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TECHLOG Software 2017.

2r (234070)
Double clicked the Techlog software icon; toggled on the Techlog module check box to select
all contextual tab headers such as utilities, geology, petrophysics, and reservoir among others.
Clicked on the stat button, chose English US as the language then OK to open the interface.
Clicked on the Navigate Pane symbol , Project, then on New Project option to select project
settings as here bellow;
Clicked the ‘create project’, to open the interface in the project Name (Kasereka’s Project 1).
Data Import
From the Home tab, we clicked the Import icon to open the ‘File(s) import’ tab which we used
for importing Data. From this tab; we browsed to C:\Users\moses\Desktop\Techlog Training Data\
Introduction_Data_new-Copy\01 DLIS\Dataset full; highlighted all the log-files (.dlis), and clicked
Open to transfer them to ‘File(s) import’ tab. We clicked the blue arrow to append well to the
project browser called (kasereka work1) under data sets. Good logs we used were in black ink
having both the family and the unit.
Creating new logs
a) Vsh (volume shale) log
we clicked on ‘Petrophysics’ contextual tab, volume shale and selected Gamma Ray to display a
gamma ray dialog box bellow. The analysis was based on well 9.
The Vsh log was prepared from Gamm log then clicked on the ‘create’ option to open ‘workflow
manager’ from which under the ‘method settings’ tab we selected the ‘save and display’ option;
dragged ‘DATAFULL’ of well 9 and dropped it into the ‘method setting’ space; then clicked the
run button to save it under the DATAFULL logs of well 9 as Vsh.

b) Facies log
We repeated the above procedure and selected ‘facies 04’ instead of gamma ray. We right
clicked in space of the template tab to select the ‘insert reference track’. We highlighted it and
clicked F4 key to display its properties window.

Data visualization
We clicked on the plot contextual tab, log view, dragged a log from data sets under wells,
‘DATAFULL’ and dropped it into log view (Tab 1). BS_DK, Gamm, Caliper, and Sonic logs in
the 1st track; LLS, MEDR and LLD in 2nd track; Dens, Neut, DRHO and REF in 3rd track.
On Filling zones between two logs; we clicked on BS-DK, control key and clicked on the insert
area fill between variable’s.
Data interpretation and Saving a layout
In the ‘plot’ contextual tab, we clicked the ‘cross plot’ under single well to open the cross plot
window. We the dragged and dropped the Neut, Dens and Gamm logs in the X-axis, Y-axis and
colour respectively. Insert the sandstone, limestone and dolomite stone lines for proper
To save it we clicked the ‘close widow’, Renamed it as ‘Template’, then ok. It was saved in the
‘project browser’ under cross-plots.
As above, we clicked on ‘Histogram’ under single well. We then dragged and dropped Neut log
only in the variable X-axis to view Histogram.
We saved it and was stored in the project browser under Histograms.

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