JUL Newsletter HHC

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Moving On To Bigger and Better Things Temperatures are increasing as our mis- Many Soldiers, from various companies

sion continues. June was a mostly slow, uneventful month, with things really picking up speed by the last week.

Taking place slightly halfway through

June was our first noteworthy event. In honor of Fathers Day, 326 Engineer Battalion (AASLT) held a base-wide 5K run. Many HHC Soldiers participated , whether running, being a road guard or medic, or handing out t-shirts to participants. Hundreds of Soldiers, Airmen, Marines, Seamen, and civilians participated.

within the battalion, have certified in the Combat Life Saver (CLS) class put on by the battalion medics, as well as a class on how to give I.V.s.

Along with our activities, this issue has a

description of what every section accomplished and did in the month of June, as well as their promotions.

Due to the exceptional work being done

by our HHC Soldiers, we have been presenting one a week as the Soldier Of the Week to the Battalion Commander, providing a picture and description of their accomplishments. - SPC Kylee Burnham

Our brigade counterparts moved away

from us, leaving us with a semi-empty building. In turn, we moved into their old housing area, located closer to our headquarters.

Volume 1, Issue 3

Page 1

With Fathers Running Through Their Mind, 326 Sponsors Base-Wide Event

Fathers Day 2011 started off

at full speed. That meant a 0300 wake up for many of the 326 personnel that were part of the run detail. Many of those were Soldiers from HHC. Hundreds of personnel showed up. Whether they were running

Some of the participants, eager to start.

for their father, because they are a father, they like to run, or a personal reason, they supported our event with maximum participation. Hundreds of t-shirts were ordered just for the occasion, being given to the first few hundred finishers. Similar in

color to our physical fitness (PT) shirts, they were gray with our logo and the title of the event on it. It was great to be able to provide something for the whole base, as well as support and appreciate our fathers on that day! It was a complete success.

The starting line when the time began

CSM Hart about to cross the finish line

CPT Sirmans, welcoming the participants. Our Countrys and Battalions colors, accentuated by the crowd.
HHC Company Commander, CPT Weaver, and 1LT Smith with the 326th Fathers Day 5K Run t-shirts Brigade CSM, CSM Kendrick, with the Battalion CSM and the company First Sergeants and acting First Sergeants

HHC Moves in Response To 20th Engineer Brigade Relocating

Ever since our arrival to Iraq,

we have been working in the same building as our mother brigade, 20th Engineer Brigade. Originally from Fort Bragg, this is the first time most of us have physically worked with them. It made reporting and communication much simpler than it had been previously, in the states. With Iraq drawing down and constantly changing, Brigade

was assigned to relocate, with their mission continuing elsewhere. Preparation took weeks: planning, consolidating, packing, etc. By the end of June, our building became a lot less busy, with less personnel and more room. In response to their relocation, HHC moved from their housing area with the Air Force to a site closer to our work area. It took about a week to get everyone moved. We had a limited number of vehicles

and only certain sections of people moved on certain days. In order to maintain morale in our company after leaving our area, we designed our own MWR, cyber caf, and gym. Being utilized well by our Soldiers, these commodities were well worth the time and effort to set up. The MWR (morale, welfare, and recreation) consists of several couches, a big screen TV with a DVD player, tables, chairs, a foosball table, a few dozen books, a dozen board

games, several card games, a dozen or so decks of cards, and a small kitchen area filled with snacks, drinks, and plastic ware. Our cyber caf includes 12 internet lines so Soldiers can take their personal computers in there and get online. The gym has a treadmill and elliptical or two, dozens of weights and weight benches, medicine balls, kettle bells, and few other pieces of workout equipment. Overall, the Soldiers are comfortable.

Page 2

Soldiers Get Stuck With Medics

SSG Lee was pumped up as 15

Soldiers from 326 gathered in the Sapper Shack to certify in Combat Life Saver (CLS). Two of those Soldiers were from HHC, as well as all of the instructors. Unbeknownst to them, they were in for a treat! The class was separated into ten different lessons: 1.)Introduction to Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC), 2.) Care Under Fire, 3.) Tactical Field Care, 4.) Controlling Bleeding, 5.)Opening and Managing a Casualtys Airway,

6.)Treating a Penetrating Chest Trauma, 7.)Initiating a Field Medical Card (and TCCC card), 8.)Requesting a Medical Evacuation (9 Line Medevac Request), 9.)Tactical Casulty Movement, and 10.) Evacuating a Casualty Using a Litter. With each lesson, there was the material and then hands on exercises. After all the lessons and exercises, they took a written test. All who attended the class passed and certified. The most memorable lesson for everyone was lesson 5: Opening and Managing a Casualtys Airway.

This lessons hands on exercise consisted of putting a Nasopharyngeal (NPA) up your partners nasal passage. Everyone had to do it. It was quite the spectacle to watch everyone get a tube put up their nose. The next week, the medics gave another class on how to administer an I.V. There were about 20 personnel present in this class, taking place in our Brigade Conference Room. Everyone had to stick someone and get stuck with an I.V., as well.

Volume 1, Issue 3

Page 3

Pictured from front to back: SPC Vega, SSG Concepcion, SPC Velsacorios SGT Kolb, SPC Ragsdale, and SSG Emanuel Not Pictured: CPT Blakemore SPC Velascorios preparing for her future in the music business.

S-1: Human Resources In the month of June, the

S-1 prepared approximately 36 promotion packets and 21 promotion board packets. One of the Soldiers was our own Specialist Ragsdale. We continue to track and process over 800 awards for the companies within the Task Force. The month of June also brought a new NCO to the office. Staff Sergeant Concepcion joined the S-1 team from Sustainment Brigade. She has continued to be a valuable asset in the shop, in particular, taking the lead on developing an in depth awards tracker. Our awards processing will continue until the very end. We are looking forward to remaining busy and finishing up the deployment. -SGT Jason Kolb

The S2 shop has been busy keeping

an eye on the threats to Task Force Sapper Eagle. Since SGT Letner went on R&R, SGT Phillips has taken over as NCOIC of the S2 section. He is thoroughly enjoying going to numerous (but always worthwhile) meetings. While SGT Hayes was on R&R, the powers that be decided to send him to 591st. He got to spend a little more time with the S2 section before he leaves us. S2 has made a

lot of great memories working with SGT Hayes and we will definitely miss him. He is eager to go do Sapper things, so we are happy for him. To replace SGT Hayes, S2 received a new Soldier: PFC O'Gibney, originally from 511th. He is doing well learning how to be an analyst instead of a Sapper. In other news, CPT Diaz perfected his handstands.

S-2: Intelligence

The S-2 shop consisting of CPT Diaz, 1LT Morse, SGT Hayes, SGT Phillips, and PFC OGibney is very photogenic. They try to keep team cohesion and morale by making things interesting. Not appearing in any of these pictures is SGT Letner.

Page 4


S-3: Plans, Operations, Construction, and the TOC

Wallace, SSG Renfroe and SSG Torres and Battle Captains, welcome to LT Lammers and LT Ziegler along with CPT Parnell do a superb job of keeping the - Brigade and Battalion up to date on the 1LT Isabelle Morse current situations around Iraq. We said goodbye to LT Rupert who moved on to 511th Engineer Company. Major Morgan Over the last 100 days the S-3 has been rarely ever sleeps and drinks all the coffee along with MSG Perez they both wear working hard to maintain situational awaremany hats and somehow manage to keep ness of the IJOA for the Battalion Commander and CSM. We have been putting in it all together. They are truly an amazing countless hours of planning for our upcom- team as they seem to be able to make ing moves to start the process of redeploying things appear out of thin air sometimes. SFC McBryar also wears a few hats servour units back to home station all the while ings as the assistant Operations NCOIC maintaining daily operations of the Task for MSG Perez and covering down on Force. SGT LaCosta, PFC Martin, SPC Anderson and PFC Stein have maintained our 1SG and CSM duties while they are away communications with other units sometimes on missions and leave. All in all the working without a day off for two weeks and motto is roll with the punches; it will change in an hour. do it with a smile. Our Battle NCOs SGT
MAJ Morgan gives SSG Renfroe the oath of reenlistment.

Pictured from L to R: CPT Wyatt, CPT Anderson, CPT Parnell, CPT Burch, MAJ Morgan, PFC Stein, SSG Renfroe, 1LT Zeigler, CPT Kraus Not Pictured: 2LT Lammers, MSG Perez, SFC McBryer, SSG Torres, SGT Lacosta, SGT Wallace, SPC Anderson, and PFC Martin

The S-4 section was very busy dur-

S-4: Supply

ing the month of June. While some of the section was enjoying the nice weather on R&R, those of us still here were planning on how we could further help the companies in this drawdown process. This usually meant we were running around visiting the SSA, SSSC, DHL, etc. The section played a big part in the Leaders Conference, making sure we had drinks and food for all of the members of the conference.

The next day, we all participated in some way shape or form in the Fathers Day Run. SSG Ruiz and SGT Espaillat got all of the supplements to provide to the runners once they crossed the finish line, while SGT Tauai gave T-Shirts to those lucky few. 2LT Bannon, CW2 Dasal, CW2 Guisti, and 1LT Smith participated in the run/walk. 2LT Maureen Bannon

Pictured from L to R: 1LT Smith, SGT TauaI, 2LT Bannon, CW2 Dasal, and SGT Espaillat Not Pictured: CW2 Guisi, SSG Ruiz, and SSG Everette

S-6: Commo
Today is a wonderful day to be part of
been commended by various staff members as to their ability to get the the Task Force Sapper Eagles. The job done! This month brings a lot Task Force S6 shop has been quite busy of R&R to the shop as well. SSG trying to ensure the Battalion staff has the ability to communicate effectively to Osisanya, CPT Sirmans, Specialists the subordinate units. There were two Romo and Gresko all were able to take a break and go see their famipromotions for the month of July. lies. Once they are all back they will Private First Class Josh Romo and be ready for things to get busier in Private First Class Stacy Henderson were both promoted to Specialist with reparation for the eventual drawPictured from L to R: SPC Henderson, SPC an effective date of 1 July 2011. Spe- down Gresko, CPT Sirmans, cialists Romo and Henderson have SSG Osisanya, SPC Johnson, and SPC Romo. -CPT J. Lee Sirmans Volume 1, Issue 3 Page 5

Soldier remained qualified on their respective weapons. And we had three Soldiers that diligently providing medical care worked hard and earned their promotion to and training for the Soldiers of the next rank. SGT Reichlin was promoted Task Force Sapper Eagle. During from SPC to SGT. SPCs Murray and Hoffman the past month, we completed a wealth of were promoted from PFC to SPC. Other than training, both medical and Soldier-related. that, we continue to maintain the combat Three Soldiers (SGT Reichlin, SPC Huffman, power of Task Force Sapper Eagle. and PFC Alfaro-Caddes) completed MRAP -SSG William Lee RG-33L Drivers Training. Two Soldiers (SPC Hoffman and SPC Ketzer) completed MRAP Pictured from L to R: Back: SGT Reichlin, CPT Husky Drivers Training. Four Soldiers (SSG Gottschalk, SPC Murray, SSG Lee, PFC AlfaroLee, SGT Reichlin, SPC Huffman, and SPC Caddes, Front: SPC Huffman, SPC Hoffman Not Pictured: PFC Drew Hoffman) went to the M16 range, where each

The Medical Section has been


The months of
June and July have been some of the warmer months here in Iraq with temperatures soaring daily into the triple digits, despite the heat, PSD PLT has not slowed down and is successfully completing their mission to provide security for the Battalion Pictured from L to R: Back: PFC Young, PFC Garcia, PFC Drew, PV2 Commander and Command SerMartinez, PFC Guenther, PV2 Brown geant Major. Under 1LT Hanley, Front: 1LT Shaneman, SGT Magofna, PFC Creamer, SGT Dixon, SGT Martin, PFC Parks, SGT Hardwick, and SFC Brown. PSD performed exceptionally in Not Pictured: SPC Allan, SPC Ketzer, SPC Henderson, and PFC Grey providing escort and security for PSD: Personal Security Detachment the construction and resupply convoys in
These Soldiers are chosen by the company command and their leadership, and are presented to the battalion commander weekly.

support of Task Force Loyalty. Their hard work and flexibility was a key contributor to 326th EN BNs success in support of that tragic event. At the end of June, and in the first days of July PSD had to say good bye to their Platoon Leader, 1LT Hanley. 1LT Hanley was fundamental in the creating and evolving the PSD PLT into the flexible and lethal PLT that it is now. She has done an excellent job in training and meeting all the challenges that come with creating and running a PLT. The PLT wishes her the best of luck, and success in her future jobs and challenges. The 1st PLT Leader from the 511th Sapper Company, 1LT Shaneman, has been moved and charged with the command of the PSD. -1LT Greg Shaneman

Soldiers of the Week!


SPC Huffman received a coin from the brigade commander and command sergeant major for his excellence in the Engineer Memorial Day 5K Run. He has also taught and certified over 40 Soldiers in the battalion Combat Life Saver (CLS) class.


BATTALION PSD PFC Garcia is one of the best drivers for PSD. He is always the first to volunteer for any mission.


Soldiers of the Week, Continued From Page 6

SGT Reichlin certified in Field Sanitation and the RG33L+ (military vehicle) as well as completed over 200 hours of Army Correspondence Courses. He is one of the battalions primary instructors for CLS.


PFC Martin has been working hard as an RTO in the battalion S3 shop. He has lost 45 pounds and 8% body fat since deploying in January.


SSG Stoves managed to turn in over $2 million of excess equipment. She also utilized amnesty day to turn in $50,000 worth of unneeded supplies.


SPC Burnham had the idea for the Sapper Eagle MWR. She coordinated the whole thing on her own, but acquired the supplies and set it up with the help of few other Soldiers.


SPC Givens coordinated for Company Laundry Drop Off/Pick Up. Soldiers of our company are able to drop off their laundry at her office on Mondays and Thursdays. She takes it to the laundry place, then picks it up when its done. Soldiers are then able to pick up their clean laundry from her office.

Join our Facebook page! www.facebook.com/pages/Task-Force-Sapper-Eagle/142308099170737 ...or search for Task Force Sapper Eagle
Follow the Battalion on Twitter! http://www.twitter.com/326engineer_BN

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Contact the HHC Public Affairs Officer: SPC Kylee Burnham: kylee.burnham@us.army.mil
Volume 1, Issue 3 Page 7

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