Is226 1975

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 In iann   Standard 

 Indd ia
(Fifth   Revision)
Fifth Repri nt   JUNE  1986
(Incorporating  Amendments N o. I to 3)

UDC   669’14~O1&292


0 Copyrlghf   1 9 7 9
AN,, ~ BA
Signature Not NEW DELHI   110002
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Date: 2022.04.10
Gr4    April   1*7k 
17:04:19 IST
Location: New Delhi
IS: 226- 197$

Indian   Standard 


(Fifth   Revision)

Wrought  Steel  Products Sectional   Committee, SMDC 5

Chairman  Representing

DR  U. N.   BHRANY Modella   Steel  and  Alloys  Ltd,   liombay


Stoat E. ABRAHAM   Association  of  Indian Engineering  Industry, Calcutta

S~ut M.   ANJANEYULU   Mining &   Allied   Machinery   Corporation   Ltd.
Sisat D. P.   SANYAL  (Attereate)
Sans N. C.   BAocrn   National   Test   House, Calcutta
SHRI A. K.   BANERJEE   Metallurgical and   Engineering   Consultant (   India)
Ltd,   RancId
Saxi B.  N .  Ssso~a   (Alternate )
SaRI S.   BANERJF~   Steel   Rerolling   Mills  Association of India, Calcutta
SHRI  S. K.   BARr   Guest,  Keen,  Williamt Ltd,   Howrah
Sims A.  RoY   CHOWnHURY   (Alprnate)
Da S.  S.   BuATNAGAR   National   Metallnrgical   Laboratory ( CSIR),
Ssoax Y. P.  S.   Bt~itNoi 1~okaro Ste~sl Ltd,   Bokaro Steel   City
Sititti. C.   E,nty (   Alierch
SHRI  P.  K.   CttAxstA   ~ARi7Y Tata Iron &   Steel Co   Ltd,  Jamshedpur
Stint M. C.   KUMARASWAMY   (Alternate)
SHtu  G.   CUAYTS~RJe.E   Hindustan  Steel   Ltd,  Durgapur
Sisni K. Z.   MAYHEM   (Alternate)
Stoat P. K.   CH~ATTERJEE   M inistry of   Defence   (DGI)
Stoat   M. M.   GUPTA   (Alternate)
Dn  N. S.   DATAOt   Hindustan Steel   Ltd,   Rourkela
Snax  K. S.  Surnis   (Alternate)


0 Cofrymight    1979
IS:  226 -1975
(Corutinuedftom  page I

 Members   Representing

MAJ-GEN M. G. DEWAN   Tinplate   Company of   India   Ltd, Golmur,

S.   BALASHANKAIS   (Alternate)
DIREcTOR (M & C)   Ministry of   Railways
rIVE  WORKS (   Alternate)
SaRI   A. K. CubA lntpecsion   Wing,  Directorate General of   Supplies &
Ditposals, New   Delhi
SssRs P.  C.   MUSTAFI (   Alternate
JOINT   DItsEc~sOn   STANDA RIJS   Ministry of   Railways
Jot~r   l)mnEcroH   IstoN &
STEEL ) ( Alternate
~ V. C.   KA~nYer   Special   Steels,   Bombay
Sisut   S. S. NI   UJIANJAN (   Alternate
SHut M. N.   KLIANNA   Hindustan   Steel Ltd,   llhilai
Smut K. C.  SuM  (   Alternate)
SaRI K. M.   KIHSHNAN   Iron and   Steel   Control, Calcutta
Du  D. M. LAm tItAN! Indian Iron &   Steel Co Ld,   Burnpur
Snut ‘F . 1K .   DATTA (   .4lternate
Sus~ P.   LAX~!INARAYANA   Hindustan   SI’ipvard   Lsd, Visakhapalnans
StiRs R.  C.   MAMA JAN     Indian   Steel and   Wire Products   Ltd,   Indranagar
Situs   AVTAR St~ott ( A jternate )
D im   S. S.   MALUOTRA   Metal Box Cu of   India   Ltd, Calcutta
SuEt K. R.   NAV.ASIMtIAN  (   Alternate
Smsa D. Y.   MoGIIE   Directorate   General,   Ordnance   Factories   (Ministry
of  Defence), Calcutta
SHut  D. S~e   Alternate)
Sisut R.   H. G. RAM   Mukand   Irots &   Steel   Workt   Ltd,  Bombay
Siius S. A.  NIGAM   (Alternate)
Sisisi D. V.  REDDI   Indian   Institute of   Metals, Calcutta
Sst  HI N. SEN Roy   Joint   Plant  Consmittce,  Calcutta
SHRI  D .   SEINIVASAN   (Alternate)
SuEs   R. K.   SETh   Industrial   Fasteners’   Astociasion of India,   Calcutta
Da   S.J.   SHAH   Spinning   Machinery (Cotton System)   Sectional
Committee,   TDC 30, ISI
TECtoNIC AL   ADVYSER   (BOILERS )   Central   Boilers   Board,   Ministry of    Industrial
i)evelopment, New  Delhi
Sasts K. S.   VAIDYANATISAN M. N.  Dastur & Co ( Pvt )   Ltd,Calcutta
Stoat G.   VLEKA’rR~WARLV   Ministry of   Defence ( K &  D
Snus   L. S.  IIItAUTRAYHA RAO  (   Alternate)
Sassi C. R.   RAMA   RAO,   Director   General, IS!  (Ex-~fficio   Member)
Director (  Struc & Met


Sisut   SHANi’I  SWARtTP

Assistant   Director (   Metals  ) , IS!
IS: 226. 197$

ZW -

Indian   Standard 
(Fifth   Revision)


0.1   This   Indian   Standard   (Fifth  Revision) was   adopted by the   Indian
Standards   Institution on 15   January   1975,   after the   draft   finalized by’
the Wrought Steel Products Sectional   Committee had   been   approved by
the   Structural and Metals   Division   Council.
0.2   This   standard was first issued   in 1950 in   response to arequest  made
to the   Steel   Advisory Committee of  the  Government of   India by   steel
manufacturers in the   cou~ary. It was   revised in 1955, 1958, 1962
and   1969.
0.3 In   this   revision,   provision has   been   made for   removal of   surface
defects by   chipping or   grinding as is   being   followed in   many other
countries.   Further, it   has been   made   clear that   this   standard   covers
structural   steel (   standard quality  )   intended to be   used for all   types of 
structures   including   those sttbjected to  dynamic  loading and where fatigue,
wide  fluctuation of  stresses,   reversal of    stresses and   great   restraint are
involved as  for  example  in  crane gantry  girders  and  road  and  rail   bridges.
Steel   specified in this   stan atd is   suitable for   welding provided   that the
thickness   of material   (ices not   exceed 20 mm. When the   material
conforming to   this   standard   i: over 20 mm   thick,   special   precautions
may be required   in case the  material is to be   welded   (see IS: 823~l964*).
0.3.1 The   designations of  steels   have been   aligned with the   revised
designations  given  in IS: I 762   (Part I)-1974t. However, the old designa-
ttons are   also  given in   parenthesis   lbi~   information.

0.4 The  steel   products   conforming to the  requirements of   this   specifi-
catton can   be rolled   from the   billets   conformitig to IS   2830-1975 or
IS :   69l4-1973§.
Code o f  p r o c e d u r e f o r   manual   metal  a rc   welding of mild s t e e l .
tCode for  deaignation of  steels:   Part I   B a s e d on l e t t e r   s y m b o l s   (first  revisicE),
Specification for carbon  steel   billets, blooms and  s!abs   for re-rolling  into structui,J  s t e e l
~standard   quality)   (Jirs:  revision).
ISpecification for   carbon steel   cast   billet   ingot. for   re-rolling  into   structural steel
st   adard  qisaility).


0.5 F o r th e   purpose of   deciding   whether a   particular   r e q u i r e m e n t of

t h i s   s t a n d a r d i s   complied   wi t h, t h e f i n a l   value,   o b s e r v e d or   calculated,
expressing th e r e s u l t of a t e s t or   analysis,   shall be   rounded off  in
accordance   with IS  :   2 ~ l 9 6 0 * . The  number of s i gn i f i ca nt   places  retained
i n t h e  rounded o f f   v a l u e   should  be the   same  as  that of  the   specified   value
in  this   standard.

1.   SCOPE
1.1   This   standard   c o v e r s t h e   requirements f o r   mild s t e e l   (standard
quality)   plate,   sections and   bars,   etc,   d e s i g n a t e d as   Fe4lO-St   ( 5 t 4 2 - S )
f o r   use in structural   w o r k .
1.1.1 The s t e e l may also be   supplied in copper-bearing quality in
which   case it   shall be  designated  a s   Fe4lOCu-S   (5t42-SC).
2.1   General   requirements   relating to th e   supply of   s t e e l   shall  conform
to IS :   l387-l967~.
3.1   Steel   shall be   manufactured by the open-hearth, electric,   duplex,
b a s i c - o x y g e n o r a   combination of   these p r o c e s s e s . In   case ar t y   o t h e r
process i s   employed by th e   m a n u f a c t u r e r ,   prior   a p p r o v a l of th e   p u r c h a s e r
s h o u l d be   obtained.
3.1.1   Steel   shall be   supplied   semi-killed or killed. Rimming   steel
shall  be  supplied only by   special agreement   between the  purchaser and
the  manufacturer.
4.1 The   ladle an al y s i s of s t e e l , when made in   accordance   with IS :   2 2 8 -
1959§,  shall be  as follows:
Constituent Percent, Max
Carbon   (for  thicknessldiameter 20 mm 023
and below)
Carbon   (for   thickness/diameter over 015
20 mm)
Sulphur   0055
PhosphorL   0055
NOTE I — When  steel is required in  copper-bearing   quality, the copper   content

shall be between  .020 and 035  percent.

Rules forrotlndirlg off numerical values   (revised).
 jSe~  15:1762 (   Part I )-1974   C o d e f o r d e s i g n a t i o n o r  s t e e l : P ar t I Ba s e d o n   letter
symbols   (first  revision).
:G e ne r al   requirements f o r the   supply  of metallurgical   materials   (first revision).
~Ntetbods o f c h e mi ca l a n a l y s i s o f  pig  i r o n , c a s t i r o n an d p l a i n   carbon an d lo w - al lo y
a t e e l s (   revised) ( S i nce r e v i s e d an d s p l i t i n t o t w o p a r t s ) .

IS  ~226d975
Nom 2—When the  steel  is  silicon   killed,  product  analysis sh~ll~show  a   mini-
mum of  010   percent   silicon.   When the   steel is   aluminium   killed or   killed  with a
combination of aluminium and   silicon,   tire   requirement   regarding   minimum s i l i c o n
co nt e nt d o e s n o t app l y .

4.2   Product Analysis — The   product   analysis s h al l be   carried o u t on

t h e f i ni s h e d   product   from   the standard   position. Permissible   variation
in case of such   product   analysis  from the   limits  specified   under 4.1   shall
be  a s f o l l o w s :

Constituent    VariatiomT,   Over   Specf,ied 

 Max:mum Limit,
Percent, Max
Carbon   (for   thickness/diameter 20 mm   0-02
and below)
Carbon   (for   thickness/diameter   over 003
20  mm)
Sulphur   0i305
Phosphorus   0005
NOTE — Product  analysis shall   not apply  to  rimming quality  steel.

5.1 All   finished  steel shall be well and  cleanly   rolled to the   dimensions,
sections and  weights   specified. The finished   material   shall   be ‘free   from
cracks; surface   flaws;   latninations;   rough,   jagged and  imperfect   edges;
and all   other  harmful   defects.
5.2   Minor surface   defects may be   removed by the   manufacturer by
grinding  provided  that the   thick ness is not reduced   locally by   more   than
4  percent   (with a maximum of 3   mm).   Reductions   greater   t h a n 4  percent
but   not exceeding 7   percent may be   made   only with the   agreement of 
the  purchaser.
5.2.1   Subject to  agreement   with the   purchaser, surface   defects which
cannot  be dealt  with as  in 5.2   may be repaired by   chipping or   grinding
followed by  welding  provided   that:
a)   after   complete   removal of  the   defects   .ind   before welding, th~
thickness of  the   item is in   no place   reduced by   more   than 20
b)   welding  is carried out by   an apprcved procedure by   competent
operators  with  approved  electrodes   and that the   weld is   ground
smooth  to the   correct  nominal  thickness; and
c)   subsequent to the   finish   grinding, the   item may be   required
to be   normalized   or otherwise   heat~treated.  at   the purchaser’s

15:226 -1975


6.1 The   points from which  test  samples are   taken shall   be so   located in
the   product as to   yield the   clearest   possible   information regardin~
properties in the   cross-sectional and   longitudinal pLnes. The   recom-
mended  locations for   taking   test  samples for   plates,  sections and   bar•s are
indicated   in Fig. 1.   Alternatively, in   case of   sections,  the  samples may be
taken from the web.
6.2   Wherever   practicable, the rolled surface  of the  steel   shall  be retained
on th e two   opposite   sides of   the test sample.
6.3 In case of  flat test   samples f o r t e n s i l e t e s t ,   both   surfaces a r e   normally
tQ be   left on   the test specimen for   plate up to 32   mm thick. At   least
.dne   rolled   surface   shall be   left on   rectangulat test samples  taken from
plate more   than 32 mm thick. Round   test   samples   are permitted, but
should  only be   adopted for  thickness   exceeding  2 8 mm.
6.4 In   case of   flats up t& 16 mm thick, the  test sample  shall  undergo, if 
possible, no  machining  whatsoever   prior to use as a  test   piece. If this is
not  possible, the   test   sample   shall   undergo the   minimum   amount of 
6.5   Bars”belo~28   mm may  also be   tested   without machining. In   case of 
bars   having   diameters or   thicknesses   between 28 and 71 mm, the  bars
-may be  symmetrically   reduced by   machining. For   bars having diameters
or   thicknesses   e x c e e d i n g 7 1 mm, th e t e s t   sample may be   taken   from th e
position   shown in  F i g. 1 .
6.6 In th e   c a s e of s e c t i o ns , f l a t s and pl a t e s ,   bend   t e s t s a r e to be   carried
out on   rectangular   test   samples   which, as f ar as po s s i bl e ,   should be of
the  full  thickness   of the  product. In the case of   sections,   flats and   plates
.exceeding 28 mm in  thickness,  it i s   permissible to   remove   metal   fnim one
side of  the  test   sample  before   using  it as a t e s t pi e ce . The  rolled   s u r f a c e
of  the test  piece shall   be on the  outer  side of  the  bend during the  test.
6.7   Before   test   samples are   detached,   full   particulars   regarding   cast
number,   size and   weight of plates,  sections,   flats and   bars in   each   cast
shall   be furnished   by the   manufacturer to   the purchaser. In  case of 
plates, the   number of   plates in each  cast   shall   also be   given.
6.8  Test   samples  shall  be cut in such  a  manner that   deformation is  avoid.
ed   as far as   possible, if   guillotining or   flame-cutting is   employed, an
adequate  allowance shall  be  left for  removal by   machining.
6.9  Test  samples  taken   from  rolled   steel  which  have undergone   deforma-
tion   through bending or   twisting  shall  in   all cases  be straightened cold.
If the   deformation is too   severe to   allow   cold   straightening, it is per-
snissible, in the   case   of materials to be   delivered i~ the   annealed or
normalized   condition. to   carry out   straightening   under the application
of heat,   provided the   temperature   does not   exceed   65000.   While
straightening   test samples,  care shall be taken  to  avoid   any cold-working
or temperature   rise which will   alter the   properties of  the  samples as
compared with  the  finished  product   which they represent.
AMENDMENT N O . 5 FE B R U A R Y   1984
IS:226-1975   S P E C I F I C A T I O N F O R   S T R U C TU R A L S T E EL
(Fifth   Revision)

Al terati o n s

(Page 4,   clause   4 . 1 ,   f i r s t tw n   lin~sl —   Substitute

the   following for   the existing   lines:

‘14.1 The   ladle   analysis   of steel,   when   carried out

either by the   method   specified in the   relevant   parts of
IS:228~ o r any other established instrumental/chemical
method   shall   be as   follows. I n c as e of   dispute, the
procedure   given in   relevant   p ar ts o f I S: 22 8§ s ha ll b e
referee   method.’

(Page 4,   fo~It—note   w i t h ‘§‘   mark)   Substitute —

the   following for the   existing   foot—note:

‘~Methods of   chemical analysis of   steel (issued

in   various   parts).’

Adden  d u m

(Page 4,   clause 1.1) — Add the   following   note   after


‘NOTE   S tr ip i n c oi l form may   also be   supplied

Bubject to prior   agreement   between the   supplier and

the   purchaser.’

(s M D c 5)
Printed  at Simco PrintIng Press,  Delhi,  India

POSITI0o~ or
S A M P 1~ E S



6.10   Test   samples shall   not be   annealed or   otherwise subjected to   heat
treatment  unless the  material   from  which they   are cut is  similarly   treat-
ed,  in   which   case the   test samples shall be   similarly and   simultaneously
treated   with the materia!  before   testing. Any   slight   straightening of test
samples  which may be   required   shall be   done   cold.

7.1   Number of Tensile  Tests
7.1.1   Plates,  Sections (  Angles, Tees,  Beams,   Channels,   ele) and  Flats — One
tensile   test shall be   made   from finished  steel for  every 40   tonnes or   part
thereof rolled  continuously from each cast, a separate   test  being made for
each   class of   steel   product (   namely,   plates, sections and   flats )   rolled
from  a cast.   Where plates, sections   or flats of   more   than one  thickness
are   rolled   from the   same   cast, one  additional   tensile test shall be   made
from  the  material in   each   class of   prochtct for   each   viriation in   thick -
ness of  6 mm.
7.1.2   Ben’s (   Round, Square and   Hexagonal) — One   tensile test   shall be
made   from finished   steel for   every 4U   tonnes or   part   thereof   rolled
continuously   from each  cast  and  for every  class of   product.   When   more
than one  diameter or t h i c k n e s s o f t h e ba r is   specified, ~ne   additional
tensile   test   shall be   made for   each   diameter ‘or   thickness   of the bar
ordered, if so  desired by the  purchaser.
7.2   Tensile   Test   Pieces The   tensile strength, yield stress  and per-
centage  elongation of   steel   shell be  determined   from  standard   test   pieces
cut  lengthwise  or   crosswise  front  plates  and   lengthwise   from  sections, flats
and   bars. The   tests   shall be   carried out on   Indian Standard   test   pieces
prepared in   accordance   with IS :   I~08~l972*.
7.3   Tensile Test  The   tensile   strength,   yield stress and   percentage

elongation, when  determined in  accordance   with IS:   l608~l972*   shall  be

as  given  in   Table I.
7.3.1 Th  case  of sections, the thidtncss of  whiTh is not   uniform through-
out the  profile, the   limits   shall  be applied   according to the  actual   maxi-
mum  thickness of  the piece selected  for   testing.
7.3.2   Should a tensile   test   piece   break    outside  the middi~   half of  its
gauge   length   (see IS:   l608~l972*) and the percentage elongation
ol)tained is   less   than   that   specified, the   test may be   discar~dtd at the
manufacturer’s   option, and   another.   test   made   from the   same   plate,
section, flat  or  bar.
Method  for   tensile testing of    steI~ products   (first reviiioe).



(Clause   7.3)

PuorsucT NESS/ 
 Mm Mm,   GAUGE
565 V~

(I) (2) (3) (4) ~5)

N/mm’ N/mm!
(  kgflmrnt)   (kgf/mm’)
Below 6 *Bend   test   only   shall be   required

6 up to and 410 to 530 250 23

Plates, sections   (for including 20 (42to54) (26)
example, angles,
tees,   beamt,   chan- Over 20 up to and 410 to 530 240 23
nels, etc  )   and flats including 40 (42 to 54) (24)

Over 40 410 to 530 230 23

(42to54)   (23)
tBend   test   only   shall   he required
Below  1 0
Bars   (round,   squa- 10 up to  and 410’   to 530 250 23
reand hexagonal) ~   including 20 (42to54) 26

410 to 530 240 23

LOver 20 (42to54) 24
NOTE I —1   N/mm1 — 1   MNm’ —   0102   0 kgfmm5.

NOTE 2 —   Provided   that  the  yield   stress and   elongation   requirements are   omplied
with, the   upper limit   for tensile   strength may be  raised  by 30   N/mm2 ( 3  kgf.mm2).

NOTE  3—Gauge   lengths   other than  5~65VS

0 may  alto be   used,   in which   case  the
elongation   shall   be read from   IS 3803-1967  ‘Methods for   elongation conversions for
51n   case of plates, sections, and   flats   below 6 mm,  the   yield   stress  shall   he assumed
to be at  least the same   as that for  thickness   between 6 and 20 mm.

tIn case of bars   below 10   mm diameter, the yield   stress   shall he  assumed to [se at
least  the   same as for   bars of dianseter between 10   atsd 2(1 mm.

8.1   Number of   Bend   Tests —   Bend test   shall be   made   from   finished
steel   from each cast. The   number of   tests   for every 20   tonnes of 
material, or   part   thereof, rolled contintotssly,   shall be   as shown in
Table  2. One  additional   test   shall be   made for   each   class of   product
and for  each   variation in  thickness.



(~lasss. 8.1)

CLAss  or S T E E L   P R O D U C T   Nuxaaa  07 Enun TZUTs

(1) (2)
Section 1   lengthwise  (for  each  type)
Plates I   lengthwise andlor I   crosswise
Flats and  bars   (rousd,  square I   lengthwise
and hexagonal)

8.2   Bend  Test Pieces — The test pieces   shall  be cut lengthwise or cross-
ws’e or   both from plates, and   lengthwise   from   sections,   flats and   bars.
When   sections   permit, these shall be not less than 40 mm   wide. If  the
manufacturer so   desires,   round,   square,   hexagonal and   flat  bars   shall be
bent in the  full   section  as   rolled.

8.2.1 In all   bend   test pieces,   the rough edge or   arris   resulting  from
shearing may be removed by   filing   or grinding or   machining, but the
tr-:t pieces   shall   receive  no   other   preparatton.

8.2.2 The   test   pieces   shall not be   annealed or otherwise subjected to

heat   treatment   unless   the material   from which they are cut  i s  similarly
treated, in  which case the test   pieces  shall be similarly and simultaneously
treated   with the  material, before testing.
8.3   Bend Test —~   Bend   test   shall be   conducted in   accordance   witlk 
IS   l599~l974*.
8.3.1 For   bend   tests   except in the  case of   round   bars 25   mm in dia-
meter and  under, the   test   piece when cold shall, without cracking, be
doubled   over either by   pressure or by   blows   from a hammer   until the
internal diameter is not   greater than three  times the  thickness  of the test
piece  and  the sides are  parallel.
8 . 3 . 2 In t h e   case of   round   bars 25 mm in   diameter and   under, the
i nt e r na l   d i a m e t e r of th e   bend s h al l be n o t   g s i a t e r   than   t w i c e th e
diameter of  the  bar.


9.1   Unless   otherwise   agreed to   between the   purchaser and the   manu-
facturer the  nominal   dimensions of   rolled   steel   products   conforming to
this   specification shall be in   accordance   with   the relevant   Indian
S t a n d a r d s ;   currently available  Indian  Standards ar e t i s t e d in  Table 3 .

Method for   bend   test for steel  products   other than sheet,  strip, wire  and tube
(first  revs, ion).

IS ~226-1975


lCtausey.l j


Beam   chans’iel and  angle sections IS   808-1964 Specification fQr   rolled tseel   beam
channel and angle  sections   (revised)
Beams,  M B   series IS:tlOB   (Partl)-1973   Dimensions of  hot
rolled steel  hcam~ :Part 1 MB series   (second 
rolled s
Beam,   channel and angle sections IS:  1864-1963   Dimensions for   angle   sections
with   legs of unequal width and   thickness
15:  3954-1966   Specification for hoe   rolled   steel
channel sections for   general   engineering
Tee  bars IS:   1173-1967   Specification for hot   rolled and
slit   steel,tee   bars   (first   revision)
Bulb   angles IS:1252-1958   Specification for rolled steel
sections, bulb  angle
Plates, sheet and strip IS :1730-1974  Dimensions for   steel plate,   sheet
and   strip for   structural   and general   engineer-
isig  purposes   (first    revisio,s
Part I   Plate
Part 2   Sheet
Part 3   Strip
Flats IS:1731-1971 Dimensions for   steel   flats for
str~ctural and   general ?ngineering   purposes
(first  revision 
Round   and tquare  bars IS:1732-1971   Dimensions for  round and   square
steel   bars for   structural   and general
engineering  purposes   (first  revision)
Bulb   plates 15   :1863-1961   Dimensions for   rolled steel bulb
Sheet, piling  sections IS :   2314-1963 Specification for   steel  sheet  piling
Channel sections IS  :   3954-1966   Specification for   l~ot   rolled   steel
channel   sections for   general   engineering
Plates for   ship’s  hull  structure IS :  5488-1969   Dimensions for hot   rolled   steel
plates for  ship’s   hull   structures

10.1   UnIt otherwise agreed to   between the   purchaser and the   manu-
facturer, the  rolling  and  cutting  tolerances for steel   products conforming
to  this standard   shall be  those specified in IS   l852~l973*.
Rolhing and cutting  tolerances for  hot   rolled   steel products   (second  revision).

IS :226- 1975


11.1   Should   any one of  the   test pieces first   selected   fail to pass  any of 
the   tests specified in  this   standard, two   further   samples shall be  selected
for   testisig in   respect of   each   failure, Should the test  pieces   from  both
these   additional   samples pass, the material   represented by  the  test samples
shall he   (leerned   to comply   with   the reqt tiremeists of   that   particular   test.
Shotild the   test   pieces   from   either of   these   additional   samples   fail, the
material   represented by the   test  samples   shall be  considered as not   having
complied   with   tlsis   standard.
i2.I The weight of   steel  plates.   sections flats and   bars   shall be calculated
t)t/  the basis   that  steel   weigi   7’85 g cm
13.1   Stibject to   prtor   ~sgreernent   betweets he   purchaser   atsrl the   rnanu—
f/n i   rer,   suitable prntecl ive   treatment may   be givets to the   material
at wr   tOll/fl/f.

14.1 oh   pr-el oct.   except   eund,   square and   hexagonal   bars  aticl   flats
catr; a 1 ) tat/I or Ito   >tampKd   with the   mann factt   rer~   nasne or
e—tsiark. In the ase of   bars and   Hats, the tag  shall   bear Use  mats n
 I. r V 5 na ml ir   trade—tn/s rk.   II)e.~imna  t icts o   steel   should   also be
n//iatlv   rnarkd rn  the  pro~i ttct or   ags.
3>1.?   lIvery   htavv  and   snedi/itn e m  rticturms   miii pt  elsicts and  each   plate of 
iiticktie 10 m m and   over shall be   stau.j d dx  ich the   east  nt/rn her and
r//atlt  ta(;tiirers name or   trade—mark. Itt in of  ph   ales below 10 mm
I   ickne~s, the  lop  ItImite of each   pile (   which m  is   consist of  approximna—
telx 16   plates  )   shall he   marked wit I t the i~   utimber.

14.3 The  steel   hall  hr S m it ably painted xx t a colour in  accordance   with
IS :   204~i-l~J63~
14.3.1 The   material may   also h/  mat  two   with the ISI   Certifteatioc
NOTE— The of  the ISI   Ccrtificatic,n   Mark  is   governed by the   provisions of  the
Indian  Standards Institution (  Certification   Marks) Act  and the Rules and   Regulation,
made   thereunder. The 1St   Mark  on   products covered by an   Indian   Standard
conveys  the  assurance   that   they  have   been   produced   to comply   with   the requirements
of that standard under a  well-defined   system of inspection,   testing and   quality control
which  is   devised and   supervised by IS! and   operated by the producer. 1St   marked
products are also   continuously checked by IS! for   conformity to   that   standard as a
further   safeguard.   Details of condition, under   which a   licence for the use of  the ISI
Certification   Mark  may be   granted to   manufacturers or   processors,   may be   obtained
from the Indian  Standards   Institution.

Colos.r   code for she   idenmification of  wrought   steels for   general engineering
put   i~0s5
IS:226-   1975
Centinuad   from   page  2 1

Strttctural   Steels   Subcommittee,   SMDC 5 : 2

Cant’.n o r   Re pr es e~ tt sn g
Da U. N.   BERANY Modella Steel &   Alloys Ltd,   Bombay
 Mem ber s
ASSISTANT  Dsstxcroa   (MS) Ministry  of   Ra,ilways
 DEPUTY  1)iaEcToa   (B&S )-I  Alternate
DaJ.J.   IaANs Tata Iron  &   Steel Co   Ltd,Jamshedpur
SEES M. N.   KIIANNA Bhilai  Steel   Plant,   Bhilai
Saas S. B.   KNAHE Central  Boilers  Board, New  Delhi
Sgsts  B . L.  KSRATRIYA Rourkela   Steel   Plant,   Rourkela
DR  D. M.  LAKESANI Indian Iron &   Steel Co  Ltd,   Burnpur
Sstas  P.  LAXMINARAYANA Hindustan  Shipyard   Ltd,   Visakhapatnam
Da S.   NARAHALIS RAO Structural  Engineering Research  Centre,   Roorkee
REPRESENTATIVE Braithwaite & Co  ( I )   Ltd,   Calcutta
SEES X V .   R. D.   SAXTON Lloyd’s Register of  Shipping,   Bombay
StiRs  H. S. RAO (   Atternate Ministry of Defeace   (DGI
Saas M. K. SEN
Sass   V. R.   SUHRAMANIAN Indian   Oxygen  Ltd, Calcuua
Sstas  S.   MALIK   (Alternate)
Ssas  K . M.   TANEJA Directorate  General  of   Supplies &   ~)isposats


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