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IT Essentials – Smart Living (ITE3009) (Engineering)

IT Essentials – Smart Living (ITE3009)


Student Name Student No.

1)Leung Kin Man 220364943
2)Lee Pui Ho (Gilbert) 220338010
3)Wong Hon Sum 22087736

App Name

Picture of the App

IT Essentials – Smart Living (ITE3009) (Engineering)

App Name: __ClamToPlan Store: App Store / Google Play

Download link: _ CamToPlan - AR 測量/捲尺 - Google Play 應用程式

Price: Paid or Free

1) Introduction of the Apps and its technology applied (15%)

This CalmToPlan App using augmented reality(AR) technology, AI Machine learning combined with
device sensors. It use the camera to scan the environment and find the position and rotation angle of
the device in order to measure the distance and area of the object.

2) Demonstration video uploaded to YouTube or show step-by-step instructions described in word on

how does the App works (50%)

YouTube Link: ; or

Step-by-Step instructions described in word and pictures

Step 1 : Open a new page. ______________________________________________________________

IT Essentials – Smart Living (ITE3009) (Engineering)

Step 2 : Select the metric for the project. ___________________________________________________

Step 3 : Select measure model ( horizontally, Vertically, 3D).____________________________________

IT Essentials – Smart Living (ITE3009) (Engineering)

Step 4 : Scanning the objects and surroundings area (AR) for measure.______________________

Step 5: Flagging the corner or target points for measure distance.________________________

take snapshot, Undoing, or Trivium measure point for draft the plan._____________________

IT Essentials – Smart Living (ITE3009) (Engineering)

Step 6: Save the measuring data and export use.________________________________________

IT Essentials – Smart Living (ITE3009) (Engineering)

3) Team members review and comment after trail (10%)

Member 1’s review (Man)

ClamToPlan is a useful app for daily life. The app makes measuring more convenient for measuring. It
uses device sensors to make reality or objects can be measured on the device. Also, it transforms results
to Bigdata directly. It is an excellent tool for product things in the internal area. For instance, it needs to
use when you are making a DIY product. Hence of that, people can search for something based on the
fact on the website or take a snapshot to buy things at the shopping platforms. Also, It helps people to
do their budgets more precisely and made customized products more easily._______________________

Member 2’s review (Gilbert)

This app makes on site surveys more easily, and more safely. We can stand on the ground to measure
the height of the mountain, Building, the area of the wall, ceiling. and after tracing a loop, the app can
calculate its internal area, although its not very accurate, but I think QS can use this CAMtoPlan app to
check the approximate work done on site .

And by pointing at the corners and edges of the room,  we can draft a complete floor plan in a minute,
when doing decoration, we can use the measurement data for material calculation._________________

Member 3’s review (Sam)

CamToPlan is a useful app that can solve all the problems of measurement, because the operation is
very simple. It will allow you to quickly measure the floors, dimensions of walls, windows, doors or a
whole home in a few minutes. No more tape measure or ruler needed. that would be very helpful for
personal or home use.___________________________________________________________________

Measurements done by the app are not always accurate. While the measurements would still errors
done with the apps, but at least act as a way and provide an estimate. The measurements would still be
best done with a physical tape measure or ruler. _____________________________________________


Don’t need to move objects for measurements. penetrate objects measuring the distance by (AR)._____

Don’t need a tape measure and ruler to perform a quick measurement check. _____________________

Convenient for drafting. Apps can drop the measuring Line and drafting to plan as your phones at the
same time. ___________________________________________________________________________

Good flexibility by this mobile apps, can be used at anytime and anywhere. ______________________


-The dimension is not accurate to (mm).

-We need to move the camera several times before starting the measure, its not convenient. _________

- Sometimes the corner of the object is difficult to focus, It Takes a long time to Identify measuring area.

IT Essentials – Smart Living (ITE3009) (Engineering)

-And it does not work normally in areas without lighting. ______________________________________

-It cannot measure the length of a moving object (eg. a moving car/ ship). ________________________

4) A video or picture to show your final deliverables/products after trail (10%)

Link of your final deliverables (video):

P6AZaI6OTcmea/view?usp=drivesdk; or Pictures of your final deliverables (put more than one picture,
if any)

5) 5-minute group presentation (15%)

The group presentation will be held on Lesson 12-13 during class. Upload all presentation materials to
Moodle after presentation.

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