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Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000
Transportation Research Procedia 25 (2017) 5282–5290

World Conference on Transport Research - WCTR 2016 Shanghai. 10-15 July 2016
World Conference on Transport Research - WCTR 2016 Shanghai. 10-15 July 2016
Methodology for Evaluating Walking Facilities Based Types of
Methodology for Evaluating Walking Facilities Based Types of
Obstructions Observed on Footpath of Indian Roads
Obstructions Observed on Footpath of Indian Roads
Mukti Advaniaa, Purnima Paridab,b, Manoranjan Paridacc
Mukti Advani , Purnima Parida Manoranjan Parida
Scientist, Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi -110025, India
b a
Senior Principal Central Road Research
Central Institute,Institute,
Road Research New Delhi -110025,
New India India
Delhi -110025,
Senior Principal
c Scientist,
Professor, IndianCentral
InstituteRoad Research Institute,
of Technology, RoorkeeNew Delhi India
- 247667, -110025, India
Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee - 247667, India

It is very important to plan, design and implement non-motorised transport facilities accurately and effectively. For more accurate
It is very important
decisions regarding towalking
plan, design and implement
facilities, evaluation non-motorised
process needs transport
to includefacilities accurately
all the details and effectively.
of obstructions thatFor more
exist on accurate
decisions regarding
path (footpath). walking
In India facilities,
different typesevaluation processhave
of obstructions needs to include
been observedallonthe details ofMany
footpaths. obstructions
of them that exist on
are easier to walking
path (footpath).
compared In India
to others whichdifferent
needs types of obstructions
long term have been
planning. Based observed
on amount andontypes
footpaths. Many of them
of obstructions are easier
including theirtoeffect
walking, antoindex
which needsScorelong
on planning. Based on amount
Types of Obstructions and types
– FOSTO) of obstructions
has been including
developed using their hierarchy
analytical effect on
walking, an index
process (AHP) (Footpath
to assign Score
a score based
value for on Types conditions
footpath of Obstructions
ranging– FOSTO)
from 0 tohas 100.been
have beenusing analytical
collected hierarchya
by capturing
process (AHP)
continuous to assign of
videography a score value
footpath forwhich
area footpath
has conditions
been used ranging from
to prepare 0 to 100.footpath
a detailed Data have been collected
inventory by capturing
by extracting details ofa
lying videography
obstructions of footpath
for each area which
meter length. has be
This can been used
used as to preparemaking
decision a detailed
toolfootpath inventory
with respect by extracting
to short details
term and long of
lying obstructions
planning towards the forimprovement
each meter length.
of walkingThisfacilities
can be onused as decision making tool with respect to short term and long term
planning towards the improvement of walking facilities on footpaths.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2017
© 2017 The
The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by
by Elsevier
Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under
under responsibility
responsibility of WORLDB.V.
Keywords:obstructions; walking; India; FOSTO
Keywords:obstructions; walking; India; FOSTO

1. Introduction
1. Introduction
Most travel surveys and traffic counts tend to under-record non-motorized trips. Many exclude walking trips
Most travel
altogether, and surveys andundercount
they often traffic counts tend
short to under-record
trips, non-work trips,non-motorized trips. Many
travel by children, exclude walking
and recreational trips. trips
altogether, and they often undercount short trips, non-work trips, travel by children, and recreational
(2000) finds that the actual number of non-motorized trips is six times greater than what conventional trips. Piet
(2000) finds
indicate. that the actual number of non-motorized trips is six times greater than what conventional surveys
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-981-896-9191
* Corresponding
E-mail author. Tel.:

2214-241X© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

2214-241X© 2017 responsibility
Peer-review under The Authors. of

2352-1465 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

2 Author name / Transportation Research Procedia00 (2017) 000–000
Mukti Advani et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 25 (2017) 5282–5290 5283

Litman mentions that in 2000, the Southern California Metropolitan Transportation Authority increased the
portion of non-motorized travel in their models from about 2% of regional trips (based on conventional travel
surveys) up to about 10% (based on more comprehensive travel data from the 1995 National Personal
Transportation Survey) (Litman, 2013). Indian cities have wide range of transport modes and city characteristics
which results in varying shares of motorized and non-motorized trips. Many studies have been undertaken to
understand the Non-motorized Transport (NMT) demand and its’ pattern, suitability of existing infrastructures,
measures to promote use of NMT, and qualitative and quantitative methods for estimating measures for non-
motorized modes of transport. Tiwari (2008) studied 19 cities of India from various geographic regions with
different characteristics to understand bicycle share in these cities. The large cities have a bicycle modal share
varying from 9% (Hyderabad) to 18% (Ahmedabad). The medium and large cities have a bicycle modal share of 13-
21%. Nagpur being a very unique case with a large number of cyclists (34%), more than walk trips (24%). While
Bhopal is another extreme case city with only 4.3% cycle trips and 49% walk trips. Typically the walk trips, in
mega-city, large, medium and small cities have been ranging between 27%-38% of total trips. Further this demand
may have a city, area, time specific pattern. For example, traffic patterns are different on weekends vs. weekdays.
As mentioned by Advani peak hours for non-motorized transport are also different from the motorized modes.
Furthermore, volumes vary seasonally which is heavily dependent on weather (Advani, 2012). It is observed from a
survey of 30 cities of varying sizes that the walk trips share vary between 16 percent to 34 percent with an exception
of 57% in hilly terrain cities less than 0.5 million population size (Gupta, 2012). The Master Plan of Delhi (MPD)
2021 has estimated that the total number of trips will rise to 28 million by 2021, of which 2.3 million (8.2%) will be
non-motorized trips. It has proposed the road hierarchical system, which includes separate cycle tracks (wherever
possible) on primary collector roads/sub-arterial roads with recommended Right of Way 30-40 m (minimum 45m in
urban extensions) (DDA, 2001). Fig. 1. presents the interrelationship among city area and modal split for two
categories i.e. motorized trips and non-motorized trips. Authors have plotted this to indicate that an increase in city
area has resulted in increase of motorized trips and decrease in non-motorized trips. Approximately 100 sized
cities are having equal share of motorized and non-motorized trips i.e. fifty percent for each category.

Fig. 1. city area and modal split of motorised and non-motorised trips

Further, data regarding road density (unit length per unit area) and usage of motorized vehicles have been
studied. These data are available for state level only. Fig.2 presents the relationship between road density (kilometer
length per square kilometer area) Vs the ownership of motorized vehicles for different states of India.
5284 Mukti Advani et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 25 (2017) 5282–5290
Author name / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000 3

Source: Extracted from data of Infrawindow (2012)

Fig. 2. Road Density Vs percentage of households owning motorized vehicles

This shows no clear trend between density and ownership of motorized vehicles. However, it has been observed
that majority of states are having road density less than 5 kilometers per one square kilometer with two exceptions
i.e. Delhi and Chandigarh. With respect to motorized vehicle ownership, there is wide range including these two
states of Delhi and Chandigarh. Since, information regarding road area is not available for present study; effect of
wide roads existing in Delhi and Chandigarh could not been analyzed which otherwise may play role in motorized
vehicle ownership and usage. Since, per-capita income data is unavailable for city level; state level data is used for
understanding the interrelationship between income and motorized vehicle ownership. Fig.3. presents the percentage
of households owning motorized vehicles i.e. two wheeler and/or four wheeler. This shows the relationship between
per-capita per year income and motorized vehicle ownership. The linear trend shows the increase in motorized
vehicle ownership with the increased income.

Fig. 3. Per capita per year income vs. %age of households owning motorized vehicles

Based on available data, it is clear that the share of non-motorized transport is a result of many factors including
geographical and demographic characteristics. Present study focuses only on the availability of suitable
infrastructure for making non-motorized trips. To understand this, existing methods of evaluating such facilities
have been studied and discussed in next section.
Mukti Advani et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 25 (2017) 5282–5290 5285
4 Author name / Transportation Research Procedia00 (2017) 000–000

2. Existing methods of evaluating walking facilities

Several methodologies exist to assess walkability and they vary based on what parameters have been considered
for assessment. The Ministry of Urban Development (MOUD, 2008) of India uses a walkability index that is a
function of the availability of footpaths and rating of pedestrian facilities. Based on this they assessed the quality of
pedestrian infrastructure in thirty cities in 2008 and found an average index of 0.52 (out of 1). Chandigarh scored
maximum score of 0.82. The limitation of this methodology is that it is difficult to assess which parameter needs
improvement. MOUD also developed an urban transport benchmarking tool that uses only three indicators to
calculate the pedestrian facility rating - signalized intersection delay(s)/pedestrian, street lighting (Lux) and
percentage of city covered with footpaths wider than 1.2 m. However, this does not include the quality of footpath.
For example 1.0 meter wide good quality footpath may not improve the score but 1.5 meter wide bad quality
footpath may have higher score than the earlier one. Similarly, a website, “” calculates an area’s
walkability based on the distance from residents’ houses to nearby amenities. Points are awarded based on the
distance to amenities in each category. Amenities within a 5 minute walk (.25 miles) are given maximum points. A
decay function is used to give points to more distant amenities, with no points given after a 30 minute walk.If one
applies this methodology to Indian cities, Delhi gets the score of 100, Bhavnagar (a city of Gujarat) gets the score
value of 85. It does not include a qualitative assessment of pedestrian facilities like footpath quality, width, height,
traffic, etc. As a result, many Indian cities can have high scores in because of the traditionally
mixed-use character of the cities and high density, but this does not mean that these cities are easy to walk in.
Another methodology developed by Global Waking Index (2008) developed for the World Bank which provides a
qualitative analysis of the walking conditions including different obstruction, cleanliness, crossing, safety, security,
and convenience of the pedestrian environment. The methodology is qualitative but because it encompasses several
key parameters, it provides a good insight into the current state of the walkability environment and enables the
identification of areas for improvement. Central Road Research Institute of India (Parida, 2006) has proposed a
measurement tool which calculates the pedestrian LOS based on a mix of physical characteristics and user ratings.21
It is a comprehensive evaluation as it consists of 10 parameters with each rated in a scale of 1 to 5. Based on the
scoring, the Level of service (LOS) of the facility is determined.

3. Problem statement and objective of the study

There are various obstructions in walking; these are of different types and cause different level of inconvenience
to the pedestrians. A method considering all such obstructions along with their nature of rigidity i.e. how easy or
difficult it is to remove them, to assess the walkability is needed to be developed. Further, not only the width or
length obstructed by such obstructions but the number of ups and downs (per unit length of footpath) to be made by
pedestrians due to these obstructions is also important from users’ perspective and therefore to be considered for
evaluation. A method considering types of obstructions and frequency of obstructions creating ups/downs is the
focus of present study to develop a realistic score value for assessing walking facilities. The scope of present study
is limited to sidewalk facilities only. Based on the problem statement and objective set for further research work to
be carried out is, “To develop a methodology to assess sidewalk facilities considering the type and effect of different
obstructions on Indian roads”.

4. Concept methodology

Taking into account the literature with respect to parameters considered in evaluation of walking facilities as well
as method used for the same, study area has been identified which is having sidewalk along all the roads on both the
sides. For selected area/network video data have been collected to capture the details of obstructing objects on
footpath. These obstructions have been categorized in group based on easiness or difficultness attached with them in
their removal. Further these have been assigned with a sign and weightage factor according to their impact of
walking. Considering these, an index Footpath Score based on Types of Obstructions –FoSATO has been developed
to give a comparable score value to different conditions. Broad methodology has also been shown in fig. 4.
Author name / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000 5

5286 Mukti Advani et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 25 (2017) 5282–5290

Study area selection Data Collection

Literature Review
(Criteria: road network with Sidewalk) & extraction

Assigning sign & weightage

Categorizing obstructions Footpath Inventory (through
based on their role in
based on easiness of their continuous videography) &
removal Identification of obstructions
walking facilities (AHP)
in walking

Index development Set of Recommendations for immediate

Footpath Score based on Types of solutions, short term planning and long term
Obstructions - FOSTO planning

Fig. 4. Concept methodology

5. Data collection and extraction

To develop an index for evaluating walking facilities in an area, complete footpath inventory has been prepared.
To prepare footpath inventory; a continuous video capturing the left half (approximately) portion of the road has
been collected. This has been collected for all roads and each direction covered in study area. Study area includes
the small network of 14.2 km length. This video has been captured twice. Once on a national holiday (2 nd October
2013) and once on a normal working day (19 th November 2013). Days have been selected to capture the information
regarding short term and long term obstructions existing on roads. Footpath inventory for both the days have been
prepared separately. Information collected for preparing footpath inventory includes the chainage, presence of
footpath, width of footpath if footpath exists, observed walkability, obstruction type, etc. Video files have been
played at very low speed to capture the details of footpath/road for each meter length of footpath. Though one meter
was not measured by scale but it was calibrated based on surrounding objects. For each meter of footpath length
following things has been observed:
Mukti Advani et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 25 (2017) 5282–5290 5287
6 Author name / Transportation Research Procedia00 (2017) 000–000

• Footpath availability: Footpath has been considered available if a footpath is visible irresepcted of it’s
condition. In case footpath isavailable, further observations have been made as listed below.
• Width: width has been measure on ground (meters)
• Parked vehicles: This is based on the observation if any vehicle(s) been parked in a length of one meter.
• Trees/poles: Each meter length of footpath has been observed if any tree or pole lies or not.
• Gate openings: For each meter length it has been observed if any residential gate is opening to the footpath.
• Personal gardening: If personal gardening has been observed on footpath which generally used to be in
terms of fence protected, has been noted.
• Potholes: In case of any pothole on footpath, this has been noted.
• Garbage/mud: Presence of garbage/mud actually obstruts the pedestrians’ path, this has been noted.
• Tree leaves/branches reaching to lower height: In case tree leaves/branches are hanging to the height which
obstructus the pedestrians’ path, been considered as an obstruction and noted for each meter length.
• Constructed urinals: constructed Urinals have been observed on footpath, this has been considered as an
obstruction to pedestrians.
• Hawkers: Hawkers sitting on footpath have been observed and noted.

Total road length of 14.20 kilometers has been studied for above mentioned parameters. A footpath inventory has
been prepared based on this observation. Different types of obstructions mentioned above have been categorized
into three groups based on how easy or difficult is to remove them.

• Group 1: This category considers obstructions like garbage, tree leaves, potholes and personal gardening. It
is easy to remove these type of obstructions comapratively without taking long time.
• Group 2: This includes parked vehicles and hawkers. It may seem easy to remove these two types of
obstructions from the footpath but both of them are actually the result of a long term planning related
policy which includes town planning, transportation planning and engineering decisions made earlier.
Observed parked vehicles belongs to the people who are living in this area or people who are visitng this
area for reasons like shopping. If other suitable modes have been made avaiable to them for making their
trips, these vehicles might have parked inside their houses or at some dedicated parking area without
disturbing pedestrians. Hawkers are needed by people living or crossing the area including pedestrians
since they provide for small items / eatables required and also they give a sense of secuirity.. However, in
absence of any dedicated area for this need, they have been observed encroaching the footpath.
• Group 3: Constructed urinals, trees and poles have been included in this group of obstructions. These all
are being provided for making utility services available to the society and for making area clean and green.
A completely reconstruction of these services can only remove these obstruction on the way of pedestrians.
This is surely a long term planning decision.
Aprt from these three groups, height of footpath also has been included in preparing index for evaluation. Further,
number of ups/downs required per length of 100 meter is also considered as a parameter of evaluation.

6. Footpath score based on types of obstructions (FOSTO)

All obstruction types as well as other contributing factors i.e. height of footpath and number of ups/downs
required per length of 100 meter have been considered for evaluation and based on these an index has been
developed to assign a score value for different conditions of footpath. This index has been developed using the
Analytic hierarchy process (AHP). AHP is one of the multiple criteria decision-making method that was originally
developed by Prof. Thomas L. Saaty (1977). In this method, weightage to various parameters have been calculated
based on the inputs from selected group of experts. Experts have been asked to give their weightage for various
parameters which are being used further for calculating a combined weightage which is called consistency measure
in AHP. Six parameters and their relative importance have been collected. A sample of expert’s comparative ratings
given to various parameters is shown in table 1.
5288 Mukti Advani et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 25 (2017) 5282–5290
Author name / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000 7

Table 1. A sample of expert’s comparative ratings given to various parameters

Proportion (%)
of length
having Group 1 Proportion Proportion (%)
Proportion obstructions (%) of length of length having
of road Proportion of Average (garbage, tree having Group Group 3
length footpath number of leaves, 2 obstructions obstructions
having having ups/downs per potholes, (parked (constructed
footpath acceptable 100 meter personal vehicles, urinals, trees,
(%) height (%) length gardening) hawkers) poles)
Proportion of road length 1.00
having footpath (%)
Proportion of footpath having 7.00 1.00
acceptable height (%)
Average number of
ups/downs per 100 meter 1 8 1.00
Proportion (%) of length
having Group 1 obstructions
1/2 3.00 1/4 1.00
(garbage, tree leaves,
potholes, personal gardening)
Proportion (%) of length
having Group 2 obstructions 7 8 1.00 5 1.00
(parked vehicles, hawkers)
Proportion (%) of length
having Group 3 obstructions
5 4 1/10 4 1/2 1.00
(constructed urinals, trees,

Values for diagonally half (lower half) have been assigned by the expert(s) and values for remaining half (upper
half) of the matrix has to be calculated i.e. reciprocal matrix values. The cell values provided by experts can be
described as importance given to a factor in row compared to the factor in column. If the criteria in the column are
preferred to the criteria in the row, then the inverse of the rating is given. This matrix has to be normalized for
calculating the consistency measure. For calculating consistency measure matrix multiplication function of EXCEL
has been used. Values of consistency measure for various parameters as shown in table 2 below.

Table 2. Consistency measure value for various parameters

Parameter Consistency measure
Proportion of road length having footpath (%) 1.23
Proportion of footpath having acceptable height (%) 0.80
Average number of ups/downs per 100 meter length 1.13
Proportion (%) of length having Group 1 obstructions (garbage, tree leaves, potholes, personal gardening) 1.03

Proportion (%) of length having Group 2 obstructions (parked vehicles, hawkers) 0.99

Proportion (%) of length having Group 3 obstructions (constructed urinals, trees, poles) 0.66
Calculated Consistency index value is 0.027, Random index value for 6 parameters is 1.24. Accordingly value of cosistency ratio is 0.022
which is less than 0.1 and therefore considered accpted.

Through AHP; degree of consistency is being measured and if it is perfectly consistent, the value would be zero
and if it is a very large value, pair wise comparison can be revised. As shown in table 2; Calculated Consistency
index value is 0.027, Random index value for 6 parameters is 1.24. Accordingly value of consistency ratio is 0.022
which is less than 0.1 and therefore considered accepted. As shown in table 2; consistency measure value for
‘proportion of road length having footpath’ and ‘average number of ups/downs per 100 meter length’ is maximum
compared to other parameters. However consistency measure value of 0.99 highlights the important issue of parking
as an obstruction to pedestrians. Obtained value of 0.66 for group 3 obstructions shows that such obstructions are
Mukti Advani et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 25 (2017) 5282–5290 5289
8 Author name / Transportation Research Procedia00 (2017) 000–000

least bothered as compared to other parameters considered. This could be due to the reason that in presence of such
obstructions; pedestrians’ movement is discomforted but still walking is possible. Based on the obtained values of
consistency measures, an index has been developed. This index has been named as Footpath Score based on Types
of Obstructions - FOSTO

7. FOSTO score values for study area

FOSTO score has been calculated for two days when data have been calculated for present study i.e. for 2nd
October 2013 (on a national holiday) and on 18th November 2013 (on a normal working day). Table 3 shows the
amount of various obstructions observed on two days considered in present study and the FOSTO score value. Here,
it is to be noted that higher score indicates better walking facilities.

Table 3: FOSTO score value calculated for considered two days

2nd October 2013 13th November 2013

Parameter Weight assigned National Holiday Typical Working day
Total distance (meter) 14420 14420
Proportion of road length having footpath (%) 1.23 73 73
Proportion of footpath having acceptable height (%) 0.8 55 55
Average number of ups/downs per 100 meter length (-) 1.13 16 28
Proportion (%) of length having Group 1 obstructions
(garbage, tree leaves, potholes, personal gardening) (-) 1.03 20 26
Proportion (%) of length having Group 2 obstructions
(parked vehicles, hawkers) (-) 0.99 14 36
Proportion (%) of length having Group 3 obstructions
(constructed urinals, trees, poles) (-) 0.66 5 5
FOSTO score 77.95 36.43

FOSTO score value for collected data i.e. 2nd October 2013 (on a national holiday) is 77.95 for 18th November
(on a normal working day) is 36.43. As mentioned in table 3 above, maximum difference during these two specific
days is due to the obstacles covered in group 2 i.e. parked vehicles and hawkers. This also impacts to the number of
ups/downs per 100 meter of length. The portion of footpath length (5% ) obstructed due to group 3 obstructions is
kind of permanent structures in nature and therefore does not vary among selected two days i.e. a national holiday
and a typical working day. However, footpath length obstructed due to group 1 obstructions i.e. garbage, tree leaves,
potholes and personal gardening is 20% and 26%. This indicates that 20 to 26% length of the footpath can be easily
made walkable by local authorities by short term planning. For example, removal of all the obstruction of group 1
on a normal working day can add score of 8 to the scale of evaluation. (Note: road opening at intersections is not
considered as obstruction). Similarly in long term planning, obstructions of group 2 and 3 can be planned to remove
for better FOSTO score.

8. Conclusions

Obstructions lying on footpaths in India are of different types and accordingly strategies for removing such
obstructions needs to be prioritized based on the potential benefits. Considering this, a method has been proposed
for assessing a score value to the footpath based on types of obstructions. Proposed method based on analytical
hierarchy process (AHP) is Footpath Score based on Types of Obstructions – FOSTO. This is a simple method for
evaluating existing conditions as well as tool for decision making process. According to developed method, the most
affecting obstruction observed in study area is of ‘parked vehicles and hawkers’. However, in general the number of
ups/downs to be made by pedestrians is having the highest weightage among the six considered types of
obstructions. This is logical as irrespective of type of obstruction; frequent ups/downs degrade the comfort of
pedestrians. This method is easy to expand for more types of obstructions and gives an easy understanding of factors
in making the walking environment comfortable for the pedestrians.
Author name / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000 9

5290 Mukti Advani et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 25 (2017) 5282–5290


The authors of the paper are grateful to Director, CSIR – Central Road Research Institute for granting his
permission to publish this paper. Also the authors are thankful to Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
(CSIR) for sponsoring the study titled, “Development and applications of technologies for sustainable transportation
– SUSTRANS)” and basically the above results are sub-set of the above ongoing research study.


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