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Define sociology as a social science. Describe the significance of social inequality. Define socialization.

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What is psychology Sensation and perception Motivation and emotion.

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The issue of reason and how it is used in ethics versus the use of our emotions when making an ethical decision. ethical relativism psychological egoism, ethical egoism, and altruism virtues such as loyalty, honesty, courage. the concept of a "rational being" the theory of Utilitarianism

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Grasp the basic concepts of logic: valid, invalid, sound, unsound, strong, weak, cogent, and uncogent Identify the various branches of philosophy. What is free will and determinance formulate your own view of the nature of the mind and the possibility of artificial intelligence view of what makes an action right or wrong


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Define the term culture Define ethnocentrism. Discuss the various elements of culture. Define and discuss globalization.

Introduction to business
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Define basic concepts such as business, product, and profit. Identify the main participants and activities of business, and explain why studying business is important. Define economics and compare the four types of economic systems. Describe the role of supply, demand, and competition in a free-enterprise system. Specify why and how the health of the economy is measured. Evaluate a small-business owner's situation and propose a course of action.

Operation mgmt
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Efficiency Transformation Operation strategy Straddling strategy Core capability Project management Critical path no numerical Concurrent engineering Quality function deployment value analysis/value engineering (VA/VE) only introductory reading

Financial Markets
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The basic operations of domestic and foreign financial markets and institutions. The monetary policy tools it uses, and the impact of monetary policy changes on credit availability, interest rates, money supply, security prices, and foreign exchange rates. Security Analysis

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Present value concepts The valuation of common stocks Constant dividend growth model Stock price, earnings per share and growth opportunity Present value concepts can be applied to the valuation of bonds The term structure of interest rates Theories of the term structure of interest rates The relationship between real rate and nominal rate of interest The impact of inflation on the nominal interest rates.

Financial instrument
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Types of financial instruments Financial markets function Cyber trading of financial instruments

Financial intermediaries
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Types of financial institutions. Financial intermediaries The roles of financial intermediaries Depository institutions Non-depository financial institutions

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Types of financial MARKETS Capital investments Primary and secondary markets The implications of automated financial trading for both domestic and world financial markets.

SME (Small and Medium Enterprise Management

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The three meanings of business as commerce, business as an occupation, and business as an organization, and identify the four main kinds of productive resources. The functions of money in business and how the development of money promoted the rapid development of capital and enterprise. The form of business organization used to manage business commerce has changed over time. Capital Markets

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Functions and Roles of the Financial System in the Global Economy The functions performed and the roles played by the system of financial markets and financial institutions International Relations

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Analyze how world politics affects the way countries distribute their economic resources. Describe some of the effects of world politics on individuals. the implications of economic interdependence The power relationships in the international system. The norms of behavior in the international system. The elements that make up a nation. Positive and negative aspects of nationalism. The concepts of globalization and transnationals. The various components of power. The concept of world and regional government. TQM (Total Quality Management

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Understand what is meant by quality Be able to diagnose quality problems using the gap model Describe how quality might be measured for any product or service Know how to undertake quality control Understand what is meant by TQM Be aware of the problems and approaches to implementing TQM Understand the role of quality awards in improving quality. College algebra

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Linear Equations Arithmetic - word problems Money - word problems Banking Law & Practice

1. General Introduction 2. Banker-Customer Relationship 3. Types of Accounts 4. Types of Customers 5. The Statutes, Laws relating to cheques, bills of exchange 6. Promissory notes & stamp and excise duty thereon 7. Remittances 8. Routine Foreign Exchange Transactions 9. Loans and Advances 10. State Bank of Pakistan & Its functions.

FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS OF PAKISTAN 1. Important facets of the regulatory framework Including the concepts 2. Rationale tools and the framework of financial regulations at the national and global level 3. Statutory (SBP, SECP) as well as the self-regulatory organizations (Stock exchanges)

4. Supra national forums like the Basle Committee of Banking Supervision, IOSCO, etc. as well as private sector regulatory initiatives, like credit Rating etc. RESEARCH METHODS IN BUSINESS 1. Research and Management 2. Role and Types of Business Research 3. The Research Process 4. Research Design-Classification of Design 5. Research Proposal, Development of Research Plan, Outline, Measurements, Ethical 6. Issues in Research 7. Empirical Identification Collection- Primary Data 8. Sources, Secondary Data Sources, Observation, Constructing a Questionnaire 9. Sampling - The Mail Questionnaire, Scaling Techniques 10. Social Distance, Analysis of Data, Statistical Analysis (SPSS, SAS) 11. Report Preparation.

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