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Journal of Cleaner Production 366 (2022) 132878

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Interplay between corporate social responsibility and organizational green

culture and their role in employees’ responsible behavior towards the
environment and society
Changjian Pan a, Jawad Abbas b, Susana Álvarez-Otero c, Hina Khan d, Cheng Cai e, *
Tea Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou, China
Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Oviedo, Spain
Department of Business Administration, Iqra University, Islamabad, Pakistan
School of Accounting, Hubei University of Economics, Wuhan, Hubei, China


Handling Editor: Dr. Govindan Kannan Organizational green culture and corporate social responsibility are known for their significant role in organi­
zational and societal development. However, it is rarely known whether such corporate activities inspire their
Keywords: employees to act in an environmentally and socially responsible fashion outside their firms or not. Following the
Organizational green culture Operant Conditioning theory, the current research analyzes the link between CSR and OGC and their role in
Business strategy
workers’ responsible behavior toward the environment and society at the individual level outside their orga­
Employee responsible behavior
nization. Data were collected from members of private and public manufacturing and services firms and analyzed
Sustainable society
Sustainable development via structural equation modeling, which indicated that OGC significantly inspires workers to behave environ­
Corporate social responsibility mentally and socially responsible manner outside their firms. However, an insignificant relationship is found
between organizational CSR activities and employees’ responsible behavior towards the environment and so­
ciety, suggesting that employees only show this behavior within the organizations. Moreover, firms having green
culture actively participate in CSR activities. This research is among the pioneer investigations that focus on
promoting workers’ environmentally and socially responsible behavior, which can serve as a foundation to
transform society into a sustainable civilization.

1. Introduction marketing efforts to portray themselves as environmentally friendly

(Ayayi and Wijesiri, 2022) and socially responsible. The ultimate goal is
Organizational strategies play a critical role in the development of to achieve a competitive advantage through increased customer trust
nations and economies (Abbas and Dogan, 2022). However, their pro­ (Yu et al., 2022).
duction activities significantly damage the natural environment, espe­ Culture is the internal element of organizations, and green culture
cially the deterioration of natural resources and increased pollution (OGC) ensures that organizational activities are pro-environmental and
(Ayayi and Wijesiri, 2022). Considering the significant decline in natural support the natural environment (Muisyo and Qin, 2021). It is a
resources and worsening the natural climate, the United Nations (2020) collection of artifacts, assumptions, and values reflecting firm activities
urged organizations to transform their operations into green so that they to encourage environmentally friendly or sustainable operations (Lee
can comply with the current requirements without jeopardizing the et al., 2022). From the OGC perspective, it is not enough to only prevent
needs of future generations. As customers become more conscious of the pollution and produce environment-friendly products (Muisyo and Qin,
environment and the market’s competitive nature, businesses take 2021). Firms must think, seek, and act green (Liu and Lin, 2020). On the
various measures to improve their reputation and performance (Lee, other hand, primarily, CSR is an external phenomenon that focuses on
2020). Corporate social responsibility (CSR), green culture, recyclable voluntary organizational activities toward different stakeholders (Kim,
products, and other green practices are part of many companies’ 2022), such as employees, customers, and society (Abbas, 2020). In CSR,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Cai).
Received 27 December 2021; Received in revised form 10 June 2022; Accepted 23 June 2022
Available online 28 June 2022
0959-6526/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Pan et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 366 (2022) 132878

firms align their financial and economic goals with ethical standards 2021). Culture serves as a force that holds organizations together and
(Latif et al., 2022). Dynamic firms discuss it in their vision, mission, and reshapes employees’ commitment, attitudes, and behavior (Shahriari
values (Deng et al., 2022). et al., 2022). OGC refers to widely accepted values involving shared
CSR and OGC play essential roles in organizational activities and beliefs, norms, practices, and perspectives that guide all organizational
reputation (Kumari et al., 2021a). Many researchers have studied them members to behave in eco-friendly manners (Yeşiltaş et al., 2022). It is
from different contexts. For instance, Latif et al. (2022) stated that diversified as an environmentally friendly and sustainability-oriented
employee-oriented CSR initiatives by firms promote pro-environmental culture (Lee et al., 2022), based on taking the culture of organizations
behavior among employees, further building corporate reputation. Lee to a green framework to achieve environmental balance.
et al. (2022) mentioned that green culture helps firms and nations to Culture has significant importance in any organization and has a
achieve green economy objectives. Muisyo and Qin (2021) linked green prominent effect on employees (Cherian et al., 2021) and, as a whole, on
culture with green human resource management (GHRM) practices, the organization. OGC promotes a healthier work environment through
which facilitates firms in achieving green innovation objectives. Simi­ increased efficiency and incentives (Abbas and Dogan, 2022). Green
larly, Shahriari et al. (2022) stated that OGC assists workers in evolving organizations tend to follow technologies and practices that reduce their
pro-environmental behaviors within the organization by shaping their operations’ harmful effects on the natural environment (Qu et al., 2021).
green behaviors. However, organizations can’t achieve their green business objectives
OGC and CSR are organizational-level strategies and are proven to solely by concentrating on the natural resources used in their operations.
have a significant impact on organizational reputation and performance They must stretch it to their human capital by instilling the concept of
(Abbas and Kumari, 2021). Such organizations’ employees behave green employee behavior in their attitudes and behaviors.
within firms in an environment-friendly and responsible manner.
However, it is rarely known whether they depict socially and environ­ 2.2.1. Green culture and individual behavior
mentally responsible behavior in society or not. This study proposes that The phrase “organizational behavior” relates to how workers
employees of firms having green culture (being the internal aspect) and perform and behave inside their enterprise and how their actions affect
involved in CSR activities (mainly external elements) use to demonstrate the company’s functioning (Satyendra, 2020; Yeşiltaş et al., 2022).
environmentally and socially responsible behavior in society. This Additionally, it investigates individual behavior in the context of an
research’s findings will provide valuable insights into promoting em­ organization (Cherian et al., 2021), particularly the interaction between
ployees’ socially and environmentally responsible attitudes and the organization and human behavior and the firm itself. It is intrinsi­
behavior through OGC and CSR for a sustainable community. Addi­ cally related to the firm’s culture, decision-making, and leadership
tionally, it would provide invaluable insight to business management (Lakshmi and Shree, 2020). Humans are an organization’s most valuable
and related stakeholders to make their employees better citizens, lead­ asset (Habib et al., 2019), and their job happiness (Khan and Abbas,
ing to the formation of a better society. 2022), work processes, and relationships are shaped by culture. Addi­
tionally, it functions as a code of behavior and attitude for employees.
2. Literature and theory Dynamic organizations continually develop new strategies for managing
employee behavior to maintain a balanced system (Kumari et al., 2022),
2.1. Theory of operant conditioning even when the equilibrium is less than optimum for organizational
prosperity (Yeşiltaş et al., 2022).
Skinner’s Operant Conditioning theory is frequently used to examine Organizational staff members are intentionally acculturated into
individual behavior, learning, and psychology (Skinner, 1948). It is also organizational culture presumptions (Xiao et al., 2022; Zhang et al.,
known as instrumental conditioning. Multiple researchers, such as 2022). One way of passing on cultural principles and ethics is through
Vikram (2019), Overskeid (2018), and Edwards (2016), have oper­ corporate standards and norms (Mendis and Welmilla, 2021), which
ationalized this theory in their behavioral studies. Skinner believed that help to determine employee behavior per organizational principles and
the best way to study human behavior is to look at the reasons that are moral values (Imran and Jingzu, 2022). Culture serves as a productive
the causes of actions and their consequences (Skinner, 1938). In operant means of regulating employee attitudes towards activities considered
conditioning, consequences of response cause the probability of it being essential for organizational success (Khan et al., 2022). When an orga­
repeated. Skinner contributed to the conception of behavior shaped by nization’s green culture exists, employees are motivated to act envi­
successive approximation. He explained that operant conditioning could ronmentally friendly and adhere to eco-friendly ideas and practices
be used to develop complex behaviors if punishments and rewards are (Beksultanova et al., 2022), such as minimizing printing, turning off
given to encourage them to get closer to desired behavior each time lights, and using recyclable items (Aggarwal and Agarwala, 2022).
(McLeod, 2018). Firms appreciate employees who tend to follow orga­ Environmental perspectives and the behavior of employees can
nizational norms and regulations and promote an environment-friendly decrease the detrimental impact of organizational activities on the
and green culture within an organizational setup from an institutional natural environment (Ayayi and Wijesiri, 2022). In this situation, not
perspective. Such behavior becomes part of their personality, and they only should firms behave green, but their employees should also act
tend to strengthen corporate culture and build reputation at all levels green (Abbas, 2020). Firms cannot achieve green goals without making
(Manzoor et al., 2021). Based on the context of reshaping individual their employees green. The top management must educate employees
behavior, this study claims that when an employee works in a firm about the importance and benefits of green culture through workshops
actively engaged in social responsibility activities and follows green and seminars (AlSuwaidi et al., 2021) so that employees also behave in
culture, such practices reshape their behavior, and employee absorbs it socially and environmentally responsible manners. Greening the culture
in their personality. Thus, they follow green and socially responsible is not a unidimensional concept. It encompasses how employees believe
activities within firms and society. this behavior is critical to different organizational groups and in­
dividuals and how employees trust that this thinking is encouraged all
2.2. Organizational green culture over the firm (Mendis and Welmilla, 2021).
Researchers are always concerned about employees’ positive and
Organizational culture refers to the set of values, beliefs, behavior, negative attitudes at work and how it affects the environment’s effi­
and morals that guide employees in decision-making at their uncon­ ciency. For instance, Mendis and Welmilla (2021) studied the green
scious level (Roy and Gottlieb, 2021). It is a collection of mutual un­ consciousness of employees. They concluded that employees could help
derstandings, standards, principles, behaviors (Yoo et al., 2021), and make their workplace and environment more environmentally friendly
morals of an organization that can motivate employees (Azhar and Yang, for themselves and future generations by making small lifestyle changes

C. Pan et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 366 (2022) 132878

and being conscious of going green. them from competitors in customers’ minds (Kumari et al., 2021a).
Ren et al. (2020) said that GHRM practices alter employees’ attitude Multiple studies, such as Chian (2021), Viererbl and Koch (2022), Abbas
and drive it toward green commitment. Paillé et al. (2020) studied (2020), etc., have established that CSR initiatives facilitate firms in
GHRM using three techniques, i.e., training, involvement, and perfor­ achieving this target. The main idea of CSR is that businesses should pay
mance, and investigated their impact on individual environmental a significant portion of their profit for the betterment of society. This
performance. They concluded that green training by the organization role can be socially or environmentally beneficial for society (Abbas and
significantly improves individual environmental performance. Dogan, 2022) or individuals who can be affected by organizational so­
Chaudhary (2020) examined the role of GHRM practices in workers’ cial operations (Herrera and Heras-Rosas, 2020). According to Chian
pro-environmental behavior (task and voluntary performance) using (2021), CSR can be assumed to be geographical, societal, indeterminate,
personal environmental values as moderators and organizational iden­ and cultural. It includes ethical practices which bring constructive re­
tification as a mediator. She stated that GHRM positively predicts sults for organizations. Additionally, it provides stability for clients tied
employee voluntary green behavior and task-related activities. Daily to specific moral and ethical ideals (Kim, 2022) as clients recognize the
and Huang (2021) studied the role of human resource factors, such as businesses they contact. CSR also helps build corporate reputations,
employee empowerment, employee training, leadership support, and resulting in more loyal customers (Hwang et al., 2022), improved sup­
reward system, as critical environmental management and sustainability plier relationships, and dedicated and motivated employees, among
processes. other benefits (Kumari et al., 2021b).
Choong et al. (2022) studied the employees’ perception of green Herrera and Heras-Rosas (2020) said that CSR could take on a variety
work climate and their green behavior. They concluded that a green of meanings depending on how an individual views the organization
work climate positively affects the green activities of workers at the that is pursuing it. It is believed to be an organizational policy that
workplace. Green culture changes employees’ perspectives and helps warrants integrating organizational interests with society’s and stake­
them view the world in a more nature-loving way (Fu et al., 2022). OGC holders’ interests (Kazmi and Abbas, 2021), such as donations for needy
benefits from its employees’ awareness of the management of the people, resolving the social problem, facilitating community develop­
environment. A green organization is akin to a sizable workforce ment, etc. Besides creating economic value for the firms, CSR also
actively involved in CSR initiatives (Chian, 2021). Employees become strengthens communities (Malik et al., 2021). It is a social advantage for
eco-friendly during their work and in their everyday lives. Therefore, it creating value, competitive spirit, and creativity in dynamic firms
is essential to have people who care about the external environment. (AlSuwaidi et al., 2021). CSR also helps all company members work
There is explicit literature on the role of OGC in employee perfor­ together to benefit the firm and society (Chian, 2021). Freitas et al.
mance (Cherian et al., 2021), corporate reputation, and employee green (2020) linked CSR with organizational GHRM activities and found that
behavior within the firm (Azhar and Yang, 2021). However, it is rarely effective GHRM practices strengthen organizational CSR activities.
mentioned whether or not workers of companies having a green culture Particularly, recruitment and selection, performance evaluation, and
perform responsibly socially and environmentally outside of their or­ teamwork practices of GRHM play a critical role in an effective CSR
ganization. According to this study, OGC encourages workers to practice performance.
eco-friendly behaviors within the organization. Such practices get The review of the literature indicates that CSR has evolved into a
absorbed in employees’ personalities, and they not only behave green critical component of corporate strategy for four primary reasons. First,
within their firms but also tend to follow similar practices outside their it can generate wealth by encouraging people to pay a premium for a
firms in the society. Thus, the following hypotheses are proposed; brand they know and trust (Okafor et al., 2021). Second, in industrial­
ized countries, customer expectations of firms grow and must be met
H1. Green culture of the firm motivates its employees to depict
(Hsu et al., 2022). Thirdly, it has repercussions for global operations and
environmental-responsible behavior in the society
information freedom. Corporate carelessness regarding CSR is readily
H2. Green culture of the firm motivates its employees to depict social- available, and communication between joint measures coordination and
responsible behavior in the society Fig. 1 active groups are generally recognized and appreciated. Finally, CSR
promotes resource and energy conservation (Latif et al., 2022). Given
2.3. Corporate social responsibility the finite nature of Earth’s resources, an organization’s use of them
should be prudent and careful (Ahsan et al., 2020). Businesses that fail to
Organizations must create a unique individuality that can distinguish consider the influence of their activities on the environment and people

Fig. 1. Research framework.

C. Pan et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 366 (2022) 132878

may face penalties from legislators, socially engaged organizations, and 3. Methodology
unwanted press (Frynas and Yamahaki, 2019).
3.1. Target population and sampling procedure
2.3.1. Corporate social responsibility and employee behavior
The organizational environment has a critical role in determining an This research focuses on employees holding managerial positions,
organization’s commitment to CSR (Liu and Lin, 2020). Businesses that including top, middle, and first-line management, and the non-
engage in CSR efforts see immediate or indirect benefits within and managerial workers at enterprises in Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad.
outside their companies (Ahmed et al., 2020). Modern businesses keep These regions were chosen since they represent the country’s most
their staff informed about their CSR initiatives. According to Latif et al. frequently visited business destinations. The researchers concentrated
(2022), firms devoted to CSR involve employees who have on manufacturing and service firms that are public, commercial, or
eco-responsible attitudes in activities that promote employees’ well­ semi-government.
being. Positive attitudes toward social responsibility contribute to em­ Due to the cross-sectional nature of the current research conducted in
ployees’ wellbeing (Malik et al., 2021). AlSuwaidi et al. (2021) stated several institutes and locations, it wasn’t easy for the researchers to get
that organizational socially responsible initiatives also educate and train to everyone in the population. For this reason, as suggested by Sekaran
workers and modify their behavior within an organization. (2003), the authors opted for the convenience sampling technique.
When firms practice social responsibility, their employees regard Before commencing the comprehensive survey, as Hinkin (1998) sug­
them as distinctive, respectable, and a source of pride (Kumari et al., gested, a pilot study was performed on 43 respondents, and initial re­
2021a). Dynamic businesses believe that including employees in orga­ sults presented constructs’ internal consistency with values ranging
nizational efforts strengthens their commitment to achieving corporate from 0.68 to 0.91. On this basis, a comprehensive survey of 832 in­
goals (Matsuo and Aihara, 2021). As a result, many enterprises adopt dividuals was initiated, with 318 completed responses received. How­
employee-centric CSR programs as a strategic strategy (Latif et al., ever, during the screening of data (missing values or outliers), 17 replies
2022). Farid et al. (2019) proposed the same in their study by focusing were removed, resulting in 301 useable responses. The respondents were
on staff engaged in Pakistan’s financial institutions and observed that approached via self-administration or making questionnaires available
CSR positively impacts employees’ work engagement and corporative on Google Drive. Data were collected by making it available on Google
behavior. Drive as well as through self-administration between February and May
The extant CSR literature demonstrates CSR’s value in business 2021.
performance, employee engagement, organizational reputation, em­
ployees’ responsible behavior within the firm, and organizational citi­
zenship behavior, among other things. However, just a few studies have 3.2. Measuring instrument
examined the significance of organizational CSR initiatives in fostering
employees’ social and environmental stewardship beyond the firm (in The questionnaire was divided into five sections where the first
the society). According to the behavioral psychology or behaviorism section focused on the participants’ demographic information like
paradigm, people’s actions are shaped by their surroundings. The cur­ gender, age, position, etc. The second section included questions about
rent investigation asserts that because the human resource of socially green culture; this section selected items from Wang’s (2019) and
responsible firms exhibits environmentally responsible attitudes and Mendis and Welmilla’s (2021) studies. The third, fourth, and fifth seg­
behaviors within the firm, they demonstrate similar attitudes and be­ ments represented items for CSR, employee behavior towards society,
haviors outside the organization. Thus, the following hypotheses are and employee behavior towards the environment. Their items were
proposed; taken from Lewin et al. (2020), Mayer et al. (2018), Abbas (2020), Chen
et al. (2021), Mendis and Welmilla (2021), and Malik et al. (2021),
H3. Corporate social responsibility initiatives positive predict em­
respectively. All questions were rated on a 5-point Likert scale, with 1
ployees’ environmental-responsible behavior in the society
indicating strong disagreement and 5 indicating strong agreement.
H4. Corporate social responsibility initiatives positive predict em­
ployees’ socially-responsible behavior in the society
3.3. Analysis of data
CSR refers to a set of self-regulating and inspirational actions that
help a business improve its reputation (Abbas, 2020; Viererbl and Koch,
The researchers used the structural equation modeling (SEM)
2022). It also strengthens the organizational capacity to be responsible
approach to analyze the association between CSR and OGC initiatives
for and respected by stakeholders (Chian, 2021). As a result,
and their role in employees’ responsible conduct toward the natural
social-ethical norms were created in response to the company’s objec­
environment and society. One of the advantages of the SEM technique is
tives. CSR is a broad phrase that refers to various company actions such
that it can eliminate biases induced by measurement mistakes and may
as sustainable sourcing, volunteerism, community participation, ethical
also be used to create the hierarchy of latent components (Prajogo and
labor practices, and environmental conservatism. CSR has numerous
Cooper, 2010). AMOS v.27 and SPSS v.27 were operationalized to
facets, including resolving social concerns, improving environmental
analyze the data. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test was used to determine the
and social conditions, developing societies, and making philanthropic
sample’s adequacy. The collected data revealed a value of 0.922, which
donations to the poor (Shahzad et al., 2020). CSR may be augmented
consistently satisfies Kaiser and Rice’s 0.6 criteria (Kaiser and Rice,
when businesses face backlash for predicted green behavior or when
1974). The authors quantified multicollinearity using the variance
companies consider sustainability goals (Abbas and Dogan, 2022). Ac­
inflation factor (VIF), which had a value of 2.993. This number signifi­
cording to this analysis, OGC catalyzes CSR initiatives and is effective
cantly satisfies Hair et al.’s (2010) criteria of lower than 4, showing that
due to its environmental management and wellbeing initiatives. As a
multicollinearity is not an issue. Harman’s single factor test determined
result, a firm with a robust green culture is synonymous with one
the common method bias (CMB). Xie et al. (2022) (2017) stated that
committed to CSR. Firms that follow the green culture advocate CSR
CMB is a significant problem in empirical investigations, and authors
strategies that aid in achieving sustainability goals. Thus, the following
must guarantee its absence before doing structural analysis. The CMB
hypothesis is proposed;
result suggested an individual factor loading of 38.19 percent. Accord­
H5. Organizational green culture is a significant positive predictor of ing to Podsakoff et al. (2012), there seems to be no concern with CMB in
firm engagement in socially responsible activities data if the contribution of a single factor to the total variance is less than
50%.Table 1.

C. Pan et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 366 (2022) 132878

Table 1 greater. The discriminant validity study is shown in Table 3. As per

Demographic characteristics of participants. Fornell and Larcker (1981) and Hair et al. (2010) recommended criteria,
Particulars Description Values % all discriminant validity requirements are met. Moreover, all constructs
have appropriate discriminant validity.
Gender Male 186 61.79%
Female 111 36.88% As per Kaynak (2003), the model’s goodness of fit is quantified using
Prefer not to disclose 4 1.33% seven indicators: the root means square error of approximation
Age Less than 20 31 10.30% (RMSEA), standardized root mean square residual (SRMR), the
20–30 102 33.89% chi-square to the degree of freedom (ϰ2/DF), normative fit index (NFI),
31–40 95 31.56%
41–50 58 19.27%
the goodness of fit index (GFI), comparative fit index (CFI), adjusted
50 + 15 4.98% goodness of fit index (AGFI), and Tucker-Lewis index (TLI). The ϰ2/DF
Qualification Undergraduate 35 11.63% value for the measurement model presented a 1.624 value, which meets
Graduate 78 25.91% Byrne’s (1989) criteria of less than 2. Additionally, it satisfies Bagozzi
Post Graduate 174 57.81%
and Yi’s (1988) condition of less than three. The examination of the
Ph.D. or Certification 14 4.65%
Length of services in the Organization Less than 2 4 1.33% other indicators, TLI, CFI, GFI, AGFI, and NFI, likewise meets the con­
2–5 years 98 32.56% ditions set forth by Bentler and Bonett (1980), Bagozzi and Yi (1988),
6–10 years 145 48.17% McDonald and Marsh (1990), and Byrne (1989), all of which indicate
More than 10 years 74 24.58% that values be more than 0.9. Further, RMSEA and SRMR values also
Organizational Position Non-Managerial 152 50.50%
1st Line Manager 82 27.24%
effectively matched the suggested values. The structural model also
Middle Line Manager 52 17.28% presented satisfactory results; all indices match the recommended
Top Line Manager 15 4.98% criteria (see Table 4). The RMSEA value of 0.039 satisfies Browne and
Organization Type Manufacturing 132 43.85% Cudeck’s (1992) criteria for a value less than 0.8. Finally, the result of
Services 169 56.15%
SRMR is 0.0476, which meets Hu and Bentler’s (1998) criteria for SRMR
to be less than 0.08. These findings demonstrate that the structural and
3.4. Measurement and structural model measurement models adequately fit the data (see Table 4 for details).
Table 5.
The researchers used confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to guarantee
that all construct components were included in the measurement model. 4. Hypotheses testing and discussion
According to Hinkin (1998), CFA ensures the unidimensionality and
validity of the measurement model. The researchers verified the data’s This study aims to determine the relationship between CSR and OGC
reliability using Cronbach’s Alpha, which returned a value of 0.884, and their role in organizational members’ (employees) responsible
indicating that the data is reliable, as the recommended minimum score conduct towards the environment and society. SEM was used to assess
by Peterson (1994) is 0.6. Additionally, the researcher assessed the the proposed hypotheses. The structural analysis revealed a significant
discriminant and convergent validity of the collected data to determine positive effect of OGC on employees’ responsible behavior towards the
their validity for the current research. Awang (2012) stated that environment in the society, with p-values of 0.268 and β 0.011. Based on
convergent validity could be determined by the factor loading of items, this finding, H1, i.e., the green culture of the firm motivates its em­
which should be greater than 0.5. As shown in Table 2, the studied data ployees to depict environmental-responsible behavior in the society, is
indicate that the factor loading of all variables is greater than 0.5. accepted (see Table 5). This result matches AlSwidi et al.’s (2021)
According to Molina et al. (2007), the average variance extracted findings that OGC promotes green behavior among employees. It also
(AVE) ratio for all constructs should be more than 0.5. As per the find­ relates to Katz et al.’s (2022) literature review study, which mentioned
ings, the values of AVE for all variables were greater than the suggested that OGC reshapes individuals’ behavior and motivates them to behave
0.5 value. Table 2 contains detailed information about AVE values, in a pro-environmental fashion. This indicates that employees of green
composite reliability, and item loading, demonstrating that the results culture firms try to depict an environmentally responsible behavior
match the requirements specified by Awang (2012) and Molina et al. within and outside their firms.
(2007). The discriminant validity test was performed to determine the Examining OGC’s effect on employee responsible behavior towards
distinct nature of all constructs. Fornell and Larcker (1981) stipulate society also indicated positive outcomes with 0.018 p-value and 0.221 β
that the variation across constructs and their indices should equal or values. Hence, H2, i.e., the green culture of the firm motivates its em­
greater than the variance between other constructs. Hair et al. (2010) ployees to depict social-responsible behavior in society, is also accepted.
also recommended that the relation among the pair of forecaster vari­ The finding is consistent with Azhar and Yang’s (2021) research, which
ables should be below 0.9. Discriminant validity can also be determined stated that OGC encourages employees to practice pro-environmental
by computing the square root values of the extracted AVE. The corre­ behavior. It also relates to the Mendis and Welmilla (2021) study,
lation between calculated values and the pair of indicators should be which concluded that a green work climate has a significant positive
impact on the green behavior of employees. These findings indicate that
employees of firms following environment-friendly cultures absorb
Table 2 institutional standards and values in their nature and try to depict
Instrument reliability. similar socially and environmentally accountable behavior in the society
Variable Items Factor Composite AVE they follow within the organization. This finding also proposes that OGC
Loading Reliability guides people’s daily lives, integrating them with nature in a society,
Organizational Green Culture 8 0.741–0.891 0.869 0.677
Corporate Social 12 0.789–0.887 0.848 0.701
Responsibility Table 3
Employee Responsible 13 0.779–0.902 0.889 0.696 Discriminant validity analysis.
Behavior Toward
Environment Variable OGC CSR ERBE ERBS
Employee Responsible 13 0.784–0.885 0.879 0.693 OGC 0.823
Behavior Towards Society CSR 0.542 0.837
1 ERBE 0.574 0.611 0.836
According to Molina et al. (2007) composite reliability value should be ≥ 0.7.
2 ERBS 0.584 0.623 0.645 0.832
According to Molina et al. (2007), the value of AVE should be ≥ 0.5.

C. Pan et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 366 (2022) 132878

Table 4
Analysis of measurement and structural model.
Goodness of fit measures CMIN/DF NFI GFI AGFI CFI TLI RMSEA SRMR
a b b b b b c
Recommended value ≤3 ≥0.9 ≥0.9 ≥0.9 ≥0.9 ≥0.9 ≤0.08 ≤0.8d
Measurement Model 1.601 0.921 0.918 0.901 0.919 0.918 0.039 0.0476
Structural Model 1.624 0.928 0.925 0.916 0.923 0.923 0.041 0.0489
(Bagozzi and Yi, 1988).
(Bentler and Bonett, 1980; McDonald and Marsh, 1990).
(Browne and Cudeck, 1992).
(Hu and Bentler, 1998).

5. Research implications and limitations

Table 5
Testing the hypotheses.
The majority of the extant literature on OGC and CSR emphasizes
Hypothesis Direction Estimate Critical ratio p-Value Decision their contributions to organizational financial success, corporate repu­
H1 OGC → ERBE 0.268 2.783 0.011* Accepted tation, and green employee behavior inside the firm, among other
H2 OGC → ERBS 0.221 2.230 0.018* Accepted things. The current research is among the pioneer investigations to
H3 CSR → ERBE 0.109 1.112 0.068 Rejected
analyze the role of CSR and OGC in employees’ responsible behavior
H4 CSR → ERBS 0.129 1.785 0.061 Rejected
H5 OGC → CSR 0.351 3.776 0.001** Accepted outside of the firm and connect them to their social and environmental
stewardship in society. Nations cannot attain societal sustainability
**p < 0.01; *p < 0.05. objectives without actively fostering socially responsible thinking and
behaviors among the general public. OGC and CSR have the power to
community, and organization. modify employees’ behavior and make it more socially and ecologically
While analyzing the impact of CSR on employee responsible responsible. Thus, businesses must foster an eco-friendly culture within
behavior towards the environment, the authors found positive but their organizations and educate their employees about their CSR ini­
insignificant results with 0.109 β and 0.062 p-values. Although the effect tiatives to internalize these values and adopt similar behaviors within
is positive, considering its insignificance relationship, the H3, i.e., their enterprises and outside. Additionally, this study suggests that or­
corporate social responsibility initiatives positively predict employees’ ganizations’ senior management should support environmentally-
environmental-responsible behavior in society, is rejected. This finding friendly activities in their processes. This will assist firms and govern­
contradicts Jilani et al. (2021) study, where they found that CSR posi­ ments in accomplishing sustainable development goals by extending
tively reshapes students’ behavior towards the environment and moti­ such practices beyond organizations and into society. The current
vates them to behave in an environmentally responsible manner. The research will aid firms’ management, employees, and relevant stake­
current research indicates that employees of sampled firms actively holders by illuminating how they may foster a responsible attitude and
engaged in CSR activities do not adequately depict environmentally conduct among employees toward environmental conservation and so­
responsible behavior in society. Some of the reasons could be the lack of cial development. Additionally, it contributes to the scant literature on
encouragement and awareness by organizational management to em­ the role of CSR and OGC in instilling in employees socially responsible
ployees to opt for environmental-responsible behavior. behavior toward the environment and society.
While examining the effect of CSR on ERBS, the empirical analysis There are a few limitations to this study. For instance, it focuses only
presented an insignificant but positive impact with a 0.061 p-value and on firms located within Pakistan, one of the developing countries in
0.129 β-value. Since the result is insignificant, the H4, i.e., corporate Asia. Additional research should be conducted to validate this concept in
social responsibility initiatives positively predict employees’ socially- other emerging or developed regions. The current study employed a
responsible behavior in society, is also rejected. This finding contra­ quantitative technique to accomplish its goals. Future research may use
dicts Abbas and Dogan (2022) study, where they found a positive rela­ a mixed-method technique to elucidate the aspects that foster environ­
tionship between CSR initiatives and employees’ responsible behavior. mental and social responsibility among workers. Upcoming in­
It negates Lewin et al. ‘s (2020) study, concluding that organizational vestigations can also investigate the role of leadership or motivation in
CSR activities impact their behavior. These findings conclude that if employees’ responsible behavior in society.
firms are involved in CSR activities, it is not always seen that their
employees are also engaged in socially responsible activities on the in­ 6. Conclusion
dividual level in society. One cause could be that businesses do not
adequately inform their workers about their CSR operations and their With the passage of time, the world is experiencing environmental
importance to society. Thus, it is suggested that organizations must issues, such as pollution, global warming, waste disposal, public health,
adequately educate and inform their members about their socially deforestation, etc. Many of such challenges appear to be worsening over
responsible activities and motivate them to follow parallel practices for a time, bringing us to a moment of genuine environmental crisis. Multiple
sustainable society. firms started opting for environment-friendly practices, such as green
The investigation of the OGC’s effect on CSR revealed positive and culture, recyclable products, green processes, CSR, etc., to counter these
significant results with a p-value of 0.001 and 0.351 β-value. This issues and achieve sustainable development goals. However, such
finding suggested the acknowledgment of H5, i.e., organizational green practices must be extended from firms to the general public to achieve
culture is a positive predictor of firm engagement in socially responsible sustainable society goals. This study inspects the role of CSR and OGC
activities. Liu and Lin (2020) also revealed comparable findings from practices in promoting environmentally and socially responsible
China, saying that green-minded businesses participate in more CSR behavior among employees outside their firms and identifies contra­
initiatives than their competitors. This demonstrates that OGC is a dictory findings compared to operant conditioning theory in an orga­
driving factor behind firms’ CSR initiatives and that the surveyed en­ nizational context. The operant conditioning literature suggests that
terprises’ OGC processes are sufficiently linked to CSR objectives. conduct is likely to be repeated due to response consequences. The
findings of employee behavior concerning the green culture demon­
strate constructive effects on the environment and society and match the

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