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Therefore, the main reasons of religious conflicts world wide are the differences
among the beliefs of a certain religion, having no respect with each others traditions that
sometimes may lead to competitions of who is the mightiest disregarding the true
definition of’s the people who don’t have unity creating conflicts in religion.
There are food shortages world wide because of the overpopulation, the higher the
demands the more the resources are being limited, there are people who don’t mind
wasting foods yet there are empty stomachs who are crying begging for food, because of
too much buildings and infrastructures,the sources of food are being lessened, and also
because the government does not give support to our agricultural industry.

Impeachment is the way to correct the wrong system of the government and the
official himself, each who committed such wrong deeds that abide the law must take the
punishment but his or her side must be heard first before proceeding to judgments,
because each one has the right to defend his or her side, to have the equal justice. To have
peace we must begin within ourselves, put God in the center of all to resist evilness that
may lead to bad deeds, build up unity instead of barriers, never be a one sided person,
learn to listen and forgive when someone has done wrong.


Every people deserves to be heard, never judge someone each one flaws without
reading the whole story, respect begets respect.Every individuals must be fed according
to how he or she deserves but we can’t deny the fact that in today’s generation, money
runs everything, laziness occurs, if we will disregard these practices everything would be
as peaceful as we expected, redefine tomorrow, learn to cross roads, never be afraid to
walk over the splinters of the broken glass, because there is nothing to be cured if there is
no pains. Always put in mind that God is the mightiest among all, He controls everything,
we must be afraid if He will be the one who will take over the judgment.

Inequality must be thrown away, justice must take over, let the conscience do its
duty. Put up discipline within ourselves to plutocrat the true essence of peace and unity,
know the flame on every fire before throwing water on it. Never isolate the goodness
inside our souls because in the mirrors of silence there is a cure for a toxic society, and
have a mindset full of positivities because living in peace is worth more than a countless
gold bars.

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