. Indeed, looking Like a debt crisis, the funding crisis had
if they were wholly equity financed and forward, Pfizer's anticipated revenue forced the company into financial dis-
had no cash - we see that Pfizer has an stream relied more and more on prod- tress. Had Intel not shrewdly repur-
underlying asset volatility of close to ucts yet to be developed and less on chased the stake in the late 1980s, by
30% while Bank of America has a vola- those already being marketed. 2001, IBM would have earned a 100-fold
tility closer to 5%. Because of tbis higher increase on its initial investment.
underlying volatility, Pfizer and the Pfizer's intangible assets are the prod-
other knowledge companies we looked uct of heavy ongoing investment. The Of course, Intel and Pfizer are not the
at were in a group apart from other company's R&D alone consumes about only companies that have large capital
large corporations. $7 billion a year. What's more, the pro- commitments. Oil companies, for exam-
ductivity ofthe company's research sci- pie, spend huge amounts of money on
We believe that these companies' entists depends on maintaining a vast, exploration and development. Yet they
decisions to run large cash balances is interconnected IT infrastructure. Such often use more leverage and seem less
one of the key factors in sustaining the investments are not treated as liabili- vulnerable to the whims of the capital
value of their intangible assets-which ties in a traditional capital structure markets. The difference in financial
typically comprise a substantial portion analysis. To see why that's a problem, strategies seems to lie in two important
of overall valuations for knowledge consider what would happen if Pfizer distinctions between tangible and in-
companies. Only by consistently invest- found itself in a situation where inter- tangible assets. These factors also ex-
ing in their intangible assets can knowl- nally generated funds could no longer plain the relatively high asset volatility
edge companies hope to preserve the sustain R&D. Finance theory maintains of Intel, Pfizer, and other successful
value of those assets. A company that that the market will always be willing knowledge-based companies.
finds itself unable to meet such com- to provide funds for a good investment Intangible assets are company de-
mitments because unfavorable market opportunity. Based on that reasoning, pendent. The value of tangible assets-
conditions reduce its operating cash companies with promising pipelines even those that require considerable
fiows will find its share price suffering should always be able to find funding investments to exploit-is usually widely
almost as much as if it were to default for R&D. History has shown, however, recognized by outside investors. An oil
on its debts. By the same token, with that in times of need, external financing reserve, for example, has a generally
the right balance sheet, knowledge com- can be exorbitantly expensive or simply agreed-upon value, regardless of the
panies can profitably insure against the unavailable for knowledge companies. company that owns it. Energy giant
Intel experienced just such a funding ChevronTexaco has to spend billions
Richard Passov is the treasurer of Pfizer. crisis in the early 1980s. At that time, to exploit its reserves. But because the
He is based in New York. the company's 80286 microprocessor value of those reserves can be estimated


TOOL KIT • How Much Cash Does Your Company Need?

and easily communicated, the company assets are different from tangible ones the various molecular compounds in
usually can find the money to fund de- is that the risk that a company will be its pipeline will react as hoped, for ex-
velopment regardless ofthe state of its unable to meet commitments on intan- ample - is impossible to hedge in the
finances. By contrast, the value of a com- gible assets cannot be easily hedged. financial markets. That risk is also un-
pany's intangible assets is typically un- The value of an oil company's explora- likely to be correlated with the com-
derstood only by the company itself or tion and development budget is subject pany's cashfiows.A particular molecule
its close partners. If the company fails to the variable market pricing of oil; a may react as planned, but the company
to invest in maintaining the value of its sharp fall in oil prices reduces the value may run out of funds before discovering
intangible assets, no one else is likely to of those projects. However, the risk of a that. Unlike an oil company, therefore,
volunteer. In other words, the value of fall in oil prices can be hedged in the fi- a pharmaceutical company may face a
intangible assets is highly dependent on nancial markets, which allows the com- funding crisis just when the value of
a company's own ability to fund those pany to preserve the value of its explo- continuing its research is highest. The
assets, while the value of tangible assets ration and development projects even only way to manage that risk is to en-
is independent of the company, [n when business conditions deteriorate. sure that the company always has on
Intel's case, nobody had any idea in 1983 Even if it decides not to protect its ex- hand enough liquid assets - essentially,
what a huge market microprocessors ploration and development projects in cash-to meet its R&D liabilities.
would become, which explains why the this way, the company enjoys a natural If the defining characteristic of a lia-
company could obtain funding only on hedge because the price of oil is highly bility is that the company's inability to
expensive terms from IBM. This experi- correlated with cash fiows. When the meet it triggers financial distress, then
ence cast into sharp relief the value of firm's cash fiows are low, so is the ex- it is only logical that R&D expenditures
holding cash reserves, and Intel went on pected value of exploration and devel- of Intel, Pfizer, and their peer companies
to build a strong balance sheet to pro- opment. That means the company is should be considered liabilities-just
vide insurance against potential futtire most likely to be short on funds when as inescapable a commitment as if they
funding needs. it least needs to spend the money on were a debt obligation. Companies do
the asset. By contrast, a knowledge com- not currently treat R&D and compara-
Intangible liabilities cannot be pany's primary risk - whether or not
hedged. The second reason intangible ble investments in intangible assets
as balance sheet items. But from an
economic perspective, they probably
should. After all, ifthe market is placing
Determining the Optima! Capital Structure a value on the promise of future success
in drug discovery, for example, it is also
expecting that the resources necessary
This chart shows how the benefits of debt evolve as leverage increases for
to discover these drugs will be available
a company with a 35% corporate tax rate. At first, enterprise value rises in a
to spend as needed.
straight line with debt-each dollar of debt yielding 35 cents of extra value
for the company. But as the costs of financial distress kick in, the line starts
Reoptimizing the
to curve, flatten, and eventually fall, reflecting the increasing severity of ex-
Balance Sheet
pected distress costs. The top ofthe curve marks the optimal netdebt-to-
cash position for tbat company.
Once a company's intangible assets -
and the unhedgeable liability associ-
ated with them-are recognized as being
capable of causing financial distress, a
key input variable into the calculation
Enterprise Value
contribution of of optimal capital structure changes.
debt to enterprise Traditionally, companies determine the
value without optimal capital structure by calculating
financial distress
costs the point at which the expected costs of
financial distress from the likelihood
of defaulting on debt begin to outweigh
contribution of
the tax benefits of debt - unlike divi-
debt to enterprise dends, debt interest payments are tax
value including deductible. (See the exhibit "Determin-
financial distress
ing the Optimal Capital Structure.")
Let's look at the numbers in more
Net Debt
detail. The tax benefit, or tax shield as
it is usually called, is determined by the


TOOL KIT • How Much Cash Does Your Company Need?

corporate tax rate: Simply multiply the a company's historical cashfiowsare not tiplying this number by the probability
amount of debt by the marginal corpo available, analysts can use industry data of default determined above produces
rate tax rate. Arriving at the cost of de- or empirical studies that provide default the expected cost of default, or the
faulting on debt is a bit more compli- rates. Debts rated Aaa by Moody's, for amount a company would want to in-
cated: The probability that the company instance, have historically had a o.i% sure itself for, if it could. So for an aver-
will not be able to meet its debt obliga- chance of defaulting within five years, age company with a default probability
tions is multiplied by the likely impact a Baa rating a 1.8% chance, and a B rat- of 5% over a five-year horizon, the ex-
of that default, should it happen, on the ing a 32% chance. A more ambitious an- pected cost of default, over that same
company's value. One practical way to alyst could also use default rates implied time period, would be i% of the firm's
estimate the probability of default is to by an analysis of spreads on corporate enterprise value.
look at the historical volatility of a com- bonds or credit derivatives. The underlying assumption in using
pany's cash fiows. From that, you can The impact of default can be esti- this method of calculating optimal cap-
determine through statistical analysis mated by looking at the empirical data. ital structure is that a company's debt
how frequently a company's cash fiows Research shows that a typical company level is the principal determinant of
are likely to be less than the level of in- will lose roughly 20% of its enterprise whether or not a company will suffer
terest payable for a given level of debt. value (market value of the company's financial distress. But as we've argued,
Obviously, the greater the size ofthe in- shares plus the value of its debt less a company can lose just as much value,
terest bill, the higher that probability. If cash) in times of financial distress. Mul- if not more, if it cannot fund the intan-

The Impact of Distress Costs by Industry

O u r research shows t h a t companies w i t h a preponderance o f intangible assets are m o s t vulnerable t o financial

distress. Knowledge-intensive industries such as higb technology and life sciences lose up t o 80% o f enterprise
value in times o f financial distress, w h i l e tangible-asset companies, like those in p e t r o l e u m and railroads, lose
as I ittle as io%, on average.

Loss of Pharmaceuticals
Value due to
IT Hardware
Distress Software
50% Airlines
Auto Parts Products Professional
Ca5inos Defense
10% Agriculture Specialty
Chemicals Hospitals
Oil and Gas Hotels
Steel Media
Trucking Retailing
Generators Utilities Telecom

(low) relative importance of intangible assets (high)


How Much Cash Does Your Company Need? • TOOL KIT

Pfizer's Optimal Capital Structure

Incorporating intangible liabilities into the determina- debt). The green curve tracks the net contribution to
tion of capital structure dramatically changes how a Pfizer's enterprise value of holding cash (insurance
company's debt-to-cash position contributes to enter- value iess tax disadvantage from holding cash). As tbe
prise value. The grapb below compares tbe contribution graph shows, the contribution ofthe insurance value
of cash and the contribution of debt to Pfizer's enter- of cash is greater tban tbe contribution from the tax
prise value. The straight line represents the impact in shields of debt, which means that Pfizer should cboose
terms of tax benefits of holding cash or debt, assuming the optimal position on the net cash curve. For a com-
no financial distress costs. Tbe blue curve-resulting pany with heavy tangible assets, by contrast, tbe contri-
from the traditional method of calculating optimal bution to enterprise value of debt would dominate the
capital structure-tracks tbe net contribution to Pfizer insurance value of casb, in which case tbe optimal capi-
of holding debt (tax benefits less distress costs due to tal structure would be driven by the debt curve.

Enterprise Value
tax impact of debt/cash y^
on enterprise value y^

contribution of cash
to enterprise value ^.dSv
y^ contribution of debt
y _^ to enterprise value
/ \
Net Qz%\\y^ y" Net Debt

gible liabilities associated with its in- R&D expenses (or other capital expen- fiow bar. In effect, you're increasing in-
tangible assets. In other words, financial ditures) exceeding cash fiow. Similarly, terest costs by the size of your R&D bud-
distress costs can kick in even while a the impact of default must be adjusted get, or at least that portion of it for
company has a nef-cash position. On to refiect the fact that the value of in- which it would be difficult to obtain ex-
that basis, the calculation needs to be tangible assets tends to be much more temal financing on reasonable terms.
adjusted. First, the probability of de- volatile than that of tangible ones and Applying historical cash fiow volatility
fault must be adjusted to encompass their higher volatility exposes the com- to this new number gives you the prob-
the probability of distress: It should be pany to greater financial risk. ability of distress due to default on in-
determined not by the probability of Recalculating Distress Probability. tangible liabilities.
interest costs exceeding cash fiow but The adjustment for this is quite simple, Companies may wish to make even
by the probability of interest costs plus since all you are doing is raising the casb more precise estimates. At Pfizer, for

NOVEMBER 2003 125

TOOL KIT • How Much Cash Does Your Company Need?

instance, an analysis of our historical have pointed out, development costs A conventional model based on the
cashfiowsallows us to quantify the im- can be easily hedged. Exploration, how- weighted average cost of capital ap-
pact of losing patent protection on cur- ever, counts as a true liability. To calcu- proach would suggest that Chevron-
rently marketed products. Another key late the probability of distress at various Texaco should have debt in excess of
risk we consider is the possibility that a levels of leverage, therefore, we looked $20 billion. Clearly, our model does a
drug might be withdravfli from the mar- atthe volatility of ChevronTexaco's cash better job of explaining tbis well-run
ket due to safety concerns. To account flows and applied that to the combined company's financial policy.
for that, we use industry data to model average historical interest and explo- Does our model always find that tra-
the likelihood of an approved drug ration costs. To estimate the impact of ditionalfirmscan operate with leverage
being pulled from the market. financial distress, we looked at our em- while knowledge-basedfirmsshouldn't?
Recalculating Distress Impact. In- pirical data, which showed that oil com- Not necessarily. Consider the case of
tangible assets tend to be more volatile panies typically lose about 20% of their Oracle, the enterprise software giant
than tangible ones, so one would expect enterprise value in times of distress. Our that had nearly $9.7 billion in revenues
companies with substantial intangible analysis indicated an optimal net debt in 2002. Approximately 60% of Oracle's
assets to suffer more infinancialdistress level of approximately $10 billion for revenues come from licenses associated
than companies whose assets were the company. This compares with with its software, while nearly 40% come
largely tangible. Our own empirical re- ChevronTexaco's actual net debt posi- from product support and consulting
search confirms this. We found that the tion of $12 billion as of year-end 2002. services. To counter fierce competition
extent of value loss during a period of fi-
nancial difficulty is positively correlated
to a company's underlying business
risk-that is, its asset volatility. (See the
Managing the Cash Position
exhibit "The Impact of Distress Costs by
Industry.") When calculating the impact Tbe way in wbicb companies create mean, however, that you should avoid
of distress costs, companies must take and manage tbeir optimal cash (or investing your cash in risky assets al-
this higher volatility into account. debt) positions can make a difference together. On the contrary, by avoiding
Running the numbers for Pfizer, we to shareholder value. If a company risky assets, your company may well
found that the company's optimal capi- issues short-term debt and holds tbe miss out on valuable opportunities.
tal structure - the structure that maxi- proceeds on the balance in matching Imagine that your company has
mized the company's value - called for short-term investments, for instance, determined that it is too highly lever-
holding a positive netfinancialbalance, it will create no value in terms of man- aged and starts reducing its debt by
as shown in the exhibit "Pfizer's Optimal aging its business risks. On tbe other adding to its cash position. Each extra
Capital Structure." That stands in sharp band, a company that borrows longer dollar of cash confers a marginal ben-
contrast with the optimal capital struc- term and invests at a shorter term efit in that it lowers the company's
ture predicted by a conventional ap- creates a pool of liquidity that can be expected distress costs. But that mar-
proach - a net debt position entirely accessed to cover cash flow shortfalls ginal benefit will gradually fall until
inadequate to maintain the value of until the debt matures. By reducing the company achieves its optimal cash
Pfizer's intangible assets. the risk of default in this way, compa- position, after which the marginal
nies increase their overall value. This benefit of holding an extra dollarof
Beyond Pfizer is one reason why automotive and cash turns negative, because the bene-
finance companies often borrow with fit of a dollar ofdebt starts to outweigh
Our mode! does not apply only to
maturities that are longer than the the benefit of a dollarof casb. The first
knowledge-based firms; it can be used
assets they hold. dollarof cash,therefore, makes more
to calculate the optimal capital struc-
difference to the company's overall
ture of all types offirms.Consider again In deciding how to manage a com-
value than the last dollar of cash.
ChevronTexaco, which has $99 billion pany's net cash, the first rule Is to make
Given that difference, we believe that
in annual revenues, nearly $10 billion in sure that the asset you invest in is not
it makes sense for a company to allo-
cash fiow from operations, and annual subject to the same risks as those you
cate its cash position to refiect the dif-
capital expenditures approaching $8 bil- are insuring against with that cash. A
ferent values of each dollar held as
lion in 2002. While the company has technology company that holds cash
cash. Because the first dollar Is worth
comparable capital outlays to those of to ensure the completion ofa multi-
the most, it should be invested in the
Pfizer, it does not rely nearly as heavily year development project even when
safest possible asset. By the same
on intangible assets. its core business is failing sbould not
token, it may make sense to put the
The bulk of ChevronTexaco's capital invest those funds in other related
last dollar of cash in a riskier security.
commitments consists of exploration technology companies. That doesn't
and development expenditures. As we


TOOL KIT • How Much Cash Does Your Company Need?

from giants like Microsoft and IBM, as the slowing growth potential in the ments of the company's riskier phar-
well as newer competitors like SAP, software industry come to pass, then maceutical business. As a result, John-
Siebel, and PeopleSoft, Oracle invests there may come a time when even Ora- son & Johnson can afford to have a
considerable sums in R&D, marketing, cle shareholders would fare better with smaller financial asset position than
and training. More than io% of annual a nice, steady dividend and leverage in would a pure-play pharmaceutical com-
revenues are committed to the research the company's capital structure. (It is pany. (For more on the risk implications
and development of new products. In interesting to note that Oracle's move to of balance sheet structure, see the side-
2001 and 2002, the company spent over acquire PeopleSoft, were it funded by bar "Managing the Cash Position.")
$1.4 billion each year on capital expen- debt, would bring its net cash position
Intangible assets are the "dark matter"
of the business universe. Since we can
The value of intangible assets is highly dependent on a only observe them by their effects, it's
company's own ability to fund those assets, while the difficult to understand and catalog
them, which is precisely why the ac-
value of tangible assets is independent ofthe company. counting balance sheet differs from tbe
economic one. Accountants like to deal
in concrete fact, while economists are
ditures and R&D. To determine the much closer to the optimal level pre- happy enough with theory. But even ac-
probability of default for various net dicted by our model.) countants cannot deny that the effects
cash-to-debt scenarios, we used histori- Business strategy and financial strat- of intangible assets are far-reaching. The
cal cash fiow volatility, analysts'projec- egy are inextricably linked. Therefore, ability of intangible assets to influence
tions for the company's future debt, and companies must develop capital poli- the likelihood and degree of financial
R&D expenditures. To estimate the im- cies in light of their business risks. In- distress through the liabilities they cre-
pact of default, we looked at the cost for deed, balance sheet management is ate is not the least important of those
companies with asset volatility compa- best viewed as a form of risk manage- effects. By suggesting ways to measure
rable to Oracle's. ment to be coordinated with the other the effects, we hope to have made a
ways in which companies manage busi* small contribution toward incorporat-
Our analysis suggested an optimal net
ness and financial risks. Johnson & ing intangible assets into capital struc-
cash position of approximately $i bil-
Johnson's consumer products business, ture analysis. ^
lion, which contrasts with Oracle's ac-
tual net cash position of around $6 bit- for example, has had strong and stable
lion. This finding raises some strategic operating cash fiows, which tend to Reprint R03nj
questions. If current predictions about buffer the potential liquidity require- To order, see page 141.

"You've been a great mentor, Mr Franks, but I can take it from here."


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