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Flexible Lifelong Learning Creates a Knowledge Society

B.N. Lee


This paper analyzes in reality, there is no expiration date for being a student. If you
are unable to continue your studies after completing the Malaysian Certificate of
Education (SPM), the opportunity to continue your studies is still there because
learning is a lifelong process. This concept of lifelong learning should be embraced
by the whole community to make Malaysia a developed and developing country in
the future. It can also make young people more competitive and highly competitive
in their careers, including facing the challenges of the gig economy, which is a job
market for short-term contracts or freelance work done by technology-driven people.
digital, as is popular now. Lifelong learning opportunities are truly open for everyone
to add knowledge to their chest. There are several areas of study that can be
learned, as well as new skills.

Keywords: Lifelong learning, Various fields of study, Increasing knowledge

At this time, when all HEIs are trying to stay relevant, public and private universities
are running various methods of offering studies. This matter is also encouraged by
other parties who also offer various courses for the public who are interested in
participating. Not to mention the open sky concept and current technological
advancements that allow mastering knowledge at the fingertips and is not limited to
classrooms or lectures.

In addition, there are also public universities including Universiti Sains Malaysia
(USM) that collaborate with the private sector to offer courses that add new skills
(micro-credentials) up to the bachelor's level, especially to meet the needs of
stakeholders. Among them are studies in the field of organizational management and
minor specialization in food technology to be followed by company employees not
only in this country, but also in countries in the region.

This is one example of how IPT uses its experience to improve knowledge in society
in a creative and innovative way. Some also work with international organizations to
offer coastal studies.

A More Flexible Learning Method

In addition, some higher education institutions also offer many short-term studies at
the certificate and diploma level, providing local learning materials according to
market needs. The learning method is also made more flexible, in addition to face-
to-face there are also online classes. In fact, study offers are also designed
specifically for specific target groups according to stated needs. All this allows the
experience available at the university to be shared more widely to the community.

All of this is very helpful to the community, especially the youth, to increase their
knowledge. New skills and knowledge can add value to people, thus being able to
compete in the labor market. This is important, especially for those who may drop
out after taking the main general exam. Dropping out due to poor performance or
for any other reason should not be an excuse for not adding knowledge. In fact,
lifelong learning is no longer exclusive, but inclusive. It can be accessed by anyone,
anywhere, anytime. Learning opportunities are always open to everyone (Mohamad,

Schools and Institutes of Higher Education (IPTs) were forced to completely change
their education methods online following the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic and
the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO). On a positive note,
online education can produce individuals with Lifelong Learning skills. It is one of the
key skills of the 21st century. Skills that must be mastered to succeed in this
challenging century. These skills require a person to determine what they need to
learn, find information or materials to learn, have self-study skills, and be motivated.

It also allows you to reflect on your learning through self-assessment or other

means. In the context of education, constructivist learning theory is sufficient to
explain this lifelong learning. According to this theory, knowledge is built by students
on top of existing knowledge through specific learning experiences. Ownership of
learning is in the student who has the role of determining what to learn and how.
Therefore, when students decide what they want to learn, motivation comes
intrinsically from the individual involved.

The implementation of online learning requires students to develop lifelong learning

skills. Students can no longer use the first set of thoughts, i.e. waiting for the
teacher or lecturer to speak or give a lecture, before starting to learn. Students must
decide what to learn, find the material posted by the teacher or speaker on the
virtual learning platform, and then organize their own time to research and complete
it. Students must learn to manage time and priorities, what material needs to be
studied and prepared first. In the school context, parents should play a role in
educating their children to acquire these skills by showing examples of scheduling
according to certain subjects, and then giving the child the option to modify the
schedule accordingly. questions.

In the beginning, parents should guide their children in arranging assignments to be

completed and submit them to the teacher virtually. The teacher should give
feedback on the student's work so that they continue to be motivated to complete
the next assignment. Students must also have the opportunity to communicate with
their classmates to discuss assignments and learning. Over time, students may
become more independent to continue this learning online. For college students, this
is the time to hone lifelong learning skills in preparation for the world of work.
Students need to organize their own learning schedule, looking for learning materials
that are different from those provided by the teacher. Similarly, students need to
arrange the time for group assignment discussions, determine the deadline for their
respective work breakdowns so that they can be completed before the assignment

They also have to make various decisions that require problem-solving skills, such as
unstable or weak internet issues and task force members not having internet access
or problematic computers and speakers. Students can no longer rely entirely on
teachers as a source of knowledge, but need to open their minds to researching
other online learning materials. Passing on authentic and correct learning materials
are also lifelong learning skills that need to be developed, such as notes or eBooks
from leading universities, videos, and open learning platforms such as free Massive
Open Online Courses (MOOCs).

Of course, it is not easy to develop these lifelong learning skills. However, COVID-19
and the MCO provide an opportunity to hone skills that are very important to remain
independent in this century. If we want to acquire lifelong learning skills and other
21st century skills, such as problem solving and decision making, teamwork,
managing emotions, information technology and computer literacy, it is necessary to
invest effort in learning (Fatin 2021).

Universiti Saints Malaysia (USM) through the Distance Learning Center (PPPJJ) is one
of the study centers that accepts APEL graduates. PPPJJ offers four undergraduate
programs namely, Bachelor of Management (Honours) majoring in Finance,
Marketing, Strategy and Organizational Management), Bachelor of Science (Honours)
(majoring in Biology and Mathematics), Bachelor of Social Science (Honours)
(specialization in Political Science and Anthropology-Sociology) and Bachelor of Arts
(Hons) (specialization in History and Literature). RPJJ is a flexible academic program
so it is suitable for those who are working to further their studies.

Therefore, students are provided with self-learning modules prepared by trained

teachers. As a pioneer of the lifelong learning agenda in Malaysia, RPJJ has made a
significant contribution to the economic transformation of society and society. To
date, a total of 20,881 people have become RPJJ USM alumni. They consist of
employees who are looking for opportunities to continue their studies to a higher
level up to the degree level in order to improve their knowledge, skills and
qualifications for better career advancement in the government or private sector
(Mohd Rashid, 2022) .

Through an accredited Distance Learning Program (RPJJ) and curriculum related to
the job market, every student will get the best learning experience guaranteed. RPJJ
graduates at USM and other universities will bring positive changes to employers
through higher knowledge and skills that will translate into more productive and
competent work.

1) Mohamad Abdullah. (2022). Lifelong Learning Program Generates Knowledgeable
Society. Penang: University of Science Malaysia.
2) Fatin Aliah Phang. (2021). The best time to improve lifelong learning skills.
Skudai: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
3) Mohd Rashid Abdul Rejab. (2022). Life-long learning. Penang: Center for Distance
Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia

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