Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation: Student Exhibits

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CCE Descriptive Indicators Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation Indicators of Assessment of Different Parts (For ready reference) Scholastic Part

I A Scholastic Part I B WORK EXPERIENCE Student exhibits 1. A collaborative approach to the process of learning, demonstrating an understanding of correlation with real life situations 2. Is Innovative in ideas 3. Plans and adheres to time lines 4. Is Involved and motivated Demonstrates a positive attitude 5. Is helpful and guides and facilitates others Art Education Student demonstrates 1. An innovative and creative approach 2. Aesthetic sensibilities 3. Observation skills 4. Interpretation and originality 5. Correlation with real life 6. A willingness to experiment with different art modes/mediums 7. Awareness and appreciation of works of artists 8. Peer appreciation 9. Participation 10. Involvement and motivation Physical and Health Education/Games Student shows 1. An appreciation and understanding of good physical health and physical fitness 2. An involvement in sports/physical education programs 3. Team work 4. A knowledge of different sports and rules of games 5. Motivation and leadership 6. Skills of coordination, agility and balance 7. An awareness of rules of safety 8. An evidence of being self disciplined 9. Participation 10. Involvement Part 2 A Co-scholastic Areas. - Refer to Report Book

LIFE SKILLS Thinking skills Student demonstrates the ability to: 1. Be original, flexible and imaginative 2. Raise questions, identify and analyze problems 3. Implement a well-thought decision and take responsibility 4. Generate new ideas with fluency 5. Elaborate/build on new ideas. Social Skills: Students demonstrate the ability to : 1. Identify, verbalize and respond effectively to others' emotions in an empathetic manner 2. Get along well with others 3. Take criticism positively 4. Listen actively 5. Communicate using appropriate words, intonation and body language Emotional Skills Students demonstrates the ability to : 1. Identify one's own strengths and weaknesses 2. Be comfortable with one's own self and overcome weaknesses for positive selfconcept 3. Identify causes and effects of stress on oneself 4. Develop and use multi-faceted strategies to deal with stress 5. Ability to express and respond to emotions with an awareness of the consequences. Grading Scale: The five-point grading scale is given below Most indicators in a skill A+ Many indicators in a skill A Some indicators in a skill B+ Few indicators in a skill B Very few indicators in a skill C Part 2 B ATTITUDES AND VALUES Towards teachers 1. Shows respect and courtesy at all times inside and outside the classroom 2. Demonstrates attitudes that are positive and conducive to learning 3. Takes criticism in the right spirit 4. Respects and follows class teacher


Respects and follows school rules.

Towards school 1. Shares a healthy rapports with peers/mates 2. Is able to express/contribute ideas and opinions in a group 3. Is receptive to ideas and opinions on others in a group 4. Respects and is sensitive to differences among peers in ability, religious beliefs, gender, culture etc. and is kind and helpful. 5. Is able to inspire members of the class or peer group Towards School Programmes 1. Is punctual and regular in attending school programmes 2. Participates and volunteers often for school programmes 3. Delivers a job assigned effectively and responsibly 4. Displays a healthy school spirit 5. Displays leadership skills and inspire others to participate in school programmes. Towards Environment 1. Respects school property 2. Aware of / sensitive to the threats posed to nature by mankind, shows responsibility towards the environment, is environmentally sensitive 3. Participates in school driven activities relating to care for the environment 4. Takes the initiative and plans activities directed towards the betterment of the environment 5. Cares for others, respect life, respect Mother Earth, love for one's own country. Value system 1. Understands the need for rules and follows them 2. Honest and ethical, exhibits Integrity 3. Has Self-respect 4. Polite, courteous to everyone 5. Respects diversity (Culture, opinions, beliefs, abilities respects and opposite sex) 6. Shows a kind, helpful and responsible behavior/attitude 7. Displays a positive attitude towards peers, adults and community, seeks and provides solutions. 8. Is a responsible member of the community, displays spirit of citizenship is conscious of his responsibility towards the community specially the underprivileged members 9. Peace loving; strives for conflict management in all stressful situations 10. Ability to find happiness within oneself Grading Scale: The three-point grading scale is given below Most indicators in a skill A+ Many indicators in a skill A Some indicators in a skill B

Part 3 A Co-Scholastics Attitudes Literary & Creative Skills 1. Participates actively at school/interschool/state/national/international levels 2. Takes the initiative to plan and drive various literary events like debates, recitation, book clubs etc. 3. Is a member of the student's council/school prefect etc. and helps/organize events in that capacity 4. Reads and shows a high degree of awareness. 5. Is able to appreciate well written/spoken pieces in a all genres (prose, poetry, plays and all languages 6. Is able to explain why they enjoy a particular piece 7. Is able to express ideas/opinions creatively in different forms 8. Displays originality of ideas and opinions 9. Shows good collaborative skills and is able to work effectively in a group 10. Is able to inspire others and involve a large part of the school/community in different events. Clubs (Health and Wellness Club) 1. Participates actively in activities that involve clubs at school/inter school/state/ national/international levels, is an enthusiastic member of the Club 2. Takes the initiative to plan and drive various creative events like festivals, environment week, fund raisers, seminars, quizzes etc. 3. Is a member of the student council/school prefect etc. and helps organize events in that capacity 4. Reads and shows a high degree of awareness 5. Displays originality of ideas and the ability to see them through Grading Scale: The three-point grading scale is given below Most indicators in a skill A+ Many indicators in a skill A Some indicators in a skill B Part 3 B Health and Physical Education Sports/indigenous games etc. 1. Displays an innate talent in an identified sport 2. Is able to use his/her power to advantage (ability to produce strength in the shortest possible time) 3. Is agile and is able to change direction quickly during the game/match and is flexible. 4. Displays durability: (The ability to withstand physical exercise over a long period of time.

5. Shows good hand-eye coordination: the ability to react quickly to sensory perception. (Eg; catching or fielding in cricket, passing or receiving in football, hockey.) 6. Demonstrates an analytic aptitude: the ability to evaluate and react appropriately to strategic situations especially as a captain or key member in a team. 7. Demonstrates sportsmanship 8. Displays a healthy team spirit 9. Discipline on and off the field 10. Punctuality and regularity for practice etc. Yoga 1. Shows keenness and interest 2. Is able to relax completely during exercises 3. Sits comfortably in the correct steady, straight posture 4. Is able to regulate breathing/breathe correctly In meditative Yoga is able to let go of stream of thoughts, cultivate and apply helpful thoughts) 5. Is able to remain undisturbed for a while Grading Scale: The three-point grading scale is given below Most indicators in a skill A+ Many indicators in a skill A Some indicators in a skill B

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