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Long term healh effects from tear gas are more likely if exposed for a prolonged period or to a high

dose while in an enclosed area, in these instance :

1. Blindness
Glaucoma,(a serious eye condition that can lead to blindness)is a type of visual impairment
characterized by damage to the optic nerve. And other effects such as eye problems including
scarring and cataracts.
2. Immediate death
Immediate death due to severe chemical burns to the throat and lungs. And the chemicals have
caused severe injuries, permanent disability, brain injury, loss of the use of limbs, limb amputation
and death.
3. Respiratory failure
Tear gas may possibly cause breathing problems such as asthma and chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease. There is also a risk that it could cause someone to stop breathing, and
respiratory failure possibly resulting in death
A 2017( two thousand and seventeen) study of data collected over 25 ((twenty five) years looked
at tear gas effects on the body. The chemicals and canisters used to release them have caused
severe injuries, permanent disability, and death
There were two recorded fatalities out of 5,910 people in this study. In the first, the release of
tear gas in a person’s home caused death by respiratory failure. The second death involved a tear
gas canister impact that caused a fatal head injury.

Efek kesehatan jangka panjang dari gas air mata lebih mungkin terjadi jika terpapar dalam waktu
lama atau dalam dosis tinggi saat berada di area tertutup, dalam contoh berikut:
1. Kebutaan
Glaukoma, (kondisi mata serius yang dapat menyebabkan kebutaan) adalah jenis gangguan
penglihatan yang ditandai dengan kerusakan pada saraf optik. Dan efek lain seperti masalah mata
termasuk jaringan parut dan katarak.
2. Kematian segera
Kematian segera karena luka bakar kimia parah di tenggorokan dan paru-paru. Bahan kimia
tersebut telah menyebabkan cedera parah, cacat permanen, cedera otak, kehilangan fungsi anggota
badan, amputasi anggota badan dan kematian.
3. Kegagalan pernafasan
Gas air mata dapat menyebabkan masalah pernapasan seperti asma dan penyakit paru
obstruktif kronik. Ada juga risiko yang dapat menyebabkan seseorang berhenti bernapas, dan
kegagalan pernapasan yang mungkin mengakibatkan kematian
Sebuah studi tahun 2017(dua ribu tujuh belas) dari data yang dikumpulkan selama 25 ((dua
puluh lima) tahun melihat efek gas air mata pada tubuh. Bahan kimia dan tabung yang digunakan
untuk melepaskannya telah menyebabkan cedera parah, cacat permanen, dan kematian
Ada dua kematian yang tercatat dari 5.910 orang dalam penelitian ini. Yang pertama,
pelepasan gas air mata di rumah seseorang menyebabkan kematian karena gagal pernapasan.
Kematian kedua melibatkan dampak tabung gas air mata yang menyebabkan cedera kepala yang
Long term health effect
respiratory problems
brain injury
loss of the use of limbs
limb amputation
• If symptoms go away soon after a person is removed from exposure to tear gas, long-term
health effects are unlikely to occur.
• The risk of injury from tear gas is greater indoors than outside. Tear gas that becomes
trapped inside can increase a person’s exposure to these chemicals.
Respiratory failure possibly resulting in death.

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