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These two photos are photos from a Saturday morning when several biology students
of this high school (including me and some that are here in this class) went to a place
near the San Fernando sports center to collect a lot of garbage that had been
accumulated over the years and that, as it can be seen, the area was extremely dirty,
in such a way that the branches of the trees could be seen or distinguish from the
rubbish. That morning we had to get up early and the weather was bad as it had rained
hours before but nothing, not even the mud, prevented us from going to clean
With these photos I want to show that many people when they hear about today's
teenagers will always start saying things like:
1. "You're all addicted to social media."
2. "When I was your age, we actually had to work hard. Teens these days are
all lazy."
3. "All you do is take selfies all day."
4. "You're just too young to understand anything about life."
5. "You wouldn't last a day without your phones."
6. "Teens can't even write anymore. What is LOL, ROTFL, TMI, TBH, SMH?!"
Um, laugh out loud, rolling on the floor laughing, too much information, to
be honest, and shake my head. It's not like we're using them in our school
papers or college essays — it's to text or tweet, because it's just faster.
7. "Teens dress so inappropriately these days!"
But the reality is much more different than what adults or older people see from what
we call generation Z, also known as centennials
Is a new generation that includes those people born between approximately 1995 and
2010, that is, in the midst of the digitalization era
Taking in account those years we can say that the first members of Generation Z are in
a stage either about to finish their university career or already looking for a job, while
the younger ones are in the dilemma of choosing a career to study.
This generation shows specific characteristics marked by the experiences and circumstances
lived, like for example the economic crisis, the war in Ukraine, COVID-19 pandemic or climate

 The young people of generation Z are considered the first digital natives, since they
were born surrounded by electronic devices with which they have been able to
interact from the first years of life. This makes them tend to use them, especially the
mobile, to carry out multiple activities of daily life, such as:
 Communicate
 Find information
 To learn
 Play
 To buy
In addition, much of their free time is spent using social networks
 They are impatient and lose concentration easily
 They are more aware of the environment
This generation has grown up being aware of the impact of human beings on the
environment and the problems that this causes in the short and long term. Therefore,
in general, they are people committed to caring for and protecting the environment
and who intend to combat climate change. And
 They are more realistic
Those born between 1995 and 2010 have experienced the great economic crisis
of 2008 and its consequences during their childhood. Which makes them
socially and economically more realistic, cautious and responsible.
 They respect diversity
Generation Z is born in a globalized world characterized by cultural diversity, so
they are used to living together and interacting with all kinds of people. What’s
more, they know how to lead their lives according to what they prefer, instead
of following the old conventions
In addition, the education they receive is based on equality, inclusion and
respect for diversity.

These stereotypes about generation Z are not true; while they might be true of
some teens in some cases, they are not a good way to describe all teenagers. Look
at me, I am part of this generation that we call z and I can assure you that the time I
spend looking at social networks (such as Instagram, tik tok) or being with my cell
phone or watching television is minimal compared to everything I do to take care of
the planet or to study and have a future

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